April 24, 2013

Fat Boy Alex Jones is at it again, making conspiracy theories look really bad

Just read these 2-articles (with an agenda of their own, obviously) and look at how fat boy, the butt boy of the Zionist/jewish supremacists, is making conspiracy theories look stupid.

Alex Jones is phoning it in

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Alex Jones fan


  1. This fat freak is worse than the jews.

  2. Its no wonder that he built a tall wall around his texas ranch.

  3. .

    I told you people years ago that the powers that be were going to raise Alex Jewn$ to National Recognition.

    Remember when North Korea had Austin Texas in their target? Who is from Austin? Take a wild guess.

    Now this Boston connection to "Infowhores". This whole thing is being manipulated big time.

    The powers that be have big plans for Fat Boy. He will be the 'go-to' man for (dis)information on the patriot and alternative media and the community. You think he makes us look bad now? Its only going to be worse.

    The powers that be have been grooming Jewn$ for his big role. Jewn$ will come off looking like the spokesperson for us and will twist and distort the facts and help bring down the true patriots In My Own Opinion.

    They had Bo Gritz for this role and he was in their pocket years ago until Gritz was discredited and exposed.

  4. He sure is chubby!

  5. If there's a conspiracy at play then all these factors probably were thrown in to earth ppl like alec joneses attention like a lightning rod, except the lightning rod leads to him looking stupid and naive


  7. I don't know how this fat fuk is still accepted. From Russia launching nukes, to Arabs/Chinese running hollywood, to the NWO is out to kill jews.

    Half his staff must just be there to inflate his numbers. I even remember on Youtube... the 'AJ is a Vatican Assassin had 20 times the views of 'AJ is covering for Jews'.

  8. Thanks for the photo (lmao) and for cleaning this up zap. Fat boy always squints his eyes to try to appear intelligent.


  9. @ "The powers that be have been grooming Jewn$ for his big role. Jewn$ will come off looking like the spokesperson for us and will twist and distort the facts and help bring down the true patriots In My Own Opinion."

    His main role is to gatekeep media fakery, the modus operandi of these PsyOps. He's still a 9-11 plane-hugger and so is Rense and both of them still take as for granted, without any further investigation that '3000' people died. That's his first big role.

    His second big role is to lie about WWII history and the real history of the Fascist revolutions in Europe. This props up the holohoax, Fascism as the ultimate evil and the Jews as victims, which props up Israel and the JWO.

    As long as he keeps doing those two things he'll continue to make make many millions of dollars a year. If he starts telling the truth on either of those two fronts to his millions of followers, he'll most likely be sent on a permanent vacation to the tropics and never be heard from again.

  10. .
    I agree Anon @5:03

    When the shit hits the fan, 'they' (the powers that be) will have their "spokesperson" Alex Jewn$ to turn to, in order to tell the masses to lay down their arms and 'be a good citizen' and comply with the government requests for turning in their weapons.

    Jewn$ is real good at being a turncoat (Traitor) when it comes to gun rights. Remember when he disrupted that PRO-GUN rally in Austin Texas some years back?

    Jewn$ will also join in with fellow media (and long time establishment) hacks Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who will also be on the air during the big crisis and they will be telling Americans to turn in their weapons and go to the nearest FEMA center for 'peace and safety'.

    I'll bet Jewn$ will have video of patriots hiding out somewhere in some secret location. But then turns around and sells it to Faux News. How do I know that would happen?

    Surely Jewn$ wouldn't do that? Would he? Well he did in 2000 to John Gray and his family. Here read it yourself.


    "In the case of John Gray, the Alex Jones betrayal has placed the lives of the entire Gray household in jeopardy."


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. They got him by the balls, he couldn't be the real hero even if he wanted to but they let him play a half-ass hero as a consolation prize and as a safety valve for angry people. All the angry people need to blow off steam and that's where the safety valve comes in. It's better than nothing. He still gets to check the globalists advance and gets to be a millionaire and stuff his face with pizza all he wants. It's a good deal for him. He basically knows this instinctively. I don't think anyone sat him down and told him. He knows that he can't fuck with the Jews since 23 of them advertise and sponsor his show and his boss Mel Karmazin at Sirius Satellite is a Jew and even his wife comes from Jew stock (though now a crypto who converted to Christianity to marry Christian Alex) but if he plays a good game they'll let him have some smaller wins, throw him a few bones off the table to make his fans think they're really doing something. That acts as a safety valve for their anger and keeps things in check. Once they let that steam off with Alex, they've got no more left for a real revolution.

  13. April 24, 2013 at 9:14 AM

    No, christianity is worse than jews. I have the documents.

  14. April 24, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    Hey "John" you shithole, muslims aren't christians so you should be ok with it.

  15. Christians and muslims both worship jewish messiahs.

  16. Islam and Christianity are both offshoots of Judaism.


  17. Islam and Christianity are both offshoots of Judaism.


  18. ur just a conspiracy theorist, theoretical physicists and atheists are too, they think jews just made up the bible and ufos and amazing things don't happen unless they see it



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