January 19, 2013

Free For All Friday 2013.01.18

Mostly a serious discussion with most everyone but Lugh. Nice change from the silliness.

Overdrive mostly include John Preston's heart felt description of his experience in the military and life back home after it. Sledge is his side kike. LOL

Renegade Broadcasting

64k Download

Overdrive Download


  1. Smart move Lugh!
    Why would you want to discredit your self with guys like EDMUND SHARONI!
    I hope Lugh will continue to do his show somewhere else!
    ZAP,could you post Lughs show (if he still does it).?

  2. Actually we did deport large numbers of Mexicans in the 50s. It was called "operation wetback". The invasion the south of the border is just that, an invasion.

    Whatever the case may be the guy with the anal fetish doesn't get it. When someone takes a swing at you you react, if you do nothing you get pounded into the dirt.

  3. Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965: A Historical Review By Kevin MacDonald http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/books-immigration.html

  4. I think the overdrive was simply epic.
    Thaks Sledge and John.
    And BTW yes!! we (Portuguese)Salt all our fish,the codfish is sold dried in salt ,u have to water it for 2 days @ least before cooking.

  5. I cannot stand to listen to the Gefiltic Rabbi lisp his beta male way through another show. The passive agressivness Oy Vey !

  6. Well they ran Dave from Texas out of there in a hurry.

  7. please do more "serious" discussion shows. Humour is good, but the jokes become lame after a while. Shocker.

  8. Lee Rogers retired just in the nick of time. His shows with Celtic were among the very best in alternative media, but one has to wonder if he would still be at broadcasting at Oracle would he have been blasting shows like this from the Renegade guys.

  9. I'd rather listen to straight up retarded apes than 9-11 plane-huggers and Lugh is a plane-hugger. In other words he doesn't have the brains to figure out that this:


    is a friggin cartoon, and not a real 'plane' lol

    and that this cartoon:


    is a 'plane shaped' hole in a fake CGI building that was DRAWN IN on video and not an authentic image.

    Nobody gives a shit about Ed Shitbergini. He's the single most obvious cointelpro in the alternative movement and only a neurotic perverted loon on the verge of psychosis like Gefiltic Rectal would make it a point of associating with that clown for no other reason than to just to piss off and drive away the entire oracle broadcasting audience Giuliani single-handedly took 3 years to build.

    The most positive thing is that Fetcho isn't infected by the virus that the rest of these shilling morons carry, cointelpro or useful idiots makes not difference at all, the result is the same: shillery royale and the obfuscation of truth by bozos

  10. Lugh is an idiot, I really hope he gets his own show as the more he talks the more he exposes his idiotic notions.

    Lugh is good at collecting idiots so please do more shows lugh , grow your collection into a fully fledged tard collection

  11. Lugh was the most interesting and seemed to be the most well rounded of the bunch I hope he continues to put out material on his own

  12. Mostly a serious discussion ? These bitches were up to their same old shit until John Preston called them out ! Right on John.

    You guys gotta cut the fricken bullshit out.Get rid of Sholly.Get Lugh back and let him speak.How about doing something different,like oh maybe having a real topic.If you guys cannot control yourselves,go to a A.A. MEETING.If not grow THE FUCK up.

    And why the fuck is anyone listening to a broken-English speaking Mexican trying to be like a guru from the 1960's peddling worn out metaphysics 101 ? He also seems quite effeminate.Oh that's Greg's good friend.RIGHT BUTTY ?

    Greg from N.J. is incapable of doing his own show,yet he authoritatively says he let John go on[as if Greg has anything to say about anything other than his nonexistent reset.] and hangs up like the bitch that he is.Women hang up the phone,not men.I forgot,girls just want to have fun.

    You guys talk of social engineering then act it out.It appears that you are purposely neglecting anything of substance.Get control of these women Kyle.WTF ? You know better.Otherwise hang it up.You guys are doing harm to humanity.PERVERTS !!!DRUNKARDS !!!FAGGOTS CACKLING LIKE OLD WOMEN AT A BINGO GAME.

  13. Lugh had a distinctive voice and is indeed a loss.
    Who is the low IQ guy that has to say fuck every other word? Is that John Preston?
    Ese....tranquilo. Mira Holmes,no tiene que hablar como esta. See?

  14. John Preston = the epitome of a lobotomized wigger frothing-at-the mouth grunt jackass

    Preston & Sledge should go buttfuck each other over two bottles of 13th colonoscopy vodka


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