April 23, 2013

Imperium Europa with Dana Antiochus 2013.04.23

Talking to leaders and representatives of the Renaissance Party of North America about ethno-nationalism, racialist politics, environmentalism, post-collapse scenarios, etc.

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  1. Whatever happened to Dana on Ugly Truth?

  2. I won't speak for Dana, but I figure he did not want to be muffled on issues concerning Aryanism.

  3. If you actually listened to Dana's shows you wouldn't need to ask ;)

  4. I mean did he ever explain, HIMSELF, what happened?

  5. Ask the Insider!:
    @April 23, 2013 at 11:03 PM
    "Dana explained it to Kyle here

    Dana was brought on to reign in Lugh on saturday nights. Lou's drinking is so out of control he can no longer prepare a show & can only appear on Saturday Night roundtable.

    The timing was good as Lugh ran over everyone this past Saturday Night, most of the time he did not have a point. Lugh also had major trouble operating his phone correctly & no one could hear him.
    The sad thing is that Lugh would never know, is he does not really converse with tohers but just speaks.

    Lou was good bait in catching the homosexuals Celtic Rebel & NJ Jim, but the other renegade host should each chip in $5 to cover Lugh's half of the bill. Lugh can then be 'first off the bench'& do a early Saturday Morning Show, like what oracle did to Fetcho"

  6. 2.2.10. To promote and defend with vigour the Occidental preeminence and role of the individual over the role of the collectivist horde.

    Now, that's what I'm talking about !! I like these Renaissance Party motherfuckers ! The collectivist hordes can go fuck themselves off the side of a cliff !! The individual is what built the Occident and came together in tough-as-nails groups whenever defense of Occidental values was necessary. Just because they've been wimped out with idiotic programming in recent decades doesn't mean this will always be the case.


  7. You can't fuck with the drunken Lugh Kung-Fu, dog!

  8. These guys from the RP sound like peak oil advocates. And no Dana, its not just Alaska, its the continental US they want to drill.

    If I'm not mistaken drilling new wells was stopped. The excuse was the tree huggers were bitching but from what I've read those tree huggers were hired by the oil companies.

    The goal is to gain control of the world's oil reserves and then drill here and then they can charge a hell of lot more!

    These guys don't sound old enough to have been around for 30 years.

    I could be wrong but their peak oil scare tells me I'm not!

  9. every show on renegade has bad audio.

  10. Renegade, your network for the Gay Lesbian, Transgener and utterly stupid low information jew race mixers.

    Hey Mike, still tapping that tight kike pussy? Still serving the jewish race?

  11. Zeke Jones, American PatriotApril 24, 2013 at 2:25 AM

    Renegade is for fags because they hate dudes in dresses loving and eating Jesus

  12. As usual the collective IQ in the comments is exceedingly low! No wonder THE christard spammer has to post so many and under different Anons...

  13. Tell that screaming death-metal moron to settle down and relax. What the fuck is wrong with these angry idiots ? Can't they sing the bossa-nova or something ? Sing a nice melody like "Sweet Home Alabama."

  14. Dana sounds like Doug Owen's brother.

  15. Great show Dana. The show is on YT here: http://youtu.be/4hlzI1MDgrs

  16. So Pagans are continuous losers? What else is new.

  17. and the christ steins will get their way that they have plotted out in the protocols of christ steinanity aka the book of revelation.

    Ha! That's funny. You're right though, the book of Revelation really is a kind of Protocols of the Learned Elders of Christianity. I never thought of it that way.

    And I like your new "Christ Steiners" pun. Very original. I might have to use that one.

  18. No, you've got it wrong guys!
    Jesus was actually a Slav and he tried to remove kebab

  19. Renegades are steering people in a political direction that will never work in america

  20. Yeah the truth will never work in America. You gotta dumb it down to a christarded level.


  21. How Do Pagans Feel About Homosexuality?

    By Patti Wigington, About.com Guide

    "How Do Pagans Feel About Homosexuality?"

    Many Pagans and Wiccans have a fairly open-minded view of homosexuality.
    Image © Getty Images
    See More About

    pagan sexuality
    current events

    In many Wiccan traditions, it's common to have an equal number of male and female members. This is because, among other things, it helps create an equal balance of male and female energy. However, there are an increasing number of Pagan groups founded by and geared towards gay members, and may only take initiates of one gender, rather than having a balance of male and female.

    Much like other issues, you'll often find that Pagans and Wiccans are very accepting of homosexuality. That's due in no small part to the fact that a lot of Pagans and Wiccans figure it's none of their business who someone else loves. There also tends to be support of the idea that acts of love, pleasure and beauty are sacred -- no matter which adults happen to be participating.

    Admittedly, some books published by Pagan authors in decades past have had a more conservative view towards gay members. That trend is changing, and at any Pagan gathering you'll probably find a higher proportion of gays and lesbians than you would in the general population.

    Some Wiccan and Pagan traditions are strictly for gay members, and most accept and welcome gay, bisexual and transgender seekers side-by-side with their heterosexual peers. Many Pagan clergy people are willing to perform same-sex handfastings and commitment ceremonies.

  22. Is Kike sledge still banging hook nose whores?

  23. antichristian,pagan movement=gay movement

  24. Haha so About.com, owned by a jew, is a credible resource for information on pagans? You christards will do anything to prop up your kike's stick.

  25. antichristianity/paganism is a gay jewish movement

  26. At least if we bash Christianity it's a good way to keep the idiots out who'd eventually fuck everything up.

  27. Sure thing christard spammer

  28. 2:58 PM You're the idiots who are fucking everything up.

  29. 2:58 PM You can call people names all you want, it doesn't make the truth any less the truth. Antichrisian/pagan movement is gay and jewish.

  30. Is Kike sledge still banging hook nose whores?

    Yes! In fact, Sledge and his mischling son go to the same church that his Jewish ex-wife works at as an administrative assistant. How cool is that?

  31. Antichrisian/pagan movement is gay and jewish.

    But Christianity is a Jewish religion and most priests are homosexual pedophiles.

  32. Wiccans were started by a jew and have introduced jewish and christian filth into Our Pagan practices. You can find many beautiful Pagan videos but many include the doctrines of christ insanity and jewish law such as the seven times retribution straight from your and chris stein ideology. So with Wiccan you can get great videos but can detect the ones which got polluted with christ Stein filth. joyofsatan is straight out non jewish.
    So whoever called Pagans losers this battle is not over yet and you will see who the losers are real soon.

  33. The epitemy of gay marriage is the Brides of jeozous. kissng crosses. What really pissed the Pagan Romans off was when they caught jeezous making out with Judas.The most powerfl position is on your knees where jeezous has eacy access from the rear to cum into you.

  34. The great majority of the antchristian/pagan movement is not antijewish, they may be antizionist, out of sympathy for muslims, they go right along with the rest of the jew agenda of communism, homosexuality and multiculturalism.

    Christians are much more likely to be opposed to the jewish agenda, although they are not aware it is jewish.

    You people are just a freak show, meant to drive away any serious opposition to jew domination, and encourage other freaks to do the same, but you already knew that, didn't you.

  35. Anonymous said...
    ...Sledge and his mischling son
    April 24, 2013 at 5:13 PM

    You appear to have an unnatural fascination with Sledge's children and post comments about them frequently & randomly even when the topic has nothing to do with them. It's becoming evidently clear that you are nothing more than a pedophilic stalker as ALL your comments display an obvious obsession with the callous treatment of children and a lack of dealing with anything factual about the situation or topic. Hopefully Mami's has a complete record of your comments and IP(s) as it's pretty obvious they'll need to pass these on at some stage soon or in the future judging by your unstable dribblings and highly suspect comments here (and most likely elsewhere).

  36. April 24, 2013 at 8:07 PM,

    Hi, Mike Sledge. How's your Jewish family doing? Maybe you should call Alex Jones. You two have a lot in common with each other.

  37. April 25, 2013 at 12:42 AM

    Wipe the dribble off your chin Cleatus, LOL!

  38. One of the RP guests said Western white birthrates were already declining and mass immigration was started (wholly? partly?) to replenish the body of consumers that capitalism requires.

    In light of material like Barbara Spectre's [sic] YT video crowing over the destruction of the European racial identity that sounds dubious as the leading reason. Mass immigration has never been democratically sanctioned, and panders to what K-Mac called ethnic group interest lobbying and demands for cheap labour to undercut the home market.

    Also Klassen summarised reasons for forgetting at this time about secession / Regionalism - see for instance p8 on of 'On the Brink of a Bloody Racial War' published 1993. I think he was kooky on some issues but on this one he'd given his views on much of the ground - here being less well reworked. Had the guests read him? Would they have agreed if they had?

    Also I don't remember the guests saying how their abstract aspirations are expected to have a chance of being turned into practice i.e. what is their constituency? Revilo Oliver dismissed the democratic process for change since by 1969 at least it was plainly owned by the financiers:


    Revilo Oliver -- After 50 Years - National Youth Alliance - 1969 - White imperium. [Monty Python caricature sketch prototype?]

    Slow show till the first of Frank's (several) calls.

  39. One other thing.

    Get off BogSquawk. The audio is really bad. Not just for you but I found bad audio on Dr Daniels' shows too which I selected at random for comparison. Funny, because the reproduction on things like this rerun of a 2009 Richie Havens interview to mark his death 22/4 was near perfect even with low bitrate


    Dan Karns - Richie Havens 9 December 2009 (show_814572)

  40. Dana's wrong to dismiss the depopulation agenda, it's been very comprehensively set out in multiple books and documents, if he reads Quigley's Tragedy and Hope he'll see the end game was always to steal all the wealth then cull the herd b/c we're 'useless eaters' fouling up the elite's global safari park (ofcourse THEY are the destroyers of the environment as they are of the White race and EVERYTHING good and wholesome, but for which they blame us for being legion), so they want far fewer of us around, an even more dumbed down, brown, homogenised, techno serf, 500m tops, all crammed into domed cities as per Agenda 21 - they're already rewilding - the need to depop is constantly rammed down our throats by their frontmen like Jacques Cousteau Ted Turner et al, it's a constant media theme b/c the ppl must consent to their own demise,a legalism demanded of them by some hidden principle i haven't yet identified (just b/c Jew shill Jonesy talks about it doesn't make it untrue)

    MWT 24/7


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