February 18, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.02.18

Kyle gets on air again this Monday for a show about religion, genetics, dogs, and more!

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  1. You did fine Kyle. It never seems to fail that your audio gets fucked with.

    Appreciate your shows and holding Renegade together as you have.

    When you are tired, or not feeling up to speed, and do a show, just know that there are those that still look forward to them.


  2. hang in their Kyle Hunt

  3. What's the best beer you like the most, Kyle?

  4. Thanks for the good comments.

    I fixed up the audio by amplifying the quiet parts here: www.renegadebroadcasting.com/the-blitzkrieg-broadcast-w-kyle-hunt-2-18-13

    As for my favorite beer? I don't really have one, but I like Arrogant Bastard.

  5. Kyle... for what it's worth, i think you (you and Mike Sledge) are the most genuine, heart and soul, guys in this venue.

    Excellent show last night... not just saying that. And, i'd like to thank you for when you critiqued the guys for all the naked breasts pictures in chat... not because i'm uptight about that sort of thing, but because of why did it... it brought down the quality of the broadcasts.

    This world would be a much worse place without you and Mike... i wish i could express it in $$$s... you'd be in the chips... but i am hanging by a thread. It's okay though... just makes me work harder to forge a future... i'd like to have one...

  6. Thank you for all that you have done Kyle.You are a beacon of light in this dark [movement] place.

  7. Sledge is a jackass, can't stand listening to that drunk loser, with or without Celtic Retard attached. Lugh is knowledgable but has zero presentation abilities and tends to be agenda driven rather than truth-driven. He should write his shows and get others like Kyle to read it. Kyle and David from Texas are the two best things on this network and they both are not only highly intelligent but have great radio voices that are easy to listen to and usually don't let agendas interfere too much with their excursions into the rabbit hole of troof. Both of these guys will go places in the bowel movement and one day be as influential as Zion Crime Factory if they play their cards right and don't let drunk, irrational fuckwads like Sledge drag them down. To tell you the truth, they should have kept Greg from New Jersey and dumped Sledge along with Celtic Wedgie. But they probably don't like Greg because he's half Puerto Rican and dates a black woman in addition to him backing CR.

  8. We don't like Greg because he's full of shit and promoted false ideas while acting like a big shot because he ran a fraudulent financial business and profited off blood diamonds and raped the earth with fracking.
    Sledge is our Bukowski Berzerker (and our most popular host I might add) and he's find the way he is.
    Kyle and Mike have been doing radio for 2 years longer then I have, and Dave has been around this movement for decades and is an older guy.. so I can see how my presentation skills aren't up to par in comparison and it will probably take me a while to get there but I'm working on it.


  9. Hang in there Lugh. You take a licking and keep on ticking. That is how people "achieve".

    You are correct about your presentation skills for audio. Some just are not good at it. Some have been doing it for many years and I simply cannot listen to them. My only real suggestion is to pretend that you have a listener that is not very good with English. They can understand it IF it is both CLEAR and SLOW along with each sentence forming a complete thought.

    Good luck and thanks for your efforts.

  10. @Lugh

    Get that Siegfried guy on your network. He's a young guy who's already showing major improvement and could go places if he doesn't lose direction and has people like Kyle and David from Texas to guide him. That show he did with Kyle was excellent. He doesn't belong with those ZCF-backstabbing, C.I./Prostink promoting roid-licking buffoons at TM. By staying in that swamp-pit, he will soon become as irrelevant as the rest of TM have already become. They literally finished before they even got started as soon as they brought Metzger on board and now with the Prostink-promotion, they're dead and buried for good as far as I'm concrned. I used to listen to the TM show every week but now I'm literally too disgusted to even click on their site.


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