February 27, 2013

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.02.27

Martin Luther King. Charles takes calls too.

Show Notes

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  1. Poor guy. I understand Charlie now. Charlie is a white liberal that is still brainwashed with Cultural Marxism. He has never lived among the non-whites (slept, showered, eaten) that he has been brainwashed to believe are white people with just different outside "skin".

    Throw Charlie into a primarily non-white living condition and this guy will wake up real fast to life/biology.

    Charlie's lack of knowledge about biology/race is similar to his lack of knowledge about Religion/Christianity. In both cases the poor guy was duped by Judeo brainwashing/deceptions his whole life.

    1. You are a jewfuck pig. Your very comment shows it you POS jewpig troll. You are obviously aware of the jewpig agenda of racial mixing worldwide you parasite. Death to all of you once and for all.

  2. Yeah, sure, Charlie doesn't know a damn thing about Christianity. LMAO

  3. LOL,JEWS(CI and others) are realy doing their best to try to assacinate the caracter of Charles giuliani!
    They can not cope with the honesty and truth that this GREAT guy presents!

    He makes mestakes like we all do!
    But all this atacks sinds CI DEBATE are for sure orderd by the ruller!
    THE REAL JEWS(CI)and FAKE JEWS(CI) have joind forces,its obvious!

    Great show mr Giuliani,much respect from Slovakia!

  4. When the economy collapses, beware anyone hanging out with Guiliani. Nevermind the government, when black flash mobs rush your door for canned food, Guiliani would let them in. Leaving your daughters to be beaten and raped by black criminals. I wouldnt trust this guy to walk my dog let alone have my back in the inner city.

  5. Last comment is a perfect example of a brain dead christogaynia zombie!

  6. What I'm loving is these secularist White Supremicists who loved it when Charlie was bashing Christianity; now freak out that
    he has turned his attention to their sacred cows LOL

    1. What sacred cow is that? The one where we don't adopt retarded black children?

  7. Maybe Charlie can do a show on Negro History & Culture; after all, its Negro History Month.

  8. You can be anti-CI and anti-race traitorism at the same time. White supremecist is a jew word. Have some respect for your culture that has been supreme to all others. History and biology don't lie.

  9. correction, you can't be pro CI and sane

    1. True, but I wouldnt consider secular whites that embrace multiculturalism and jew movies about blacks as sane either. Paganistic spirituality coupled with racial loyalty is the logical answer to saving the White race.

  10. Boystown is only the tip of the iceberg, you dickhead, giuliani

  11. Well obviously we whites are not "supreme" as we let jews run our government, medical, schools, hollyweird, and also let our women get with black men and other women. But for the few seperatists out there, we are diamonds in the rough. Meanwhile, even you so called jew wise guiliani followers suck up the offical judaic sewage on how we must embrace diversity and race mix. No thanks jews.

  12. Race traitors are worse than the Jews.

  13. Interesting call at 1h12m from Mike Collins about among other things, Anthony "Hilder" (Myron Fagan's Illuminati/CFR 1967 speech LP).


    More Mike Collins at


  14. Wow, so much information was given in this show today, that I need to relisten. Charles and Mike Collins, and other callers, who do you trust.

  15. http://archive.org/details/SurvivalOfTheWhiteRace_127

    Ben Klassen audio from 1973


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