January 23, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.01.23

Guest: Cynthia Sandor, author of Through Innocent Eyes - The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth

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  1. I just finished listening to the entire broadcast of Deanna Spingola's radio interview with author, Cynthia A. Sandor, and by far, I can say that this is the most authentic broadcast I heard about a daughter speaking very highly of her mother who was in the Bund Deutscher Maedel. I am going to go out right now and buy her book!

  2. It looks interesting, I wish it wasn`t that expensive though!

  3. Great show! I really enjoyed this. It was also the first whole broadcast I listened to by Deanna. Thank you for the link.

  4. Ebook is 4 dollars, I'm grabbing a copy myself

  5. Thanks Lugh, I found it now! :)


  6. What kind of research did she do for 20 years that she didn't even find out about the holohoax ? Didn't her mom's journal completely clashing with the black-propaganda claims about the Hitler Jugend make her even a little curious to check out the other side of the story ?

  7. No one mentioned the holocau$t on this show unless I missed something

  8. Towards the end, during the segement where Werner from Canada calls in, Sandor brings up how Hitler did a lot of good even though he killed 'millions of people,' at which point Deanna and Werner both stopped her and told her that most of that is a bunch of proven lies.

    Debunking the holycost these days is as easy as going to this site :

    Lets stop with the Auschwitz lies

    This was a work camp



    And watching these 4 videos:

    Crash course on the holohoax for newbies:

    One Third or the holocaust


    Last Days of the Big Lie


    David Cole at Auschwitz


    holocaust Unveiled - The Persecution of the Revisionists



    If after watching all those videos you still have not concluded that it was, indeed, the hoax of the 20th century, then there can only be 3 reasons for that:

    1) You are an idiot
    2) You are a Jew who must protect your criminal network of upper-elite protectors from exposure
    3) You are a shill for Jews who has an agenda requiring co-operation of Jews that takes precedence to truth

  9. And I can't help but feel that Cynthia's mother was a traitor for hooking up with the Yankee invader, who she knew was responsible for killing the defending soldiers. And it is pure evil to tell your child that she can grow up to do and be anything she wants. I bet Sandor thinks that the evil Muslims did 9/11.


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