February 13, 2013

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Sept. 1, 2012

Libel, Slander, Defamation on the Internet

 Bill Finck of Christogenea.org  is Carolyn’s guest in the first hour to discuss the ADL-directed campaign to bully and bribe Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to deny service to White Nationalist, Holocaust Revisionist and Christian web sites that expose the truth about the Jews. Bill recently had to move all of his sites to new servers with another company. Because this is an ongoing campaign by the Anti-Defamation League, the discussion was about how to combat it. Finck suggests creating a vehicle representing our “shared core principles” – a defamation league of our own – with a common face fighting on a common front, no matter which of the three above named groups we most identify with.

In the second hour, Carolyn Yeager presents her side of the story in the midst of the accusations and finger-pointing following the apparent demise of Voice of Reason Network.  She describes her long slide toward complete disenchantment with VOR, her leave-taking, and her subsequent non-personal criticism concerning the loss of White values at the network (as she perceives it).
Apologies for the sudden ending; the outro music was not audible to Carolyn.  Definitions:
Libel: A published false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation; a written defamation.
Slander: The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
Defamatory: calumniatory: (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign.

Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour 

Holocaust Handbooks 



  1. What BS and an obvious attempt to make it look like the CI and hitler-worshipping shills don't work for the ADL. Nice try Finkelstein and Yeagerwicz.

  2. Yeah, "Yeagerwicz" hammering the Holohoax and pushing Henry Ford's book is "working for the ADL."

    Back under your bridge, troll!

  3. "She" has to give herself credibility somehow..

  4. She'd be doing the AJ-Rivero circuit if she were a shill.

    Lots of talk abut hot button issues like guns, police state, etc. and ZERO mention of the Jews.

  5. "Finck suggests creating a vehicle representing our “shared core principles” – a defamation league of our own – with a common face fighting on a common front, no matter which of the three above named groups we most identify with..."

    After what this mother fucker and his cohorts did to ZCF and to the REAL truth-movement, in-general, with-friends-like-these-who-needs-enemies?

    Oh...and FUCK YOU Yeager for giving this Trojan-horse ANY kind of publicity to spew his garbage so as to encourage even MORE people to follow him into the gutter, you despicable rotten scab you. You do nothing but tear-other-people-down because they are not "EXACTLY" as you want them to be, yet, a man who has DEMONSTRABLY SHOWN his true-colors on multiple occassions you allow on your show and dare not confront him on his actions which have helped to splinter and even DESTROY this movement!?

    Carolyn Yeager is now another one with whom I will NEVER, EVER have anything further to do, and as Michael Collins Piper says, "She can-take-a-running-leap-straight-into-Hell for all I care."


  6. Kill a mud for Yahweh ! Kikeogenea.con

  7. Yeagerstein is the queen cunt of the CI hivemind. Kike ADLaney and the rest of em propagating this poison need to be shunned, or may the anti-jew "movement" perpetually putter in obscurity.

  8. Jagerbomb's suspiciously gentle interrogation of Andre ...she lets him hop from lilypad to lilyput , wriggle , squirm ..plip-plop !



    " I love jews and black girls and whitey is a bloody demon virus upon the earth ! Hurrah for Comrade Marx!"


    " ahem ..I was drunk ..I didnt know it was being recorded ..er ...I was being sarcastic , I actually meant " I hate jews and I only have sex with Nordic chicks , and Muggles are a bloody demon virus upon the earth - Hoyel Hitlahh! Total Circumcision!"

    in only 80 days !

    Order your " Overnight Nazi " kit NOW!

  9. A poster child for the spreading of destructive rumors and the making of accusations that are often very weakly founded or blatantly ludicrous, not to mention mean-spirited, is letting us know about the dangers of subversion and false information?


    Well, hooray for White Nationalism. It just keeps getting better and better.

  10. Yeager is an awful woman, a man-hating feminist in disguise. She is no ally to white men.


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