January 02, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.01.02

Guest: Clint Richardson, Producer of The Corporate Nation, Reality Blog

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1 comment:

  1. carrying this forward from a dialog in the 12/31 Spingola show with Art_from_Philly.

    Caller @ 1:01:10 said "Duke finally came out and said Israhell DID 9/11"

    Lindsey proposed that the caller had taken that claim from this Duke appearance on PressTV on/near the recent 9/11/12,

    Listening to the PressTV interview (which begins 2:40 mins into the above YT clip), I have to disagree, technically, that Duke "placed the blame on the Israelis". He didn't make that key leap from Muslim-blowback/izzy-foreknowledge/LIHOP, to ZIO-MIHOP (or ZIHOP as some call it).

    This would've been easy to miss coz Duke served up a lot of 'red meat' in the form of a recital of past izzy false flags, mossad living on same street as Atta, all izzy had to gain from 911 etc- but DD still never crossed that line that izzy/US-zio's DID 911 TOP TO BOTTOM - NOT ARAB MUSLIMS.


    The caller during this Spingola Art_from_Philly podcast makes that "Duke finally came out and said ISRAHELL DID 911" at 1:01:10. I'm afraid that's an invalid leap - Duke illustrated that, as the YT title says, izzy's fingerprints are all over 911, but he didn't make the more truthful "izzy did 911 claim", that just didn't happen. :( And I'd even go out on a limb and say, DD's even mentioning mossad & Atta as neighbors, helps enshrine the LIHOP notion which still implicates scary moozlems as having done the deed... when we've been given no credible evidence of, yet it's the foundation of the zio's post 911 war on arab/muslims and on western freedoms.


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