March 05, 2013

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast March 4, 2013

If you hate Mark Glenn don't listen.


Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures


  1. How about flinging some poo instead, Blue? I'm so mad at Mark for making me hate myself I can't stand it.

  2. I didn't either. He might have tried to make me feel guilty for supporting avid research of the Sandy Hook hoax.

  3. Who writes the stuff on Nodisinfo? Gordon Duff? Sure sounds like the nonsense he comes out with on VT.

  4. Patty said...
    Most people in the truth movement, the overwhelming majority, know that Sandy Hook was a govt/media staged event, and a rather sloppy one at that, for the sole purpose of furthering gun control.There is a plethora of circumstantial evidence to prove the whole thing was a hoax. In our Orwellian world, lies, deception, false history and staged events is the new normal. Actually, I think it was always this way but, thanks to the internet, their crimes are exposed.

    What disturbs me more than Sandy Hook, however, is the reaction of Mark Glenn and the entire crew at the Ugly Truth, regarding this event. I really need to get this off my chest. How is it that every single radio host affiliated with TUT believed the official story? Why did they viciously attack those who did not believe it? The name-calling, ridicule, and smearing of all of us in the "Sandy Hook cult" was akin to Mark waging psychological warfare against his audience. According to Mark and his posse, we are "mental cases, kooks, nuts, crazies,the lunatic fringe, irrational, mentally deficient, a cult". He said " We don't have enough proof to even theorize" which is like saying give yourself a lobotomy. The natural flow of our minds is to speculate and theorize about events, whether personal or political. Mark said "people who are emotionally invested in a Sandy Hook conspiracy, it's like dealing with a 5 yr. old child." He said "We have to deal with unstable people who let their paranoia get the best of them".

    I could go on and on listing the over-the-top condemnations against truthers simply for not believing the official story. The unexpected, bizarre behavior by Mark Glenn is what I cannot understand and am still reeling from. These are people I respected, admired, considered friends until I realized I never knew Mark Glenn at all.

    Mark performed his own little psy-op against his audience and now tries to make the victims of his tirade into the victimizers. When he uses the term "Sandy Hook cult" I wonder whether TUT has become a cult with all participants orbiting around the messiah-god, Mark Glenn.

    Unlike Mark's prediction that the truth movement will never get its credibility back due to us lunatics, I believe the truth movement is alive and well, stronger than ever.

    I have to admit, I am still traumatized by all of this.

  5. Amen to the last comment, I only recently came across Mark Glenn & the Ugly Truth podcast and thought how brave this guy is going against the world Bully. The fact he wont even question certain parts of the official Sandy Hook Story stinks to high Heaven. He's a father , how could that father of his murdered child be laughing, Unbelievable. Poor Form Mark Glenn.


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