February 21, 2013

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2013.02.21

Tonight’s broadcast will be about the future of movements, nationalism, conspiracy, the new nationalist front. I will be discussing “National Protectionism” as a possible future political movement for this country. The futurist nationalist agenda for cultural survival. Technology, borders, language, and the ushering in of a new political structure. This broadcast will be about moving forward with the new, and the final curtain call of the old philosophies of Judaism, Marxism and the old world order.
Note: Great inspiring words from Mike. Another good one. I think he was JFK in his previous life. LMAO.
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  1. I recommend a listen. Great show. Viva LA national protectionism.

  2. Joshua McMilliuous, IIIFebruary 22, 2013 at 12:46 AM

    Nice work Mike. Good stuff.

  3. Sledge is great, he's starting to get quite an audience too!

    Watch your steering Mike there are a lot of agents trying to push people in the wrong direction!
    But so far.. your spot on! Cheers!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. (Don't panic, I deleted my own post above, wrong thread)

    What else is there to say though, this was a great show by Mike!

  6. Thanks for clarifying the situation RC. I was hyperventilating and thus breathing into a paper bag. Darn panic attacks. LOL

  7. a symbol of hope

  8. Sorry about that zapoper, nothing a valium can't take care of lol

  9. Another good one Sledge.Good to see Renegade is back on track.Thanks for the positive take on what needs to be done.I totally agree with your assessment.Inspiring !

  10. Great fucking show!

  11. Best show I have heard in a while.

    Cupla suggestions - outlaw selling and advertising and patent and libel laws. Instead build a free market system based on peer review, like the eBay model

    Patent Law is used to buy up ideas and shut them up etc. Instead adopt a copyright system where by any original invention carries a copyright bringing the creator a reasonable reward. Oh and nobody in a nation earns more than 5x average.


  12. question

    why did Mr Sledge kick the last caller off the air?

    its a real question

    obviously unless Mr sledge answers - we wont know for sure but maybe someone can suggest a reason


  13. The concept of 'protectionism' is meaningless if not tied to 'self-protection' in response to an initiated force or attack, in this case economic attack. Just like labor unions, it is only the 'protectionism' or initiated force of others (owners colluding to exploit workers) that requires the self-defense 'protectionism' of your own gang. It is extremely dangerous to get caught up in a collectivist, communistic way of thinking that does not define the precise reason for the the collective self-defense and this reason can always be reduced down to the violations of the freedom of movement and choice or rights of the individuals within any particular group, from city, county, state and up to nations and alliances of nations, etc. ALL of it becomes completely meaningless and contradictory, hypocritical bunk soon enough without reference to the individual.

  14. Ryan Dawson used to get 2 million hits a month on his site back in 2007:


    It's probably way down from those numbers nowadays.

    Compare that to Mami's which gets only about 108,000 hits a month so far.

    Sledge gets about 500 to a thousand listens per show if he's lucky and spent 4 shows lambasting and tearing apart a guy that was trying to help them, who's the biggest star on Oracle and who gets 10,000 downloads per show. This guy hasn't spent even 5 minutes lambasting them back and laughs at them.

    Time to shit or get off the pot guys and stop the infighting. Draw a clear line of who you will and will not ally with like Giuliani and stick to it. With the permanent retirement of Zion Crime Factory recently brought on by the actions of Prostink and his merry C.I. lunatics, this whole movement is splintered off into so many different factions now, it might as well be friggin non-existent.

    So disappointed that I find it hard to listen to any of these shows anymore.

  15. GREAT show Sledge! Exactly what we need to be hearing! National Protectionism is a perfect political slogan.

  16. @ Anonymous 8:21PM
    And none of them get anything like the numbers Alex Jones gets. Mere numbers aren't necessarily a sign that someone is on the right track. It could just be that, like Rectal, they appeal to the lowest common denominator.

  17. To anon 8:10 PM

    So you think you're superman?

    Maybe you own even AR-15 and stack of useless water filters in your yard shack. Probably just a little stinking jewrat.

    Only jews are interested about promoting egotistical individualism for conservatives and campus hippy collectivism on liberals.

    Nobody is forcing you to lose your "individuality", dumbass, this is WAR, and we all need to stand as one against jewish death cloud or we're all gonners.

  18. @ "Nobody is forcing you to lose your "individuality", dumbass, this is WAR, and we all need to stand as one against jewish death cloud or we're all gonners."

    Get your shit straight, retard. It's egotistical individualism on one side & campus hippie collectivism on the other side, right ? What in the fuck do you promote ? The unprincipled middle ground of limbo fuckwad-land ? A horde of jackasses running wild like barbarians ?

    Fuck you and your middle ground. Take it to your maggot-feed neanderthal grave with the rest of the unprincipled shitheads like yourself.

    Death is preferable to standing with pieces of shit who wouldn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.


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