January 26, 2013

Spingola Special 2013.01.26

Veronica Clark, Veronica's Video Page

      Deanna' site    Spingola Specials

Note: Veronica does not endorse this site mainly because of some of the vile comments being posted. Maybe we should moderate more but then there goes free speech out the window. I understand what she's talking about but I'm not sure what to do with all this. I guess we'll have an admin talk about it. P.S. Her comment starts at around the 1h48 min mark of this audio.



  1. Why is moderating comments from idiots and shills "free speech out the window"? If you threw someone out of a party for being belligerent would that be an attack on free speech? Being too open is always going to be a downward spiral on the internet because the trolls are just gonna have a field day lol.

  2. I understand but it's not always easy to determine who is just a frustrated person as opposed to a disruptor. I'll have a talk with Mami/grizzom about all this.

    BTW. I can tell you that it's not fun at all to read the comments here day in and day out. This site is only 1 year old so we've been indulging in free speech but as it grows it's inevitable to get trolls and what not. We will have to adjust. Kind of sad if you ask me. Those people are parasites on the back of humanity.

  3. Yeah I guess that would be a lot of work. Doing it a little bit might discourage them or at least make people think about being a little more civilized though, I dunno

  4. After all the name of the place is Mami's Shit. If a couple of wannabe AH concubines don't like it too bad. Go try to censor CNN ladies.

  5. Ben, you have an excellent point as well as you Zapoper. As far as the anonymous comment and referring to Veronica and Deanna as AH (Go ahead and spell it out........ Adolf Hitler) concubines reveals one of two things; you are brainwashed by the JMSM or you are Jewish. You may even be both!

  6. Most of the frakked up comments are by Anon's anyway. If they cannot put their name to a comment, then they must be the lubabitchs.

  7. I'd say Veronica needs to put on her big girl panties and grow a thicker skin. Zapoper is a firm believer in free speech and so am I.

    Once you start censoring comments the trolls love that and consider it a win for them.

    As for Mami's shit going main stream, I never intended it to. It's just a place for me to keep my shit, so friends can listen to the good shows while at work etc.

    Me and Zapoper have agreed to never take any money or ask for donations, promote truth and free speech, even if it's a bitch sometimes.

    As for the dirty language on this site, my answer is, this ain't facebook and people cuss in the real world, so why not here too? After all it is just a blog.

  8. I found the comments regarding this blog around 2hrs 04 mins.

    Not sure if Veronica is fully familiar with the practice of trolling. The intent is maximum disruption, trying to get people to turn on eachother and preventing respectful discussion from taking place.

  9. Thats a great point Mami. Some of the comments are by retards but I would rather see the comments than have them censured. Great site you have here. I just found it when you started posting Renagades shows and wish I found it a lot earlier.

  10. I dont know what to say!There are a lot of brain dead idiots that comment here,but should you moderate comments ,i dont know!Freedom of speach should be constructive but not trolling and saying all kind of filth!I like Singola and Veronica and i hope that they will ignore this brain dead idiots!
    Anyway,MAMIS SHIT is a great blog and if they start to moderate comments,its OK with me!

  11. @Stefan

    Up yours !!

    Veronica is right for not wanting to be associated with sites like Stormfront, VNN and Total Fascism but this site is not endorse any of those sites or some of the people from those sites who comment here, it just posts stuff from all sources, without censorship, for people to make up their own minds.

    Comments should remain unmoderated unless it's an outright spam problem.

  12. "In 1984, again under the Andrew Macdonald pen name, William Pierce published another novel, Hunter, which tells the story of a man named Oscar Yeager, a veteran of the Vietnam War and F-4 Phantom pilot who assassinates mixed-raced couples.

    In interviews, Pierce called Hunter more realistic, and described his rationale for writing it as taking the reader through "...an educational process".

    This book was dedicated to serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin, a longtime member of various white nationalist groups who, like Hunter's protagonist, preyed on interracial couples. He has been convicted of several murders, and given six life sentences, as well as a death sentence. He confessed to the attempted murders of two prominent men: the magazine publisher Larry Flynt in 1978 and Vernon Jordan, Jr., the civil rights activist, in 1980"

    Spingola has no problem whatsover with Pierce's hardcore white supremacy and dedication of his book to a serial killer of mixed-race couples, since she links the William Pierce audio archives:


    right on the front page of her site. She promotes a HARDCORE white supremacist who wasn't just pro-white like Hitler & respected other races but deeply hated other races to the point of dedicating his book to a guy who murdered race-mixers.

    But she has a problem with Mami Grizzom because of what ? A few curse words and nasty comments by anonymous posters in a comments section barely anyone reads ? LOL

  13. @At Ben Truther G

    Stop making lame-assed analogies. Physical belligerance is not the same as verbal abuse.

    You can call somebody a motherfucker to his face and if he hits you first and you don't hit back, he has committed assault against you, you have only committed obnoxiousness of free speech or the hurling of insults which is not against the law. Only if you do it in print and it's shown to be untrue and unjustified can it become libel.

    If the cops come on the scene, they will handcuff him and take him to jail and you can press charges. He will have to pay all the medical costs of having broken your nose or teeth or whatever. Have you never watched 'People's Court' ? There were tons of cases of people who got beat up for being obnoxious only and they all would win money from the physical aggressors. LOL

  14. Mami said "I'd say Veronica needs to put on her big girl panties and grow a thicker skin. Zapoper is a firm believer in free speech and so am I."

    Thumbs-up to this.

    I hate uppity bullshit personally.

    My suggestion to Veronica:

    Simple solution: IGNORE THE COMMENTS.

    Problem over.

    Some people like the intellectual goody, goody radio and others like the more hard-hitting like Truth Militia or Mami's shit.

    Your choice but 1-person shouldn't change the formula of this site. What you guys are doing here works. There will always be dissent. Go to Alex Jones prison planet or infowars sites. The comments were getting so bad that they now censor. It happens everywhere and people cuss. Love it or hate it, it's called free speech. Trolls suck no doubt.

    The cure to free speech is more free speech.

  15. Ok so I listened to her remarks. She said sites like this are destroying the 'truth movement'. Yeah Mami's shit is right up there with Alex Jones. That's very insulting Mrs. Veronica.

    She said it's anti female? Wtf is she talking about? It's all white women's fault? She's making shit up! Can someone please point me to all this misogyny? I personally love women and highly admire Deanna Spingola who is not so thin-skinned.

    I would say stop posting Veronica's files and honor her request so that Mami's shit doesn't taint her message that has such a wide reach. (sarcasm)

    Veronica thinks her kind way of handling things while defending Hitler is going to reach the mainstream? What a fucking joke! Very few will ever be receptive to her message until they have visited the material posted here.

    This site is more likely to reach the mainstream because it is real and honest!

  16. Let the tards and trolls have free speech and reveal themselves by their trolling. If you censor the trolls you will not be able to guess who they are now or later.

    Let the turds and trolls Roar, i say.When you censor them they win as they have forced you into an action.

    Ignore them, PS i troll here sometimes. as so many trads here have tarded ideas and brains. I think its mostly frustration. :-)

  17. Zap, I think you simply ask people to stop the bullshit, and if they don't you give them the boot.

    Glad that Deanna has spoken. This is a fantastic site but some of the screamers need das Boot.

    We fell for the Jew "free speech" Lie and now the TV is a complete sewer.

    Hope everyone saw this "censorship" victim, Ira "I Get Shiksas to Eat Shit While a Jew Screws Them" Issacs: http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/jewish-porn-producer-to-be-sentenced-in-defecationbestiality-criminal-conviction/#more-50554

    Censorship is not great, but it's necessary. You guys are smart enough to know how to apply it appropriately.

  18. @ anon 8:00 AM

    "Spingola has no problem whatsover with Pierce's hardcore white supremacy and dedication of his book to a serial killer of mixed-race couples, since she links the William Pierce audio archives"

    I like to listen to Pierce, but you make good point here. Spingola seems to think that she can have it both ways in some respects!

  19. Why so many tards on here trying to force group think and make everyone pick a side (MY SIDE !!!!)

    Some of you are like jews you get all irritated when people do not agree with your point of view.

    Its ok for TUT to bait and hate on whitey, I want my fun too...

  20. More free speech please.

  21. Man, is this a GREAT friggin audio !! Maybe the best ever Veronica Clark audio presentation yet. It is literally insane how much stuff she covered in those short 2 hours !! She is really a genius historian and should be free to do nothing but historical research instead of working minimum wage jobs.

    @Veronica Clark

    If you don't want to link to Grizzom blogspot because of the juvenile behavior here, you can always just right-click and copy the MP3 URL shortcut to the audio files themselves. That way it will be the audio only that you're linking to and not Mami Grizzom. The audio files are on kiwi and completely separate from the site itself. Zapoper and Mami's site provides the invaluable service of gathering all these audios from many different sources in one place. Don't be too pissed off with them for the shenanigans us comments posters get into, they might be a little rough, but they're great guys who do all this work for free.

  22. @Tor Baker

    Nobody said that the nutbag racist William Pierce is not worth listening to, plenty of psychos have said plenty of smart things worth examining; just pointing out the little hypocrisy of Spingola's in allowing free speech for what she's interested in, namely the so-called 'DOCTOR' friggin William white supremacist Pierce's gems of intelligence within his twisted and hateful overall worldview, but not the gems that more humble and less vicious souls might ocassionally come up with in the midst of their profane drunkenness on comments sections where full free speech is allowed.

    This site is awesome and I don't see any reason to change it. One day Veronica and Deanna will come to appreciate what this site has accomplished. Give it time, it's only a year old for Chrissakes !!

    If a dude as intelligent and knowledgable as Dennis Fetcho can hang here with us proles on occasion then Veronica can too, if she gets a little bit of a tougher skin.

    Either way, there's no way mami and zapoper should not post her audios because they're the greatest, the best of the best !! lol

  23. Veronica is just butt hurt because people made fun of the highly annoying word "jewzies" that she kept using.

  24. Why won't Veronica go back on Kyle Hunt's show ? What did poor Kyle ever do to her ? There was good sexual chemistry there. They made a great pair. Is this about that Europeans should convert to towel-heads debacle ?

    How about Charlie Giuliani ? She had great chemistry with him too. Especially when that stoner Ray called in and said 'women suck,' that was the greatest moment of radio in Truth Hertz history.

  25. @ anon 11:02
    "just pointing out the little hypocrisy of Spingola's in allowing free speech for what she's interested in"

    I agree...

  26. Seriously, you all sound like a bunch of mother fucking whiny Jews. Shut The Fuck Up Already ! I guess crying about how jews run every aspect of life has it's draw backs. You wind up acting and sounding like kikes. Buncha pussies.

  27. Sounds like you are for censorship, incessantweener

  28. VERONICA has become the troll, by conTROLLing this post! lol

    thx MAMI, GRIZ! and the rest you's.

  29. I did not know that William Pierce published a hate novel under the pen name, Andrew Macdonald, which he dedicated to a killer. I do not waste my time reading novels. I have not listened to all of his audio files but appreciate the ones that I have heard. If the majority of his audio files focused on hatred and white supremacy then obviously I would remove the link. I trust that most people have sufficient intelligence to understand the merit of his main concerns. Given the variety of people that I have on my program, I hardly think that anyone can legitimately accuse me of being a white supremacist. However, individuals can easily build a case against anyone in order to discredit his/her overall message by picking and choosing bits and pieces of information. Astute people will recognize the transparency of people that employ this divisive tactic and simply ignore them, the same as we should ignore juvenile name-calling. In the anonymous Internet environment, people judge the value and credibility of our ideas by the language we use, whether profane, refined or otherwise. It is certainly up to each individual to decide how they wish to portray themselves. Certainly, it is a fact that cussing is common, therefore rather herd-like, and the use of such language should be a factor in how we choose to convey out thoughts. Some people passionately use profanity to give emphasis to their expressions; others use it because they have a limited vocabulary for which we may thank the government schools. Sometimes, it is just a habit. With that said, no one is forcing people to read the comments. Mami and zapoper take the time to provide a service by uploading audio files of various radio programs. Visitors to his site may pick and choose what to listen to. I do not know whether Mami “promotes” every idea in every audio file that he uploads any more than I promote every statement that Pierce uttered. He probably assumes that visitors to the site are mentally sharp enough not to make such assumptions.

  30. Deanna,

    Your wisdom and understanding is most appreciated and there is no way that anyone could accuse you of being a white supremacist and WP had some great shows and insights.

    I know Mami (and this is his creation) is a total free speech advocate and at the very least people should see this a 1-stop 'shopping' for some great audio/video content without having to jump around too much. As I said, at the very least it is useful for that purpose and if the comments are that aggravating just ignore them.

    Keep up the fantastic work.

  31. The outright IMBECILITY! and SLANDER towards a great man like William pierce is like an ADL description of this great intellectual. Petty minds or pure stupidity might be responsible, or perphap a lack of 'education'. No one here comes close to his knowledge regarding the Jewish problem! Back when scum like these today were calling him 'white supremacist' together with the Jews, this man was putting out the BEST educational material STILL relevant today! Now take some time take off and enlighten your delapidated judaized minds for a moment!

    In this video Mr. Pierce says that Jews are the problem not the nonwhite races; which are only a symptom of the Jewish disease!

    The Gullible Goyyim - Dr. Willaim Pierce

    The Jewish influence on immigration .

    Why The Jews Are Hated

    The Jews Are Our Misfortune

    Talmudic Judaism

    Dr. William Pierce - Our Revolutionary Right

    The mindset of our ancestors

    How it all Fits Together by Dr William Pierce.

    And about the Tuner Diaries - The NOVEL, yes fiction, was about people resisting a zionist jewish tyrannical Gov. that was the main plot! In any case, is just fiction people!

  32. Great site Grizz and Zap.

  33. May pregnant women always have the right to safe abortions in America. Most do not have men who want the child, and are terrified. Deanna should care about them and stop worrying about the foetus dependent on the mother host.

  34. I need to say something in-support of Mr. Grizzom's fantastic brain-child/project, "Mami's Shit", and the free-speech that he advocates. As all of you know, I get harrassed and harangued by trolls, and some who are NOT trolls!, but almost always they are not being cruel, and are just having some fun with me because they know that I will usually get riled-up and give them the what-for when I have time.

    Now, that I am trying to be more serious and not whine so much about shit that is useless about which to whine, I am past engaging and arguing with folks because I simply do not have the time. If "I" can accept, and even have fun, with the few "trolls" who we do have here at Mr. Grizzom's site, then ANYONE can be strong enough to just ignore them and embrace the significance and well-spring-of-knowledge that is "Mami's Shit."

    I love you, Mr. Grizzom, et al, for all of your contributions to this site, and Mrs. Deanna Spingola most of all for having the courage to do what needs to be done in bringing the truth to the masses who desperately need it. Ladies, and anyone else who is offended by some of what is said here, PLEASE JUST IGNORE THEM AND CONTINUE TO DO THE EXCELLENT WORK THAT YOU ALL DO, BECAUSE I KNOW THAT I CERTAINLY WILL, AND NO ONE IS GOING TO KEEP ME FROM DOING WHAT I KNOW TO BE THE RIGHT THING.

    Thank you.


    NB: Do you people want to know what REAL "trolling" is? Why don't you have some ADL asshole take your name and juxtapose one letter that is almost impossible to see, so that almost everyone thinks that it is YOU--LindseyNarrates--posting gay pornography and Black men's penises all over the chat-rooms and God-only-knows where-ever the Hell else...THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is NOT a free-speech issue, but that is literally ADL-operated tactics to dis-credit and destroy, which is NOT what 99.99% of those who post here at Mr. Grizzom's project do.

  35. Pierce dedicated that book to the killer guy because the story was based on him, doesn't seem like a big deal really.
    And someone called him "so called doctor", haha.. he has a Physics PHD and was a former professor!
    While I understand the comments here can be a little wild, I don't think censoring would be a good idea due to the wide array of varied opinions people here have.. and it could lead to wider conflict.

  36. The juwes detest Dr William Pierce as they do Jesus, Hitler and all the other great men throughout history that served a higher purpose in opposition to the Satanic tribe.

    Free speech is admirable, however the juwes have their say in every single media outlet across the West and allow us Goyim no right of speech, I suggest you remove the jewish trolls, you can tell them by their casual defamation of Hitler, Pierce, Jesus et cetera.

    It's what juwes are best at lying, scheming and slurs upon one's character.

    Love the web site.

    Delenda Est Judaica

  37. Really who cares if: Veronica Clark, AKA Emma Goldman, AKA Emma Peters or whatever she is calling her self today endorses this site. Perhaps the true irony here is that by virtue of disclaiming it she just propelled it forward. As the saying goes "There is no such thing as bad publicity". Id say a big hardy Thank You is in order.



  38. Anybody who claims that the "truth movement" is not tainted with misogyny should read through the comments to this very post.

    A big thank you to those who just underscored the truth of what Veronica Clark said. You did it by simply being the shits that you are.

    And thank you for yet even more reminders of why the "truth movement" deserves to fail.

  39. Sorry if I came off like I was encouraging you guys to moderate but if you made that choice I just don't think it would be your choice and not necessarily killing free speech.

    I love Veronica and definitely see why she would be offended by certain comments but also think she is being a little extreme. What threw me off was her saying she won't go on any radio except Spingola. Kyle and Charlie had good shows with her I thought.

    I don't know, everybody has their opinion I guess. A lot of interesting points in this thread IMO

  40. @Mike

    William Pierce was a HARDCORE white supremacist PSYCHO intellectual who advocated MURDER of interracial couples, not directly, because he would have been arrested, but indirectly through the dedication of his book "Hunter" to a serial killer of mixed race couples.

    Therefore, in light of his absolutely VICIOUS and hateful worldview, his expertise in identifying the JEWISH PROBLEM, which is undeniable (he was a very smart psychotic douche), can be seen in its proper perspective.

    Let his life be a lesson to you to keep you from turning into a bitter and hateful outright PSCYHO-KILLER advocate yourself.

  41. @Lugh

    Fuck you you white supremacist douchebag. You're showing your true colors now by defending that psycho as a 'moral' man. You and William Finck should have a party together and dedicate a book to the first serial killer that kills Greg from New Jersey and Dennis Fetcho for interracial dating, never mind your pal, the Celtic Rectal who used to go down to Brazil and bang mullatos by the dozen.

    @anyonymous 11:12

    Screw you.

    If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen, wus.

    Veronica called this site the epitome of a 'white racist' site and that is simply not true. Neither Mami nor Zapoper nor Whooli have declared this site to be a White Nationalist WN site.

    It's a free speech site and it wouldn't be much of a free speech site if they let a wannabe dictator collectivist like Veronica dictate whom it should and shouldn't allow to comment.

    What is she afraid of the 7 dirty words?

    Here you go:

    Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits

    Oh my god ! The death of civilization as we know it has arrived ! lol

    If you're going to allow free speech, then you can't pick and choose, since one person's etiquette is another person's censorship. It's only words we're talking about here, not physical aggression, there are separate laws for that.

  42. "Anybody who claims that the "truth movement" is not tainted with misogyny should read through the comments to this very post."

    Do elucidate...

  43. @ Anonymous 3:38pm
    Why do you support the Jew invented and run abortion industry?

  44. Hey it's FICTION retard, listen to his shows.. he knew how propaganda works and just wrote a book to prove a point just like how Hollywood puts out 50 holoporn flicks a year


  45. Free speech is admirable, however the juwes have their say in every single media outlet across the West and allow us Goyim no right of speech, I suggest you remove the jewish trolls, you can tell them by their casual defamation of Hitler, Pierce, Jesus et cetera.

    This is the cancer. I can tell the ashkeNAZI trolls everytime. There is no progress emulating Hitler. Authoritarian ideology is a mental illness.

  46. Some women occasionally have felt the need to have an abortion since the beginning of time, and have improvised all kinds of methods for doing so. To slander someone who decides to have an abortion because there is a Jewish influence in what some can term the "abortion industry" is very, very unfair because the Jewish influence is everywhere in America, which they own, including in the anti-choice movement.

    MaryC, you need to MYOB regarding other women's personal reproductive decisions.

  47. The way I see it, most people get what this site is about. There's no agenda, conspiracies or frills.

    Me and a my friends post stuff we find interesting and on topic as to this thing we have going called "The truth movement"

    I find free speech is a good tool for what is really on peoples mind about issues effecting us today.

    Sure there are always morons, idiots and paid trolls who take advantage of free speech, but thats business as usual on the net, and I personally think they're entertaining (Beats reading comments by ass kissers all the time)

  48. This is the cancer. I can tell the ashkeNAZI trolls everytime. There is no progress emulating Hitler. Authoritarian ideology is a mental illness.
    ^ "AshkeNAZI" ?
    Butt devastated heeb, crying profusely, currently filing a hate crime in every country in the US and writing letters to every news paper in the country detected.

  49. If the Jew black propaganda pejorative term NAZI came from the tail end of 'Ashkenazi,' the Germans themselves had nothing to do with it.

    The Heretics’ Hour: Disinformation on the Internet, Part One


    The myth of the Swastika-Star of David “commemorative coin”;


    1. It’s absolutely ridiculous that Duff Beer (Gordon Duff from Veterans Today) takes this advertising coin


    as proof for a Nazi-Israel connection.


    The text says:

    “Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina – und erzählt davon im Angriff”
    “A Nazi travels to Palestine – and reports about it in the Angriff”
    The Angriff was one of the three nationalsocialists newspapers (Angriff, Völkischer Beobachter and Der Stürmer).

    First of all, no Nationalsocialist called himself officially a “Nazi”. That was a pejorative term used by Jews and Communists.

    On the party pin there is written:
    NATIONAL-SOZIALISTISCHE D.A.P. =National-Socialist D.A.P.

    D.A.P. stands for Deutsche Arbeiter Partei=German workers’ party


    Nowhere is there “NAZI” written as autonym!

    Only Dr. Joseph Goebbels used “Nazi” sometimes in an ironic way, referring to propaganda against Germans. Like in his early article “A Nazi-Sozi answers”

    He used it, as Prince Charles would say with tongue-in-cheek “Yeah I’m an eeeevil shape shifting Reptilian” and laugh about it.

    Only in this ironic way Goebbels sometimes used this pejorative term.

    But it never was used by any other Nationalsocialist or any official publication.

  50. @ Lugh

    Bullshit !! He dedicated his book to a serial killer of mixed-race couples.

    That's why you and William Finck, that C.I. pscyho that beat a Latino prisoner to death, should get together a write a white supremacist creed disguised as 'FICTION' just like your Douchebag Idol Pierce and then dedicate it to the first serial that kills Dennis Fetcho, Greg from New Jersey and Celtic Rebel, all admitted race-mixers.

    Until you do that and write your own dedication shut your bitch trap.

  51. Photo of William Pierce's favorite serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin:


    Lugh and Lindsey should both frame this lovely portrait of compassionate humanity for their walls. I'm sure Rich from Truth Militia, Dana Antiochus and Siegfried already have theirs personally autographed.

  52. Slyvia Stolz on being called a "Nazi"

    Quoted from page 10 of the The Nazi Primer - Official Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth.

    Even today, the racial ideas of National Socialism have implacable opponents.Free Masons, Marxists, and the Christian Church join hands in brotherly accord on this point. The worldwide order of Free Masons conceals its Jewish plans for ruling the world behind the catchword "Mankind" or "Humanity." Masonry can take much as credit for its effort to bring Jews and Turks into the fold, as does Christianity itself. Marxism has the same goal as Free Masonry.
    The Christians, above all the Roman Church, reject the race idea with the citation 'before God all men are equal." All who have the Christian belief, whether Jews,bush niggers, or whites are dearer to them and more worthwhile than a German who does not confess Christianity. The one binding bond, above and beyond all restrictions, is the Belief which alone brings salvation.

    Der Nazi-Sozi pdf of original german version.


  53. The Christian cross is to be removed from all churches and cathedrals and is to be replaced by the immortal symbol of Germany, the swastika. – Article XXX German Church Regulations. – Quote at the 6:30 mark

    HItler hated christianity and replaced it with a Nordic religion.

    PDF Copy of the Original The SS Family- More Proof the Third Reich was working to abolish Christianity http://webzoom.freewebs.com/spiritualwarfare666/The%20SS%20Family.pdf

    The following quotes were taken from "Hitler Speaks: A Series of Political Conversations With Adolf Hitler on His Real Aims" By Hermann Rauschning, 1st edition, 1939
    "Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both."
    "Hitler made it clear that he was not interested in an "Aryanized Christianity" or the "Aryan Jesus" myth promoted by Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Von Liebenfels, and certain party members. "You cannot make an Aryan out of Jesus, that's nonsense."

    The Third Reich and Christianity - http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Third_Reich.htm

    Catholic Church Against Hitler and Nazism (Go to the 23 minute mark)


  54. @Arminius

    Despite what Veronica Clark claimed in the audio, Hitler's Germany was not a 'collectivist' state, it was just a state where 'the common interest came before individual interest,' a system to balance individual initiative with collective synergy. Creativity simply does not flower under a system where individual thinking is supressed.

    As Ezra Pound correctly noted:

    "Fascism only regiments those who can't do anything without it. If a man knows how to do anything it's the essence of fascism to leave him alone."~Ezra Pound

    "Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of private property, it is obvious that the expression 'confiscation without compensation' refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land."


    "To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful. In the Hitler Youth the differences between Christian denominations or the different German states didn’t count. We all truly felt that we were members of one body of people – one nation. Youth hostels were opened all over the Reich, enabling us to hike from one beautiful town to another seeing our fatherland. Every effort was made to strengthen our minds and bodies. Contrary to what is said today, we were encouraged to become free in spirit, and not to succumb to peer (or authority) pressure. In peacetime, no military training was allowed by the Hitler Youth leadership; scouting yes. Incidentally, to “snitch on our parents” was frowned upon.

    At the very time when America’s allies, the Soviets, destroyed most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine, about 2500 new churches were built in Germany. NOT ONE Christian church was closed. It was the law that school and church had priority over service in the Hitler Youth. As late as the fall of 1944, the Waffen SS barracks in Breslau supplied two buses to take youth to either the nearest Catholic or Protestant church every Sunday. To be a registered member of a Christian church did not prevent advancement in the National Socialist Party.

    Germany was National Socialist, but free enterprise flourished during the entire Hitler years. No company was nationalized. No small businessman was stopped from opening up his own store. I myself worked during the war for a company that can only be called part of international capitalism. If you owned shares, nobody confiscated them, like the allies did in 1945."

    Quoted from "Living in Hitler’s Germany" by Hans Schmidt


    So if Hitler was anti-Christian, his actions in not closing a single church and, in fact, building 2500 new ones, did not betray this belief. If the Table Talks are as valid as David Irving has claimed then phasing out the absurd fairy tales of Christianity was in his long-term plans of the next 100 to 200 years had the Third Reich stayed in power that long.

  55. Ms Clark observed that Hitler definitely believed that individual
    s should serve the state. This is a contrary notion to the American founding notion that the state should serve it's citizens. I personally find the notion of a system where the individuals existing to serve the state, which is the NWO notion as well, odious.
    I think Professor MacDonald has opined that perhaps White people need to learn to be a bit more collectivists in their approach to White racial interests, although White European civilization evolved from individualism not collectivist, Eastern norms. But to exist to serve the State is an alien agenda and was the USSR ideal
    new-man creation they sought while above the State always there will be an elite served by the state.
    Also, I found the Jim Condit Jr. key points most compelling in his interview with John Friend when I listened to the interview. One compelling point for instance was Hitler's putative refusal to allow the invading German army to retreat when it got caught un-prepared by the nasty Russian winter weather. There were a few other vital points outlined by Condit in addition to Dunkirk and I am surprised Veronica did not
    address them.
    Also, it is my understanding that Franco, of Spain, was half Jewish
    and Hitler would have known; did he never comment on it? Hitler's favorite scientist, a man who choose to stay in Germany during the war was Otto Warburg, winner of Nobel Prizes. Frank, as in Hans Frank, and Rosenberg are Jewish names in America; were they not in Hitler's Germany? That is something I have wondered about and I do not know the answer. I believe Senator Feinstein's mother, according to wikipedia was a "catholic" Rosenberg immigrant from the USSR. Does that mean she was not Jewish.
    I accept that Hitler has been lied about completely. But I do not accept that it is desirable that the people of Germany should serve the state. Organized Jewry has a racial collectivism and it seeks apparently to create goy humans who will serve the state, the USSR experiment, but the state will serve Jewry. I imagine that if Hitler was successful, the German people would have ended up serving the state and the state would serve some elite minority.
    Who would that minority have been? Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Hitler and who else? Was there no elite behind Hitler? Perhaps there would have been a non-hostile elite.
    By the way, I think the anonymous comment feature is wonderful , and somewhat rare. I hope it stays even though Veronica Clark does not like comments apparently by anon. I think she thinks individuals existing to serve the state is a great notion. It is a notion that blew in from the East. Her ideas deserve critical attention. The phrase 'Hitler's concubines' was noted as offensive; I think it is more poetic than invective. If standards for comments apply they should apply to all and need not affect the option to be anonymous.

  56. @3min Obama is Jewish - his mother is??

    @3.33 get healthcare so you can have slash burn and poison for yer cancer? Many tens of thousands of US citizens are going into medical bankruptcy each year who HAVE medical insurance.

    @9.10 Wasn't it Xian Brits who initiated the first successful push for abolition of slavery?? And weren't the Yanks and Brits LIED to by their crypto-JEW politicans? See War! War! War! by Cinncinatus.
    She says Churchill wasn't pushed into OK'ing carpet bombing by a Rothschild; BUT Churchill was A JEW on his mother's side and was under the influence of Bernard Baruch since the time Churchill nearly went bankrupt in the 30s. Plus there was that motor car accident in NYC about then when Churchill was early killed. Carrot AND stick.

    @11.14 "Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II," by Douglas A. Blackmon. Jew? Of course whites were involved in the (black) slave trade, some as slave ship captains, estate owners and so on, but in numbers far more insignficant proportionately. See http://archive.org/details/LibraryOfPoliticalSecrets8-JewsWantToDominateTheNegroes1982

  57. ...
    @15.40 she should dig further to see who was in with the IRA - Ygael Glucktsein aka Tony Cliff etc etc. At this level of generality you could say the population was mind controlled by Judaism aka Christianity. Also see Flavio Barbiero: "Secret Society of Moses" - argues all European monarchs are descended from the Jew priestly class. That would at least explain why Jews were always protected by the monarch and used as enforcers.

    @19 plunder, fratricide etc among Westerners happened long before Jews financed anything. Probably so, but arguable. William the Conqueror brought in Jewish financial advisers with him and Jews were in British Isles hundreds of years before then. When Edward I expelled them in 1290 not all went, many hopped it north to Scotland and presumably the Crown had a few retained for its own purposes - in the Peasants Revolt of the c14th those plucked from the Tower of London and murdered by the mob included a Jew.

    She never mentions Prussian imperialism does she?

    @23.55 Jews could not purchase guns/ammo after the gun control laws were revised in 1938: this is not reflected in the primary or subordinate legislation which did not prohibit Jews from owning guns etc. Presumably later laws amended(? she referrred to Kristalnacht)
    Spingola corrects her at 25m.

    @31m she echoes MCPiper in saying Sandy Hook isn't a show to justify more gun grabbing .... wtf???

    @36.39 book Dunkirk the Patriotic Myth by Nicholas Harman - Jew.

    @48 her take on who Stalin really was and what the struggle was and with is dubious. Library of Political Secrets #1 "Secret Driving Force of Communism".

  58. @49 - forget the matrilineal line being the sole concrete rule of Jewish inheritance, at least if you believe what Bakony wrote in the LoPS series.

    @Jews prohibited from owning manufacturies - you could ask the same question regarding JP Morgan who it transpired after death was a front for Rothschild interests. NOMINEES.

    @1.10.12 she addresses the Braunig letter mentioned by David Irving in which it was claimed Berlin (J) banks funded Hitler. Interesting.

    @1.18 she says blame "the white race" rather than blame "ourselves"....
    Also Stalin was shown to have been a Jew - by 1963. Pinay - #1 in the LoPS series.

    @1.23 Wolf Meyer (Jew?) book.

    @1.30.10 Phillips of Islington [is{--as in he is--}-ling-tun] - sounds like a Jew, but her pathological hatred of the Brits blinkers her.

    Conversation closes with typical female consensus along lines of "just be quiet and say nothing if you can't be nice" and big wide-eyed skool maaarm eyes. WTF this is world politics, not some piddling domestic matter. You put out - expect it to be debated, pro or con.

  59. 006 Call me Maggot -12th January 2013 - with guest Zapoper, Delcroix, Mami, Scorpio



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