April 23, 2013

Israeli Mossad

Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA officers in order to recruit members of a Pakistani terror group to carry out assassinations and attacks against the regime in Iran... **Read article at HAARETZ**

...Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as American agents. **Read article at The Ugly Truth**


  1. Fake news intended to, as always, throw people off the scent of media fakery and how these 'events' are now all manufactured as multi-agenda Psy-Ops ahead of time in every detail of the operation (including fake photographers who supposedly took this or that shot, or this or that video) and then just aired as if it happened live on that day. They might combine the manufactured stuff with the live event stuff (bringing the empty buildings down on 9-11 or setting off a bomb or two just for effect in an already quarantined and roped off area in Boston) in layers to give it more realism but that's about it.

    All this gatekeeping into 'everything was real and is always real, just done by different people than the MSM is telling you' by Mark Glenn and the rest of his type by referring to planted stories in the controlled press pretending to be 'investigative bombshells' or leaks is not going to work.

    Once the techniques of media fakery (actors, CGI, photoshop, fake accounts, fake photographers and reporters, etc. used in combination) is taken away from them then they will HAVE TO pull off real false-flags and kill lots of real people and this is a lot more problematic for them than faking it.

  2. Straight jacket a little to tight juden

  3. Killing gentiles has never been problematic for the inbred sociopathic tribe.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. "We do not want your Rainbow mixed race jewish agenda so go back to your muslim countries and fight for your people and get out of Europe and the United States."

    Does not matter what "we" want. It only matters what the jew wants. What the jew wants, the jew gets. Right now the jew is blackmailing and paying off treasonous politicians that have opened the floodgates for immigration.

    Don't plead with the immigrants; plead with the jew. The jew wants chaos and needs you to blame the immigrants.

    Here is the power structure. Please remember it.
    1) The jew
    2) Treasonous jew lackeys

    You may tweak the immigration policies any way you want, even shutting the borders down, when you take care of number one or number two. At least for a while. 79 countries in the past took care of their jew problem by removing the jew 109 times. Sometimes the jew lackeys let them back in. If one doesn't rid itself of the jew parasite, then one must remove their lackeys. Quite simple.


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