April 23, 2013

David Duke Show 2013.04.23

Today: Dr. Duke gives a dynamic excerpt from his new upcoming book, The Zionist Conspiracy: The Ultimate Racist Threat to All Mankind. His book will be a tool for awakening America and the World to the dangers of Jewish tribalism, and will offer a plan to overthrow this ultimate racist obstacle to our freedom, heritage and very existence. Then Dr. Slattery joins Dr. Duke and brings up a number of vital points and shows among other things the terrorist bombing in Boston and its relation to Zionism.

David's site

56k CF Download


  1. charlie don't surf will be back after this boston thing blows over, lol

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  3. ? 7:12PM ?

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    Try UNIX cmd: banner

  4. Wow Zio Duke's new book isn't kosher at all. (cough) First he blames the "Zionists" which is total BS because anti-"Zionist" JEWS are just as dangerous and they work together. Then he throws in the jew word "racist" which undermines white people's justification for wanting separation from non-whites. What an obvious shitbag con man this guy is.

  5. David Duke believes in Jewish media Hollywood version of the Boston bombings.

    How kosher is that!

  6. David Duke has softened his message in order to appeal to a wider audience(including non-whites) because he thinks that will get him more shekels. That's what it's all about.


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