March 13, 2013

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.03.13

The Boys Will Not Let This Spin Out of Control, This is What They Do for a Living

-Andy goes into detail on the shoes to drop, his prediction of “massive”
-Inflation and Patrick asks if he wants to change the word to “hyper” inflation.
-What are the differences and similarities to five years ago, March 2008 in the World of Money?
-Greece, Spain the EU and the big picture – A planned event
-You’ll get a fun history lesson the first hour on Lincoln, the Greenback and how the National Banking Act came into existence
-Andy explains the critical difference in a trading currency and reserve currency
-Buy gold with yen and go to sleep for ten years
-The Illinois Pension Fund fraud – the shape of things to come
-Read the books by Eustace Mullins
-Andy answers a fascinating email from a listener in Greece provocative questions on Greece’s possible way out of their dilemma.
-Inquiring minds want to know – what happens when interest rates start to rise and when is this going to happen?
-Buy some gold coins now, so if it goes to $5,000 per ounce you will have some fun choices to make.
-Advertising for more Food Stamp Recipients is working well
-Debt can be a blessing with creative credit card use

The Real World of Money Archive 

Andrew's Site



  1. a geek in his pajamas and some chicanery.
    the federal reserve is federal.
    flash crashes @ bitcoin?
    buy the goy low and sell the goy high.
    unfunded pension liabilities will destroy the world.
    bailouts ahead?
    all worship eustice mullins the enlightened one.

    corporate/municipal bonds will break the system.

    bailout. bailout. kettle of rotten fish.

    bankrupt cities require means and mediation. what a mess. have a good look.

    lets buy our debt back.

    they did a great job in 2008 saving the economy.

    the govt. should let us have some other currency.... parallel? wtf?
    fly in ointment?
    banks. debt. mortgage. pain. internal system. better not default.
    stop hurting greece.
    packages have bows.
    pope mention.
    hallmark. production. infrastructure. bonus.
    stuck here. again. here. stuck.

  2. Montagne already called out Bitcoin.

    It's actually very uncertain whether the gold bull run of 10+ years is ending or due for and able to make one last step up.

    But that doesn't matter - 'buy gold and go to sleep'. Right.

    The Sumerian Swindle vol.1 is about 300pp too long.


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