January 23, 2013

Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat with Greg NJ 2013.01.23



Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download


  1. Err jewish guy fo sho mah nigga !

  2. Why does Greg promote Race mixing?

    Why does Greg promote a multicultural family?

    Does Greg understand he is promoting the Jewish agenda?

  3. Err jewish guy that thinks we are so stupid that he does not even have to prepare for his show or back up his opinions with facts.

  4. Yea I have listin to a lot of shows by the guy who calls himself The Celtic Rebel, Kyle Hunt, and this Guy Greg From New Jersey. They make some sense when it comes to Jewish power over our society, and how it effects our thinking and how it shapes our thoughts.

    But after they have a few more drinks in them they truly act like the same Jews they are supposedly standing up too.

    Example: They Talk about homosexual experiences they have had in life especially that guy the Celtic Rebel.. With no solution on how o fight it. Also and the side effects the homosexual agenda has on society today. All they seem to do is to make fun of the Jews that promote threw movie and music. Pitiful
    Can they be that naive or so drunk!!

    Example: 2 What really pisses me off is how these meat heads talk about and treat women they meet. All they do is act like a bunch of fray boys going out on the town to fuck as many women as they possibly can put there dinks into!!! It's fuckin disgusting

    I am done with your promotion of Jewish propaganda.

  5. CR has had homosexual experiences? i Have never heard that. Wow...just wow.


  6. "And so that you don't continually misunderstand--usury and interest are not the same thing. Usury is a charge made for the use of money regardless of production and often regardless of even the possibilities of production" --
    Ezra Pound Reading, vol. 2, Caedmon Records 1962

    'Interest' is impossible to eliminate from human relations because 'the time factor' or loans of commodities, giving someone the use of something you own and making rent money out of that are impossible to eliminate, no matter what you call it. In countries like Iran where 'Interest' is illegal, they take upfront payments instead which becomes the same thing. They have 'no interest' but they have double-digit and up to 25% inflation for 30 years.

    What has to be and can easily be 100% eliminated is usury and fractional reserve COUNTERFEITING, the printing of more receipts than there are products.

    And FUCK YOUR TAXES you opera-stuffin' Celtic-Rectal-promotin' motherfucker

    Any taxes you take at the point of a gun for your stinkin' state 'government' and its higher group of perverted 'do-gooders' is just as much a violation of individual rights and free choice as anything else.

    There is no such thing as a 'MORAL' initiated force, a 'moral' gun in somebody's head in the name of the fucking community of faggots.

    Fuck your community.

    It's none of your goddman business what anybody does with the money they earn as long as they're not hurting any other individual.

    The only 'VIOLENCE' necessary is 'ETERNAL VIGILANCE' - SELF-DEFENSE FORCE against exploitative know-it-all pricks like yourself looking to steal money from the individual for your piece-of shit higher 'community.'

    The only 'tax' you have the right to is that which I voluntarily give you and at that point it is no longer a 'tax' but a donation.

    "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." "No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him." Thomas Jefferson

    Not very hard to understand is it ? And NOTHING TO DO WITH FUCKING JEWS as that drunken shithead Sledge keeps spewing. Learn it and live it without compromise, DEFEND IT BY RUTHLESS FORCE, BY ETERNAL VIGILANCE and most of your problems will be solved.

    No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

    by Lysander Spooner can be read here:



    Audio File:



  7. "Unfortunately the worth of all things depends on whether there is a real scarcity, enough or more than can be used at a given time. A few eggs are worth a great deal to a hungry man on a raft. Wheat is worth MORE in terms of serge in some seasons than in others. So is gold, so is platinum. A single commodity (even gold) base for money is not satisfactory.

    STATE AUTHORITY behind the printed note Is the best means of establishing a JUST and HONEST currency. The Chinese grasped that over 1,000 years ago, as we can see from the Tang STATE (not Bank) NOTE. SOVEREIGNTY inheres in the right to ISSUE money (tickets) and to determine the value thereof.

    American interests HIDE the most vital clause in our** constitution. The American government hasn’t, they say, the right to fix prices. BUT IT HAS THE RIGHT TO DETERMINE THE VALUE OF MONEY and this right is vested in Congress.

    This is a mere difference in legal formalities and verbal arrangements. The U.S. Government has the right to say “a dollar is one wheat-bushel thick, it is one serge-foot long, it is ten gallons of petrol wide.” Hence the U.S. Government could establish the JUST PRICE, and a just price system."

    ~Ezra Pound, "What is Money For ?" 1935

    "Lest you forget the nature of money/i.e., that it is a ticket. For the govt. To issue it against any particular merchandise or metal, is merely to favour the owners of that metal and by just that much to betray the rest of the public. You can see that the bill here photod. has SERVED (I mean by the worn state of the note). Certificates of work done. That is what these notes were in fact / before the bank swine got the monopoly. Thus was the wilderness conquered for the sake of pork-barrelers who followed." -- Ezra Pound - postcard to Franklin D. Roosevelt

    "The trick is simple. Whenever the Rothschild and other gents in the gold business have gold to sell, they raise the price. The public is fooled by propagandizing the devaluation of the dollar, or other monetary unit according to the country chosen to be victimized. The argument is that the high price of the monetary unit is injurious to the nation's commerce.

    But when the nation, that is, the people of that nation own the gold and the financiers own the dollars or other monetary units, the gold standard is restored. This raises the value of the dollar and the citizens of 'rich' nations, as well as citizens of other nations, are diddled." ~ Ezra Pound

    “History, as seen by a Monetary Economist, is a continuous struggle between producers and non-producers, and those who try to make a living by inserting a false system of book-keeping between the producers and their just recompense.” -- Ezra Pound

  8. the above comments are all obviously from the dick hertz chat room


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