March 31, 2013

Renegade Roundtable 2013.03.30

Big things are in motion. Renegade sails on toward conquest, victory, and glory.

Kyle and Mike address Nemo's " Exposé " and then talk about Germany with Lugh etc. David comes in during the last hour.

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  1. Great show as always! Thanks for all your hard work, much appreciated. Show on YT:

  2. Life is too short to waste it on listening to these two.

  3. Kyle , are really having a relationship with the Celtic rebels x girlfriend ?...

    I find the jewther movement fascinating ,, the drama never ends!

    And the twoof is always cumming out!

  4. Its no wonder why these fucks are seig heilers to the founder of israel. Jews love when twoofers use that counterproductive tactic. And fuhrer sledge has kikes for kids! Frank Cohen of internet radio.

  5. Lugh nerding it up again, although Kyle should have the self-restraint to chew him out off-air. Give Lugh enough rope to hang himself with...

  6. Any show where Lush (I mean Lugh) is drunk is unlistenable. I don't know how the other guys put up with it.

  7. I cant listen to any of lughs shows. He's a nerdy "know it all" that can hardly finish a sentence. His nasaly voice is unbearable.

  8. As global death and destruction has to take a back seat currently to Mike and Kyles love lives can i ask a couple of questions? Was Mike jew wise when he was with the jewess? Did he know she was a jewess? If the answer's no then what's the problem and if it's yes he's a hypocrite.....simple.We all make mistakes especially when it comes to the opposite sex.As for Kyle situation then does it bother Celtic? If not then it shouldn't bother us.

  9. lugh,you had two hours to say what you needed to say on your own show and you froze once again.Then you come on a round table and constantly interrupt.Something is definitely wrong with you.This is on going.

    Kyle should have a talk with this guy.

    Very rude, and interrupts the flow of the conversation.Combine that with poor audio and the result is not good.

  10. It's all about the money, honey

    And we know who has that.

  11. Anon 9:32 AM and co.,

    The Jews and the British were the founders of Israel. Not Hitler. Not NS Germany.

    If you cannot understand that after studying real history, you have a severe processing problem. If you do understand that, and you keep arguing that "Hitler was the founder of Israel," well, that would make you shameless liars.

  12. Yeah thats why jews were shipped to palestine and on german ships and trained to fight arabs in the concentration camps, right?

  13. Seems the same handful of inbred racist Chosenites keep coming to Mami's and constantly vomiting Hitler founded Israhell. And, he treated the joos with so much humanity in the labor camps that he must have been a jew agent. Same tired old song. Time to grow up and get some big boy talking points; some that make you sound more mature than a snot nosed jew.

  14. They aren't tired talking points. They're facts that dogmatic worshipers ignore or feebily explain away. You still believe in the fairy tale that there was one leader out of all the others in the past few hundred years that managed to "stick it to the jews" without being controlled by them or getting assassinated early on. America was founded by masonic jews 250 years ago and you think that 70 years ago the jews didnt have their way with hitler? What a joke. He wasn't touched by even the tens of thousands of jews in his army because he had a purpose. And that was to send the jews to palestine, provide a scapegoat for the holohoax, and to be built up as a messiah for non religious whites so they could be controlled easier. Watch how when you try to bring up jewish power to anyone while mentioning hitler you get laughed at. The jews planned this from the beginning. Stop living in the past and using uncle hitler to justify why we hate jews. Theres a million other ways to approach a person about the jewish plan to kill off whites and enslave the world without worshiping their straw man hitler.

  15. "Stop living in the past and using uncle hitler to justify why we hate jews."

    No one's using Hitler to justify anything, we're studying Hitler to identify his successful solutions to the jew poblem.

    He wasn't the first nor the last, just one of the most significant figures of the 20th century.

    The truth being that britain and America destroyed the European people's last great prophet and saviour.

  16. Whatever man, believe what you wanna believe. I'll certainly fight the jews til the death with fellow whites that worship hitler, but I'll never seig heil. The jews love playing the controlled opposition game and there's way too many fishy connections to the jews and limp wristed ways that he catered to them and their desires for israels creation for me to be comfortable with. IMO he didnt solve the jew problem he only transfered it, like we have 109 times throughout history. I'm not a fucking kike, trust me, Im used to being accused of that just because of my views on hitler. I think we've been trained by the alternative media to worship him, but thats for me to think and others to think about.

    Personally I just wanna talk to the sheep about the jew problem without mentioning hotler because it causes so much division and I know from experience that its a lot more effective than seig heiling. I want to focus on the here and now and start killing off jews in mass because IMO thats the only way to ever solve this planet's 5,000 year old jew problem. Call me an fbi agent or w/e the fuck else people will throw at me but thats just the cold hard truth.

  17. I think we get hit with so much holohoax propaganda because the jews are terrified not of hitler, but of us ACTUALLY exterminating them.

  18. Lugh rules!

    Every good killer team needs a joker too, since Titorenko is now "all cereal".

    Public demands more free entertainment and drama!

  19. The truth will outMarch 31, 2013 at 3:27 PM

    "I think we've been trained by the alternative media to worship him"

    The alternative media you cite is Alex Jones and other heavily financed jew controlled opposition, these radio shows like Renegade are done by a scrag tag bunch of guys with zero finance, who are playing it by ear.

    No one is preaching Hitler worship, you may get the occasional show that examines the facts (after all it changed our world completely to being totally overthrown by jewry) but none have been open worship.

    The fact you think in terms of the world's history only coming into focus since the invention of the internet suggests your brain is encoded by you Marxist socialist school indoctrination still.

    Hitler was fighting the system, like gadaffi, Assad & Ahmadinejad.

    Show me some Hitler worshiping alternative media, you'll find all the heavily funded alternative media say the same thing:

    Hitler took the peoples guns
    Hitler gassed da choos
    Hitler was really a jew etc
    Muslims control wall street and Hollywood etc

    WWII is important, very important in fact, it's the reason why all Europe and all its colonies have been made to worship the multi-cultural cult of national suicide.

    Us white people want our lands back, only an anti-white 'racist' would object to white self determination.

    I wouldn't want to see Nigerians dispossessed of their lands by the Chinese or Indians replaced by white people or Mexicans, nor do I want Europe to be further destroyed by the biological warfare as put into motion by the juwes.

    Delenda Est Judaica
    == XIV ==

  20. Truth will out@
    Hey man,i heard you on one of the shows saying how Serbs rulled over Croats for 900 years.
    I think that you made a mistake cause Serbs and Croats were one the same people untill they accepted jewish religion and jew god yahwe!Serbs became orthodox and Croats catolicks somewhere in 9. century!
    In 1389 Serbs lost a great batle of Kosovo against ottomans and sinds then they were rulled by turks for about 500 years!Croats at that time were rulled by Austro Hungarians.

    Where did you get this 900 years.
    I am not attacking you,i just would like to know where did you get that info from.

    Would you please explane this,i would be thankful!

  21. You're all bunch of wankers, renegade, toof militia or oracle, doesn't really matter. All you can do is write shitty articles from WW2, what you read from zundelsite or some revisionist blog or whine about jew world order ad infinitum. Prints of german war posters or viking fantasy comic books. This is whole game and entertainment what suppose to "change the world" and "take mah country back".

    America is gona and no force in the world will ever bring it back. It's too late for that, white people woke up too late. When where you during ww2 or during political wich processes of holohoax deniers? You watched Phil Donahue show and munched doritos.

  22. Problem is, all these fuckers that comment are really needing a daddy figure, plain and simple. Poor, poor babies can't have their way so gotta cry baby to anyone that will listen.

  23. The truth will outMarch 31, 2013 at 5:30 PM

    March 31, 2013 at 4:26 PM

    Not same guy mate.

  24. Not at all. Of you're a political movement, at least try to act like leaders, if not, then be honest and tell it's just all show and entertainment roleplay.

    That's all. Otherwise some stupid dumbass will take you seriously and do something unreasonable.

  25. The truth will out@

    Sory man,i taught you are the guy that made that documentary ,greatest story never told Hitler,cause his youtube name is the same as your nick and he was guest at some shows that are posted here.

  26. White people lack spirituality.

    American christianity is eigher zionist propaganda or CI heresy joke.

    Every jew have a personal rabbi, whom to turn to for advice or spiritual guidance, whites have nothing but TV and government shills. True faith means you are ready for hardship or even death for greater cause, whites have been weakened from decades of materialistic degenerancy. Most people can't even talk without constant swearing like a drunk street hooker robbed from daily meth dose.

    Whiggerism and rootless vegetation. People isolated from each other hopelessly.

  27. An Adult Amongst ChildrenMarch 31, 2013 at 9:33 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "White people lack spirituality... whites have nothing but TV and government shills... whites have been weakened from decades of materialistic degenerancy."

    Sooo... other races don't have these? I get that you're attempting to make jews look superior because you assume they have some form of "spirituality" and therefore cohesiveness (not too big a word for you is it?) but seriously, if you're going to even attempt to put forward an argument at least use common sense & understandable grammar you moron!

  28. lol case proven for whites

    Long live eternal Soviet Word Order!

  29. Acknowledging the facts regarding a historical personality = worshiping that personality... The logic of the judeadized (jim condit worshipers) braindead egalitarian anti-"Zionist". Comments section? Why bother. Just listen to the debate condit had with rodney Martin. Someone should post it here.

  30. @ "Hitler was fighting the system, like gadaffi, Assad & Ahmadinejad."

    Right about the first three, dead wrong about Ahmedinejad.

    The Iranians are Muslim Brotherhood freemasonic controlled opposition & that's why they have not been attacked for all these years, despite all the constant rhetoric. Nobody is scared of a nation of unemployed drug-addicts (one in 17 people is addicted to hard drugs in Iran, the #1 hard-drug addicted nation in the world) who sell their internal organs to pay off debts:

    Armordinnerjacket and the Islamic Shariah Law Republic have yet to benefit the Iranian people one iota and even their human rights record is FAR WORSE than the CIA-puppet Shah who was biting the hand that fed in the 1970's and therefore had to be deposed ever was.

    The Iranians are there to play the Islamic terrorist state bogieman and propped up to do it, same as the Soviets in the cold war days.

    A simple look at the economic facts will serve as proof:
    30 years of double digit inflation, mass drug addiction, mass unemployment & backwards economic policies do not equal 'fighting the Jew' just becuase the guy is ani-Zionist in his speeches & has holohoax conferences in Iran which further serve to demonize him in the eyes of the Western press as a Hitler wannabe (which he is NOT, in any sense of real history, if he had been Iran would have been economically successful, independent of the world-currency system, the way Hitler, Gadaffi and Assad were & therefore physically attacked).

    Being anti-usury on paper means nothing if your goal is to turn around and rip-off and exploit your people yourself with a totally corrupt Islamic government. If Hitler succeeded in 3 years with a massive international boycott & war imposed on Germany in 1933, then what the hell could possibly be keeping Iran from succeeding even to the level of Syria & Libya in 33 years ? The Iran-Iraq war which was financed on both sides by Jews (Iran-Contra) into a stale-mate EXACTLY as it was meant to and which Khomeini deliberately prolonged for 6 years, killing at least 500,000 more unnecessary dead ?

    IF and WHEN these Islamic nut-jobs benefit their own people ECONOMICALLY and therefore PRESENT A REAL THREAT (all physical strength worth anything in the real world is based on ECONOMIC STRENGTH; all the moral strength in the world will do you no good if you have a spear to chuck & your opponent has a gun & a tank), then and only then will they be 'fighting the system.' Until that happens, they can go fuck themselves with their Ahmedinejad at the UN rhetoric & charade. Kruschev, Stalin & Lenin & Mao had plenty of rhetoric too and most people of their age considered their anti-Imperialist rhetoric to be genuine too. Rhetoric is cheap and only fit for Pavlov's dogs.

  31. Lugh, you need to get your shit together, no any gut SS officer was ever drunk on battlefield.

    Also you need to study more history, your youthful inexperience is really showing off. Also stop mocking religion, in stalinist Soviet Union they shot you in the neck in woods, you if you get caught going to church.

  32. @Anon April 1, 2013 at 12:25 AM

    Ahmadinejad is humble and forfeits all material wealth in the persuit of serving his people, he is a great man.

    What You May Not Know about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

  33. Ahmadinejad is a fucking jew and admits it. He even freemason handshakes larry king on TV and you think he's the real deal? People are so disgustingly gullible.

  34. is that an april joke?

  35. Whats the matter? You enjoy worshiping the islamic caliphate too much to believe it?

    His jew parents converted to islam after his birth and changed their last name from "Sabourjian", a well known jewish last name in Iran.

  36. Yeah keep deleting my comments and leaving every single troll comment you see you fucking faggots.

    This site is such a piece of shit.

  37. Post it again and stop crying.

  38. The "Ahmadinejad is a Jew" conspiracy theory was debunked several years ago.


  39. Jews like to define things. Jews like to tell people what to do.

    Quit letting jews define things. Quit doing what the jews tell you to do. Simple.

  40. April 1, 2013 at 6:00 PM

    whatever you say kike vermin.


  41. Hi Nemo!
    Bitter much?

  42. 1) National Protectionism mentioned @37 twn: CY / Linder

    -- Linder said abolishing dual citizenship might be a cute way of expressing the problem but the Congressards are bought so how is it ever going to get passed into law???

    2) @lugh: 57m, 1.03m you said the Vedas predicted JC, Mohammed and Adam and Eve. Links please?

  43. Kyle & Sledge were using the Jewish tactics of NLP to diffuse our REAL COMMENTS on Mami's Chat.

    Mike Sledge's divisive tactics of "national protectionism" are PURELY Jewish.

    Again they twist and make STRAWMEN arguments about what was said in comments. They actually take some of the comments and Re Use them on their side.

  44. Jew twinks gonna hate.

  45. Someone must like my chatango screen name :P

    I did not post any comments on this thread til just now

  46. You gotta ask a simple question, if Hitler was an agent or whatever, why jews are still afraid so much of national socialism and any portrayal of Hitler in fair light that they demonize him almost in every level of society, including even nationalist blogs and video comments?

    Thats right, jewboys, this time we wouldn't be so humaine and will deal with you once and for all, you filhty maggots!

    Tooth for a tooth, as jewish saying goes.


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