February 15, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.02.15

Guest: Friedrich Paul Berg and Roberto Muehlenkamp; co-author of Holocaust Controversies - re-match - the Holocaust debate, Did Six Million Really Die?

Friedrich Paul Berg, a revisionist, and Roberto Muehlenkamp, who endorses the popularized view of the holocaust, debated on the specifics of the holocaust.

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  1. If you’re White and you’re an American – you are a “Real American”. “Real Americans” are not “hyphenated-Americans”.

    The first step to winning trust and friends for Real Americans and White Europeans is showing that you care about peace for BOTH Whites and non-Whites and, in particular, a better future for every child. Indeed, the sequence of your conversation is critical and you must start with empathy for BOTH sides first.

    Open your conversation with strong proven messages such as:
    “White people are committed to a better future for everyone – Whites and non-Whites alike. White people want the pain and suffering to end, and are committed to working with non-Whites toward a peaceful, diplomatic solution where both sides can have a better future. Let this be a time of hope and opportunity for both White and non-White people.”

    “As a matter of principle, we believe that it is a basic right of children to be raised without hate. We ask the non-White leadership to end the culture of hate in schools and homes. Non-White leaders should take textbooks out of classrooms that tell already debunked versions of history and that glorify violence against White people of any kind.”

    As a matter of principle, children should not be raised to want to kill others or themselves. Yet, day after day, non-White leadership pushes a culture of hate that encourages even small children to become murderers. Jewish-backed public television and jewish-backed Hollywood uses programming to glorify the killing of White people.

    As a matter of principle, no child should be abused in such a way. Non-White children deserve better.”

    Do it for the children… :)

  2. To all the "holocaust" shills and criminal mafia some facts and reality ahead.


  3. Part 1 of 2
    Regarding Spingola Speaks radio program;
    I listened to the holocaust debate today, Feb. 15, 2013 with interest.
    You began with asking the two participants if either was Jewish.
    The HOLOCAUST mythology serves a distinctly Jewish supremacy
    agenda and therefore being a Jew raises the specter of bias.
    This gave me a flash-back to when I listened to the debate between
    Mark Weber and the Skeptic magazine man whose name eludes me
    but sounded Jewish to me. The skeptic man volunteered at the outset
    the information that he was not a Jew. I did not believe him and
    still don't; and so I asked myself how could he say he is not a Jew
    if he were a Jew. The answer is in the refrain I have run across
    often, "who's a Jew?" I do not know if the skeptic really is not a
    Jew but I strongly suspect that when identifying himself as not
    being a Jew he was using the term Jew as a religious designation
    and since he is doubtlessly not religious, he is not a Jew. Since
    no one asked him about how he was defining being a Jew he
    may have finessed the audience, in my speculation.
    When one evaluates information which one cannot independently
    verify, one has to use one's own judgment based on accumulated
    life experience and information or knowledge, and make a working
    determination pending further clarifying data. If the skeptic
    had said he has no Jewish ancestry, no relatives who saw themselves
    as Jews either religiously or ethnically, I would have believed him.

    When the accented guest defending the holocaust official story today
    answered the question as to whether he were a Jew, I felt I had to reserve
    judgment when he answered 'no' because I do not know what
    definition of being a Jew he chose to answer. Is "Roberto Muehlenkamp"
    his birth name? The Gentile must be cautious of the wily chutzpah trait
    prevalent in the racial minority which views the gentile as enemy.

  4. part 2 of 2
    In both cases, the guest today and the skeptic, the reason I would
    suspect that they harbor Jewish identities although likely not being
    active in the organized religion is the fact that they actively push
    an historical lie which they must know is a lie since they have looked into
    the matter enough to actively be engaged in defending it. To defend
    it they both would have needed to research what information the true
    skeptics found most compelling. I think any reasonable person would
    inevitably be appalled at the lack of physical evidence for either
    the 6 million dead Jews or for the presence of homicidal gas chambers
    or for any Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.
    There is evidence that Jews were incarcerated in forced labor camps,
    and their property lost; and apparently there were incidents resulting from
    viewing Jews as the Soviet ruling elite and therefore as likely enemies, during
    the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union; but these do not constitute a plan to
    exterminate the Jews of Europe. The Majdanek forced labor camp was mentioned.
    This I think is what Mark Webb made reference to when he said to Ms Spingola
    that there may have been gas chambers I a camp in Poland and alluded to
    David Irving also holding this view. Clearly this camp needs more attention.
    I would like to know if there is valid evidence for gas chambers there.
    I just started watching part 1 of 15 of a video made in 1944 when the Soviets
    took the camp and though the English soundtrack mentioned the gas chambers
    they were not yet shown. If such existed, the Soviets would certainly have filmed what they looked like, so they must be shown in parts 2 to 15 of the video.
    Eustace Mullins observed that a great many putatively gas chamber
    exterminated Jews seemed to end up owning apartment buildings in Chicago.
    When asked about the Eisenhower death camps, the holocaust-lie defender
    claimed to know nothing of the matter. This also is not believable. Anyone
    who looks into the holocaust skeptics' array of evidence would find mention of the
    horrendous treatment of the German people immediately after the
    war ended. So it seems highly unlikely that the guest would be unaware
    of this matter and he might have done better to have claimed to
    know enough about it to discuss in this situation plus that he
    viewed it as a distraction from the topic of the debate and offered
    to use the time to provide or emphasize the evidence that clearly
    establishes the truth of the holocaust official story.

    I think periodic debates on the veracity of the holocaust tale would be great.
    Then there could be episodes which addressed specific evidence about which
    there is sharp disagreement such as the photos with plumes of smoke mentioned
    by Muehlenkamp and which Berg averred were falsified. This and other specific
    evidence would benefit from exploration of the facts involved and in consideration
    with the John Ball Report.

  5. This debate was a joke. It should have lasted only 10 min. or so. Friedrich Paul Berg isn't too logical or can't think on his feet. Eric Hunt would have made this a cake walk. Even Veronica Clark would have done much better. Deanna starts off saying that there will be no comments to personal character then immediately asks both guests if they are jews..LOL I suspect they both lied. David Cole (bless his heart) would have crucified Muehlenkamp. So would have Kaminsky or any number of thinking people.

  6. @Anonymous February 15, 2013 at 2:28 PM
    I think the CI should just be more honest about who they are. Instead of claiming to be Aryan, they should say they aspire towards the Aryans while including mixed race people, homosexuals, Judaism.

    I was thinking why it was so important in Practice NOW to go back thousands of years ago & prove aryans were something or other in Mesopotamia.
    seeing what the actual actions of CI is, I think they are trying to build a Big Tent, where white people like Persians & Turks & also some other "darker" people may be included.
    zcf, who they now suddenly claim is a "nigger" was their point person for quite some time on "major issues." I think the zcf pretty much proves the point.

  7. The holohoax 6 million dead jews lie.

    Population of jews worldwide in the year 1938 - 15.748 million jews

    Population of jews worldwide in the year 1948 - 15.753 million jews

    Let me repeat for the dullards

    In 1938 there were 15 million 748 thousand judenrats infesting the world and 10 years later there 5 thousand more jew rats.

    1938 - 15,748,000 jews
    1948 - 15,753,000 jews
    = The second biggest jew lie in history, right after the biggest jew lie of all, the abrahamic religions.

    The Origins of Holocaustianity started by Jewish extremists

  8. http://archive.org/details/HiddenHolocaustRevealed-oneThirdOfTheHolocaust

  9. http://germarrudolf.com/

    Enough said.
    I would have squashed Muehlenkamp after 5 minutes.

  10. Germar Rudolf says it all...

  11. Berg sucked ass ....

  12. Archive of pdf book downloads on John Alan Martinson II's latest site:


  13. Udo Walendy on the photographc evidence.


  14. In my corner of the ring, I have the likes of Deborah Lipstadt, Steven Spielberg, Richard J. Evans, the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Hollywood and the criminals who run American and, therefore, what is left of Europe, so I don't have to worry about evidence, common sense and physical reality, and I can show people who disagree with me little more than contempt.


    I have no problem relying on "evidence" provided by such wonderful, humane and trustworthy characters as the Soviets and the Poles.


    I have no qualms relying on the "confessions" of Germans who had been hideously tortured, and who were repeatedly told that their families would suffer the same fate or worse if they didn't "confess."


    It does not bother me at all to ignore the fact that Stalin was undoubtedly fixin' to invade Germany and the rest of Europe, just like it it doesn't bother me at all to ignore the multitude of lovely things (like torturing and slaughtering ethnic Germans) the Poles were doing that made a German attack almost inevitable and entirely justifiable.


    It does not matter if I get my ass handed to me in these debates, because I cannot really lose.


  15. Oh, and it's a lot of fun to repeat Holocaust claims that have been shown to be beyond the realm of reality, and to repeat the claims of "witnesses" who have been shown, beyond all doubt, to be brazen liars, and to then observe how the person I am debating becomes understandably emotional and starts sounding a little unhinged.

    It's fun.


    It's also highly entertaining to avoid dealing with what the Bolsheviks/Soviets had done to Russia and Eastern Europe before the infamous year of 1933, and what they were doing and planning to do to Germany since the end of WW1. It's also amusing to not deal with what group overwhelmingly led and funded these terrorizers and butchers of tens of millions. Then, we can continue believing that the anti-Jewish feeling that spread throughout Germany was simply a mystery-- an entirely irrational, hateful and inexplicable thing.

    It's fun.


  16. The only reason Muehlenkamp even chooses to has a debate about the holohoax is that he knows that berg is a lousy debator. Faurisson, Smith, Rudolf, any revisionist really would have done a much better job. Shame shame shame.

  17. Berg is hardly a bad lousy "debator" (that isn't even a word). And the anonymous person writes "shame, shame, shame"! Maybe he can do a better job himself, if not - shut the hell up. That guy vividly reminds me of the lyrics in this song by Boyd Rice:

    Besides, none of the people commenting here probably listened to the debate because it breaks off due to an error in the conversion process of the software used to generate the file, or due to the uploader not correctly uploading the file (or at least checking that it was correct).
    So whoever uploaded the file should do it again, and also check if it's not corrupt.


  18. I think the structure of the debate was wrong. Muehlencamp was always given the last word on every topic, and then the subject was changed. However, I'm unimpressed by Mr Berg's performance. He should have called Roberto on the carpet on the many untrue claims that he made, he should've pressed Roberto on about the claimed mass graves, he shoud've made Roberto's Höss testimony argument more apparent in it's falsehood etc.

  19. all Berg kept droning on about was 'cherry red' colouring - even after RM had educated him on why no-one reported such discoloration. RM dome a fine job listing the evidence and all we got off Berg was ad hominem against the jews , using words such as 'filth' 'liars' . What an absolute mauling Berg received.


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