March 28, 2013

Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.03.28

Divide And Conquer! But Who?

Renegade Archive
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Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism

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  1. There is no need to "build bridges".

    Is there a need for an American European culture to become a strong national cohesive group; yes, for those that care enough, sure. And if that group builds and becomes strong, no "bridges" are needed.

    There IS a need to "not exclude" any ethnic group from FACTS and TRUTHS about a COMMON THREAT. Would it not be helpful if Hispanics, African Americans, Asian Americans & American Indians received FACTUAL HISTORY regarding how their ethnic group has been severely harmed by Jewish manipulation? Just where in the fuck will they get such information? I guess it will have to come from people such as Lindsey or maybe an online warrior that are aware of such things and are willing to put in the effort to share it with ANYONE that is willing to receive it. We are also, when sharing such information, protecting ourselves in a way that counters everything Jewish controlled media and education forces down the entire population's throats. As other ethnic groups become more aware that the Jew has mind fucked everyone into putting the blame on the white man for what the Jew has done to ALL OF OUR RESPECTIVE ETHNIC GROUPS, they might lighten up on all that white hate (a form of protectionism).

    As far as what Lindsey is doing; I doubt many could do it. He is unique and that he gets feedback from people that shows he connects better than most. He feeds off of that. Even if many tried to do what Lindsey does in public it would probably prove to be mostly as Mike insinuated, not very effective. Lindsey is unique. He finds a niche that he is effective and uses it to enlighten others. No one can be expected to do what he does in an effective way. The sort rare individual that can do that pretty much know who they are. Most people will do other things to get the word out if they care enough. The important thing is to put forth some effort, whatever it is. Even if it is helping to support someone else that is doing the work. Each of us can do little things in thousands of different ways. What Mike and Kyle are doing is major! Not many can do, or is willing to do as much. The point is DO SOMETHING and stop trying to tear down others that are trying. Simple.

    No need for bridges. Sharing information among different ethnic groups regarding a common enemy is imperative but should have nothing at all to do with "bridges" or "multiculturalism".

  2. It's almost as if an evil white rabbit crawled up Mike Sledge's ass and is possessing him.

    It seems that Mike Sledge was planted in this niche on purpose probably because he has dirt on him or something.

    Hey Jews, it didn't work with Prothink, TruthMilitia, and now Renegade. Your not going to subvert this movement with your scams.

    And to Mike Sledge when I first listened to you on Oracle I thought I could never say a bad word about this man, but since you have gone to renegade you have really showed your true colors.

    The movement needs to be HUMANITY against the JEW or else we lose. Simple.

    There are a lot of people that are of African,Spanish, Middle Eastern descent that are part of the movement including myserlf.

    You want to divide the movement by seperating the Real Truth Movement and discarding some of it's members not because they lack dedication to a final solution, not because they aren't intelligent , but because they aren't WHITE?? Huh!?

    Mike Sledge real nice act you had going, go fuck yourself and enjoy your kosher jew dick.

  3. renegade is doing an excellent job.
    HUMANITY against the JEW was in the second half of last Thursday's show

    that's why there is CI:
    African,Spanish, Middle Eastern descent that are part of the movement

    if you don't like the prothink version, you can go to the nsearch Stew Webb version. John Friend supports them both (bridges for bitches).

  4. Would someone please make a summation of what Mike was saying? Was he supporting reaching-out to others, or was he not?


    NB: Was this a response to my interview from last night?

  5. Yes Lindsey. Mike talked about you for the whole duration of the show. Download and listen.


  6. Thus Spake Yow-way....

    [Mike Sledge real nice act you had going, go fuck yourself and enjoy your kosher jew dick.]

    Ditto... what you said. And i am a whitie... LOL. I want the same kind of world you want... There is no other way. Mike's been playing it smooth... but he let the cat out o'the bag with this one... and it reeked of desperation, IMO.

    I love it... a WHITE POWER ! network going nowhere fast...... Wake up jewzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... wakey... wakey...... RISE AND SHINE.

  7. Wanda, you are not white, since you think race is a social construct.

  8. Non-whites can form up against the jews in their own camp. If they can find it within themselves to give up the welfare and other free forms of money. But whites need to stick with whites and go after the jugular of the jews instead of talking about the symptom of multiculturalism. Once the jews are caged up or given a death sentence we can send the colored races back to their respective homelands.

  9. Unfortunately Mike is right on the money.He did a class analysis of the objective conditions and understands what we are up against.I notice the same thing with black people.They will talk shit but not act on anything.They love preachers and preaching.Furthermore Nation of Islam has been indoctrinating them for decades.Flyers is not the way to go with white people.They feel that their space is being infringed upon right off the bat.

  10. You missed the point of the show, ThusSpokeYahweh.
    The fact of the matter is whites aren't aligned as a group, like the other groups are. And they need to be.
    Mike mentioned that when he is frank about his views with his black friend he gets more respect then anyone else.
    This is the point here. We need whites to be a strong cohesive group before we can progress. Part of why the black-on-white crime rate is skyrocketing is because the liberalization and disassociation of of whites makes them weak as a group and has damaged them as a group.
    This is the only group the Jews do this to en mass because they are afraid of how powerful we will be if we are able to become a power bloc based on our race rather then Jewish concepts such as religion, democrat, republican, liberal, marxist, etc.
    It would be difficult to fight things all-holding-hands as one big melting pot. The Jews know this and is which is why they push multiculturalism.
    We don't need to be a melting pot, we need to be a multinational army.
    All peoples united among their own, and once those people are united among their own.. working for the same goal.
    The Aryan peoples both have the most to lose, because they are the biggest threat. That's why Aryan unity is paramount.
    If you are another race and love your people you should understand this and I welcome you to help spreading this message to disillusioned Aryans so we can get the ball rolling and achieve Aryan unity and thus, take the Jews to the cleaners.

  11. Great show!

    I like the energy and the message and I wish the guys from Renegade much succes with National Protectionism.And ''No Brdges'' is spot on imo.Good comment!

    Thanks for posting Zap.

  12. Lugh...

    Did you even read what Yahweh even said or you were just waiting for an opening to use your canned response?

    Sure, the other "groups" got representation the likes of the ASPCA, or the National Association for Colored People and the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL... on and on and on, ad nauseum... give us all a break.

    You know, in your heart of hearts, if you have one.... we can all bring the jews down by uniting, not by dividing and separating.

    And to the knucklehead ANONS out there... i did not say i was of a white race, i said i was white... i have white skin. Race don't have a thang to do with it.

  13. Don't have a "thang" to do with it eh? We already know where loyalties lie with a woman who talks like that...

    The no bridges is spot on. We are the only ones who have our better interests to heart. Black on white crime has reached epidemic proportions. In jew York if you fight back against blacks, traitor jew controlled white cops will arrest you and lock you up with blacks.

  14. Anon @ 4:27....

    Is that a fact? So, anyone who speaks with a southern twang, in your book, is a what, exactly? I think i know what you imply... but if you're going to be racist, why not go whole hog? In for a shekel, as they say....

  15. Great work Lugh... Sledge & KYle...

    Looks like you are attracting some characters of excellent caliber.

    WHITE POWER !! Yay hooooo !!!!!!

  16. The Canadian Intelligence Service - Excerpt from September 1952 issue - submitted by James Moorhouse. - The following speech was given by Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich before a special meeting of the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in Budapest, Hungary, January 12, 1952 

    "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born. "Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people." 

    Moral of the story: We need to unite as whites because thats what the jews are afraid of. Instead of worrying about being called "racists" and trying to be one big happy family. I support black nationalism and separatism if they want to fight the jews that tore them from Africa and enslaved them. They just need their own military base and we'll have ours.

  17. Great show by Mike, glad to see its upset the usual kike-alikes here.

  18. Great show as usual. These "jew wise" social Marxist multiculturalists conveniently ignore one of the greatest jew wielded weapons of all which IS race mixing/multiculturalism. How can they ignore that? They are aiding the jew whether they realize it or not.

    Listen to the absolute VENOM in these so called jew wise multiculturalists words! They absolutely HATE whites that want the right to self determination and healthy and safe white nations and communities.

  19. Wanda is on the jews' side quoted by Anon @ 4:38.

  20. @Wanda That is exactly what Jews do, pretend to be something else and when the movement picks up pace... Subverted.
    And by the very one they had all along put in place for the job.

    People seem to fail to understand this simple thing.

    If the Jew controls media, government, banking, etc. Then.... WHY oh WHY do people think Alt Media isn't under their FULL control?

    @Lugh The only reason they create groups is so they can manipulate them, NAACP, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
    How did the Frank Collins Nazi party go here? Was it successful? Nein.

    What about the KKK or White Nationalists that the 'youknowwhos' control, have they won the war yet?

    The groups put in place for other races are not put their for their own benefit.

    Mike Sledge wants to essentially make a group for 'whites only' and isolate and separate the entire movement because he thinks the Jew created groups all benefit the other races?? The Jew only seeks to benefit itself.

    Chess if an opponent makes a move on where you can freely take a worthy piece what will you do?

    This is what the Jew has done, Europeans are the sacrificed chess piece. But... you need to look at the entire board and you may be able to change things.. but if you take the bait, checkmate.

    ANY person who wishes to unite with Humanity against the Jew should receive the same praise & benefit that any other color does.

    Last time, there is NOT any real opposition to the Jew yet until this happens,

    The neanderthal race belongs in the stone ages, and we are going to put them there.

    SO, in final there is NOTHING that has completely ridden us of this infestation yet and we need some REAL innovating & productive ideas to move forward not more of the same.

  21. ^Up above^ that's me.

  22. We need to encourage other races to fight the demonic jews, but we also obviously need a "whites only" group to promote and defend our own blood and values. Case and point.

  23. Yow-way...

    Here's the dope on their racist movement for stupid people...

    Kyle Hunt's Alternative Social Site: 182 members... it had 181 when Kyle tossed me over a month ago. 20 people showing up on their chat roll... maybe 39 people show up for their shows...

    The Golden Dawn Party in Greece only has the support of the Government there... what does that tell you? Here's the site someone posted in chat a couple days ago...

    And it looks like a non starter to me... a total of 150,000 views, probably just people checking it out out of curiosity, like myself... 56 total members and only 9 people on site including myself.

    All in all i'd have to say.... It's not looking good for you Jews... ask not who the bell tolls for... it tolls for them.

  24. So Wanda's solution to counter the jewish program is to mix with blacks? ..Because it's "the easy way" out. She doesn't even have to tell us that she's a kikess. As the rabbi said in the above quote:

    "The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people." 

  25. The Frank Collins thing was only to make a media story.
    Rockwell and Pierce were the two greatest fighters against the Jews in America from an activist standpoint and they both shared a similar outlook as us on Renegade.

  26. Anon 6:50

    Cant stand that woman's new age race mixing "jew wise" hybrid crap sandwich.

  27. You whiny little twats. Yeah, you're not jews.... I'm buying that... NOT.

  28. Anyone that is against black on white crime or race mixing is a jew says Wanda! That makes ALOT of sense. NOT!

  29. She's a jew that knows how effective the jew accusation is, so she projects her jewishness on anyone that exposes the poison in her marxist race mixing agenda.

  30. Wanda is striving for a Pax Judaica over a planet of dark races. I wonder how her passover was.

  31. You're right, Mike now after you put that way.


  32. @Lugh

    Some of the Jew's biggest enemies have only been their paid agents so far.

    Even if someone has battled the Jew it doesn't mean we should unthoughtfully take all their ideas without thinking if they will benefit us destroy these creatures.

    My point, nobody has defeated the Jew yet so why not think for ourselves instead of using the same ideas that the Jew has put in place for us.

    William Pierce did not defeat the Jew, I would say Ernst Zundel accomplished more by action then philosophy.

    Huey Long was a Governor that hated only Jews, and was friendly towards Africans. The Jews didn't give him the chance to live out his full life like the others. But just because I respect a few things the man did doesn't mean I have to adopt his complete philosophy on life especially when he didn't destroy these demon yids... that's all i'm saying, NOBODY has been successful destroying these rat faced Jews we must really begin to think for ourselves and get to our own solution.

    NS Germany WILL NOT WORK in America. Even Hitler himself had realized that he couldn't make NationalSocialism based on a racial platform and stated this in Mein Kampf.

    p.s. to all the anons attacking Wanda, we all know who the real Jew is here, I suggest you desist with trolling Mami's comments and pursue back to your nearest bagel shops of which you hook nosed beasts crawled out of.

  33. Oh, so the jews are the ones NOT promoting social marxism and race mixing. I get it now, jew.

  34. I promote Monarchy not Social Marxism, if someone chooses to race-mix it is their own personal business just like homosexuals, however.. it is not something I promote.

    Jewish tactics to put words in someone's mouth and then fight against your own comment.

    What I am saying is that their are OTHER better solutions.

    And @Anon Hook nosed creatures shouldn't toss around the word Jew at others when they are living in times like these ;)

  35. Fairly engaging show but Mike you are being thin skinned if you regard as personal sniping posts that simply query the grounds you put forth: for instance the absence of a certain book from the British Library (a copyright library of deposit so theoretically near-exhaustive for modern (<400 years) books and other writings). Of course we KNOW books have been and are suppressed - a remunerated sideline of many of those in the second hand book trade - but the absence of any reference to a book is SOME evidence its content and existence may have been fabricated, and should not be ignored, but brought into balance with other evidence.

    If you put yourself in the public domain and express certain views you must surely expect those views to be examined. So far as a man thinks, he is free.

    This show was a better format than the abstract oratorical style and its arguments more convincing, being ostensibly backed up by factual illustrations, like present day South Africa (to which might be added early c19th Haiti).

    Links to the Martin book or page, please.

    Recommended reading: 'America's Decline: The Eucation of a Conservative' by the late Professor Revilo P. Oliver (1982). He recognises racial reality but does not preach 'hate' (c)ADL. Conversely, he recommended raising group consciousness by emulating Judaic ethnic bonding. And by the way, as a 'former' Bircher yourself you may be interested to know (as if you didn't already) that he destroyed the (ill)repute of Robert/rabbit Welch whom he designated as a likely intentional practitioner of deceit, disablement and distraction.

    Internet Archive Firefox texts search add-on
    finds at least two copies just in that site alone.

    The treatment of the Irish by Cromwell and the predecessor English kings was disgusting (a tradition continued in the c19th as CG recently demonstarted). But was it just malice, or would a more thorough investigation reveal and explain though not justify that it was driven not just by economic factors /insane dominance but by ideas of self-defence of the lately Protestant kingdom against the still-Popish/Rome Ireland?

    See also 'Barbado'ed: Scotland's Sugar Slaves - (BBC Full Length Documentary)' "...Redlegs, they are the direct descendants of the Scots transported to Barbados by Cromwell after the Civil War..."

    Pepys = is pronounced 'peeps'.

    Farrakhan = Jewish father. Can't remember source.

    Arnold S. Leese: 'Race and Politics' c.1936

    Is this reality, whether to taste or not?


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