February 22, 2013

Truth Jihad Radio with Kevin Barrett 2013.02.20

Go to Description Surprisingly decent show for an AFR broadcast.

Kevin's blog

32k CF Download


  1. Very good stuff from Jones. Would love to hear him tear Rabbi Rivero a new hole.

  2. EM Jones is always brilliant.

    *In hoc signo vinces*

  3. Yep, the kosher self-chosenites in Iran leaving porn dvds on family's doormats overnight... very telling.

    You ever ask, given the strange explosion of free internet porn tube sites, with no visible means of revenue; how any of them make any money, when they're giving full videos of every away for free without limit? I propose, it's psy-warfare via porn, ultimately funded by taxpayers- a zion.mil black-op against us, deliberately making porn addicts with all the stunting of social growth which comes with. Then we also have:

    "College Hosts Sex, Masturbation Tutorial – Inside A Church"

    and this from July 2011:

    In this discussion about Libido Dominandi featuring E. Michael Jones, we see how the elites use pornography as a form of social control masquerading as freedom.

    Israel broadcasts pornography after Ramallah invasion
    American freedom as pornography
    Media wars – Catholics vs Jews


  4. Yep no question. But people don't even want to see the core issues at play here. Like Jones says 'there's no freedom outside the moral order'.

    Most people (including me) just aren't able to resist this level of temptation and there's no doubt it's being funded. If everyone's acting like animals 24/7, then you'd probably rather keep the jews in power and they know it.

  5. Barrett probably initially booked Jones to discuss the papal resignation. Barrett wrote recently at VT on the subject (
    Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?
    -- a bunch of kosher rubbish which probably surpasses VT’s 40% disinfo standard), where he quotes Jones as saying the resignation was unprecedented. It makes no sense then why the topic didn’t come up in the Truth Jihad interview. I can only guess that Jones censored it as a precondition for the interview, presumably because his research depends upon Church / Vatican resources. Understandable if so, but both Barrett and Jones could have at least tactfully alert the listener to this, seems underhanded otherwise.

  6. EMJ thinks Rockefellers are part of the WASP establishment? Did I hear that right? And he's written among others a 1000+ page book on this subject area??


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