January 29, 2013

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast Jan. 28,2013

Mark Glenn is joined by ‘Digger’ of http://diggerfortruth.wordpress.com





  1. Mark Glen is an Israeli.

    Mark Glen "believes" the official Sandy Hook lie.

    Mark Glen calls people "tin foilers".

    What's up with posting his tripe?

  2. It's posted so that people who are interested in hearing Mark Glenn's take on things can do so. Just like all the other podcasts on Mami's web-site.

  3. Mark doesn't buy every little story about it which is probably the best stance to take on the issue at this point. You can't react to issues like this emotionally, you're making us all look bad. Glenn's temepered response to the incident redeemed him in my eyes IMO.

  4. 10:10, you blowing a lot of smoke out of your ass. Calm down.

    Glenn sees the Sandy Hook Nose operation as an unproductive rabbit hole than can only damage the larger, more important, and far more provable 9/11 truth issue.

    His TUT network seems to be growing and doing an excellent job of exposing Jewish criminality.

  5. I believe TUT/MG's "international nationalism" strategy has the best chance to defeat the International Zionist Criminal Network.

  6. ^^ LMAO! Dream on libtard!
    Glenn is hitting for 'Team Muslim' and doesn't give a shit about this cuntry - He's a multiculturalist, but, believe whatever you want. It's no skin off my apple

  7. @ "Glenn sees the Sandy Hook Nose operation as an unproductive rabbit hole than can only damage the larger, more important, and far more provable 9/11 truth issue.

    His TUT network seems to be growing and doing an excellent job of exposing Jewish criminality."

    Exactly he's weasel who sees the official plane-hugging lies of 9-11 shills like himself crumbling to the ground in light of the Sandy Hook TOTAL PSYOP with completely FAKED VICTIMS. He knows that if people recognize this, they will look into the conclusive and definitive 9-11 VICSIMS report:



    and that will be the END of all this decade long plane-hugging retardation of the masses and the END OF THE WORLD MASS MEDIA vice-grip of people everywhere.

    Repeat after me:

    Planehuggers are either shills or useful idiots.

    Either way the result is the same.

  8. So what if Mark Glenn's first thoughts are for his own people?

    He still knows the juden virus and openly calls it out.

    The only one's that could take any offence to that are the scheming nation wrecking juwes.
    The children of Satan.

    Delenda Est Judaica!

  9. Sorry,

    Anyone who defends the Mainstream narrative Lie of the Sandy Hook nose OP and openly attacks those that question it, is either a liability to any truth movement or a paid shill.

  10. Some say that Anyone that buys and defends the Mainstream ie (J E W) Lies of the SandyHook Nose Story, is either:

    1. A Liability to any truth seeking movement

    2. Worse

    You/They cant hide the truth..video is as plain as day, as are timestamps.

    The videos are plain to see-multiple shooters as ID'd by eyewitnesses, police video, helicopter footage, police scanners, Lies about Rifles, No EMTs, Gene Rosens Multiple Lies, The Gun Bills already wet when this happened, DHS drills same today-same area, No video at school, No photos of dead, sealed records, Charity websites set up days in advance, No gunshot survivors making Lanza the most accurate shooter in history, yet he didnt own a gun- ALL OF THIS ISDOCUMENTED & VERIFIABLE.


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