February 13, 2013

Farewell ZionCrimeFactory

Mike Delaney of Prothink Betrays ZionCrimeFactory, Seizes www.zioncrimefactory.com


  1. Mike Delaney is a multiple felon

    And his leader Bill Finck is a convicted murder ..

    My dad always said " Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are".

  2. He's a piece of shit wannabe jew. He was probably bribed out of prison time if he agreed to be a shill for the anti-jew movement.

  3. Delaney got sucker punched in the face by a jew on camera.That's the kind of shit that every White Nationalist fantasizes about and what does he do? Nothing.Good riddance.Fuck him and his but-buddy Fink.

  4. mike/fink nothing but white trash.

  5. I think Delooney's little stunt may have backfired on him as this may destroy him. LOL Good riddance jooboy

  6. I could have told ZCF Delaney was bad news 4 years ago. Back when he was palling around with Kaplan Quest.

    Keep in mid that CI is heavily pushed in the prison system. Other forms of belief are deterred: http://ravencast.podbean.com/2010/03/14/episode-43-asatru-in-prison/.

    And a lot of incentives are given, including shortened sentences if individuals agree to prostelyze CI for a term after release. It is highly likely that Delaney was introduced to Finck through this prison network.

    Allen Truitt is another ex-con that was introduced to CI in the prison system.

  7. Seems foolish to complete a book but not release it, even as an e-book. Who's that going to get back at?

  8. True. At least make some pocket change by finishing it.

  9. We have been here before.

    Alex Jones v Bill Cooper

    DBS v Hufschmidt v Bollyn

    DBS v Ognir

    etc etc etc

    Hotheads arguing or agents provocateur? We can never really know, therefore our solution must preclude requiring absolute knowledge of who we can trust.

  10. A problem with bringing out a book, containing material classified as ''hate speech'', is that it could land him in jail if one of his former so-called friends should identify him.

    Atleast, this is what I think about it.

  11. Well folks, Delaney just posted ZCF's book on ZCF. I'll reserve my comments for later as for now this will further divide the goal of solving the Jewish problem.

  12. Delaney is a white trash piece of shit along with that psychopath and murderer, William Finck.

  13. Quest / Kaplan-is-not-a-Jew-name-it's-a-common-Turkish-name was also an ex-con who stabbed a guy to death during an altercation in a parking lot. That's vhere he read 'Mein Kampf' ten-thousand times and started worshipping Hitler.

    Quest knew a lot because he had some 10 years in prison with nothing to do but read a shitload of books.

    So, basically, Delaney is an ex-con who did 3 years for grand-theft-auto associating with a Turk-ex-killer-with-a-mother-who-has-a-Jew-name and a lunatic C.I. murderer who beat a prisoner who asked for a friggin blanket to death.

    Some cointelpro/ADL-dream-team they dreamed up here.

    You also has Mulatto Martinson running from Prostink's white-supremacy to Adam 'throw-all-the-Jews-in-a-wood-chipper' Austin, another cointelpro / useful-idiot (which one makes no difference, result is the same) honeypot for so-called non-racist anti-Jews who don't feel comfortable on VNN forum. That site also became worthless and Martinson was on you tube crying and begging people to take down his videos because he couldn't get a job. Now he's back on in the fringes of the web talking about 'monarchy' and 'aryanism.'

    The WHOLE thing is a ridiculous, infiltrated charade and it's hard to believe it wasn't all designed to implode the way it did.

  14. This Just In...

    Kike ADLaney is creating a new religion where he is the Profit. This wondrous new faith is to be called simply: W.T. or White Trashionalism. Join at your local welfare office & be saved. A.S.A.P.

  15. your talk is cheap they are both my friends and have no felony's This blog VS the evidence at Christogenea LOL

  16. Give it a little time and Mikes 85 I.Q. will find some other sparkling object to play with.

  17. When someone is gang raped in jail like ADLaney and Finckelstein by blacks and mexicans its normal that they join together and become gay supremacist!Now they adopted a ALBINO son ANDRE Wiggerinowietz and John NOT a Friend so they are forming a unity of raped boyz with trauma!
    Its not a problem that they are raped in jail,the bigest problem is that the guys that raped them broke their harts and are not writing them letters and not calling them any more!
    When harts and arses are broken i gues its normal to start hating your loving ones!

  18. Conflicts of the form: "my imaginary deity is greater than your imaginary deity" have no traction in the face of one who imagines no deity.

  19. Hopefully this will be the final nail in the coffin of that POS criminal Delaney's credibility.

  20. Just finished reading Zion Crime Factory's farewell article at www.therealzcf.wordpress.com. It is a must read article for anyone who are interested in this real truth movement. It shows how deep the Jewish Crime Network has infiltrated the movement and try to destroy it.

  21. Iconoclast Radio Interviews Prothink and Quest aka Evren Hun Welshons (A Turk ex-con National Socialist whose Momma's last name is Kaplan and whose momma also is known to have lived with an Israeli Jew named Uri Kenig. ) - 10 / 13 / 2010


    Iconoclast Radio - Interviews Satanist Dev Samael Deval (John Alan Martinson Jr. - ex-associate of Prostink & co-producer, co-writer, director, editor and narrator of "9-11 Missing Links") - 04 / 13 / 2010


  22. You're all pro whites as long as the sun is shining, but when it comes to getting your hands dirty you keyboard warriors bash folks like Bill Finck and Mike Delaney for being "evil hatemongering felons". Trash talking Bill for robbing a squat monster of his civil rights like jew tools, but i can guarantee that that mestizo won't be out robbing you or raping your daughters

  23. Interesting comments.. But, the Jew anti-white using the term "white trash" can fuck off. Cheers

  24. I'm glad you posted this. I was beginning to think that Gordon Duff was right. That the ADL was corraling us into becomming a CI cult and getting us into becomming the "Real Jews" and into worshipping the Jewish people and their genocidal gawd. Thank you for clearing this up because ZCF has been such a great source for information and ammunition to use against all the pro jew sites and I liked the site a lot.
    It seems that John Friend to the jews Saint Andrew and Delaney turned Total Fascism and ZCF into bible study class.
    The anti Earth anti Gentile christ blood drinking cannibal cult never did appeal to me. Because the Old Europeans were totally Earth centered and teir Gods reflect Nature I believe in that. Going surfing or cleaning up a beach is church to me. This is a great website for those who want to get back to the European culture before the poison apple of christianity.
    Voice of Our Ancestors by Wulf Sorensen (thought to be H. Himmler)


  25. A retard by the name of BrokenHarts puked:

    "When someone is gang raped in jail like ADLaney and Finckelstein by blacks and mexicans its normal that they join together and become gay supremacist!Now they adopted a ALBINO son ANDRE Wiggerinowietz and John NOT a Friend so they are forming a unity of raped boyz with trauma!

    Its not a problem that they are raped in jail,the bigest problem is that the guys that raped them broke their harts and are not writing them letters and not calling them any more!
    When harts and arses are broken i gues its normal to start hating your loving ones!"

    Fuck YOU, you scurrilous pile of dog shit! Your lips move and all we hear are your homo fantasies and evil slander, you disgusting, retarded motherfucker.


  26. David Choate said...

    You're all pro whites as long as the sun is shining, but when it comes to getting your hands dirty you keyboard warriors bash folks like Bill Finck and Mike Delaney for being "evil hatemongering felons". Trash talking Bill for robbing a squat monster of his civil rights like jew tools, but i can guarantee that that mestizo won't be out robbing you or raping your daughters



  27. John sholtes said...

    "I'm glad you posted this. I was beginning to think that Gordon Duff was right..."

    Gordon Duff is dead wrong. But what else to expect from a sly, part-Jewish (like part-pregnant?), Obama-loving disinfo agent? Sure, Duffstein says things that are factual and correct--just like all disinfo agents. He has proven he is not to be fully trusted. You have been forewarned.


  28. Anonymous A-hole said:


    Bullshit. Kaplan is a common Jewish surname.

    "was also an ex-con who stabbed a guy to death during an altercation in a parking lot. That's vhere he read 'Mein Kampf' ten-thousand times and started worshipping Hitler.

    You sound like a Jew with that last comment. And who do you 'worship', you little pussy? Your hero Karl Marx, and his poisonous, twisted scribbling from whose works sprang communism, the most evil, tyrannical, oppressive form of government this world has ever seen, one responsible for the deaths of one-hundred million people and several hundred millions more who suffered under this monstrous, Talmudic-based mega-tyranny? And offshoots of it that birthed cultural marxists like the African interloper-in-lieu of president currently occupying the 'white' house not to mention the countless equally mindless and imperious libtards who've made and continue to make our lives so miserable?


  29. Just because you know Hitler was a jew-pawn that rounded up the kikes and sent them to Palestine doesn't mean you're a kike Marxist. What a simpleton mind you have.

  30. CI'ers are the ultimate kikes. People should be aware that the Christian Identity cult is an FBI directed front group, and always has been.

    Research Timothy McVeigh and his connection with the Christian Identity compound Elohim City in Oklahoma.


  31. "As pieced together from court testimony and government documents, Ortega had been in the jail for approximately five weeks when he began complaining of a severe headache and was taken to the Jersey City Medical Center, where he was given a prescription pain killer.

    Around midnight the following day, he asked a guard for his medication.

    Ortega was beaten to death "because he had the temerity to request medical attention for a headache," Assistant U.S. Attorney Aidan O'Connor said in a report to the court.

    According to O'Connor, the prison's deputy warden, Raymond Murray, told Finck to send corrections officers to handle the problem. (A federal jury deadlocked on civil rights charges against Murray in April.)

    Dumers and Murphy, O'Connor said, then dragged Ortega out of his cell to an elevator.

    "This elevator ride," O'Connor said, "signaled the beginning of the end for Mr. Ortega."

    With his screams of "Don't beat me" echoing through the prison corridors, Ortega was brought to the basement. When the door opened, Ortega, still pleading, stumbled out and fell into a pile of mattresses.

    At that point, Dumers smashed him in the head with his nightstick and brought him to the main receiving desk, where Finck ordered Ortega placed in the bullpen. Other guards subsequently told of hearing the sound of someone being struck, and Ortega, dressed only in a pair of shorts, was left shivering and beaten.

    When Ortega complained of the cold and begged for a blanket, Finck allegedly responded: "No, let him freeze in there."

    It was at that point, O'Connor said, that Finck and Dumers decided to "shut Ortega up."

    Court documents described in chilling detail what happened next. Carrying a 24- inch fiberglass baton, Finck ordered Murphy and another officer, Richard Maroldi, to stand watch as he and Dumers entered the bullpen.

    Finck knocked Ortega onto a concrete bench and began pounding the victim's back with his nightstick "with all his power."

    Dumers then punched Ortega in the throat, crushing his larynx.

    As Ortega collapsed on the floor, choking and gasping for air, Finck kicked him in the chest, fracturing his sternum.

    Leaving the battered victim gasping for breath, the two men walked out of the bullpen, calmly put the nightstick away, and went about their business for the remainder of the shift.

    Ortega, now only partially conscious, his body covered with welts and bruises, was transferred to another bullpen, where he begged another inmate to rub his head and cried for someone to "Call my mother, they beat me up."

    When one of the other prison guards told Finck that Ortega needed to go to the hospital, Finck allegedly replied: "F him, let him die," and then warned the guard, "Keep your mouth shut or else."

    Ortega was left without care for the entire day. It was only when another officer saw him that evening, lying on the floor writhing in pain, his lips caked with blood, that Ortega was ordered to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage, a fractured sternum and a fractured larynx. He died March 11."


    Star-Ledger, The (Newark, NJ)

    Prison term for guards caps quest for justice

    Published: October 25, 1996

    Carolyn Yeager and Cointelprostink love this vicious, scum-of-the-earth animal.

    And John Friend thinks he's a BRILLIANT man.


  32. That idiot Joe Blow used to assert that stupid crap about Kaplan being a Turkish name and not a jewish one. That guy was one of biggest morons ever.

  33. Looks like Finck is outing ZCF now: http://zogbots.org/content/zander-c-fuerza

  34. That link doesn't work. But this does: http://forum.christogenea.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=4922&hilit=ZCF

    Poor kid.

  35. Carolyn Yeager is a feminist. Watch how quickly she devolves into acting like a teenage brat when I call her on it: http://www.totalfascism.com/andrew-anglin-on-the-heretics-hour-with-carolyn-yeager/#comment-3841

    This behavior is rather reminiscent of Mike Delaney's, by the way.

  36. @J3133

    Yeah? And you're a Manist. What's the difference?

    BTW, I agree that women are sideshows. They should do everything in their power to help Jews destroy this movement.


  37. J3133 screams and rages:

    “But if someone’s going to tell me I need to stop using the word n***** or c*** when it is indeed an accurate reflection of the individual at which it is directed, what they’re telling me is to be nice? To turn the other cheek. To embrace the slave morality. To LIE. To avoid telling the truth because the truth isn’t politically correct. All this has ever led to is pandering to the mainstream, the mainstream that is owned and operated by J***, the mainstream that will never actually support us as long as they cling to their false religion: liberalism, modernism, feminism, weakness!”

  38. If Prostink is reads this, he should realize he is white trash

    "The key thing is, its the TYPE of white racialist that matters, quality over quantity – any intelligent, loyal, mature, and noble Aryan racialist will indeed be able to fight and fight hard/smart with his fellow warriors, as well as with any other soldiers against ZOG and the ultimate enemy, regardless who they might be."

  39. Anon 8:40 AM:

    So, J3133 is out then....cuz he is clearly 'white trash' per your definition here. His viper tongue is more acidic than a pungent lemon.

  40. An enormous round of applause, continue the great work. web statics

  41. "Delaney got sucker punched in the face by a jew on camera.That's the kind of shit that every White Nationalist fantasizes about and what does he do? Nothing.Good riddance."

    Boy, 'tough' guy, are you stupid. LOL. Or you're a troll.

    I can just see it now: Delaney reacts in self-defense, gives the Jew a well-deserved ass beating for striking him, police arrive, Jew starts wailing about "neo-Nazi" attacked him first, etc. Guess who gets arrested and hauled off to jail and charged with a "hate crime?" Mike did "nothing" because he knew how that situation would've played out!

    "Fuck him and his but-buddy Fink"

    Fuck yourself, "but-(sic)buddy"

  42. "Ortega was beaten to death "because he had the temerity to request medical attention for a headache," Assistant U.S. Attorney Aidan O'Connor said in a report to the court."

    That bullshit still stinks. I don't believe that report for one micro nanosecond. Aidan O'Connor smells like one of those bleeding heart commie-libs whose mind was fried with cultural marxist propaganda in the university with the resulting deep-seated hatred for White America, and especially, white, heterosexual males, and champion for everything and everyone anti-and-non-White. Ditto the left wing Star Ledger newspaper known as the Star of David Ledger to give you an idea of that toilet paper's anti-White and politically correct slant.

    William Finck: "...and what I did with my life was I went into law enforcement. I got myself a 'civil rights' case about twelve years later...and, and, went to federal prison. And, and, spent my entire time there reading...um...studying ancient history, Greek language and, and, scripture."

    Suzie: What, you were in law enforcement?

    William Finck: "I was a corrections supervisor for twelve years, yes...in New Jersey.

    Suzie: Well, yeah, I was in law enforcement also, and, and, what happened?

    William Finck: "Well, well, I caught a 'civil rights' case. A few of my guys screwed up, and um...something bad happened and I had a bad night at work and, and, went to prison for twelve years."

    Suzie: Whoa...



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