April 30, 2013

Imperium Europa with Dana Antiochus 2013.04.30

Reflecting, commenting, and adding to some of the recent topics discussed at Renegade including Christianity and its place in the movement for European liberation; diving deeper into National Socialist philosophy with a couple readings that directly connect to this issue; a look at my favorite white nationalist website that tackles this subject

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  1. Hail Yahweh! Hail Yeshua Moshiach! Away with you anti-christs!

  2. RatFacedYeshuaMoshiachMay 1, 2013 at 1:06 AM

    No Christian can be anti-Semitic toward the Jews. Christ was a Jew, and that by divine intent. In a conversation with a Samaritan woman, Jesus declared: “[S]alvation is from the Jews” (John 4:22). The focus, of course, was upon his personal identity as the Messiah (vv. 25-26). All people are indebted to the Hebrew nation for the Savior. Jesus acknowledged his Jewish heritage, and Christians should rejoice in this fact as well. https://www.christiancourier.com/articles/1425-salvation-is-from-the-jews

  3. You heathens take the bible too literally. Jesus was our savior. That's all that matters.

  4. May 1, 2013 at 1:12 AM
    What did he save you from?

  5. This was another very good broadcast. Thank you, Dana.

    And the caller, Frank, as he so often does, says things that are very insightful and important, putting them in a way that is direct and truly funny. He is absolutely correct in pointing out that there are things about our Christian traditions that are genuinely loveable, and that these things are loveable because they are European and Pagan.

    Exhibit A: Christmas.

    Say what you will about the Christmas holiday as it stands today, but there is still something deeply moving about it. And what is beautiful and poignant about it is there because of Volkisch traditions that were started, largely, in what would become Germany and Latvia.

    It is seriously doubtful that any significant number of all of those Europeans who still cherish the Christmas season are thinking about The Virgin Birth and the baby Jesus during that time. They are, consciously or unconsciously, touched by Germanic Volk traditions that are, indeed, lovely and reassuring.

    Similarly, many people of European heritage calling themselves "Christians" are genuinely good people. They are, therefore, "Christian" in name only. They sincerely believe in things like The Golden Rule. And, if we are objective and honest, The Golden Rule, which certainly made its appearance in the world long before the advent of Christianity, is an excellent distillation of what is truly moral. Teaching it and practicing it works especially well within a genuine Volk community, and to try to apply it as much as is reasonable to relations with other communities, peoples and nations is wise.

    It is possible for European people to appreciate what is best about their "Christian" traditions (the Germanic, the Hellenistic, the Pagan, etc.) while casting aside what is harmful and insulting. And what is harmful and insulting (flagrant irrationality, undeserved self-hatred, misogyny, sexual neuroses, etc.) is Abrahamic.

  6. John Sholtes, learn to punctuate with periods and commas. You are an embarrassment to the troll community. You come off like a moron with the gibberish you post.

    Praise Kali!

  7. Jesus Christ saved us from being aliens from The Lord. You pagan trash just hate God and all Jews. Even though they gave us Jesus Christ. Our one and only savior.

    Eph 2:11 Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands—12 remember lthat you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to nthe covenants of promise, ohaving no hope and without God in the world. 13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were pfar off have been brought near qby the blood of Christ. 14 Forrhe himself is our peace, swho has made us both one and has broken down tin his flesh the dividing wall of hostility 15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in uordinances, that he might create in himself one vnew man in place of the two, so making peace, 16 and might wreconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. 17 And he came andxpreached peace to you who wereyfar off and peace to those who were znear. 18 For athrough him we both have baccess in cone Spirit to the Father. 19 So then you are no longer dstrangers and aliens,1 but you are efellow citizens with the saints andfmembers of the household of God,20 gbuilt on the foundation of thehapostles and prophets, iChrist Jesus himself being jthe cornerstone, 21 kin whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into la holy temple in the Lord. 22 In him myou also are being built together ninto a dwelling place for God by2 the Spirit.

  8. Hail Yahweh! Anti-Christs are racist barbarians!

  9. I cannot see how you can blame Christianity for the defeat of Germany.

    I also believe that in a so called Christian nation,to bash people's roots will not work well even though most Americans do not really live Christian lives.They may pay lip service,but that is about it.Look at how Americans pay no attention to their religion.They get divorced,take birth control ,have abortions,engage in promiscuity,get drunk,have plenty of false idols.

    I would not worry about the Christians being staunch defenders of their faith. They have lost whatever ties to their Church that they may have once had.And I do not think that they ever really turned the other cheek or gave their money away.If anything they did the opoosite.

  10. Dana, awesome show, THX! Show on YT: http://youtu.be/t48o27AclYg

  11. White people are NOTHING without Jesus Christ! Salvation comes from the Jews! Always remember this!

  12. They get divorced,take birth control ,have abortions,engage in promiscuity,get drunk,have plenty of false idols.

    None of those things are anti-biblical, except maybe the part about the "false idols", i.e. gods other than YAHWEH, the Jewish tribal god.

  13. Poor judgement on the part of Hitler was the reason for the military defeat of Germany.The German Christians fought a valiant fight and followed orders like the masses do.Meanwhile I could not see myself hailing Hitler in a million man crowd like they did.The Christians were under some pretty heavy group think out there in those crowds.I would probably be on the list for not being willing to participate in that hurd mentality.

    As far as Christians believing in fairy tales,when have the masses not ? The Leprocan,the 4 leaf clover,mighty Zeus,Odin were all myths that that the masses took very seriously and always will.Let them do what they do best, work and fight wars and play whenever they can.Perhaps in time they will be able to abstractualize but it takes a lot of time and a lot of study.

  14. Well according to the Roman Catholic Church ,the most powerful of them all, those things mentioned are not of God but of the Devil,just to list a few.

    The point is that most Christians pay no attention to the doctrine that they so deeply believe in.So I would not worry so much about these Christians ruining your movement .

    The College of Cardinals and the Pope [CANON LAW] trump the bible and have done so for the last several hundred years.

  15. Jesus died a Jew

    When Yeshua was taken prisoner by a Roman captain, his cohort, and some Jewish officials (John 18:12), He was delivered into the custody of the Jewish priests, elders, and scribes (Mk. 14:53). The Roman soldiers would not have placed Him under Jewish jurisdiction if He were not Jewish.

    Later, Yeshua was brought before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council (Luke 22:66). He was charged with an offense against Jewish Law (Matt. 26:65-66, Lev. 24:13-14, John 19:7). Pilate, head of the Roman occupation, also recognized Jewish jurisdiction over Yeshua (John 18:31). This was because Yeshua was a Jew (John 18:35).

    He unequivocally identified Himself as the Messiah (Mk. 14:61-62) and as we have seen above, the Messiah must be Jewish. He said He is the King of the Jews (Matt. 27:11) and, as we have also seen above, the King of the Jews must Himself be Jewish. The Jewish crowd also called Him 'King of the Jews' (Mk. 15:12). He was mocked, spat on and beaten by the Roman soldiers as 'King of the Jews' (Mk. 15:16-20) and when they crucified Him, their charge was 'King of the Jews' (Matt. 27:37).

    The place of judgment had a Hebrew place-name (John 19:13) and the place of crucifixion had a Hebrew place-name (Mk. 15:22).

    Joseph of Arimethea, who took custody of Yeshua's body, was Jewish (Luke 23:50-52) and he laid the body in his own new tomb (Matt. 27:59-60). Therefore, Yeshua was buried in a Jewish cemetery. He was also buried according to Jewish custom of the time (John 19:40). Without doubt, Jesus died a Jew.

  16. Yes, we know he was a Jew. They're God's Chosen people.

  17. Too many "uh's" for me. Cannot stand it. Maybe, such as with "Sandy Hook" Lugh, you are not meant for radio.
    My only suggestion is to SLOW DOWN and get your thoughts in order before trying to form sentences that are filled with "uh" and/or go to dead ends. Complete sentences are cool. Pssst, pass this info to Lugh; and if you do, tell him that using "like" and "right" all the time is irritating as hell. Dana and Lugh. Man, you guys really need some work.

    Just as a freak audio show, I would like to listen to Lugh and Dana together. Can you imagine?

  18. Dana always has good info.to share.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Too many "uh's" for me. Cannot stand it...
    My only suggestion is to SLOW DOWN and get your thoughts in order before trying to form sentences...
    Complete sentences are cool...
    Can you imagine?
    May 1, 2013 at 3:20 PM

    You sound really gay.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Cannot stand it.
    May 1, 2013 at 3:20 PM

    Why do you listen then? You're obviously really stupid!

  21. "They even claim that they built the pyrmids."
    the humans HATE they ones that did this. All of that history is kept (from you) in OOPARTS (out of place artifacts). some of the humans, ~0.04% inherited most of that DNA & not the human DNA. Princess Diana & John Lennon were 2 of them & you assasinated both of them. President George W Bush is another, but he sucked, LOL.

  22. Oh fuck off, not again that crap.

  23. Tyday is may the first, holy day to all satanists.

    All you witches and wiccans ready for some full moon LARPing?


  24. What excellent assets Dana and Zieg are for Renegade.
    You know I think Dana reads the comments here because he noted something I have asked here at Mamis: Why aren't Jooz powerful in Shinto,Islamic,Buddhist or Hindu societies like in Christendumb. This should shut up most of the rabbid Rabbits for the Rabbi Yeshua club. It doesn't such is their myopia and cowardice.
    Can I get a big shout out for Wotan peeps! RBG

  25. 6:54 PM

    Buddhism is almost like a christianity - promotes values of passiveness, non-violence and strickt cast-like society.

    With sixties cultural revolution jews began to push buddhism to the youth and believe that burning the "bad karma" ie being complacent with the system you can buy the ticket to the better next life.

    Buddism is even worse, because of totally submissive attitude.

  26. But since renegade BOYS are bunch of cowards who don't do anything about jewish problem, then being a buddhist pothead suits them well.

  27. 7:14 PM

    Who let you out of the cage again?

  28. ...mighty Zeus,Odin were all myths that that the masses took very seriously and always will.

    Only a wacko conspiracy theorist would deny the historicity of Zeus and Odin.

  29. Wanna see my vintage porn magazine collection?


  30. 8:15 PM You got the issue with Wanda on it?

  31. Yeah I see comments disappearing

  32. 8:09 PM Yes mighty pagan brother, when we kill all the jews and christians, we will dine with the muzzies and buddhist, sacrifice a pig to an one eyed old man, and majestically run naked around a tree shaped phallus. Yes brothers victory is looking sweet....we just need to move out from our moms basement first.

  33. Go worship a dead commie jew you closet homosexual

  34. 9:10 PM dont speak about your mother like that sir

  35. So now the catholic jew Grizzom can post responses under my name and get away with it nd delete all m real responses.Well jews are known for their lies and he is a gret example. take your christian perverted comments about their porn collections down.And quit cut and pasting my name to responses by christard perverts.Anyone seeing this before it gets deleted knows the truth.Christards are liars perverts and libelists.They do th same to Hitler and try to put so called christard quotes under his name.

  36. I've been taking an ass pounding for years, I'll be damned if I'm going to let these christeins keep me and Billy from getting hitched!

  37. Catholic jew? If that is the accusation then I may not be innocent! Click my name above!!! :)


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