March 15, 2013

From The Bunker with Dire Wolf March 2013

An honest assessment of the "truth movement" as seen through the eyes of Dwolf.



  1. Thank GOD for the big closet in my one room apartment. Lol

  2. D Wolf ? who dat ?

  3. He's a listener who participates in the chatroom. I haven't listened yet.

  4. Good show dwolf, I agree with what you said and I think those in the know will to

  5. Great show Dwolf! Looking forward to more from you in the future. And I liked your question to all of us about who woke us up. For me, it was me. And I've definitely had that feeling about those who are still asleep--if they had any conscience or cared about something other than themselves, they would have woken up by now. FYI- Good intro too:)


  6. superb show for people who have been looking into many of the issues we deal with and the motivations of those who present themselves as truth tellers and leaders of the (movements).

    highly recomended


  7. If Amanda recommends we must give a listen when slave-time allows. I hope he doesn't yawn ten times in 2minutes like Francois Clouseau on Renegade Wildcard. lol

  8. So far , so good .

    This is the level of scepticism / cynicism that I can relate to .

    Music to my ears . Thanks .

    Reminds me a little of Jett and Jahn's style , without the stoner aspect .

    Has anyone got any thoughts on Jett and Jahn ? Why aren't their audios posted here ?

    They appear to be jew-wise , racialist stoners - what's not to like ?

    Are they phoney ?


  9. Looking forward to this one brother! All you nice people give this a listen, this is one cool cat.

  10. I used to follow him about 5 or 6 years ago, love his shows.

  11. Bollyn woke me up.

  12. Dire Wolf is the best. Really listening forward to this one. Thanks a million to the person who made this available here !

  13. "Don't try and wake people up." "Don't try and organize." "Alfred Rosenberg was a Jew." "People deserve what's coming to them." This has got to be the lamest show I've heard in a while.

    And to answer your question about a movement that changed society for the better: The National Socialists in Germany or "Nazis" as you call them to name one.

  14. This guy sounds like Randal from Clerks lol

  15. Seems like we all agree . Most of the troofers arent worth a sneeze .

    Exercise caution and hold on to the baby when chucking out the bathwater.

    Again I ask to the Grizzom fellas :

    What about Jett and Jahn ?

    Are they jews posing as Catholic stoners ?


  16. Ben G : I caught that too . I thought it was common knowledge that Rosenberg was not a jew .

    Wot eggsactlee Iz 'ver trooof ' ?

    This entire internet world is a fucking mine-field and a head fuck .

    I just wish it wasnt so addictive ..

    maybe I should get a life , get with a stupid but sexually available female and pretend to like the shit she's into .

    " A Rom-Com with Jennifer Aniston?
    Er , sure ..are you paying or shall we split it ? Oh , you've already booked and paid for the tickets ?

    Fuckin' jewish bullshit .."

    " What ? "

    " Oh nothin "


  17. How dare you challenge our beliefs?

    Challenge them bro, great show and keep it going. :)

  18. a great show! Loved it !!
    Alfred Rosenberg was NOT a JEW
    Please do some re-search
    By the way ....I have made beer :) Its a fun thing to do....and great to drink it :)

  19. you are looking for christ,otherwise you would not be here,unless you are anti-christ,the prodigal son

  20. I agree with Dwolf, trying to wake people up is a waste of energy for the most part. I used to try to "inform" everyone around me. I've cooled down in the last year or so and don't talk much about this stuff now. Natural remedies and poison prescriptions seems to be what the average person is open to. You talk about the Jews and you are looked at like you have three heads. The people I "offended" in the past are starting to want to talk to me again because I spend most of my time working in the garden, exercising, eating well, ect. I talk less and do more. I've stopped yelling at people and started leading by example, which has led me to "clean my act up". I quit smoking over a year ago. I was giving people health advice while smoking a cigarette.. So to validate myself in their eyes, I quit cigarettes!! Now people see that I put "my money where my mouth is" I back up what I say with action. Keep my mouth shut and lead through positive action. I'm attracting more people this way than with the bullhorn.
    The moral of the story; Fix yourself and the kind of people you want to attract will eventually come to you.

  21. DWolf hit it on the head. I can see through all these bullshit artists and charlatans just as easily as he can. EVERYONE that has notoriety in this movement is set up by the jew, including the 30 year old jew-masonic Golden Dawn Party. The jews laugh at us while we prostrate before their puppets and controlled opposition. And I'm sure I'll get called a jew for speaking the truth, but fuck it, all you "jew-wise" sheep can go suck Delaney and ZCF's chodes all day for all I care. Better yet, go worship your messiah Hitler for sending the jews to 'israel' and putting us in the mess we're in today. HE HAD THEM IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND, and what did he do? He gave them movie theaters and swimming pools while they were kept out of harms way. They trained the fucking kikes in the camps to fight the arabs in Palestine for shits sake. He let the enemy escape and regroup at Dunkirk, are you kidding me? This "movement" is a completely jewish charade. Fuck Yahweh, fuck hero worship and fuck all the "know-it-alls" that will jump on me and act like they were there in 1940 and that putting the past on a pedestal isn't counterproductive.

  22. Anon @ 1:58, "Christ" was a circumcised jew and a mythical character. You're either a jew troll or a dumb fuck.

  23. Anon @ 8:37, finally somebody with some sense. The worship of these jew-infested organizations like the Nazi and Golden Dawn parties is truly pathetic. The jews pre-co-opt every movement that they see coming years in advance. The Nazi party had tens of thousands of jews within it's ranks. All we have to do is look at the end results of their motives to know what happened. They fucking BROUGHT the kikes to "the holy land", the Rothschild-owned territory exactly where they wanted to go. Use your brains people. And this olive-branch toting, beligerant Golden Dawn party is just the modern version of the elite-worshipping fascist controlled opposition. Some anon on another post linked to all tge evidence proving it was spawned from the jew-mason-founded Hermetic order of Golden Dawn. They fucking use hebrew books in their secretive rites and hierarchy. What a fucking joke, I mean really.

  24. ROSENBERG not a jew? That's funny. And why is it so hard to believe? There was 150,000 jews in Hitler's army. The (ashke)NAZI party is more like it. The founding of israel with the transferred jews was what resulted.

  25. D Wolfe says he wasted his time but if he had not wasted his time he would not be in a position to comment intelligently.We are in a high tech age and I do not see people going back to gardening let alone making their own beer.Waking up is a painful process and we need to sort out the good info and prepare for the upcoming crash.We need young idealistic blood and the elders need to guide them.Wolfe seems burnt out,which is understandable but there is work to do here when the time comes.We must have answers to those questioning and be prepared to act,not garden.That is just the reality we are in. We must be prepared for the fight that is on the horizon and have our ideology intact and correct.Listening to the urgency of an Alex Jones ten years ago did not help.In 2005 I knew that Jones/ time line was way premature and also noticed that whenever I read an infowars article it was way exaggerated.I say do not give up .This movement has taken a turn,a leap in consciousness in just the last year or two.Your age is showing brother.You are way TOO laid back as we enter into the real shit right now.In 2003 things were sill relatively stable compared to now and the near future will have many more questioning as they are in Europe.

  26. The best defense is a good offense.MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.THAT IS A FACT ! You are sounding quite pacifistic.You are actually speaking like a defeated man.Why get on a site and encourage people to lay down.Get on skype with 4 or 5 people ? Grow a garden ? Make beer ? How about if we pick flowers and chase hole ? If that is all you learned from 20 plus years of study ? Come on man,If you can't come up with better solutions than that pussy stuff,just get the fuck out of the way and put a muzzle on it.

    A lot of positive comments here which tells me that people are easily swayed even in our own community.We just have to get their attention and provide a real alternative in the spirit of Sledge.Not so many comments on his broadcasts though,are there ?UNBELIEVABLE.

  27. JandJ are the best thing out there but they haven't been doing many podcasts lately. Besides, most ppl here are heathens and whatever retarded concept of paganism they came up with while stoned.

    They're also the only funny podcasters out there. Everyone else has a stick up their ass or bitter clowns.

  28. Heathens? Wtf. Go worship your circumcised kike on a stick and be happy as a slave to yahweh. This movement doesnt need any kike-fairy worshipers on it's side, only if it wants to fail miserably.

  29. We need to understand that this passive/aggressive bitch talk will get us exactly what the Ukrainians got.Fuck your gardening.War has been declared motherfucker and your faggot sounding broadcast makes me sick.Why don't you go join a hippie commune somewhere or go hug a tree.Like anon said if you are not part of the solution,get the fuck out of the way.We know that you have given up,so why not just shut up.Z.C.F. put more together in a year than you did in a lifetime.So take the last few pages out of the book if you do not want to be associated with his response.We do not need to run and hide in the garden planting seeds.We need to be planting seeds of destruction.Then we can reconstruct if...we apply our scientific knowledge to the problem that is at our doorstep and act upon it aggressively, like our warrior ancestors did.

    As far as being woken up,we all were presented this information.Nobody woke themselves up period.This awareness was not born in a vacuum.There was no flash of light.Nobody was struck down from their horse.The info.was passed on to us by another human being or a podcast or a manuscript.This guy wants us to believe that he woke himself up as he listened to Jewns for two years.I would say that Jewns started the ball rolling for him and many others in the last decade,among others like Eustace Mullins,Maxwell,Icke and the rest of the group.Don't want to fess up to that ? Sorry folks but you were all woken up to this malady through the information.All of the not bad.So let us take this to the next level and keep plugging away.Forget this guy.He is through.More negativity and hopelessness.Definitely he needs to dig down deep and rekindle his warrior spirit ,if he ever had one.

  30. I miss the DWolf I heard interview Adam Austin a few years back. He's right that we need to grow our own food and be self sustainable, but we also need to be warriors against the eternal jewish problem. Anyone serious about being free from jewish power needs to read Adam Austin's book at

  31. Highly recommend a blog, then trash "95-98%" of its content and apparently the owner will agree with what you said. How odd.
    The criticisms were incredibly nitpicky. ROTP Keith johnson was slagged off for his association with TUT where Mark Glenn posted a pic that was "possibly" photoshopped. How is that relevant to Keith's show? It's not. The other bitching was more of the same.
    The whole thing sounded like a feeble excuse for not doing anything. Sit in a cave, make your beer, sow a few seeds, then roll over and have your throat cut.

  32. Anon 12:16pm Said:

    "In the Spirit of Sledge"

    Should that be the Motto of the re-hashed concept of "National Protectionism"?

    Or is Sledge motivated against Jewry because he has resentments towards his Jewish ex-wife?

  33. @ anon who wrote: "HE HAD THEM IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND, and what did he do? He gave them movie theaters and swimming pools while they were kept out of harms way."

    Very crafty little greasy paid ADL troll right there pretending to be on your side and lamenting that 'now you're going to call me a Jew, boo hoo hoo,' then simultaneously throwing in his wish that the Jew-promoted false history of Hitler and the National Socialists gassing 6 million Jews was true.

    The goal of these paid trolls is to basically get people to act like and approve of the Hollywood black-propaganda version of Hitler, to start going around claiming that the very humanity and dignity of Hitler and the National Socialists was their weakness and that they SHOULD HAVE killed 6 million Jews. Only in this way they could have prevented Israel from being 'created.'

    This is what that clown George Lincoln Rockwell used to promote in the 1960's, the false Hollywood version of Hitler and other white supremacists like William Pierce started off in GLR's 'nazi' party. He even loved the allied propaganda term 'nazi' which the Germans never called themselves. He thought he was 'scaring Jews' by using it, the Jackass, completely ignoring the obvious fact that Jews came up with the derogatory slang term 'nazi' in the first place.

    The other douchebag agents and useful idiots (which one makes no difference, result is the same) like Alex Linder and newer clowns like Adam Austin and Bill Finck promote the same wish that the Hollywood version of Hitler was true. The ADL trolls love these people and their new tactic is to promote as a weakness the fact that Hitler didn't kill the Jews but gave them pools and cinemas and soccer fields and maternity wards and just wanted them out of Germany.

    Guys like Karl Radle and Eric Hunt of Last Days of the Big Lie are stupid as shit, by the way, when they go on VNN forum and freely associate with that openly delcared genocidal maniac Linder. Hunt makes a film praising Hitler for NOT being a genocidal maniac as charged & absolving Germans of 60 years of vicious slander for crimes they did not commit and then goes on VNN & hangs out with Alex Linder who IS an openly declared genocidal maniac, wants Jews exterminated and who plays the Hollywood version of Hitler for Jews. Eric Hunt doesn't see the contradiction in this and what a ridiculously laughable ass-clown and useful idiot he looks like as a member of VNN forum.

    At the same time, it's even more laughable and kind of encouraging that the ADL trolls have come to the impasse of trying to promote pip-squeak ass-clowns like Adam 'throw-all-the-Jews-in-a-woodchipper' Austin who petered out his pathetic operation with Prostink's old buddy JAM Jr. years ago.


    And they're really distressed that nobody's buying their shit anymore. Really distressed that they can't herd all the anti-Zionists and anti-Jews into one gate and defame and demonize them all under one 'genocidal maniacs' label.

  34. Sledge was married to a jew? That explains why he puts the 30-year-old KYP/CIA-funded jew-masonic Golden Dawn party on a pedestal.

  35. Anon @ 5:28, you're trying way too hard to grasp onto your messianic isolatry of Hitler. He wasn't perfect by any means, and had a lot of suspicious connections and shared motives with the jews. We don't need another christ-esque figure in this movement, and we definetely don't need to hold hitler on a pedestal to beat the jews. His image is tarnished no matter how you slice it, so if he was or wasnt controlled opposition, fuck it, the jews would love if we argued about trivial details forever anyway. We need to rise like a phoenix with our own symbols and rhetoric and stop playing the jew's game of living in the past. We need to take what worked from germany's regime (definetely not catering to the jews and sending them exactly where they want to) and turn it into something modern and untarnished. Most of you wont like that idea because you've been trained to think messianically, but its the right way to move forward.

  36. I can guarantee that Adam Austin's site and BANNED book can wake up twice as many people twice as fast as ZCF's childish plagurism "Zion is bad" book. The kikes need to be dealt with for the 110th time CORRECTLY, and labeling them as "Zionists" is anything BUT the correct way to deal with these slippery monsters.

  37. jesus christ started this movement 2000 years ago.our christian morality is our greatest strength,and a not cut off your nose to spite your face,this is what they want you to do.

  38. Correction Anon, *jewsus* christ the mythical kike fairy started this mind control 2000 years ago when he was forced upon the Roman Empire to disintegrate them with suicidal teachings such as "sell all thou hast", "love thy enemies", and "lay not riches upon the earth but in heaven". We wouldnt be in this situation if the Romans didn't accept this idolatrous garbage from the jewish essenes. So fuck off to yahweh land or for those not yet acquainted with your malicious and assinine cult yet.

  39. Scorpio's 'grand conspindustry hour' used to put me to sleep faster than valium until his last 2shows. His last 2 shows were quite good.

    Giuliani and Spingola do just fine with a daily show.

    'From the Bunker' should be re-named 'the Slash-Your-Wrists' hour or 'the Pessimists Hour' with suicidal Wolf in Dire Straits. LOL

    'Learn how to garden' lol

    Get the fuck outa here !!

    My gardening comes directly from Hemp USA in big 25 pound barrels of hemp protein and 5 pound barrels of hemp coffee. That's right I pay money for it and only spend 10 minutes ordering it. What's the most nutritious plant on the planet ? Hemp, that's what. Like anyone has time to waste digging in the fucking dirt for some tomatoes and eggplants 6 months at a time. lol

    Make beer in your closet ? Get the fuck outta here !! How long is that disgusting, smelly activity going to take ?

    Weeks of time wasted to the purpose of killing my brain cells and adding inches to my waist ? How long before all that time wasted is repaid by the few stinking dollars I save from having to go buy a six pack of beer from non-fluoridated countries myself.

    Zion Crime Factory is 'a child'? Let's see you make a blog and write a blog that's half as well-written as even one this 'child's' articles. Let's see you make appearances on Spingola and Giuliani and other shows that are half as informative as what this 21 year old 'child' managed to do. Then maybe we can call your 50 year old ass 'an illiterate infant.' LOL

    People all 'deserve what they got coming' ? What the fuck is this the new-age hippie karma hour ?

    "And here's the clincher: the media knows that those models are unattainable. They're ahead of us. They already know that you can't attain it and are ready and waiting. This is what the danger of the 'pied-piper' really is. They already know that you are going to be in mire of self-condemnation, frustration and depression because, in fact, those models are unattainable. They're ultimately completely fictitious but they do this knowing that you are not going to attain it, not gain the approval of other people and that you're just going to waste all this time, money and energy and then be so self-sadistic that you'll have a whole cocktail of other psychic disorders. It's ok to have models, I've got them myself but those are the models that encourage you to do as they do. Even Jesus Christ said 'What I can do, you can do also.' " -- Michael Tsarion on Vantage Point Radio with Michael Vail - 5/16/2010

    "Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."
    - Thomas A. Kempis

  40. everybody knows it's the christians who promote the porn,it's the christians who promote the alternative gay lifestyle,it's the christians who promote the feminism,it's the christians who promote the godless atheism of bolshevik russia,it's the christians who sell drugs to children,it's the christians who run the media,it's the christians who run the banks,yeah,the christians demoralized rome,and all of europe,it's obvious.

  41. Stupid annons don't know that the Roman senate was already fearing 'international jews' before they heard of Jesus. Without Christianity, all whites born today would be sex-slaves for some filthy arab or kike.

  42. direnoob, "i mean come on"

    nothing of value here, 0 zero

  43. I heard nothing of this:

    Dearborn Independent / Henry Ford

    "The Money Question, properly solved, is the end of the Jewish Question and every other question of a mundane nature." Vol. III, p.221 (Chapter LIX: "Jewish Idea of Central Bank for America".

    George Whitehurst-Berry, money commentator, ex GCN 2nd top ranker joined OBN only 3 weeks ago and the first half of both his shows are technically a mess. The second show is good at least from second half. CF

    Totally unconnected, naturally.


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