April 04, 2013

Foon1es FlopHouse Radio 2013.04.03

My humble effort for anyone bored enough to listen. Music & chat with your host Foon1e :)

Foon1e's blog



  1. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/does-race-exist.html

  2. The music was incredibly loud compared to voice. Basically had to adjust volume each time changed over. Even speeding while trying to speed through music I had to take volume way down to avoid high volume music.
    Other than that, pretty good show. Less music and less volume of it might be good for future efforts.

  3. You have excellent potential. Good voice, good topics. If you like doing it, keep at it, you will shine.

  4. http://www.netipedia.com/index.php/Racial_discrimination

  5. Sandy Hook is a Jerusalem black ops. Spread the word, and check out drkresearch and Rick Webbs.

    Rothschilds own the financial empire of the Zionist empire, and 9/11 was crafted in Tel Aviv.

  6. Getting the talk-to-music ratio higher would be good. Although I enjoyed almost all of the music (Genesis and Marillion tunes are still stuck in my head) it reminds me of one of those rare cases where an interesting host is on a commercial radio station, you want more talk less music.

    Regarding sound levels I believe Levelator is good for fixing levels after the recording is made.


  7. great first show mate. Can't wait till the next one. Trolls rule!

  8. bored enough? I listened when I had to go to work, got fired, but was still happy because it was worth the trade-off.

  9. People should recognize that most of so called "pop music" is jew promoted degenerate bullshit, starting with rock'n'roll itself. Yes!

    Even Elvis Presley was jewish, thats why they created his cult. Not to mention John Lennon, professor Adorno and his Tavistock pals.

    It's main intention was to break american white middle class, break down families, promote drugs, hedonism, nihilism and narcissistic self absorption. And it worked so well that it ha become part of american tradition, like apple pie.

    Africanized tribal beats, "rap" wich isn't music at all, but rather propaganda in rhymes, dionysian "rock concerts" are all artificial creations of 100 years of decadent jew capitalism, psychological weapons against our people.

  10. Great show. Good talking points. More.

  11. @12:27 AM

    ...John Lennon...

    Source please (again).

    Adorno writing the Beatles' stuff - yeah right, more wishful thinking. That crud came from 'Dr.' John 'Coleman' "aka John Clarke and likely actually one Joseph Pavlonsky, of Russian Khazarian origin".

  12. John Lennon was "in love with judaism" according to this book.


    Yeah right, "there should be no nations, no borders, we're all as one", etc bullshit, speaken like a true kike.

  13. @anon 5:38

    It's a goddamn satire written by some supposed Jew who teaches 'arabic literature,' dufus, it's not a serious book.

    "Imagine" is a commie song and Lennon is an odd name, for sure, pronounced almost the same as the most famous communist ever, but maybe his bloodlines are blue blood like Brad Pitt's, George Orwell's, Obama's and Aldous Huxley's like Clint Richardson revealed in his total genealogical immersion show:


    Even Jimi Hendrix was a blue-blood thirteenth cousin of the Queen of England:


    I think Lennon was Justin Bieber's 8th cousin or was it Madonna ?


    The Beatles on Jews and the Media, Lennon: Show business is an extension of the Jewish religion


  14. There's two ways of looking at blue blood relations:

    1) Only blue bloods or those related to the in-crowd are allowed to play celebrity


    2) Only blue bloods have any real talent embedded in their genetics so no matter where these cousins end up, their talent always makes them celebrities or at least recognized most of the time, at which point other blue bloods recognize them as 'one of their own' or 'shape-shifting lizards' in Icke-lingo and help them become big celebrities.

  15. Lennon et al. and blue-bloods - this says to me this 6th cousin twice removed blather is likely BS


    e.g. 7th degree of relatedness, example: second cousins twice removed or first cousin four times removed: 0.78% shared DNA.

    Surely when you get up to even remoter degrees like Hendrix as alleged 13th cousin of QEII (source?) the shared DNA cannot be much more than the statistical average of two persons randomly selected off the street. Or is the jive that some specific characteristic and its DNA is shared? Too far out to be true without more.

  16. @anon 6:10 PM

    They have the full family tree mapped out at this link:


    Hendrix is also 8th cousin of Bill Gates and 11th cousin of General Robert E Lee and 13th cousin of Obongo

  17. Foon1 has a good radio voice and delivery and his own unique perspective that's got some intellectual weight to it but he played too much music. Keep the music either to a couple of tunes per two hour show or edit it down to bumper length of maybe 1 to 2 minutes of the best part of each song you're going to play. Talk a lot more about interesting topics. Take your cue from Scorpio's last two shows and the way he organizes them and you won't go far wrong. If it's not a live show, you should work on it until you're satisfied with it and only then release it to the general public. This first show was very good but I had to jump around from the music to the audio parts so many times that it was annoying.

  18. http://www.geni.com/path/Jimi+Hendrix+is+related+to+Queen+Elizabeth+II?from=6000000009583573375&to=6000000003075071669

    Queen Elizabeth II is Jimi Hendrix's great grandmother's ex-partner's [b]{ambiguous}[/b]second great grandfather's wife's [b]{ambiguous}[/b]great aunt's fourth cousin 9 times removed!

    Note the ambiguities which potentially indicate NON-blood relation. Couched in those terms isn't it worthless, quite apart from the fact there seems to be no indication of the genealogical sources going so far back??


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