February 17, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.02.16

Perhaps a bit of a look back at the past week of radio, news, and what not. Then looking to the future. We will be taking calls.

Lugh, Keith, Sieg.
Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download


  1. Keith said that we have a common enemy and then when you look at their site you will find nothing but posts about blacks!
    Who gives a fuck about people leaving some comments!
    Are you so weak that you can not take it?
    Complaning about MSM anti free speach and then do the same!
    I am not trolling,i am just saying whats on my mind!
    Keith,why is your site promoting CI then?
    I like some of your shows but many times i realy think that you guys have some agenda that is doing bad to all of us!
    Grow some balls and hamer the real problem that rulles the world,not some getto blacks that nobody gives fuck about!

  2. I'm still trying to find out what information Truth Militia presents that is useful in this fight against the common enemy.

    Keith says people need to grow up because they don't like the profanity, but words are important, intelligent words, and if you present information using profanity laced sentences then I ask who are the ones who really needs to grow up?

    NotAtroll, you are correct, there does seem to be an agenda by TM and it is destructive to the goal.

    Why did Keith leave out ZCF when he spoke about people being attacked while mentioning Delaney who is the source of those attacks and a CI.

    Keith sounds like he is doing damage control. But then he talks about tracking down a person by their P and going to their door to confront them. He then adds that a wimp will probably answer the door. Well Keith I say do it and then he'll be engaging in a form of Russian roulette!

    Why is it he tells us to get out in the streets yet I've seen nothing showing he practices what he preaches. So, if we're keyboard cowboys that must make them microphone cowboys.

    I wonder what Lugh's show would have been about if Keith did not call in because this show has turned into an insult fest. I've met people like this who trashed overweight women who themselves were fat and ugly. But this is what you get when you have nothing to offer, no substance, and no class.

    Dana has some good shows and John Friend had some before he went CI.

    TM doesn't like the comments because the truth hurt.

  3. I really like what renegade has to offer. Kyle , Lugh, Sledge, Will Miller, Dave all have researched and thought provocative shows most of the time.I must say that I personally believe that an allegiance between truth militia and renegade will hurt renegade in the long run. That is just my opinion, I am not trying to tell anyone what direction to take their network, I am saying that as a listener, a fan and a supporter.

    Truth Militia is indeed a white supremacist network. Keith can argue against that all he wants but that guy from Australia, Tommy's tavern, John Friend and his CI affiliations and Rich and Kieth's constant debasing of anyone that isn't white points to only one direction.

    Personally I am pro white, and a "racialist" but I feel that anyone who adopts an attitude of supremacy is adopting a Talmudic philosophy and therefore part of the problem. Does anyone really think that the solution to the cultural crisis white nations are facing is to continually harp on the constructs of our common enemy I.E. the deprived condition of blacks in america? what truth militia is doing is complaining about the debris left behind the snake as it slithers though western society instead of "conspiring" with like minded people from all avenues to chop the fuckers head off.

  4. Kweef and Reach are tanning for troof they are the hardest hitting steroids on the internet dont fuck with Guidos the best show ever all facts some fuck words and spot on

  5. "Keith says people don't like the profanity," but his mentor Howard Stern says they do, so this remark is disingenuous.

    "Keith talks about tracking & going to their door"
    that's why we R anonymous, really more worried a/t Gov doing the same, LOL.
    Fact, Keith could beat the hell out of me & most people here, the guy is a super weight lifter, according to his internet persona.

    TM adverts TruTube, why would anyone do this when CI has established themselves as asserting ownership of anything you put on any of their sites.
    {google Glenn Canady real, for the other end of CI spectrum, if you don't believe this is their universal belief}

    i tried posting comments to the 3 sites TM, proThinkCI & totalfacism. I keep them very short, & only with facts -> they will not post ANY of them
    I agree with some stuff on TM & when I post these subjective type of comments, they always get posted.

    TM's biggest problem are 2 hosts who
    "have some agenda that is doing bad to all of us!"
    The Monday host now has TM spending a large amount of time supporting CI related work.
    {twist in the plot, the Yeager, who was criticizing the earlier TM, is really pro-CI}

    & the guy on Thursday/Australia
    obvious working for Gov
    when he is directly attacking the prophet mohammed calling him a pedophile etc. + supporting another Gov agent from Israel.

  6. The guy that called from "Cali" about AA and getting a DUI sure sounded like Sledge :)

  7. TruthMilitiaFreeSpeechStoreFebruary 17, 2013 at 4:05 PM

    NEW Truth Militia BODY LOTION!!
    Use it just once,and you will be WHITER THEN EVER BEFORE!
    If you CALL NOW, you will NOT ONLY get 20% DISCOUNT on our LOTION and Tshirts, BUT you will get the LATEST


    ONLY 50 bucks a piece!
    And remamber,with ordering our products,you will save a whole lot of withe children in the world!

  8. Yeah I like Renegade and TM. They are young and arrogant though about obese people. Hey TM wait till your 40 or 50. When I was 30 people called me bones at 145lbs I am down to 210 from 260 by quitting bread. I am 6 4" so only a little gut.
    Anyway TM is more hardline than Renegade. Renegade will yap about race and everything correctly then Kyle will turn around and put some rap on! LOL. I can't imagine TM doing that. They have more integrity and hence have alot more listeners. I do like Renegade alot though... minus the rap. I like rap to some degree but I don't want to hear that on a race conscious site,do you? RBG

  9. @1776blues

    Time to get on Renegade with Kyle Hunt or David from Texas and spread your message of honorable conduct to more than 5 people on comment sections of the 1.8 millionth biggest website on the planet. lol

    Association is important. When people hold a certain set of beliefs that are destructive, then there should be no direct association or endorsement of such destructive disease and infection. That doesn't mean that EVERYTHING they say is worthless and the honorable person cannot learn lessons from studying scoundrels of whatever degree but a clear line has to be drawn and firmly defended. Beyond a certain line of honorable conduct there can be no 'coalitions.' Nature draws its own often mysterious but definite line and sticks to it and always eventually rewards in spiritual strength those who come closest to living by its code of honor.

    In fact, the main thing that makes National Socialists of Hitler's era respectable DESPITE all the endless negative propaganda and despite their racial laws is that they drew a CLEAR LINE of honorable conduct in all matters and stuck to it. A world without honor is not even worth the saving.

    For the people that are racialist and you don't have to be racialist to be anti-multiculturalist, the proper line of conduct is that expressed by Leon Degrelle, the man Hitler himself wished his own son, were he to ever have a son, could turn out like:

    "German racialism has been deliberately distorted. It never was an anti-'other race' racialism. It was a pro-German racialism. It was concerned with making the German race strong and healthy in every way. Hitler was not interested in having millions of degenerates, if it was in his power not to have them. Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere. Hitler cared that the German families be healthy, cared that they raise healthy children for the renewal of a healthy nation. German racialism meant re-discovering the creative values of their own race, re-discovering their culture. It was a search for excellence, a noble idea. National Socialist racialism was not against the other races, it was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves.

    That was demonstrated when the Waffen SS enlarged its ranks to include 60,000 Islamic SS. The Waffen SS respected their way of fife, their customs, and their religious beliefs. Each Islamic SS battalion had an imam, each company had a mullah. It was our common wish that their qualities found their highest expression. This was our racialism. I was present when each of my Islamic comrades received a personal gift from Hitler during the new year. It was a pendant with a small Koran. Hitler was honoring them with this small symbolic gift. He was honoring them with what was the most important aspect of their lives and their history. National Socialist racialism was loyal to the German race and totally respected all other races."

    General Léon Degrelle of the Waffen SS



    That's the exact same ideal that Zion Crime Factory expresses and that's why he maintains his honor while his slimy opponents crumble into the dust of history, swallowed up by their own hate and pathetic, dogmatic rationalizations worthy of retards and illiterates. His big mistake was to be young and naive and be taken in by these snakes when he needed a helping hand and expect the disease of dishonorable conduct not to spread to him and eventually destroy him.

  10. "Our own magnificent heritage has now been reduced to something called Capitalist Realism which in the popular entertainments we watch depicts man as either a trivial joke concerned with trivial pursuits or as an increasingly violent sociopath who seeks self-expression in the annihilation of others."

    "In the short period of time since Watergate, the wimping of America picked up steam.

    The problems confronting us now are no longer seen as problems. Truth is perceived as the problem, as the real enemy, and more and more we look to our government to protect us from it.

    When the War in the Gulf began we therefore not only accepted, we embraced with patriotic fervor, press censorship of the war. We would only see what our government wanted us to see and we saw nothing wrong with that. We liked it that way. Our government was looking after us. It wasn't that long ago, however, that we felt nothing but pity for the poor Soviet people whose undemocratic government controlled the media and censored all the news from the war in Afghanistan.

    The wimping of truth took another step recently when the diplomatic cables of our Ambassador to Iraq were declassified by the State Department.

    The justification for the entire war rested on the premise that war was unavoidable and that our Ambassador in the firmest of tones had warned Saddam Hussein not to violate the territorial integrity of Kuwait. Our State Department assured us that this was true. Our Ambassador, testifying in front of the Senate, reaffirmed the truth of this position.

    It now turns out, just as we expected, that it was all a lie. But the fact that our government now feels safe in declassifying these tapes bespeaks another truth.
    They are no longer afraid of truth because they know that the truth will have little impact on us. Their message to us is this: we've given you a glorious victory and we've given you back your self-esteem...now here's the truth. Which do you prefer?

    The implications are terrifying. We are being told that we can't have both anymore, truth and self-esteem. We have to choose. One excludes the other.

    The implications are even more terrifying than this. Our government now perceives that we are entering a new phase where we, in return for self-esteem, are willing to lie to ourselves.

    We are rapidly becoming prototypes of a people that totalitarian monsters could only drool about in their dreams. All the dictators up to now have had to work and work hard at suppressing the truth. We, by our actions, are saying that this is no longer necessary, that we have acquired a spiritual mechanism which can denude the truth of any significance. In a very fundamental way we, as a free people, have freely decided that we want to live in some post-truth world."

    -- Steve Tesich, "The Wimping of America" (1997)


  11. White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of non-whites.

    Groups listed in a variety of other categories - Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, and Christian Identity - could also be fairly described as "white nationalist."

    These groups range from those that use racial slurs and issue calls for violence to others that present themselves as serious, non-violent organizations and employ the language of academia.

    For many years, the largest white nationalist group in America has been the Council of Conservative Citizens, a reincarnation of the old White Citizens Councils that were formed to resist desegregation in the 1950s and 1960s.

  12. T.M. uses the profanity to compensate for their lack of material.Anyone can go on and on about niggers and white trash.T.M is entertaining to the lowest common denominator.They have never presented a scholarly outline on anything.Keith must have watched a Jordan Maxwell video on Admiralty Law,but again was unable to comment intelligently on the legal system.

    Two hours at BARNES and NOBLES thumbing through Black's Law Dictionary is not researching.That is an example of how they operate their show.Reading an article or two then bringing it back to fat fuck Americans ain't ever gonna get it.Sorry Fellows.

    You are the Howard Sterns of the internet.Shock em with a bunch of fuck this and fuck that.That is why Keith loves Howard Stern.He is emulating him and A.J. with a racist twist.People listen because they love bars and these guys ,even though they do not drink, act like they are in a bar.No notes,no outline,no references.

    Why not educate the so called working class who you guys are supposedly pitching to ? Simple ! Because you have not educated yourselves.So keep throwing tidbits from a video you watched and combine that with nigger or dumb fat white folks.

    Hey Keith,are you still doing your shopping at Wal Mart as you listen to Jones and Stern ? I had to turn it off after the second break ? You guys are busting out now with your hundred listeners and five commenters [and most of that you can thank Mami for].If you were stupid enough to come to my door,which you would not do,just more shit talk,I would have something for you and it would not be a pair of boxing gloves asshole.


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