January 10, 2013

The Caucasian Persuasion 3 - 2013.01.10

Death of White America: Newtown Hoax, SAVE YOUR RACE!
John and Joe will discuss
  • The Law of Attraction-- The power of getting what you want and how to make it happen.
  • Why the government is taking all of our guns suddenly and why such a garbage deal was struck as it pertains to the country's finances.
  • Django and Oikaphobia. What is Oikaphobia and how does it effect you?
  • Is this Newtown massacre all a giant HOAX?

Truth Militia Site


  1. The hosts fail to realize that the exposing the holocaust is relevant as it is being taught to children, including white children in this country. The caller failed to make this point as well.

  2. kike militia radio lol

    lol caucasian persuasian LOL ,thats a hasbarat title if i ever heard one

    ,they should have called it two gay jews, hey lets all join the KKK and

    oprahs book club and watch "the secret" ROFL ,oh and btw its not the jews lol

    hey guys do you have 5 sheckles you can lend me so i can sign up for joe or

    johns newsletter or whatever the fuck it is , oh and can i also borrow

    another $2000 sheckles so i can go to a "the secret" seminar ROFL

    hey all you jew haters,dont you know your all stigmatizing yourself as nazis?

    you better stop talking about juice and join the KKK so you wont be

    stigmatized as some crazy nazi racist,because we all know that society has

    only been indoctrinated to stigmatize people who talk about jews and holohoax deniers ,but not nigger hating

    klan members

    i seriously hope keith and richie are going to address this on sunday ,it

    makes me start to question their scruples,if not the whole operation

  3. You be more respectful now when you be badmouthin' The Owner Of The Truth Militia Network ($20/month?)

    1. Its 40.00 a month. That's 480.00 for the year if you can't add wise was. How much have you contributed? My guess is nothing but your worthless 2 cents here. Piss off.

  4. The holocaust is relevant because when you tell someone is Aryan they think you want to kill 6 million jews.
    Also trying to start an all white republic in these times is the most retarded thing I've ever heard. And "The Secret"? Maybe we can find the secret bloodline of Jesus from "The Da Vinci Code" and he can help us out instead since we're cool with the Jews now.
    And the kid who owns this site, Joe, he's like 21 right? Who in their right mind would spend 5$ a month to listen to a 21 year old ramble on about his incoherant fantasys of building an all white treehouse with a "no darkies allowed" sign nailed on the front?

  5. Keith Truth Militia RadioJanuary 11, 2013 at 11:15 AM

    Listening to show today...didnt catch it last night. As most of you know Joe and I dont see eye to eye on a lot of subjects.

    I will weigh in later this afternoon since many valued supporters of our network
    seem to have a problem with this caucasion persuasion show.

  6. The h0l0c0$t lie is PRECISELY why the demons walking-on-two-legs have gotten to the position(s) that they have, and it is also PRECISELY why their crimes are almost always ignored, and IT IS EVEN A CRIME IN SOME PLACES TO SPEAK UPON THE TRUTHS OF THE PAST!!!

    ANYONE in the REAL truth-movement, who is not bound-by-law not to speak on these issues, like Daryl, for instance, who is going to perpetuate this LIE is either willfully ignorant, or has an agenda; there is no gray-area here. If you have reached the point in your research that you KNOW who is doing what to whom--our planet, basically--and what all of this means for the future of the human-race, and our planet at-large, then you also must know about events in history that have been used to REACH THIS POINT where our world is in a catastrophic state, and if you do not...

    then there is a very serious problem that must be addressed.


    NB: Many people use the term "litmus-test" when the issue of the h0l0c0$t is brought-up, and they are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. As I said, anyone who is going to perpetrate this LIE, unless they are in a nation where they WILL be prosecuted if they discuss it, is no better than the Hasbarats out of New York, LA, tel aviv, San Francisco, and else-where these creatures use their money and propaganda to poison the minds of society...and THAT is why we are in the fucked-up situation that we are in our world.

  7. Tom Metzger agrees with Joe when it comes to focusing on the holocaust. Jim Giles asks him what he thinks about the holocaust in this interview. Long and very informative interview. http://ia700803.us.archive.org/28/items/Giles/Rfm-TomMeztger.mp3

  8. I wouldnt listen to this crap for any reason. Listened to it when it was save the white people. Worthless. Perhaps it has something to do with with the New York city address.

  9. Hi, this is John from the show. I can assure you that Joe and I do not believe in the Hollywood version of the Holoco$t anymore than you or other complaintants here. We think, however, that it is not the subject matter to hit newly awakened whites with. We strongly feel that people should be awakened with the present day racial issue (ie. whites are 8% of the world population and decreasing, the white birth rate is below replacement - 1.84 in the US and lower in Europe, we are the victim of 85% of the annual 770,000 interracial violent crimes). I think there are enough "white genocide" facts out there to do. Holoco$t revisionism is something for those who are already converted. Those who control political power write the history books. Wanting to change popular history is impossible as long as we are the political underdogs. Also bringing up the big H can scare away some prospects because for their entire life they have been taught this event was true. Thus you are taking on their entire belief system. They have been taught that those who question the Big H are a bunch of Nazis and Haters. We as pro-Whites are not haters. We (should) believe in love for our own kind and a future for white children. When you come at a prospect from a feeling of love you will be more successful. Those who say that Joe and I believe in this fraudulent 6 million story are the real deceivers. We have never said that we believe in that can of lies.

  10. So, in order to develope a "winning strategy," we must do the following things:

    -- watch Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret," a big hit with yuppies and Christian Zionists who want to be wealthier than they already are, and who, like most Americans, have a real soft-spot for the blatantly irrational

    -- read Michael Losier's "Law of Attraction," yet another big hit with Yahweh-loving American assholes who just love materialism and the Church of Prosperity.

    -- treat Holocaust Revisionists and WW2 historians who at least try to be honest as if they are the ones who have been shoving the Hoax narrative in our face without letup since the 1970s, and who have been doing so in order to do really wicked and destructive things

    -- ignore or downplay the massive power and influence that Jews have, even when they themselves openly talk about (or, rather, gloat about) their absolute dominance in American politics, media and foreign policy

    -- beat the drum of "white genocide" for all that it is worth, even though the white populations of American and Europe continue to grow and will continue to grow into the foreseeable future and beyond, and even though there are other very real problems to deal with (massive non-European immigration, anti-white crime, the elites who promote it, etc.)

    You have got to be fucking kidding me.

  11. For the naive who think that it is a "winning strategy" to not appear hostile to Jewish power, you would do well to think about what that approach has gotten the likes of Marine Le Pen. Overwhelmingly, she is still viewed and treated by Jewish opinion-makers and their buddies as a Spielberg-styled "Nazi."

    And for those who believe that being objective and honest about Hitler and NS Germany is a "losing strategy" for any kind of European nationalism, stick this in your pipes and smoke it: Whenever feelings of support for any kind of nationalism come up, the myths and lies about Hitler, NS Germany and the "Holocaust" are used shamelessly to kick them right back down.

  12. As posted to the Antiochus / MacDonald show, might be relevant to issues here (at least mp3 #2)

    This is a better interiew with MacDonald from 2008 and still current, discusses some of the issues raised in the current file:
    Peter Schaenk interviews Kevin MacDonald, Wed. 19 Nov 2008

    On WN and self-destruction, more generally consider also this from 55.09m to 1hr 5.55m:

    Peter Schaenk: War of Perception – Wed., Mar. 25, 2009

  13. Keith Truth Militia RadioJanuary 11, 2013 at 9:15 PM

    This was a good show. If you guys would listen to the show you would have realized that Joe and John said the Holocaust is a fraud in not so many words.

    We all know the Holohoax is just that a hoax, it does nobody any good to focus on this, just like it does no one any good to focus on what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Most Americans could give two shits about the middle east, hell they dont even know where it is on a map. And the Holocaust, try bringing that up to someone you know, I guarantee they will not look into it or even give a shit about it. And they will continue to teach the holohoax in school, we have no power to change the curriculums.

    Rich and I will be addressing this on Sunday's show, and explain why it is good to have the info such as the Holohoax, the USS Liberty, Lavon affair, etc . But as I said your average American doesnt care, hell they dont even care about 9/11 nor will they look into it. This is not to say that we shouldnt talk about these topics, but they should not be the focus. There are great Hosts out there that constantly talk about these topics, but how many times do you, want to hear about them. If you know it, why do you have to hear it every show?

    Most Americans only care about one thing...Their fucking paycheck and 98% care about their children. Again they dont care about the Holohoax!!! You can not re-teach them history, they have to re-learn it on their own, if they choose. They cant be forced as you know.

    As far as "The Secret", it is a bunch of bullshit. I use to do business with James Ray( He is in the film) and know him personally before he went to prison for an accident at a sweat lodge ceremony he was holding, which caused a couple of deaths. This guy was the most materialistic guy you could ever meet. The secret is about gaining materialistic items through positive thoughts and the law of attraction. It is complete Jew think. Materialism does not equal happiness.

    With that said, I believe Joe and John were using the secret as an example of how to think on an everyday basis and have positive thoughts and take positive action in your own life.

    Sometimes I dont get the critics out in internet land. Most of you havent done anything to help the cause and just sit on the internet in chat rooms agreeing with each other that the Jew is the problem. WE KNOW THE JEW IS THE PROBLEM. What solutions do you all have? We know what the problem is, no what are the solutions????

    Those of you who enjoy Joe and Johns show, keep listening and supporting these guys. Those of you who dont, go listen to something else. There are plenty of shows that deal with the holohoax and other history. Some people that come to mind who are great hosts who focus on History are John Friend, Spingola, and Charlie Guiliani.

    With all that said above, the history is important, but current happenings are just as important.

  14. Their solution is absurd, race based state worked for the NSDAP.. they had a 95% German ethnotype. We don't have that. India, Egypt, Persia. These states worked with an Aryan aristocracy.. all this talk about we need to focus on a white republic nonsense is a waste of time. I'm not saying we should be soft on white issues.. in fact, if we don't we'll never get along with the other races and they'll never respect us and continue to act the way they do.
    The Jews want this, us sitting around talking about having a fancy country club when we're just a bunch of broke crackers. They've long since taken down the white aristocracy. We need to find a way to use their own mechanisms against them.
    Yeah, John Doughbrain is going to be more cognizant if we point and say it's blacker then it was before, but if they can't recognize the jewish issue they're a liability. If we have a movement of people who are down with the race issue, the Jew can just throw some biblical logic at the ponce and bam we lose em. Trying to appeal to people like this will fuck us over in the end.. and in the end, people like that are followers.. if we focus on a legitimate counter-semetic movement, idiots like what you're trying to appeal to will fall in line.
    This is a big reason why the Jews pushed this ethnic sewer, so they could pawn off blame to other, frankly innocent, races.. meanwhile, they reap the gold and rub their hands.
    And to say that this movement doesn't work.. for fuck's sake it only really started in earnest maybe 5 years ago and it's doing some real damage. Shit like the secret and truther nonsense rhetoric has been around for much longer and has done absolutely nothing. Same goes for this murderous pro white nonsense.
    To say Holocaust revis havent had an effect.. fuck.. they had to rewrite the entire law of the world on that one.
    In the religion of Liberalism, Satan is Adolph Hitler. So dodging the Jew issue like one of these Jared Taylorite bitches, only worsenes things. The Jew WANTS this divide, and you're proudly giving it to them on a silver platter.

  15. Metzger is right about many things, and he is, undoubtedly, a brave man. But he is simply wrong about avoiding discussion of the Hoax and "whitewashing" Hitler.

    Who has shoved the Hoax narrative down our throats for decades, and used it to make us feel really bad about being Europeans? It has not been honest historians.

    Who has clobbered us over the head with the Hoax and outrageous lies about Hitler and Third Reich Germany whenever any people (even non-whites) other than Jews express support for nationalism, even if it is just economic nationalism?

    And what has avoiding straight talk on the Hoax and being critical of Hitler (about things that are not even true, mind you) gotten Metzger? Well, he is still considered "terrible" and a "neo-Nazi" by most white people who have heard of him.

  16. We shouldn't be second guessing the truth. This world is built upon the lies of World War 2. If they fall, the enemy loses a huge power base. And until it does, we won't make any real progress. From people I've talked to becoming "Germanwise", they describe it as when they became "Jew-wise". And no, we can't push the Hollywood Hitler of militant white supremicism. We need the high Aryan culture, strength and intelligence.. who the NSDAP really were.

  17. Keith Truth Militia RadioJanuary 12, 2013 at 11:06 AM

    Lugh...Good morning...I am not saying the holohoax isnt important to expose, Im just saying that the average 99% of the population, wont look into it and will write you and I off as a nutcase. I think as far as using a historical event to get people thinking would be 9/11 and concentrate on building 7. We have video of building 7 coming down in a controlled demolition. They can see it. And even then most people refuse to accept it was controlled demolition. But at least they can see it with their own eyes.

    We dont have any video portraying the holocaust as a hoax from that time period. All we have is video or pictures of piles of dead bodies, etc. 99% of the retarded public wont go read about it, they will barely watch a video about it. This is why I dont believe exposing the holohoax is the most effective way to get people started down the right path initially. The video of building 7 is ideal for this. The people can see it. They dont have to read, and they dont even really have to think to hard. It is in their face. Once the person is awake to 9/11 the holohoax is much easier to introduce to them and maybe 50% chance they will go look into it and find out the truth. Even if they dont look into the holocaust, they will have been awoken to 9/11 which has the same usual suspects involved. Do you see my point?

    And Joe and Johns show is a pro white solutions show and that is all period. I agree with you in that an all white "homeland" is a very unrealistic solution and it will never happen. I think they were saying that it would be the ultimate end goal if we had a magic wand.

    We all need to come up with good everyday solutions where people can help themselves get out of this Jewish mind pollution trap that multiculturalism is good and being pro white is bad. I dont know about you, but I dont want to live any where near ghetto blacks. And they are slowly creeping very near or actually into white neighborhoods and schools. When this happens the city or town goes to shit and all hell breaks loose because of these folks.

    With that said, I look forward to the renegade rountable tonight....have a good day.

  18. Keith Truth Militia RadioJanuary 13, 2013 at 2:01 PM

    After much thought and taking into consideration all the negative feedback form valued listeners and people we respect in this cause, Truth Militia Radio Network will no longer be carrying Joe and John's show "Caucasian Persuasion".

    It is nothing personal and we wish Joe and John all the luck in the world getting their message out to their listeners.



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