February 20, 2013

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.02.20

Let’s Get Physical: Those in the Know Are Taking It Seriously

-Five years ago in March, One Radio Network takes to the air and weekly show with Andrew Gause. What is different in the financial world today?
-Cuts always go first to those that directly affect the people
-Do the Boys have a plan moving forward?
-Andy goes into the mechanics and amazing amount of paper shorts and longs in the metals market that the Boys have done in the past week
-The NY Fed continues to pour money into the banks of the EU
-Physical possession will be the buzzword of this decade
-Hank Greenberg and Andy talk about the AIG rout four years ago
-JP Morgan’s destruction of Bear Sterns mimics the same play 100 years ago with the Knickerbocker Trust
-The Boys control the supply and demand side of everything
-Coming soon, more free trade between USG and EU
-David Stockman and Andy and the Unified budget, (code word for stealing the Social Security Trust Fund that started in 1967
-Scott the Trader sends an email with his chart predictions and Andy comments
-G-20 currency wars, currency worries, Ms. Lagard says we are cooperating.
-Heavy hitter Marc Faber talks about his gold strategy
-The Chicago Plan would end fractional reserve banking – the Boys will pass on this
-Pensions funds, retirement funds and the future

The Real World of Money Archive 

Andrew's Site



  1. This guy is a clown.

    He talks the game of the enemy in the enemy's own language.

    Is he a kike?

    Might as well be.

  2. Caveat auditor ((c)1943 Ezra Pound).

    And now.... caveat lector:


  3. Gauss knows a lot about how the monetary system works. Nothing wrong with learning. However, I don't agree with his conclusions nor would I ever buy a numismatic coin from him or anyone else.

    This guy's gotta be shitting himself over the beating that precious metals have been taking over the last few months. Silver is down to 28 and change.

  4. Silver will be almost $150 before year is out. Gold will push up close to $4K

  5. "The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and, thus, on God Himself."

  6. I usualy do not like silence when I'm in bed unless I have a woman with me. When I don't, I let Tempone and Gause put me to sleep.

    They have great insight on how to realize your American dream unfortunately I always fall asleep before being given the secret.

    Sacré bleu!!! LOL

  7. We need more Gause for our injured intellect.


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