January 06, 2013

Delcroix interviews Kyle Hunt 2013.01.04

Delcroix on a Friday, he may have a guest, he may play a pod, he may have a rant, or just read a bit... Whatever he does, he should not be missed. Tune into the dude on a friday @ Awake Radio

Delcroix is joined by Kyle Hunt for a great chat covering various topics from aerosol spraying to Jesse Owen's cubes and other esoteric wonders. Delcroix's First interview with Kyle.


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  1. Regarding Cubes.

    When you graduated from high school or collage you wore a cube on your head. I guess you became a real "square" man. Its a good thing you did to, otherwise it may have been necessary call a "Borg cube" (Star Trek) and have you assimilated into the collective.

    Ian K.

  2. Hitler was pro-gun all the way. This is what he wrote BEFORE the NSDAP was elected directly to Reich Chancellor Bruening in 1932:

    "Disarming Decent Citizens

    Finally, Mr. Reich Chancellor, you hope to eliminate terror from public life by the new regulations on weapons.

    Disarming decent people has never prevented attacks by less pleasant sorts, and they have never given up their weapons, but rather only decent citizens.

    It is a fateful illusion, Mr. Reich Chancellor, to expect that this method will hinder violent acts by communist murderers. The opposite will occur. If you extend the ban on weapons to disarm German households, just as my S.A. is unarmed, Marxist terror will soon move from the streets into homes.

    The bandit had never worried about regulations on disarmament. Mr. Reich Chancellor; if you tell him that decent people no longer have weapons at home, you give the bandit license to go into what should be each individual's castle.

    I prophesy, Mr. Reich Chancellor, that this part of the emergency decree will lead to an enormous increase in terror and public insecurity!"

    In fact, Hitler was so pro-gun that even Jews could own guns up to 1938, in fact, they could even be gun collectors and the Gestapo would not hassle them beyond just a routine and very polite check:

    Under Two Flags

    by Heinz Weichhardt

    "Heinz certainly has had an unusual perspective of the Twentieth Century. A supporter of Hitler who left Germany as an unwanted non-Aryan, he became an enemy alien in America. As the years passed, Heinz became successful in his field of physics (electron-optics), retiring from IBM as a manager in its research division. As his article reveals, he never wavered in his support for National Socialism, even if he had himself been rejected by it."

    Gun Control in Germany, 1928-1945

    by William L. Pierce


    Hitler and the NSDAP did institute racial citizenship in Germany though. They did not have segregation but they had racial citizenship. If you were not Aryan, you were never a full citizen, no matter how long you lived there, you were always just a welcome guest, unless you wore out that welcome.

    Non-Aryans were not given free eductaion past the junior high school stage and were limited to the skilled trades with a 3 year apprenticeship. They were not accepted into the army within Germany. Later on, during the war, lots of non-Aryans were accepted into the German armies outside of Germany but not inside Germany during peacetime.

    Also, the Nurenberg laws applied to non-Jews also. Unless they were declared Aryan, they were not allowed to race-mix with the Aryan race without major consequences like demotions, firings, fines, jail-time, deportation, etc.

    So, no matter how nice the Germans were to Jesse Owens and how much better they treated him than he was in the USA, he would never be allowed to become a full citizen of Germany solely based upon his racial origin.


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