March 31, 2013

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast March 29, 2013

In honor/memorium of the events taking place on Good Friday, 33 A.D. we offer the reading of St. Matthew’s The Passion.





  1. "Let his bloob be upon us and our children" - Jews

    OK np Jews,you got it

  2. Yes, spill much bloob!

    It is a menstrual festival, after all :)

  3. The Voice of SanityMarch 31, 2013 at 12:43 PM

    Jesus was invented by the gospel writers, the ultimate product of syncretism. In other words the crucifixion never happened, it is a story. Just thought I'd let you all know.

    There is no angry sky god out to get you, there is no hell or devil, there is no eternal punishment and thus there is no need for a savior god. Furthermore, no one can do a magic blood sacrifice for your sins.

    The entire Jewish written gospels are myth that bind the gentiles or non Jewish people to Jewish legal system. Even Jesus was impotent and couldn't save himself from the state. How is he going to save you if he couldn't save himself?

    So if you wish to free yourself from the system of Jewish predation you need to quit believing in Jewish myths. If you all turn to sanity and away from the spell then we can put the Jewish parasites in jail and lock them all up for insanity.

    The Bible is causing mass insanity, for instance Christians are taught not to murder yet Christians went to Iraq and murdered, somehow their deeds are disconnected from the teachings. Bible indoctrination is getting the gentiles to do the most heinous things for the Jewish overlords.

    When you read, memorize the Bible you are programming your mind to be Jewish, even if you are a Christian by reading the Bible you are becoming a Jew, to think like a Jew, to behave like a Jew.
    If you doubt this then explain how a hundred million Evangelical Christians are rabid Zionists.

  4. Well its Easter and billions are whoreshipping the Jew fairytale, the biggest gospel lesson of Jesus getting dead is that HE OBEYED THE STATE. Jesus followed the rules, he obeyed the authorities and was put to death because of this misconception that government is in charge of people.

    So if Jesus was "god" he should of been able to figure out that one. I agree with the Voice of Sanity, Jesus is a fable.

  5. Go away kike. You know your day will come so you're trying to lead others away from their redemption. It's a shame you couldn't see the light (not really) but even those rabid evangelicals will turn on you soon.

    You obviously know that many of them only support Israel because they want to see the jews go up in smoke hhahahah.

  6. quote "Go away kike. You know your day will come so you're trying to lead others away from their redemption. It's a shame you couldn't see the light (not really) but even those rabid evangelicals will turn on you soon."

    Obviously a CI from Kikeville, USA or otherwise called ZION CRIME FACTORY

    Only a Jew would want a gentile to be saved by a dead kike on a stick. Go whoreship your JewZeus who died only in your imagination.

  7. Jews hate the New Testament. Jews killed Christ.

    You can read the NT or the Talmud.

    Love the mixed nuts and assorted ravings!

  8. in the four gospels, jesus christ promotes submission to god, morality, and opposition to talmudic jews, which is common judaism today.

    this is the opposite of judaism. they promote, atheism and immorality. they promote opposition to judaism, but only when they can gain sympathy from it.

    anti-christian sentiment has only been counter-productive in the opposition to the jews.

  9. Some things jews simply cannot stand.

    Jesus Christ
    Adolf Hitler
    White self determination
    Those of us not blinded by the jew

  10. Looks like my comments had some affect on Glenn. It was starting to get a bit obvious that TUT was a muslim op. with all the pro-Islam talk, and constant Christian/Catholic bashing + 2 jews on the network.

    Hopefully this is not just a gimmick and MG stops with his 'Christ's Church got it wrong 2000 years ago, but I'm still Catholic guys'... We;ll see.

    Previous anon was correct too. Apart from the odd pagan/wicca fool... all this 'dead kike on a stick' talk is there to turn you into another useless materialist slave to the jews.


  11. "Jews hate Jesus", what a fucking pile of garbage. They created the fucking religion you worthless kike worshipers! Come save us Jeebus so we dont have to do anything ourselves! All we can do is repeat verses out of a jew book and hope Abraham's fictional grandson comes back to life and pulls us into another dimension!


  13. The Christ killing Jews are a Cursed people!


  14. What does the Talmud say about Jesus Christ?

    If the jews created him as a myth, why would they spew so much JEW HATE for him? Writing words describing him boiling in excrement?
    Can this be from healthy minds? Or, from diseased brains within a cult of inbred racists?

    JC or Hitler. I cannot say either was real or not. I have no witness to them. I can only RESPECT what both represent because of the JEW HATRED directed towards both of them.

    The Jews also have a hatred for those that call themselves "Christians". They spit on them and use them. I am not a Christian, but I am interested in some Christian values, Jew created or not, because of Jewish behavior towards them.

    Whatever the Jew hates or dislikes is what attracts me. Each time doing so, I find facts and truths.

    The Jew gig is about over. Will be a wonderful site when all those holyhoax museums get plowed over.

  15. "The Christ killing Jews are a Cursed people!"

    Correct. What many don't realize is that 2000 years ago, the Jews were in place to take over the Roman Empire. They were 10% of the Empire (compared to 2% now) and even Roman Senators were afraid of their influence... remind you of anything today?

    So without the advent of Christ, (the ultimate irony by God) having him turn up in the midst of Jewry... they would of had their Jew World Order back then. If it wasn't for the Christian ethos, fighting the Jew, we'd all be living in a world where 99% of us would be lifelong slaves.

    Christ is the one who made it clear that Jews are not just filthy, but they are 'cursed by God' and this is why they hate Him more than anything.


  16. Jews have been spreading this ant-christ crap for 2000 years, in the guise of opposition to jewry.

    It's 100% phoney and about run it's course.

    I feel sorry for people who fall for this garbage,they're most likely the people getting face tattoos and weird piercings.

    Some folks just can't figure out when a trend is dead.

  17. LOVE the "scholarship" and fine Jew droppings of the ravers.

  18. The latest CI (that's christ insanity) ruse is to make the blanket claim that only a Jew hates Christianity or CI, etc.

    CI = 100% Jewish psyop

    Rational people do not believe in myth, Judaism and Christianity are supremacy myths, anyone can figure this out and not want to be a Christian of a Jew or any combination thereof.

    The insane Jew actually believes he is chosen by god, this creates a supremacist attitude and is the cause of much problems. The Christian keeps the supremacy alive by believing that only the Christian (usually of a particular denomination) goes to heaven or gets saved.

    The CI adherent is a special type of loon, not only do they believe in the plagiarized Jesus sun god story they have twisted the Bible into a pretzel believing that white Europeans are the true Jews! By some magic they connect the happenings of an insane desert baked brain fried Rabbinic middle eastern cult to northern Europe somehow. What a load of donkey droppings!

    The stench of CI has reached heaven and god is taking a big diarrhea dump all over them. Open your mouth Kike Delaney and swallow a load from your Lord.

  19. Some things the Jews absolutely love:

    1. Jesus the Jew savior god who dupes all the non Jews into Jewish worship.

    2. A nation of pacified Christian sheeple easily led into Jewish wars.

    3. White supremacy that is racist so that they can label any anti-Jew as an antisemite and racist.

    4. Kike Delaney and the CI cult of supremacists that keeps Jewish way alive and well.

  20. Easter Sunday billions of brainwashed idiots will be whoreshipping the Jew gods.

    only insane people believe:

    1. that Jesus died for their sins

    2. that a dead man came back to life

    3. that this fictional dead man is still alive and can save them

    4. that god would choose one group over another

    5. that Jesus is the savior god for the rest of humanity from the insane Jewish god Jehovah

    6. that the psychopath nutball Yahwey is a loving god

    7. that Jews believe in a loving god

    8. that the Jewish god should be worshipped by non Jews

    9. that there is a hell or devil or judgement

    10. that eternal punishment is fair and just

    11. that people need to be changed or circumcized or saved or go to church or do blood animal or human sacrifices to a sky god

    12. that god would pick the most evil tribe that ever existed as his personal reps (lol)

    14. that depraved Jewish ideas of total genocide and destruction represent a creator god

    15. that Jesus has anything to do with the pagan fertility rites of Easter when Christianity is an anti-sex death cult



  23. The Christian Identity movement is an FBI front, for the most part.

  24. nobody on this thread has promoted christian identity, besides anti-christ. hmmmmm

  25. Mark Glenn doesn't understand the first thing about what Christianity really is, a program to get Gentiles to convert to Judaism via the proxy god Jesus.

    Jesus affirmed the law, he affirmed Jewish legal system that still rules the west today. The Bible is a book of rules for Gentiles to accept Jewish law.

    Sorry Mark, you have great show but no one gets saved.

  26. Jesus Christ = anti-jew

    anti-Christ = pro-jew


  27. anti-Christ = destroyer savior god who destroys Christianity

    by destroying the bastard offspring of Judaism (ie Christianity and Islam) all non Jews are freed of Jewish bondage

    by destroying the black magic spell of the Jews on non Jews everyone who still happens to survive the Apocalypse can now see the Jews for who they really are

    All remaining Jews and their sayanim are then hunted down to extinction and the world is finally free of the parasite

    so if you think about it the antichrist is really the good guy

  28. Jewier and jewier. real tasty! deep scholarship from the internets.

  29. 6:23, you don't know the first thing about academic bible scholarship, critical or apologetic. So you can't really comment.


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