February 09, 2013

The Conquerors Hour with Rich & Andre of Total Fascism 2013.02.08

Welcome to the 2nd edition of "The Conquerors Hour." Tonight, I'll be joined by Andre of Total Fascism to discuss the following topics in detail: The Christianity debate; Infighting, Separatism vs. Supremacism; Racial Divisions in America; Using Derogatory names; and once again we we address with Whom Should we Ally; and What Can We Win? All of this and more. I'll be taking phone calls throughout the course of the show!

Truth Militia Site



  1. You must be sick in the head to even consider worshiping the state and expect something different. What is wrong with these people?

  2. Solutions/Goals:

    We need to form think tanks. Some that would require membership fees. That funding could accomplish many things. Form a hierarchy roundtable structure. Ensure that there are no agent provocateurs involved what so ever. Form fraternity networks around college campuses and seek out the intelligent, driven students before they get caught into the marxist/communist webs. Use Eugenics to our favor. Be fruitful and multiply. Form our own version of charter/private schools. Create martial arts academies. Form our own political party. Own our own tv station/fm/am satellite radio, communication network. Create our own book publishing house. We can use the current system in place as long as there is a solidarity.


    1. Agreed. We need to form something like The White Organization and an internal hierarchy order like in the Turner Diaries.

  3. ziofascism said...
    You must be sick in the head to even consider worshiping the state and expect something different. What is wrong with these people?

    Go to Somolia and stop bothering people

  4. @ziofascism

    If you knew anything about history at all you would know that Fascism and National Socialism were ANTI-USURY and they created economic prosperity for the majority of the people in the countries that applied it. Fascism, as defined at that time, has little to do with what the term 'Fascism' has come to mean today, through 70 years of non-stop Jewish black-propaganda corruption.

    I could care less about what personal wet dreams of dictatorship and white supremacy these two slimy idiots are pushing and I don't like either of them but the 25 Points of the NSDAP programme written way back in 1920made a lot of sense and it is absolutely undeniable that it worked like a charm in Germany.

    It was not a system of 'worshipping the state,' it was simply this:



    So, despite a 'WAR DECLARED BY JUDEA AGAINST GERMANY in 1933' as soon as Hitler got in power:


    National Socialism as laid down way back in 1920 in these 25 points where that 'kernel' main principle comes from:


    created an economic miracle in a Germany shackled by a lot more problems than the U.S. is facing today: usury, hyperinflation, mass unemployment and impossible to pay-off Versailles-treaty war reparation payments.

    When you read the 25 points, which I'm sure you won't, because I have no illusions that you are here in a geuine pursuit of truth, but only in pursuit of whatever fits in with your Pavlovian conditioning, artificial feelings and agendas, pay particular attention to these parts:

    "Since the NSDAP is fundamentally based on the principle of PRIVATE PROPERTY,it is obvious that the expression "confiscation without compensation" refers merely to the creation of possible legal means of confiscating when necessary, land illegally acquired, or not administered in accordance with the national welfare. It is therefore directed in the first instance against the Jewish companies which speculate in land."

    "19. We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law. "

    "16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municipal orders."

    "10. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good.

    11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

    The breaking of the slavery of interest"

    and this:

    "The Programme of the German Workers' Party is designed to be of limited duration. The leaders have no intention, once the aims announced in it have been achieved, of establishing fresh ones, merely in order to increase, artificially, the discontent of the masses and so ensure the continued existence of the Party."

  5. I haven't caught all the shows but was curious, has anyone asked Rich if he is a jew? He likes to mention he is Italian as if that settles things about what he is. He seems like an obvious Chosenite tool if he isn't one himself.

    Change sides Rich. It will only hurt for a little while. We don't need race wars. Race wars are also a tool of the Chosenites. All non-Chosen are being genocided and you want to dwell on the various jewish brainwashed races and laugh at them, down to specific individuals? Show after show after show? Stop hiding and come out of the Chosenite Closet.

  6. I listened to this and here are my comments:

    1. Nothingness. The Jews are disconnected from the spirit, they can not understand or experience real spirituality or creativity. So what do they do? The buy out and own that which was created, they adopt other spirits and deities and symbols as their own and change the names and spin the story into a Jewish story. They push materialism because if they own they material realm and they get you to only exist in terms of the material then they own you.

    2. There is a huge difference between the Bible account in Genesis vs. Evolution. The latter is based on a mountain of evidence. The Bible is not valid because if every verse of Genesis is proven false by science then the rest of the book can not be taken literally. Creationism is a reactionary movement against Darwin's and subsequent discoveries because if Genesis is wrong then the Bible is wrong.

    3. In very much agreement with the hosts that Christianity has feminized men and turned gentiles into ass kissing Jew whores. Just look at how eager Christians are in believing the fairy tale of 911 and then go fight wars that enrich Jewry. BTW Jesus is total fiction:


    4. Rome turned pagan Europe into Christians, but it was a plot:



    5. Christians are taught to be meek, turn the other cheek, forgive while Jews are taught to be wolves and devour the sheep. True. Which is why Jewish controllers give tax free status to the 41,000 Christian denominations, Christianity is a tool for a tiny minority to rule, Jesus is the rock the Jews stepped on to take the Western world.

    6. Now that Jews own and control everything, they own the monopoly board, they seek to be gods by smashing the Christ fiction and set up nihilistic system of empty materialism. The end game is that we all lick the boots of Jewish owners. Formerly self reliant gentiles now prostrate themselves for their EBT card issued by JP Morgan bank.

  7. Anon 12:12 PM = clear hasbarat.
    but whites will never learn so who cares.

  8. Perhaps it would be a good idea for White Nationalists to stop defecating on the general white population, especially the so-called "white trash"-- that ever-growing mass of working poor and those who literally cannot find a job in their region, and who cannot afford to simply move to another area, and who do not have the resources and energy to take better care of their yards and homes, and who are very likely suffering from real depression and a terrible feeling of being lost.

    These people have been screwed. Thoroughly screwed and tossed aside. They have also been thoroughly propagandized with poison from the time they stopped crawling.

    To add insult to injury and to add injury to insult, in several towns and small cities that factories and businesses have abandoned in a sickening quest for even greater profits, some brilliant leaders somewhere have made the decision to build public housing, not for the hard-hit people of these places, but for, shall we say, more "diverse" people from cities far away-- cities in which these wonderful leaders advertise "new opportunites" and "new beginnings" to thugs and seasoned criminals.

    But you know what? In spite of all of this, and in spite of their often highly problematic beliefs and their often warped views of history, these "white trash" are still overwhelmingly good people for whom wanton cruelty and criminality are abhorrent. Those who have jobs continue to work hard for less and less. Those who have next to nothing still try to help their neighbors who have even less than they do. These tendencies can be seen over and over again. Regardless of all the frustration that comes from the lows that we witness, these qualities are unavoidable.

    So, forgive the occasional trash in the yard, the neglected house repairs, the excessive pounds, the irrational beliefs and the too many cigarettes and too many beers. When is the last time you were in a poor white area where you felt generally unsafe or threatened? These men and women deserve much more praise, support and protection than is given to them.

  9. Rich is a JEW and a FAG
    Keith blows guys in parking lots
    John Friend is a Christard
    Siegfried is a confused little boy
    Dana is a closet homosexual
    Derrick is a fucking loon
    & Metzger is an obvious JEW

    What else did I forget???

  10. Yea why does Andre talk like a wigger, so does mike delaney they both talk like fuckin wiggers,, can't take them seriously,,,

    1. Theyre fucking crypto kikes that push CI and hitler worship, both of which are encouraged by the kikes to pogeon hole the resistance and make it look retarded, and a job well done I'd say.

  11. There can be no such thing as 'Zio-Fascism,' since that means Zionist-Anti-Usury or Jewish-Anti-Usury, a contradiction in terms. The only Zionist-Fascism or Zionist-Anti-Usury is for Jews themselves, since they're not allowed to charge fellow Jews usury. Fascism may have been authoritarian but it never went around charging people usury. It banned usury and incomes unearned by work. Zionism and Judaism are the very essence of the usurocracy or the practice of enslaving entire nations through usury and therefore using the term Ziofascism is historically absurd and makes no sense other than through connection to a 70 year black-propaganda campaign of re-defining of the term 'Fascism' to fit in with what the Jewish-led communists were calling it in the 1920's and 1930's. When you use the term Ziofascism, you are automatically trying to imply that Zionist and Fascist behaviors were the same, which is absolutely absurd, since the latter BANNED the core criminal practice of the former.

  12. i think conversely we can put some pressure on truthmilitia.com. as money & resources are at issue, why don't you first merge with renegade,
    which can only make your network stronger.
    From an investor standpoint, I have to question the Greg Whitaker departure. The first and only time I heard about it was on mami's when Keith left a comment that he left of his own accord.
    i looked at his website & he is still producing podcasts. If truthmilitia is really growing strong, why would Greg leave the opportunity for a bigger audience behind. and since his strength is something truthmilitia is putting forth as a priority, finance, why would truthmilitia want to lose him. there is also
    a question of why truthmilitia feels that it does not owe any explanation to its supporters when a major event happens.

    Plus truthmilitia has two hosts who have been constantly rumored to have ties to "other" organizations. a merger of renegade could refill those slots & eliminate any misrepresentations.

  13. Anon @1:02 PM

    Kindly explain for us lesser goyim the reason for your criticism.

  14. "I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue of our felicities." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
    Thomas Jefferson

    "An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry." - Thomas Jefferson

    "Experience demands that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the general prey of the rich on the poor." - Thomas Jefferson

    "Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits." -- Thomas Jefferson

    "Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." ~ Thomas Jefferson

    There's your 'think tank' for all of you clowns. Maybe one day it will get through all your thick heads. LOL

  15. Andre 5000 from Outcast is the leader of the White Nationalist movement ? Yeah Wigga. Folks, it does not get any more hilarious than this. If you are promoting this clown and falling for his bullshit you are either a complete moron or you are working for whatever organization he is with.

  16. Andre sprung from the abyss out of kike delaneys pecker hole... He's a fucking joke.

  17. Total Fascism - what a stupid name. It's totally fascist dude!

  18. Keith and Rich,

    If either of you see this, maybe on your next show you could read what Anonymous 1:07 PM wrote, and address what was raised. It could make for an interesting discussion and further clarify for listeners what goals you are working for.

    Thank you for your shows and for your approach in doing them. They definately make people think, react and question.


  19. I find it more than a little funny not all that long ago Richie and Keith went off on a long rant slamming all other sites and programs asking for money.

    They went on and on about it only costing them $40 per month to run their show and site and because it is so cheap there's no excuse for people not to start their own shows.

    This was not a passing comment rather a lengthy typical bitch fest.

    You will NEVER ask for money Richie and Keith..... Yeah right.

    Do I need to go back in the archives and quote you exactly with date of program?

    Please don't ask me to do that, it's painful enough as it is.

    Have no doubt others recall the same statements and insulting others for doing so.

  20. Rich and Keith are cunts

    Rich and Keith are no good

    Rich and Keith are FAGS

    Rich and Keith are crypto JEWS

    Come on guys... and on... let's make this a song!!!

    And yeah... you're right Anon, how dare they ask for money to build something bigger than a BlogTalkRadio show.

    How selfish of them.

    Fuck those guys, they should pay for it themselves!

  21. You want money? Submit a PLAN besides bashing the brainwashed masses. We need to go after the ones that brainwashed them and forced our present immigration policies down our throats. You get down with that shit before you ask for $40 T-Shirts.

    That OK with you Rich? Huh?

  22. Anon @2:50 PM

    -Because struggling, working class Americans apparently need to go to redice and learn about astro-theology in order to save them.

    -because you say the jews want a materialist society and then encourage every American to abandon their only religion.

    -because worshiping a tree like pagans will help everybody pay their mortgage and send their kids to a good school.

    Your're either a jew-tool or some clown that thinks red-ice lunatics will solve everyones problems.

  23. Anon 1:07 pm

    Very well said.

    Arrogant and small minded pair running this show.

    Also short sighted.

  24. Anon @ 1:46

    If youre proposing that CI is the answer to our problems, youre a jew. If you're gonna twist and contort the jew-bible and try to teach whites a new religion out of it, we might as well tell them the truth, that the jews pulled those stories out of pagan mythos. As far as Im converned worshipping nature is a hell of a lot healthier and realistic han worshipping an evil jew ghost.

  25. Anon @ 1:46

    If youre proposing that CI is the answer to our problems, youre a jew. And if youre gonna twist and contort the jew bible and try to teach whites a new religion out of it, we might as well tell them the truth that the jews pulled and twisted those stories out of the pagan mythos. As far as Im concerned worshipping nature is a hell of a lot more healthy and realistic than hailing your allegience to some evil, made up jew ghost.

  26. Rich and Keith will accomplish nothing with any money collected just like any other sites.

    All they will do is bitch its our fault for not sending in enough.

    Watch it happen folks.

  27. It was good to hear Mike Sledge call in and say what needed to be said about Christian Identity! It's badddddd news.

  28. Kike Delaney and wigger Andre are obviously lackeys for Yeagerstein and the CI(A) shitheads. All they do is write hit pieces on real thinkers, worship Zionist Hitler, and get into fake fights with other shills to confuse the shit out of people who are trying to figure out who to listen to. Its so fucking obvious that the neo-nazi crowd is run by Jews. Its the Frank Collins (Cohen) movement all over again in internet form. Fucking kikes and their mind games. If anyones interested in a real solution, its still over at subvertednation.net

  29. Beverly Hilton-MeyersFebruary 10, 2013 at 9:54 PM

    "Kike, wigger, lackeys, Yeagerstein, shitheads, worship Zionist Hitler, neo-nazi......yeah, ok, I get it. Where to go? Oh, ok subvertednation with Mr Austin. The guy that was working out of Pensacola Naval Base? That guy? Pointing a gun at a camera looking like he is ready to do some killing? That guy? Ok.

  30. LOL you probably think that americans will be goosestepping in the near future. Welcome to planet earth buddy. Adam Austin proposed the ONLY realistic solution to solving the eternal jewish problem, which is why his realoathkeepers site, paypal button, and basic guide for revolutionaries book were all banned. You're definetely a kike or a complete retard.


  31. "Goosestepping"? Do you fear it?

    What Germany did was not for export. Hitler mentioned that. Germany and America are very different. Some of what worked there against the inbred parasites might work here, but not all of it.

    Adam Austin still living on the base? Officers quarters or enlisted? Full base privileges?


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