March 19, 2013

Call of the Ancestors with Siegfried 2013.03.19

Mike Sledge, host of ReConstructions Live from over at Renegade Broadcasting will be my guest on tonight’s show.  We will be discussing the origins of the cultural and Geo-political events, the 1960′s counter culture revolution as well as its results still found today.  Calls from people who were actually there are highly encouraged, of course!

Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio



  1. Great show Sieg and Mike, much appreciated. The show on YT:

  2. Good to see this show posted here again

  3. John Lennon was not only maoist and trotskist, but also jewish himself! So metioning about them "sig-hailing", Lennon telling how entertainment is spart of jewish religion and hitler cover is all bullshit. By the way, when journalist asked what he meant by that remark, Lennon refused to answer.

    All so called "pop culture" from Elvis hysteria to lady Gaga is all jewish dominated with only one goal in mind: complete destruction of western culture and people's.

  4. Great music selections go along with a very interesting conversation.

  5. Just an afterthought on the 1968 democratic convention.What really infuriated the Chicago Cops and brought their wrath down on the yippies was when the protesters began lighting bags of excrement and threw them at the cops.That right there should tell you who orchestrated the whole debacle.

  6. The wrath was not brought down on the YIPPIES.It was brought down on the stupid goy protesters who obeyed the orders of the Jew YIPPIES.[youth international party]

  7. Absolutely phenomenal show with great music! Good job Sieg and Mike! Dave McGowan would be a great guest as a follow up to this show.

  8. @11.52AM
    John Lennon was not only maoist and trotskist, but also jewish himself!

    Kindly provide a source - or is this just aspirational?


  9. Seems almost everyone the jews kill turn out to be jewish (after death). Very curious.

  10. This what I have been able to find about John Lennon and jews
    "Lennon delighted in mocking Epstein for his homosexuality and for the fact that he was Jewish.[149] When Epstein invited suggestions for the title of his autobiography, Lennon offered Queer Jew; on learning of the eventual title, A Cellarful of Noise, he parodied, "More like A Cellarful of Boys".[150] He demanded of a visitor to Epstein's flat, "Have you come to blackmail him? If not, you're the only bugger in London who hasn't."[149] During the recording of "Baby, You're a Rich Man", he sang altered choruses of "Baby, you're a rich fag Jew".[151][152]"

    Like anon 11:52am requested, a little proof please. Thanks

  11. The only jew in the band was ringo starky. McCartney married a jewess, which seems to happen with a lot on non-jew pop stars- Brian Wilson, Zappa, to name a couple others.


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