March 28, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.03.27

Kyle does a special Wednesday show and brings on Lindsey to discuss his recent pamphleteering efforts and how this approach could be applied on a larger scale.

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  1. Amazing this show even exist.
    Kyle figures out a way where most would just say "fuck it" without their network host.

    Good show.

    Thanks Del, Zap, Kyle & Lindsey.

  2. Once more into the breach, Del! Good one!

    Very good show Kyle and Lindsey. Lots of points well made and an intelligent discussion. Refreshing.

    "This measure will also serve us in another way, namely, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affair. THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN PERSONAL INITIATIVE: if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord."

  3. Thank you all so much for your sincere encouragement, and know how much it means to me.

    I am in such a great mood from this great opportunity to bring MY THOUGHTS on-air for an entire show, and from having a fantastic time at the discotheque have a great time with strangers, that I am not even going to say anything negative to the trolls except to please take what I am saying in this interview to-heart, and know that I just want us all, WHO ARE LEGITIMATE, to work for the same goal, and that is exposing and defeating our common-enemy who is destroying our world and attempting TO DO THE ENTIRE PLANET WHAT THEY DID IN POST-CZARIST-RUSSIA.

    Thank you, too, Grizzom and Zapoper for having such a great site that really does a great service for the REAL truth-movement, despite some of the negative influences who like to hover around here like flies. ALSO, thank you so very much to Big Joe Delcroix from Eire who made this show possible after the "strange" happenings with BlogTalk Radio.

    I want to also thank Mr. John Kaminski and Mr. Zan Overalls for motivating me to get back involved in physical/on-the-street out-reach/activism to reach the stupid and ignorant masses so that they can be converted TO THE TRUTH, HOPEFULLY, after seeing what the demon-controlled media REFUSES to show them. Mr. John Kaminski's breath-taking article is en-titled "Ugly Empire," AND I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE ANYONE AND EVERYONE TO TAKE THE TIME TO PLEASE READ IT IN ITS ENTIRETY, AS IT CAN BE FOUND HERE:

    I also, by right, must thank Val who has supported me with materiel and financially, and I can not give enough thanks for the two camera-pens that I already have--one will have to be returned, though--and for the TWO MEGA-PHONES THAT ARE ON THEIR WAY!!! It really makes me feel good that I am not having to shoulder-the-burden by myself entirely.

    I want to thank Mr. Kyle C. Hunt, naturally, for giving me a forum to say what "I" feel NEEDS TO BE SAID, DESPERATELY, to the REAL truth-movement, and for giving me much to consider that I had not considered before the interview. Mr. Kyle C. Hunt is a TERRIFIC host, and while we do not agree with each other on all points, WE AGREE WITH EACH OTHER FAR, FAR MORE THAN WE WOULD EVER DIS-AGREE, AND I WISH THAT OTHERS WERE AS UNDERSTANDING OF DIFFERENCES THAT PEOPLE HAVE AS HE AND I ARE.

    Thank you ZCF and Deanna for being who you are, and for the excellent work that you do/did, and know that I will FOREVER be including your sites as best I can in my various campaigns, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

    I can not say enough great things about the other man from Eire, Ognir, or Noel, as I call him. If it was not for the excellent forum, so many great things that have happened over the years within and without the REAL truth-movement simply would not have taken place because the people involved in the forum, past and present, have done/did so much to further the cause for truth, and I AM ETERNALLY HONORED TO BE A PART OF THE FORUM putting some of the most important news and information out there and discussed so that the crimes will always be documented of the demons walking-on-two-legs.


  4. Finally, I want to thank God, or whatever force is there in this universe, for keeping me alive and giving me enough energy and mental, emotional, and physical strength to kick-the-demons-in-the-nuts with my various campaigns that are implemented NOW, and will be implemented in the future until I am physically un-able to give them the what-for by telling as many thousands-upon-thousands of people across this city THE TRUTHS AS THEY ARE.

    Thank you all for taking the time to listen to me verbally give-the-what-for to these creatures, and HOPEFULLY at least SOME OF YOU will be motivated to do what I am doing, or at least contribute to the cause so that I can do much, much more with my campaigns in the future.

    Thank you, and please try to keep anything that you would have to say negative in a CONSTRUCTIVE mode.


    NB: I had written so much that I was required to do this twice.

  5. Boring, mindless, narcissistic yapping about things that even doesn't matter.

  6. Great show Lindsey. Awesome.

    Let your life be as a friction to the machine... i do. I never miss a chance.

    A few weeks back i decided to pick up a 12 pack of Killians at the grocery store (i'm not a big drinker) and the cashier asked for my i.d. Thinking she was joking, i laughed but then she insisted. So, i said "if you can't tell you are looking at what is clearly a 50+ year old woman, you can keep your beer." and i put it on a rack behind me. And then i launched into a vitriolic, and loud, stream of insults to the compliant and complicit people who allow all this insanity and stupidity to continue by blindly following orders... to the point we have been murdering people in the middle east who did nothing to us... and it is highly evident our country is run by criminals.

    I was speaking to the whole store. So i paid for what would have been an $40+ transaction with a check for $28.xx She must have been sweating bullets thinking i didn't have a license on me at this point. So i finished writing the check, tear it out of the book and hand it to her. She looks like a doe caught in the headlights. Then i take out my license and said... i will show i.d. for the check, that, at least, is a reasonable request.

    Thing is... it is just how i am. You are perfect for what you do and i know it will inspire others who can to do just that... thank you for what you are doing.

    I used to get more grief than imaginable for being outspoken... lately people are listening... people are very interested and they want to know. Now i get people saying i should run for office, that starts another rant... i would not be able to be outspoken if i were a politician.

    Death by six billion cuts to these bastards... because we have not been here before and we don't know which one method is the tried and true... they all go in the mix, but the first thing to do is learn, so you don't misinform, and then bring what you do best forward.

  7. I wonder whats in the peoples heads like this last commentator!?
    Is it posible that they can not leave a constructive comment instead of bitching and hating?

    I dont belive that they are some operatives,i think that they are just some lonely stupid grown ups living in their mamas basement who masturbate while leaving stupid brainles comments!

    Its obvious that they try to destroy everyone who makes some efort in exposing the jewish filth!

    Lindsey and Kyle,Great interview!
    Keep up a good work!

  8. Great show Kyle & Lindsey, & good on you L for your passion & activism.

    I'll say this: when I was a zealous 911 Truther around '05, I sent Carol B. a $100 7-11 money order (keeping it "anonymous" that way as far as paper trails, buy for cash @ 7-11 or post office), and told her to send me as many of her Deception Dollars as that would buy.

    So despite whatever the stated price was, Carol sent around 4K DDs... two boxes, each about the size of big city phone book, loaded with stacks of DDs.

    Over the next 1-2 months, I made them all "go away". Only a handful of them did I hand directly to a person. 99+% of them, I just left in places where odds were greatly in favor of them ending up in someone's hands. The amazing thing about DDs is, their striking resemblance to real USDollars-- so yes, they get attention! and they get picked up and closely inspected. They're a little bigger than the USD currency, but the color and artwork are fantastic- just check them out at the site above. They're very high quality.

    As to clever places to put them-

    1. parked cars: I'd roll them loosely, and insert in the driver's door handle. Don't fold them, ROLL them because then they're like an outwardly expanding spring- so you can slip them in virtually any car door handle and they'll stay put securely, until driver arrives & will put their hand right on the DD as they open their door.

    2. Grocery store shopping carts. When they're all mounted like a freight train, you can walk past and slip one into each cart very quickly. Shopper grabs a cart, and the DD is not just another annoying piece of garbage in the cart to be ignored; no, the DD gets checked out for sure, and probably pocketed.

    3. Newspaper racks. Esp the free weekly rags in cities- you open the rack, and it takes a minute but you slip a DD into each paper. If you have some coin to spare, pay to open the for-sale paper racks and do the same with the stack in there.

    4. Apartment complexes- just walk the halls & slip them under each door. Caution about mailboxes- it's technically illegal to put things in mailboxes if you're not USPS. Use your discretion here, but it's possible to slip DDs into those wall-mounted panels of mailboxes found in apt bldg lobbies, hitting 10s of mailboxes a minute.

    5. If you're a "people-person", go ahead and hand them out wherever!

    Most of the above can be done with Lindsey's flyer too, but without the practical size & natural magnetism advantages of the DDs.

  9. To avoid any misunderstandings, the comment that Serb is referring to is now in the spam box.

  10. All you guys want is cult behavior. Cults are as far from truth that possibly be, although sect members think they know it all. And yes i think that Lindsey is an assole, good luck reaching to "masses" with that kind of mentality that he has.

  11. LOL.... you are very awesome Zap... you got style... you are a quality human.

    Thanks to you and Miami... i don't say that enough. You guys run a great site.

  12. Are you here for the information thats presented or are you here to bitch and call people assholes!

    I listen to shows that many people would say that they are JEWS or operatives but i take that info with a grane of salt and thru my thinking i make up my own truth!
    Not everyone is a jew or a operative,people think deferent and that is normal!With some i agree more,with some i agree less,i dont see these people as gods!

    I would never start calling people jews,shills,assholes...,cause i dont agree with them!I would rather coment constructive trying to prove them wrong!

    Nobody here wants to be in some cult,people want information and if you dont like it dont listen!
    You are the one that is acting like a mamber of a cult cause you bitch at people just cause you dont agree with them,instead leaving costructive criticism!

    Dont you see that the only ASSHOLE here is YOU?????

  13. What does everyone think of a mail campaign? I know it will be a little pricey compared to other methods, but by researching demographics, you could craft a specific flyer for any given area.

    For example: Your target is lower class blacks. You craft a flyer about the Jewish slave trade. Look online for low income housing facilities. Find the unit numbers, and send them each a flyer. In an 80 unit apartment complex you could reach all of them for around $40 including postage and supplies.

  14. I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to what you believe in. Keep up the good work, you are making a difference in your area.

    However please realize that not everyone has the desire to pass out flyers and meet people and explain things to them. That does not mean they are not dedicated to the cause, nor does it mean that they are not doing anything to wake people up.

    There are many who have been in this for many years. Some donate and support important torrent conspiracy sites Concen and Cybersage.

    Others here are providing infrastructure and delivery methods such as radio streams, podcasts, chat rooms and blogs. Others upload conspiracy related broadcasts. And donate their bandwidths to help seed many of the conspiracy broadcasts that people depend on daily.

    Still others have made, copied and passed out countless video tapes, cassette tapes, MP3 and DVD discs over the years and decades at great personal expense.

    I think it is a fair assessment to say that a good portion of the regular posters in the chat room are doing their part in one form or another.

    Without the people supporting and doing their collective parts behind the scenes and out in front, last night's interview would not have taken place and the comments here would not exist.

    It is because of our collective efforts that we have these venues available to us and are able to bypass the mainstream methods of information delivery.

    Please realize that not all of the people in the chat room are doing nothing to support the cause. Many of us have been active for many, many years.

    Couple of suggestions.

    1. Get your own chat room.

    2. Try to recruit others in your area to help you and share the effort.

    3. Start a Youtube channel, you can reach much more people than you can in a chat room.

    Keep up the good work, but give yourself some time out. Everyone needs to refresh and re-group at times. There is nothing wrong with walking away from this for a few hours.

  15. @Lindsey -

    you were born to do radio. Lugh dreams of having a combination of your radio voice and articulate speech.

    Enough with the 'demons walking on two legs' bit though , that's just another way of saying every Jew on the planet is genetically evil which is ridiculous. Even if you just look inside the truth movement itself with genetic Jews who were anything but 'demons': David Cole, Benjamin Freedman, Myron Fagan, Bobby Fischer, Nathaniel 'Krusty the Klown' Kapner, Gilad Atzmon, etc. and all it does is make you sound like a C.I. whack-job (even if you're not C.I.) or some VNN forum reject.

    You should do a radio show at least once-a-week and promote your it on your flier to the many brothers that did not beat up your brother you talk to on the trains who are receptive to your information so much more than the 8 or 9 whites that don't scowl in your general direction.


    Death by six billion cuts ?

    Which lunatic asylum did they let you out of ? Were you really in the Manson family ?

    Reasonable request ? lol

    When was the last time you had a 'reasonable' thought ?

  16. I cant wait to listen to this one! taking it to listen to at work (in a print shop) lol how convenient. anyone need some flyers printed??

  17. Lindsey is a jew, or a kumbayah. What are you doing? You just lost credibility with me.

  18. Lindsey is an uber-troll. I hope everyone here realizes that and doesn't get fooled by his lame acting skills.

  19. The majority (including all of you) is far incapable of defeating the Jew.

    The Jew has already infected you with their vaccines, gmo, aspartame, etc.

    Jews just think this is entertainment. Especially the racial conflict.

    I'd like to thank Renegade for being another TruthMilitia pretty much 'whites only' movement for the Jews to laugh at. It's a joke how much attention they get on here.

    But considering the mass of idiots never can see intelligence they simply flock like a herd does maybe that explains all the comments on this post...

  20. Lindsey's flyer looked like david icke made it. I like the idea, but don't get caught in the "it's the zionists" play pen. Jews have been a problem for thousands of years before "zionism" even existed.

  21. Anon @ 7:34...

    What are you talking about? There are about six billion people on the planet, right? Six billion different ways to stop this bullsh&t. I have no idea where you are taking it... i can't understand why you are being so hostile toward me.

    Manson family... where'd you hear a thing like that... not from me. As such you don't sound like someone who is an arbiter of what constitutes reasonable thought...but...

    Just a note... i noticed a couple days back someone had taken my chatroom name... Own the Now... and took the Capital letter O and replaced it with the number 0. I briefly pointed it out but did not stick around to see what was posted in my fake name. They copied my icon and if you are not on your game... it would be easy to miss.. and even if you are on your game. That's a very clever one.

    Ownthenow...0wnthenow... Maybe that is where you get your misconceptions about me. I got a whole web-site that should belie whatever it is you are claiming against me.

  22. YES - Thank you! Keep both the love and hate coming, we feed off of them. Especially the hate. This is why we get labelled as a "hate group" :D

  23. @anon 11:37 AM

    "I'd like to thank Renegade for being another TruthMilitia pretty much 'whites only' movement for the Jews to laugh at."

    I believe you are incorrect in your assessment of Renegade. Within the past week or so Kyle and Mike have addressed American Indians and Hispanics in trying to show that we all have a common enemy. Lindsey actually hits the streets and reaches out to any ethnic sort that will accept the facts.

    I give Kyle a lot of credit for having Lindsey on the show. I also give Renegade a lot of credit for keeping an open mind for ideas. Most do not want the jewish multicultural stuff forced upon us by their lackey politicians. However, ALL peoples of ALL ethnic backgrounds are being used as pawns by the jew. We ALL have a common enemy. At this point, to EXCLUDE any ethnic group from the fight against jewish genocide of the non-jew is suicidal and idiotic.

    When and if the foremost problem is taken care of, ethnic groups will naturally separate. We all fee more comfortable among those that are similar. There will be exceptions, but they will be natural, and should not occur after the jewish influence is removed from education and all major media.

    For a movement to take off it must have broad appeal. This is basic.

  24. Guys, I need to clarify something that may be mis-understood:

    When I refer to demons walkig-on-two-legs, I am NOT referring to EVERY jew, or "ALL" jews, a being born evil. To what I am referring, ABSOLUTELY, is the behavior and mentality of the VAST MAJORITY of jews, THROUGHOUT HISTORY, who have either participated in the fulfillment of "The jewish Utopia" as they call it, or in their refusal to speak-out and do something to stop what HAS ALREADY HAPPENED TO OUR PLANET AND THE HUMAN-RACE.

    Not every jew, nor every Christian zionist, are involved in this bullshit, BUT THOSE WHO ARE, ARE DEMONS WALKING-ON-TWO-LEGS, AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED, BECAUSE THEIR ACITONS ARE IN-HUMAN.

    I hope that this, once-and-for-all, clarifies exactly what I mean.


    Look, we have the freedom-of-speech NOW, and that may very well not be the case sooner than we think. PLEASE, and I mean this sincerely, do whatever you can to reach the masses, and I DO NOT mean do what I am doing, but whatever you feel that you are able to do, but at least DO SOMETHING. There are simply not enough people who know the truths as they are, and most assuredly are not enough people to stop the treason that has infected our entire planet, at this point for us to have a victory for the human-race. EVENTUALLY everyone will see what "The jewish Utopia" will look like, but by that time, everyone will be living under the exact same HELL-ON-EARTH that occurred during the jewish Bolshevik Revolution, which resulted in the murder of up to 66 MILLION human-beings. Seriously, please think about what I have said.

    Thank you all, again, for taking the time to listen, and stop being afraid of doing what YOU can do to make a real change for the better in our world. As for the trolls...

    TAKE A RUNNING LEAP STRAIGHT INTO HELL BECAUSE IT IS YOUR JOB, WHETHER YOU CONSCIOUSLY KNOW IT OR NOT, TO DE-MORALIZE REAL PEOPLE DOING REAL WORK, AND, THEREFORE; YOU ARE DOING THE WORK OF THE ENEMY, WHICH MAKES Y0U A COHORT/ALLY/AGENT OF THE CREATURES WE ARE FIGHTING AND EXPOSING. Very seriously reflect on what I am saying directly to you "people." You are a DESTRUCTIVE element in the REAL truth-movement, when you CAN BE, if you wanted, a CONSTRUCTIVE element for good, but you CHOOSE ACTIVELY to be a very negative element, and that is un-acceptable as far as I am concerned.


  25. "I give Kyle a lot of credit for having Lindsey on the show. I also give Renegade a lot of credit for keeping an open mind for ideas. Most do not want the jewish multicultural stuff forced upon us by their lackey politicians. However, ALL peoples of ALL ethnic backgrounds are being used as pawns by the jew. We ALL have a common enemy. At this point, to EXCLUDE any ethnic group from the fight against jewish genocide of the non-jew is suicidal and idiotic.

    When and if the foremost problem is taken care of, ethnic groups will naturally separate. We all fee more comfortable among those that are similar. There will be exceptions, but they will be natural, and should not occur after the jewish influence is removed from education and all major media.

    For a movement to take off it must have broad appeal. This is basic."

    Val, you are absolutely correct in everything that you have said, as far as I am concerned. WE MUST HAVE A BROAD APPEAL TO THE STUPID AND IGNORANT MASSES FOR ANY KIND OF SUCCESS TO TAKE PLACE, and you are, again, correct, that this SHOULD BE a basic understanding/reality for anyone involved in the REAL truth-movement, but sadly, is obviously is not for too many who are "wise."


  26. OH! And as for the "thanking so and so" that was a take on my "why you can't be my hero" and was a tongue-in-cheek thing that I did because I was in a great mood.

    After waking-up and reading it, I realize that it was over-the-top, but I thought that it was funny, and is actually, the TRUTH, regardless of my insertion of it for humor.


  27. To V and Lindsey...

    Stop making sense... you know you just p*ss off the trolls when you do that.

    If Duke can get away with the politics and religion and zio spiel... and A.J. with "it's the mexicans"... Lindsey should get a little slack for the "demons on two legs" thing... it, at least, has some legitimacy. Lol.

    xoxoxoxoxo.... w.o.

  28. This is one of the best shows I've heard in years.
    He sounds like a good white man, fighting the good fight against the demons with 2 legs. Onward ho guys! Keep it up!"

  29. In the unlikely event anyone still doesn't know... presumably Lindsey's biped baddies tagline is surely an intended reworking of:

    "[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs."-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the 'Beasts,"' New Statesman, June 25,1982.

  30. Yeah... you know, Hugo Chavez (R.I.P.) kind of had a similar saying too. Beggin' didn't have any kind of lock on the English language... anyone can use it.

    Something makes me think Lindsey was just a bit more affective than "some" may have anticipated. You inflicted a wound Linds... good job.

  31. ".....He sounds like a good white man, fighting the good fight against the demons with 2 legs...."

    All the while cozing up to the likes of Mark Glenn who is clearly anti-white.

    You all love the white man as long as he is not a Separatist.

    You all love the white man as long as he is the 'it's a small world afterall' kind of white man.

    But the white man who is a Separatist and just wants to preserve his he is the racist hater.

  32. Nice to see so many intelligent, supportive comments. There are so many asshole comments bitching about non-essentials.

    Pushing the JEW Truth is the number one item. Great work, Lindsey.

  33. Mark Glenn is not anti-White, he's exposing the filthy Jews... Don't make it solely a White issue.

  34. ok I was expecting Lindsey to be less erudite and eloquent than he Waa. I personally agree with Lindsey on his beliefs on being able to wake up a sleeping dragon of the multi-cultural.

    and fully applaud his efforts to get his message across ,I was personally moved by his calls for people to do all they can ,I for one do not and I assume many other people do not do all they can to change their environment for the better.

    anyhoo great to finally hear Lindsey and even more to find out he is a great person


  35. The black community has been destroyed?

    There are cities everywhere around us in America that have gone from economically troubled but largely nice and safe to utterly ugly, dysfunctional and dangerous in a measly 20-30 year period. In fact, the damage that has been done to these cities has been so severe that it is highly likely that they will never recover.

    If you really believe that European racism (and not black behavior) has been a main factor in these cities reaching the point of no return, you are refusing to deal with reality, or you are incapable of doing so.

    And just how do the very real and very evil machinations of the Jews and their non-Jewish allies excuse widespread behaviors, beliefs and attitudes within the black and Muslim populations that are patently destructive, dangerous, chauvinistic, irrational and wantonly cruel?

  36. @ "When I refer to demons walkig-on-two-legs, I am NOT referring to EVERY jew, or "ALL" jews, a being born evil. To what I am referring, ABSOLUTELY, is the behavior and mentality of the VAST MAJORITY of jews, THROUGHOUT HISTORY, who have either participated in the fulfillment of "The jewish Utopia" as they call it, or in their refusal to speak-out and do something to stop what HAS ALREADY HAPPENED TO OUR PLANET AND THE HUMAN-RACE.

    Not every jew, nor every Christian zionist, are involved in this bullshit, BUT THOSE WHO ARE, ARE DEMONS WALKING-ON-TWO-LEGS, AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED, BECAUSE THEIR ACITONS ARE IN-HUMAN."

    Why do you feel the need to de-humanize all people who have Jewish genes by calling the demons in the same way that you would call black people niggers or gorrilas and then justify it by saying it's only the 'vast majority' you're referring to ? Similarly you can call black people niggers and say you're only referring to black ghetto criminal types and not Bill Cosby or the Fresh Stink of Bel Air.

    What are you, too pussy to use the word 'Jew' like Hitler did ?

    You can call them Jews, you know.

    Theodore Herzel called them Jews himself, he didn't differentiate between Zionist Jews and Talmud Jews and Torah Jews and Naturai Kertei or whatnot, he just called them all Jews, so why can't you ? Why this need to call them 'demons'?

    Well, obviously, you would need to de-humanize them because if you saw them as human like yourself, you couldn't justify the totally naive belief you probably have that if the 2 to 5 % of the world's population you consider 'demons walking on 2 legs' were to disappear tomorrow, through the grace of Jew-sus Christ himself, the very phenomenon of 'evil' and 'parasitism' would disappear with them.

    Have you ever seen the movie 'Defamation' ?

    A huge barrage of brainswashing is needed to keep these Jew kids loyal to the tribe. They're not automatically born loyal to their tribe. They are made to believe by their elders that all gentiles are out to kill them, therefore, they better not speak out against their own kind if they know what's best for them. But to your way of thinking, any kid who doesn't overcome his brainwashing is now not just a brainwashed Jew but a 'demon minus foreskin walking on two legs' ?

  37. Originally I thought Kyle was being a bit lazy by interviewing someone from the chat room but this interview was more interesting that I expected.

    Lindsey succeeding in the face of health problems is admirable.

  38. As a fellow admin at (ran by Ognir), and after listening to the various audio's and phone calls Lindsey has done over the years, it was no surprise to me that this was going to be an excellent listen. Lindsey is a true activist, and loyal to the truth. Great job Kyle and Lindsey, truly inspiring and motivating.

  39. Diceman said...
    "Originally I thought Kyle was being a bit lazy by interviewing someone from the chat room..."

    There is more to both Kyle and Lindsey than you assumed, obviously.

    Kyle represents an exceptional balance of versatility and talent. He is also generous to others.

    Lindsey is a dedicated activist and a "people person". Many attack Lindsey as he is an easy target. Most that attack Lindsey simply cannot deal with their own weaknesses.

  40. This Lindsey sounds like a Christ-insaner. I wonder how long it will be before he starts pushing Dual seedline Christian Identity.

  41. All jews are the problem. They have been for 5773 years. Each one plays their part, big or small. If you want to save a few "good ones" as pets, you can expect them to get a footing and surge right back into their subversion like they have done 109 times. It ain't pretty, but it's the truth.

  42. Kyle, although I am on the line with you because of some of your other broadcasting-cohorts I will say this......

    Thank you for being MAN enough to speak about the Jewish act of CIRCUMCISION! This IS THE PROBLEM! This is what makes 99% of a Jew and this is THE PROBLEM in America. Get down to this subject and you fix the problem.

  43. Lindsey, pics or it didn't happened.


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