March 24, 2013

Die Drachenhöhle with David in Texas 2013.03.24

David in Texas continues with Mike’s 3-21-13 Show Topics – I will continue with the Theme of Mike’s 3-21 topics: More on Gun Control, the Lies of National Socialist Gun Grabbing & Lincoln’s Bizarre Anti-Secession Arguments.

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  1. Still listening but at the beginning you talked about the Nationalist movements going on in South America. Because the Socialism that Gadaffi embraced was sharing the money from the resources not labor of productive people this was a good policy. Why if this pope is alligned with South American governments would he want to go further down the line of embracing judaism? Also there have been o many jewish led attacks on the Catholic church lately especisally the Jesuits he could react by retaliating and just expose what The Church has in the archives about the Holocaust and just make it policy to alienate itself from judaism altogether.

  2. You actually believe there is a chance the Jewish crime cult would install a Pope that would threaten the holyhoax? LOL


  3. The Red Cross has all figures anyone would ever need for looking into the holyhoax religion cult. The installed Pope gonna have better figs?

  4. Sorry aout calling Chavez Gadaffiin the last reply, before realizing it I already published it. Another thing the lists of Rabbi child molestations way exceed the ones by Catholic priests and the other secret of the blood passover child sacrafices could be used as a counter attack if the jews tried to use blackmail against this pope. I think that if there was any more cases that they would have already been exposed and doubt that they do have any more. Because so many Catholics have dropped out already he could appeal to the Catholics more by lashing out against the jews than going along with them. So what if the Church goes broke a new wave of altruism from Catholic people that are works of compassion towards other cultures would not have to be paid for by the Vatacan and he could sell his bathtub and donate his personal wealth which would make everyone like him. Otherwise the Church will just be hated more and more. Guys like that John guy would attract people. He should be Pope.

  5. Hail Satan...WTF???

  6. Yeah he needs to clarify the Satan / Lucifer allegiance - he ended his own shows with the exclamation as you stated but in another recent one with Kyle he seeme to take a traditional view of what position "Satan" occupied. Is he claiming Satan is another inversion, like Cain / Abel?

  7. Anon... i get what he's saying by hail Satan...

    God is evil... that is to say the Jehovah God they give us to worship is really quite evil. By that line of thinking they have made our gods into demons and their demons into our God and saints.

    Can you think of one time the devil killed, tortured or maimed? Right, i can't either.

    Lucifer is the morning sun... should we fear the morning sun? Satan is opposition... in a world of all sweetness and light, satan wants to mix it up... in a world of evil, satan fights on the side of good. Satan can be seen as change.

    And none of them were ever real... they are allegory. People need to figure that out.

    Be Satan... hail Lucifer. Be change and it's okay to enjoy the sun... it gives us life and health and chases away the shadows.

    That is all.

  8. you know he gets his philosophy of "Satanism" from blacksun666 site which is a white supremacist site LOL fucking idiots still don't get anything yet, it's not religion its the useless sick fucks who cant handle reality so choose to live in their own delusional beliefs that make them comfy. Fuck em.

  9. Let there be no mistake in J B Campbell's message: Your guns are the ONLY FINAL protection against 100% guaranteed upcoming jew-run MASS MURDER. The rest of the whole world of awakened individuals look with awe and hope that this gun privileges still available to ordinary American folks are USED when the moment comes.

    Here in Australia as in all other countries, we shall have to make do with knifes, pitchforks, sticks and stones in the face of fully militarized armed jew-controlled Governments bolshevik jews styled brutal mass murder and torture.

    Die fighting standing your grounds with guns blazing in your hands, never be tricked into surrendering only to be brutally slaughtered kosher-styled in typical jew sadism.

    We, ALL HUMANITY, have a sacred duty to EXTERMINATE JEWS. All LIFE and NATURE are with HUMANITY! If we fail, every jew will be extinct through something else. NATURE can never be defeated.

  10. Wooiitt...

    Yours is the wisest comment i've read in some time. I hope all can comprehend the gravity of that which we all face. Know that i do.

  11. Fuck Satan! Im not gonna Worship some half naked Goat Scheiss!!

  12. Satan is an allegory for the sun's kingdom, smart guy. The goat is fertility and the hermaphroditic appearance is for the two gender roles. Maybe youre into homosexuality though.



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