January 24, 2013

John Stadtmiller's intel stud: Bob 2013.01.23

Pic by Grizzom



  1. HAHAHHAA,is that Boby Foereskin,the intel hump truther ??LOL

  2. So, apparently Mee-ho Riviera is the top, and Bobbing Foreskin is the bottom; thank you Mr. Grizzom for clearing-up this question.


  3. Stadtmiller is purportedly pretty good at this radio thing. RBN DOES have good ratings.

    The real question is - why would a smart guy like Stadtmiller bring on someone as toxic as Tuskin?

  4. Someone needs to send that pix to Stadtmiller and tell him to put it on RBN's main page.

  5. Mohel Rivero comes for Tugskin's sacrificial skin flap.

    And in the next picture, Rabbi Rivero....

  6. How many jews does Stadtmiller have on his network including himself? As alwayws they are disproportionately in control...

  7. globalist mothers, according to globalist homeland, having a globo Mom makes you a real globalist
    Jeff Rense, Gordon Duff, Jonathan Azaziah
    let's make this clear
    the thing that brought this thing to the head for me was the 3 1 hour shows
    that rense had w/ this didzer charachter called Sandy Hook, but were really
    about his ex-wife. I get calling names to bad people like this guy is bad
    he must worship satan, but to randomly accuse people of being part of a
    satanic cult worship or what not, it just gave me the creeps. the thing is,
    even after doing my instant internet research, I just couldn't comprehend this
    rense's ex-wife is Kellogg, they both graduated from UCSB at different times,
    another globalist who graduated from UCSB is Jim Rome.
    maybe this is just something that I was never meant to understand in the first
    place. Or maybe the only part of this christian religion for Nordic people
    like me is just about the light

  8. if it wasnt for jews alternative media wouldnt exist

    thank a jew month is coming


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