March 06, 2013

“Masters of Deception” By Zander C. Fuerza Now Available


"As a gesture of goodwill to my supporters, I am making my book available for download. It is 212 pages and contains many illustrations. Entitled “Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax,” this book covers all of the stops concerning Israeli/Mossad involvement in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, documenting a Jewish-Zionist conspiracy behind 9/11, the subsequent wars in the Middle East, the “War on Terror” hoax and other Orwellian plots against humanity."


  1. Spread far and wide ladies and gentlemen. If you have a website, please link it and thanks!

  2. thanks. I am unequivocally on ZCF's side -quasar

  3. Saying that "Zionism" is our main problem gives credence to the child-raping goy-hating rabbis that are "anti-Zionist". ZCF's "great gift to humanity" is just a bunch of re-hashing of old material that can be found at countless other sources. This whole fiasco stinks like gefilte fish and the typical "truther" battles such as AJ vs Cooper and Bollyn vs Hufshit.

  4. Anon 9:17pm Despite what you believe his Israel did 9-11 thread alone at TIU received over 100,000 hits alone (which btw TIU seems to be dead in the water, holy fuck!) If anyone tainted it with gefilte fish it was that cunt Prostink. He could have handled this like a gentlemen instead of a white trash jew.

  5. Just want to thank Zander for all his fine work and for making this excellent piece available for the public. I shall check it out and post a link to it.

  6. Thank you Zander very very much!I hope you continue your great work!Much respect and greetings from Slovakia!

  7. infantile juvenileMarch 7, 2013 at 5:55 AM

    Nice book shame about the infantile last few pages which undermines the whole preceeding body of work entirely.

    In years to come he'll realise how pathetically childish that is.

  8. "infantile juvenile said...
    Nice book shame about the infantile last few pages which undermines the whole preceeding body of work entirely.

    In years to come he'll realise how pathetically childish that is.

    March 7, 2013 at 5:55 AM"

    If you are talking about pages 207-211 regarding Prothink (and his cohorts) and Christian Identity (wannabe jewish supremacists) he was well within his rights to expose both as the former and latter are corrupted by jewish dogma. What he said needed to be said so good for him.

  9. infantile juvenileMarch 7, 2013 at 10:38 AM

    If you're some kind of vindictive 12 year old schoolgirl I can understand it, otherwise it's utterly embarrassing.

    Try and imagine sending this book to a friend to wake them up then when they get to the end of the book and read that, what do you suppose they'll make of the author?

    Good luck to ZCF but his late behaviour betrays his immaturity.

    I taken no sides in this I used both Prothink and ZionCrimefactory, then ZCF's site got hit by jewish trolls and instead of controlling them ZCF encouraged them.

    I tried writing to him to confirm or deny some claims that Delaney made he wouldn't publish them then he started writing lurid claims about the relationship between prothink and John Martinson Jr., I wrote to him about that too and he wouldn't publish that either then Delaney puts out a video proving that it too was a lie.

    So it makes me wonder how innocent ZCF is in all this as he refused to print any of my polite comments or my questions about what he really said about Mike's family.

    As I said the final pages really makes the whole "911 truth" movement look bad.

  10. Looks and titled like an Eric Hufschmid book.

    911 and Terror..... soo 2005

    (Z)ander(C).(F)uerza, who's kidding who?

  11. Brandon or ZCF, always sounded manic depressive to me, stew in it if you want, mamzer gives the pisspul more goat pizzle to chew on should be the title of this.

  12. The jews are out full force trying to demonize a great piece of work. Everyone: read this and spread it around.

  13. ZCF is perfectly entitled to give his side of the story. Delaney can brag all he likes about bringing traffic to the site. I dare say he did. But that doesnt work unless you have quality content, which ZCF provided. Delaney should of done the decent thing and handed over the domain. Instead he and Finck went on a disgusting campaign of disinfo and villification.... jew tactics and proof if it were needed that CI fucks you up.

    These two backstabbers can never be trusted again.... period!

  14. Indeed RC. When someone accuses another of being mentally ill I smell gefilte fish. That's a typical Jewish tactic. They used it in the Soviet Union.

  15. "Anonymous said...
    Brandon or ZCF, always sounded manic depressive to me, stew in it if you want, mamzer gives the pisspul more goat pizzle to chew on should be the title of this."
    Thanks for your input Martin Lindstedt the child molester, now go murder some muds for Yahweh the jewish demon that lives in outer space :)

  16. This is written for a certain audience. ZCF couldn't resist referencing the Protocols in the 2nd paragraph of the first chapter.

    So before he even gets into any facts he promotes something that is not backed by fact and has a lot of evidence pointing to it being a plagiarism. The Prothink influence is still showing.

    Either ZCF is doesn't care about reaching the unaware or he is poisoning his own well intentionally.

    Terms like "jew world order" are fine in a chat but typecast you.

    If you show it to someone who is unaware, it is more likely to act as an innoculant against learning the truth, because it sabotages the truthful message with known disinformation.

  17. anarchoreLOL

    Your comment made me laugh!Specialy the pert of protocols!

  18. @anachore
    Protocols scare the Tribe?
    You know about the Jew World Order?
    If not, we will have to "typecast" YOU.

  19. Anachore (aka Analsore) is Jewish, doubt it not for a second

  20. People are speaking more candidly then ever anarchore and terms like jew world order (the protocols are the blueprint) may one day be as common as the term new world order. As more and more people lose their fear of speaking against jewish power the day will come where the veil will be lifted completely and the jews will be routed out of power. this is what they fear and is in part why they want our guns here in America. If they have their way it was be communist Russia all over again.

  21. Boohoo, I'm a grown man who can't host my own website, so I'm gonna throw a temper tantrum and quit the "truth movement" all together.

  22. "Anonymous said...

    Boohoo, I'm a grown man who can't host my own website, so I'm gonna throw a temper tantrum and quit the "truth movement" all together.
    March 9, 2013 at 8:37 PM "

    Was your picture posted on the internet in a country where there are hate law crimes? I some how doubt it, tough guy.


  23. As I said the final pages really makes the whole "911 truth" movement look bad. "

    Nope, it proves that Prothink is a jew think CI scumbag and he should go down as such. And Prothink didn't prove shit about ZCF, other than he cried like a bitch because Yahweh=JWO which should be obvious.

  24. I value ZCF's work very highly and have listened with great interest to all ZCF interviews I could find. It is true that, though yet so young, ZCF has created a significant body of work that can stand on it's own.
    No doubt it is the wisdom born of clarity that leads you to step away from the internet limelight and
    perhaps explore more of the other facets of being a bioelectric being with a gift of clarity to give.
    Sadly, no need to worry about the Judaic power structure going anywhere; and if it is as mean spirited
    as it appears to be, you will likely be harassed from time to time for seeing and telling the truth about some of the last century of crimes by organized Jewry, an entity which functions with psychopathic intent, against the mass of empathic humanity.
    Don't go to Germany or any of the countries which imprison critics of Jewish power!
    Good luck to you Zander Fuerza.

  25. "Brandon or ZCF, always sounded manic depressive to me, stew in it if you want, mamzer gives the pisspul more goat pizzle to chew on should be the title of this."



    How does the sabotage of ZCF and seizure of his accumulated productions,
    now held hostage, fit into the attempt to discern the truth about the players in
    the alternative media who would inform us of what the truth of our American reality is?
    The matter of the assault on ZCF mirrors the very same predatory characteristics of the hostile Jewish elite to non-Jews. Those characteristics are the same as are typical of Psychopaths in dealing with the empathic majority: predatory, deceitful, harmful to their targeted individuals; without remorse, conscience or any vestige of empathy for their prey; cunning and skillfully manipulative.
    ZCF is cornered with his back to the dangerous ZOG by a would be truth teller acting very much like a predatory Psychopath/Sociopath robber. This is reality, no abstraction; but there is obfuscation of a red herring CI fake-issue. Or is it otherwise?
    There is a reality litmus test somewhere here and perhaps some opportunity to take stock
    of who we are who would challenge the right of the alien elite to rule over us.
    Is the problem predatory psychopathy or just Jews?
    Would a psychopathic White elite be worth striving for?
    If a European tradition of individualism renders us vulnerable, as a people, to a collectivist ethnic entity
    which functions like wolves over a CAPTIVE sheep population; does that same tradition facilitate ZCF vulnerability to a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing carrying the banner of the sheeple's anti-wolf crusade as he savages a highly productive member of the anti-Jew Supremacy community.
    Should we just pretend a horrible real event is somehow not there? Ho-hum, errr, let's talk about something else...yeah, CI is interesting isn't it. No, let's talk about Sandy Hook...


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