April 15, 2013

Mike Delaney's Prothink's Radio Show 4-14-2013

Mike Delaney and Scott Roberts discuss their recent appearance on Israeli television about 'antisemitism'.

Prothink's audio archives



  1. So Scott Roberts admits that 'they' are going to take their interview and twist it to make them look bad(dooshthink, linder, and roberts. So what the fuck was the reason they did this interview in the first place? What a bunch of morons. Dooshthink is nothing more than a useful turd.

  2. No wonder that jewish tv gives publicity to people like wigger and kike trailer boy here. There is no better way to discredit rising white nationalism.

  3. Rising white nationalism, in my opinion is jewish funded and encouraged.
    Here are two reasons (there are probably many):

    1 - To fragment and break up any viable resistance to or awareness of jewish control/dominance of banking, media, government and other sectors.

    2 - To keep a cohesive and unified movement from forming, growing and becoming aligned against them, particularly when obvious times of ubiquitous austerity and unrest require a bogeyman. This is done by misdirecting unrest into fake and bogus movements, clearly aimed at the unintelligent and easily programmed, societies 'followers' clearly led and inspired by 'useful idiots' (which I shall refer to as 'idiotards'.) Causing such (well-funded) movements to grow and become more popular so that when they achieve some critical mass of popularity they can be easily discredited.

    White nationalism is such a movement.

    The default bogeyman of white nationalism is the non-white and the non-nationalists or both. No jews there eh?

  4. Inside white nationalism there is also great schism of white christians and white atheists/pagans/satanists. _"Proletariat" nationalists, vs "bourgeois" nationalists, etc etc etc

    Seems we don't have any hope out there, if system don't collapse by itself.

  5. The only man i've ever seen focused purely on jewry was Jacob Judicial. His website was perfect for pointing at these vermin but they blacklisted his site and put stalkers onto him.

    Unfortunately no-one has the balls to follow his lead. Everybody else has to jerk off about religion or spics or islam or nords or some other BS because they know the jews will leave them alone if they do.

    Just kick out the fkn jews and everything will be 100 times better.

  6. blacksheeple, people are enough divisive even without j00s.

    They are just living on weaknesses we already possess.

  7. If you goatboys dont have anything to offer then eternal bitching how bad christianity is, then you better join with occupy hippies.

    What a nasty bunch of narcissistic pricks!

  8. Normally I am an advocate for focusing on similarities rather than differences. Weather christian pagen athiest ect we can all rally around the complete transparency of the zionist occupied (world) government. Or ZOG governments of the world that all sing to the same tune.

    It is clear that Delaney is a snake in the grass. I couldn't imagine a more compromised person in the nationalist world.

    Who cares about the christian pagan debate.

    If I were a jewish media mogul and wanted to make the whole nationalist ideology look ridiculous I would give delany a voice.

  9. Wow they diss brother Nathaniel because he was a Jew, saying he is poisoning the message yet they give no reason for their position other than that he is 'biologically' Jewish.

    But if he wants to give unconditional praise to Proschtick and crew he is welcome to do so! Echoes of Eric Hufschmid's video telling Jews to get out of the truth movement.

    Nathaniel never made it a secret that he was Jewish and is far more effective than these guys at exposing AIPAC and the like.

  10. Alex Linder is a fuckin jew shill, of course he's gonna say that our goal is to exterminate all jews in jewish tv.

  11. Kapner is jewish clown who mocks christianity with his kooky behaviour.

  12. Delaney has proved himself an agent provocateur.

  13. There goes analcore, propping up jewish shills as per his job requirement. Hufschmid is a divisive jew and is married into rupert "greene" murdochs family. And nathaniel kikener is not only a parasite by genetics, but he promotes the jewish hoax of christianity. His "solution" to the 5,000 year old jewish problem is to convert all jews to said hoax of christianity. A laughing matter at best. And jews are no doubt joining in on the jesting at this "solution".

  14. 11:38

    Have you even read the bible? Can you even read?

  15. Anon @ 11:59

    Good one, jew.

  16. @9:22 AM Blacksheeple, your an idiot, in fact your the reason why this movement is going nowhere is because you and the other schizophrenics just want to ramble all day about "secret adl agents" that are dividing the movement. Wake up, The Movement is already DIVIDED, there are many coming at this topic with different viewpoints, Tell me, is there even any strong credible movement out that is not white nationalist? no none, most are just a bunch of keyboard warriors who just want to bitch about jooos all day, and others are your mark glenn types who just want to make this issue a arab vs jewsih issue, and that 'zionism' is the only problem and that we can convert all the jews to being goodies. At least WN's don't deny the Racial question regarding the jew.

  17. Lay off blacksheeple, he's only a beginner.

  18. Yes, WN's are led by geniuses like K Macdonald who start political parties that have jew speakers involved... or David Duke who takes 10 years to finger 'zios' for 9-11... or Greg Johnson at Homo-Nazi Currents.

    The credibility is off the chart!!

  19. Well, it's better than the "anti-Zionist" movement, which is led by Sephardic Marrano Jews like Michael Rivero, overweight homosexuals like Michael Collins Piper, and welfare sucking, Lebanese Muslim apologists like Mark Glenn.


  20. Agree. But why is there no Anti-Jew movement? 9-11 was a Jew Job etc?

    That's the only thing that scares them. Every other issue is a joke.

  21. @"If you goatboys dont have anything to offer then eternal bitching how bad christianity is, then you better join with occupy hippies.

    What a nasty bunch of narcissistic pricks!"


    Jew-sus was the original hippie !!

    Ever heard of the musical Jew-sus Christ Superstar by Andrew Lloyd Webber ? The singer from Deep Purple, Ian Gillan, was the Jesus role in the original production of that one. Who do you think funds big-ass musicals like that ?


    Jews just banned a Hitler "Mein Kampf" comic in Japan that had sold over 10,000 copies in a very short period of time and told the Japanese publisher that in order to make reparations for this insulting transgression to Israel and Jews he had to publish just as many BIBLE comics !!


    Jews use EVERY opportunity to push the bible and Jesus. After all that bitching that they did about Mel Gibson's film which gave it MASSIVE publicity it would not have had otherwise on the Jew-owned-MSM, they still allowed it to be shown in all the multi-plexes they own across the country. That's why it was most likely just another charade made for public consumption. They always intended to profit off Gibson's film.

  22. Fuck off Blackshitter, White nationalism has more of an understanding of the issue than all these "only israel is the Problem" Fucks! The problem is clearly the jewish race, and these mischlings or shepardics like rivero or kapner are phonies! Fuck that arab clown mark glenn also, arabs may be aware of the jew, but like the rest, they learn to love their masters and offer no resistance, nothing good has come out of the middle east ever since the aryan presence vanished from there!

  23. @2:08 PM Keep your pro or anti religious arguments to yourself jackass, stop with the division, or
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  24. mamisDUMPmadeINtelavivApril 15, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    This SHIT site starts to cause more destruction then any other!
    More and more, i start thinking that this site was created to do just that,divide,start fights,ruin various hosts with so called free speech where they let all kind of jews,trash,idiots and morons to post filth and degeneracy!
    Lately i think mamis DUMP is operating out of telaviv!
    Posting rumours,he said she said with hope to create more drama and dividence!Each day it becomes more silly and clear that this mamis DUMP is organized and moderated out of israhell by jews to divide goys!!
    I bet they will delete this comment!

  25. WTF are you talking about? Free Speech is the site's great strength. We can put rentapagan's views to the test without censorship... as well as any other issue.

    Everyone with something to hide fears this site.

  26. Jews use EVERY opportunity to push the bible and Jesus. After all that bitching that they did about Mel Gibson's film which gave it MASSIVE publicity it would not have had otherwise on the Jew-owned-MSM, they still allowed it to be shown in all the multi-plexes they own across the country. That's why it was most likely just another charade made for public consumption. They always intended to profit off Gibson's film.

    Yep. Good post.

  27. @ 2:15 PM

    Praise rabbi Yeshua Moshiach.


  28. mamisDUMPmadeINtelavivApril 15, 2013 at 2:39 PM

    idiot,fuck,mongrol,nigger,white trash,spick,whore,christard,atheist punk,pagan,pedophile,....,.....,.......,.....,......,.....

    Free trash speech for uneducated demented people that try to save the world from exactly the same filth as they are!
    Great, i wish you luck if you recognise your self in it!

    mamis DUMP clearly a SHILL shite created to divide!

    Go on brainles creatures,DO THE JEW JOB AND satisfy your empty heads!!

  29. "Jews use EVERY opportunity to push the bible and Jesus."

    Yeah, thats they did set up mandatory atheist meetings in soviet union telling what scam this christianity, executed millions because of their religion and then pushed their boshevik bullshit to idiots.

    Exactly what rent-a-gays do, except they promote worshipping jew Luficer goat religion and praising to jew god Astharoth.

    ""We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time"

    Jew freemason kingpin Alber Pike.

  30. More and more i listen to their network, more im convinced that their whole agenda is to propagate criminal atheism, they dont even care about jews or white people, all they care how to destroy christianity and remaining white heritage in general. Most of these guys don't even have families, all it is, is bitching club for eternal losers and druggies.

    This is their main passion, main driving force. Because they are drug addicts and drunk losers, last "roundtable" converation proved that again.

    All this serious talk about "protectionism" and preserving white heritage is nothing more then hook, line and sinker for pure communist propaganda a la Mao or Trotsky.

    Or these guys are just "useful idiots" ex KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov talked about in his brilliant lectures.

  31. Don't blame 'rats' for being rats , blame the traitors in our western societies that let these rats destroy us !!

  32. "Jews use EVERY opportunity to push the bible and Jesus." LOL! dude your are so fucking stupid, yea jews push a zionist version of Christianity but thats NOT true Christianity! The kikes on TV might love hiring some of you christian bashers thats for sure.

  33. ""We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time"

    This was proven to be a hoax made by a Catholic Bishop. The guy who originally printed it, William Guy Carr, even admitted it was fake.

    Christian mainstream pastors talk all the time about "Luciferian New World Order" conspiracies and theres countless films and TV shows about it.It was all started by Bush Jr.'s butt buddy Pat Robertson.

  34. 3:14

    All you really need is a nice bag of rat poison.

    Blaming game is for bitches.


  36. If you rentagay fags claim that white people fell for "jew" christianity hundreds of years ago, then this just proves that they are dumber then sack of shit, if small tribe from middle east could brainfuck the whole world so easily.

    You're just worshipping the almighty jews then, hahaha.

    One little book called "bible" mentally handicapped the whole humanity, right.

    I dont even get it are you atheists or pagans, you can't be both - deny god and then chant "hail satan" or whatever heavy metal rocknroll bullshit slogans your mikey mouse pseudomythology demands.

    What a pathetic joke you are, anal rebel was an asshole, but he hit nail on the spot, you're nothing more then just wanking club for prepubecent boys.

  37. Jews push the bible and Jesus? Sure they do, thats why the Talmud states that Christ is boiling in hell, in hot excrement.
    The first thing the Jewish Bolsheviks did was destroy the churches and cathedrals in Russia and tortured and executed the priests. Thats love for ya!

  38. "Jews use EVERY opportunity to push the bible and Jesus."

    That is an idiot statement if there was one. If the Jews pushed the Bible and Jesus, then why did they make the government take the bible out of the schools in 1962 and 1963? Does anyone here read history?

    Why are nativity scenes and anything related to Christianity banned or taken down from city owned property and schools around Christmas?

    Why did then Senator and Freemason Lyndon Baines Johnson help draft and pass laws in the 1950's to make Christian Churches take the tax exempt 501c3 status which makes them forbidden from talking about politics and government.

    If the Jews push the Bible and Jesus, then why did they make their lackey, LBJ pass that legislation? (You know, the same LBJ who later became Vice President and then President after JFK)

    I was hoping that people here would have a bit more knowledge than the average person in the street. But I guess that is not the case.

    And if people forgot, Jesus threw out the money changers ('Bankers'). If the Jews are cool with Jesus then why did they also reject them as their Messiah?

    Good Lord people, wake up.

  39. I sincerely hope that America will go down the toilet and takes their decadent remains of white population with it.

    Not a thing would be lost.

  40. Praise rabbi jesus!

  41. I think we should stop blaming jews,
    theyb are parasites , its their nature, they are born that way..
    we should instead concentrate on the traitors in our societries who let these jews destroy us. Traitors among the intellectuals, academia,church leaders etc.Name their names !!!!!
    ps:How odd of 'God' to choose the rats .

  42. Rabbi Prostinkelstein

  43. So Roberts complains about dissent being censored and Delaney agrees but Delaney himself will not allow dissent on his website. That's called hypocrisy. He will remove the comment then email you with insults. Try and you'll see.

    But what I find the most disturbing are the people who claim Christianity is a Jewish creation or claim all white nationalist groups are Jew created. The Jew fears both and bashing them only serves the Jewish agenda.

  44. "Jews use EVERY opportunity to push the bible and Jesus." The Fucktard that wrote this could use a healthy dose of Eugenics. Yea im sure the Jew bolsheviks just loved to spread christianity...

  45. @3:34 PM The runnygays are a bunch of wankers who can't or won't even dare to debate finck on a historical topic! last time one of the runnygays tried (loogie) he got his ass pulverized, I suggest everyone who doesn't believe me hear the last 15 minutes of that interview on history with John friend and Finck, Lube tried but failed.
    Rentagay is only good at two things, talking shit behind peoples back and not challenge them, and divide people among belief systems.

  46. Christianity is YHVH communism. The bolsheviks replaced it with atheist communism so they could created another fracture in whites to start the world wars. (More than the 40,000 sects of christianity that caused countless fratricidal wars between whites.)

  47. National Socialism is impossible in this country, because the Jewnited States is NOT a nation but a multi-cultural, multi-racial, high crime, dog eat dog ,melting pot society.
    The 'truth movement' ( 9/11 ) are not even able to get a few thousand people marching the streets and demonstrate against the official government lies .....

  48. Keef from toot militia got awesome roid attack in last show from "trollers" in chat.


    This is the only reason even to listen their guido show.

    Otherwise it was just boring bitching like they always do.

  49. I think these people really work for the pope. I can't think of a better recruitment tool for Christianity than this website.

  50. Delaney is a thieving criminal pile of human shit-trash. His very existence is a crime against humanity!

    This fucking moron has produced absolutely nothing in the six or so years he's been active as a professional trooftard. He stole everything he claims credit for.

  51. I think tha pope is a pretty cool guy, eh expelled jews from hundreds of different countries and doesn't afraid anything.

  52. April 15, 2013 at 4:05 PM

    So you want to give jews a free pass and start wich hunt in white population? Good luck, kikes just love that!

    Whining about jews doesn't help, like whining about cockroches or rats, you just get rid of them, one way or another.

  53. April 15, 2013 at 4:20 PM

    I agree.

  54. So what kind of rituals you pagans have?

    What values you promote, what sins you condemn, etc What's your position on marriage? Do you believe in afterlife? How many gods do you have? lol

    Or does paganism just means percecuting christians?

  55. "Blogger John Friend said...

    I said I wouldn't comment on these posts, but I do want everyone to know that I specifically asked Lugh and Kyle Hunt to call in today to challenge Finck and I on this topic. I also asked Lugh to have David in Texas from Renegade call in to challenge Finck if he could. That didn't happen, and that's OK, just want to let everyone know.

    Also, I bet almost all of you commenting here did not even listen to the program before commenting. Surprise, surprise.

    April 8, 2013 at 1:02 AM
    Blogger Lugh said...

    John, I told you I was busy.
    Plus none of us want to drag our names through the mud and deal with psychopathic zealot murderers or batshit insane theology like CI.

    April 8, 2013 at 1:05 AM"

    Proof of brilliant debating skills of renegadetards.

  56. Asatru - Europe's Ancient Religion Reborn
    What is Asatru?

  57. "No matter who wins the Special Olympics, everyone is retarded"
    Why would I lower myself to deal with this loser? It would appease maybe 20 CI retards on the internet who will never in their lives be of any feasible use to anyone and will never form an intelligent or independent thought.

  58. ci retards vs pagan retards in a cage match. the public demands it!

  59. What a disgrace this Prothink is. Only useful idiots follow this CI tard.

  60. Rockclimber because pagantards are a lot funnier at their stupidity.

  61. 7:41 PM Fuck you CockClimber take your american star and shove it up your kosher arse!

  62. @6:38 PM Lube admit it you Fuck, You and the fags at runnygay are a bunch of big mouths who talk shit at CI but won't even debate them! Put your money where your mouth is wanker.

  63. " 1776blues said...

    So Roberts complains about dissent being censored and Delaney agrees but Delaney himself will not allow dissent on his website. That's called hypocrisy. He will remove the comment then email you with insults. Try and you'll see."

    Spot on 1776, absolutely the height of hypocrisy. Then you have to consider KIKETHINK, a coward who stole ZCF's intellectual property and still acts like nothing happened. Funny how this dork doesn't trust this jew or that jew, but he is a CI white jew. Fuck that piece of shit.

  64. Aww, did I hurt a few CI tards feelings? LMAO!!!! I don't worship America you retard.

    Besides what good would it do to debate a CI jew tard? Not one bit of good. A jew is a jew.

  65. The jews will never be overthrown as long as white people are worshiping a dead rabbi. And that's just reality.

  66. April 15, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    Astaru is corruption of ancient jewish demon Astaroth, ie Crowned Prince Of Hell.


    Welcome to idiocracy.

  67. "The earliest use of the term Asatru that anybody has so far able to find was its use in a song written by Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. It was written around 1873 as part of the third scene of Grieg's opera Olav Trygvason, of which only the first act - the Heathen one - was ever written. But the word was coined sometime before that, earlier around the 1820s, as part of the Scandinavian Romantic movement."


    Ancient paganism my ass.

  68. Ásatrú (from Icelandic for "Æsir faith", pronounced [auːsatruː], in Old Norse [aːsatruː]
    Also the Jewish demons are usually representations of non-Jewish Gods. For example, look at Ba'al.

  69. You people aren't even pagans, you're antichristian scumbags. If you ever do get some numbers, which you won't, you're a bunch of immoral, degenerate scumbags, jews will just tell Christians what scum you are and they will be glad to shoot you.

    You are even bigger losers than the ci losers.

  70. There goes analcore, propping up jewish shills as per his job requirement. Hufschmid is a divisive jew and is married into rupert "greene" murdochs family. And nathaniel kikener is not only a parasite by genetics, but he promotes the jewish hoax of christianity. His "solution" to the 5,000 year old jewish problem is to convert all jews to said hoax of christianity. A laughing matter at best. And jews are no doubt joining in on the jesting at this "solution".

    I know what Hufscmidt is about silly, that's why I was mocking him.

    The main problem is AIPAC, the ADL, SPLC and similar lobbies and Kapner is raising awareness of them. That is the basis of their power and control. No one is a "parasite by genetics", or else the Jews wouldn't have to cut penises(trauma mind control), and spend a lifetime indoctrinating new Zionists.

    Man, I spent so much time arguing with stupid leftists about the Zionist power, and a lot of them are now waking up at least partially, but people like you scare rational people away with your dark ages mentality, that honestly belongs in Israhell.

    Just switch sides and cut your tip(actually as an american dullard you probably had that mind control surgery already), and you will fit right in with the Jewish supremacists in Israhell. You can probably become a famous and popular Rabbi as you talk about the "parasite by genetics" traits of the Palestinians.

  71. @9:56 PM LOL these anti-christian assholes will never get recognition, only 109 people cared to sign the petition for the runnygays! and their sites are low in the alexa rankings!
    Most these wankers aren't even of norse blood, so they day dream all day of being hairy vikings and launch a crusade against Christians again! you assholes are already a minority as it is, and now you want to war against white christians lol!

  72. Anuscore, i see you are already traumatized by that penis chopping experience. Did rabbi infented your brain with herpes as well?

    It seems very likely, because you seem to think that all you need to do is to sew their jew foreskins back on, and they will be good little aryans again.

  73. muh christian morals http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2012/06/22/study-finds-people-who-believe-in-heaven-commit-more-crimes/

  74. Father Coughlin had 40 million listeners and he didn't do jack.
    Time to try something else.


  75. Anuscore, i see you are already traumatized by that penis chopping experience. Did rabbi infented your brain with herpes as well?

    It seems very likely, because you seem to think that all you need to do is to sew their jew foreskins back on, and they will be good little aryans again.

    I see you have suffered neonatal brain damage from your ordeal at the hands of the Judeo-Christian medical cartel and your reading comprehension has suffered as a result.

    Ooops too many syllables, let me dumb it down a little for you:

    On acounta yer dick choppage, yer head don't work so good, and ya can't read no good.

  76. 10:32

    Yeah, like give up.

  77. 10:45 PM
    No like trying Aryanism over Semetism.

  78. 10:56 PM Semetism? Dude your pagan IQ is showing! LOL

  79. OI VEY!!!! Zos rat bastard meshugaim zat make zee movie are cutting out ze part vere my Talking Donkey
    drop ze road apples on ADLaney's foots. those BOYTOYGOY vere not too much with the laffingz.

  80. 11:01 PM
    How is Christianity not Semetism?

  81. April 15, 2013 at 11:45 PM

    how did mommy ever potty train you?

  82. Christianity is the spell that binds the western man so that the jews can control and dominate.

    Just because some degenerate gutter jews in the entertainment industry hate on christianity doesn't diminish the fact that jewish money is behind the promotion of chritianity.

  83. ci retards vs pagan retards in a cage match. the public demands it!

    I think we pit Christian Identity retards in a steel cage match against regular Christian retards and see which version of Christinsanity is the one true version!





  85. Money is the spell that binds the western man so that the jews can control and dominate.

    You people really are dumb.

  86. Stop Metzitzah B'peh Now !

  87. Everyone here is dumb except for the one dedicated troll of this site that worships a communist and pacifist rabbi? HA! I bet JIDF gave him a raise for creating the illusion that christianity is the new anti-jew movement.

    Christians are too stupid to realize that jews built a wall with the bible inside their brains blocking off the area that supplies common sense. How can christians ever bring themselves to end the jewish problem by killing them, which is the only way, if they need jewish DNA to resurrect their messiah? They cant. Thats the beauty of christianity. A jewish mental block. A logical fallacy. But dont expect christards to ever come to terms with that.

  88. The antijew "movement" has always been Christian, but you morons think you're the first ones to figure out there's a problem. This antichristan element is a recent addition, and has always been negative, unless you count committing ignorant crimes and divisiveness as positive.

    Your genocidal post can put you and your friends in prison indefinitely, but for some strange reason you seem oblivious to this fact.

    Quite frankly, I wish they would round you all up, things would be alot better, I imagine they will when you no longer serve a purpose.

  89. Do christians go along with that ?
    "Our race is the Master Race.We are divine gods on this planet.We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects.In fact,compared to our race,other races are beasts and animals,cattle at best.Other races
    are considered as human excrement.
    Our destiny is to rule over the inferior race.Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
    Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesseth,quoted by Israeli journalist Amnon Kapeliouk,"Begin and the Beasts",New Statesman,June 25,1982

  90. Im supposed to care, or be surprised, that jews want me in prison for mentioning the only way to reverse their jew world order?

    I guess we have to convert them to their creation of christianity? Or exile them another 109 times and that will solve the problem for good, huh? We can't touch a hair on their heads because theyre "god's chosen people", right? They must be if rabbi jesus came from the tribe, correct?

  91. According to their holy book,the Bible,the jews can rob and kill anybody they don't like.
    Their 'God' promises them in Isaiah49:23:"Kings and queens .....will bow down before you with their faces to the ground;they will lick the dust at your feet."
    And in Isaiah 60:12 their 'God' announces:" For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish;it will be utterly ruined."

  92. The antijew "movement" has always been Christian,

    That's a lie. White Christians have never once in history been anti-Jewish. The most that they have ever been is anti-Judaic, which is a completely different thing. But you're too stupid to understand the difference.

  93. You could exterminate Jew simply by forcibly sterilizing them. That would lead to their extinction without violence or killing.

    But of course, the Christard spammer doesn't want you to consider that option. The Christard spammer wants you to think that Jewish extermination would necessarily involve mass killing.

  94. Exactly. The chistian spammer sounds more like a jew than anything. He atleast subconsciously knows that they deserve a death sentence for their actions. In the back of his head he's also aware that it's the ONLY way that jews will be ever be stopped. They're like cockroaches that always find their way back in and fuck up everything up again. "Converting them to christianity" is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The god's chosen people myth is one of their main get out of jail free cards.

    Come arrest me jew. Ill blow your fucking nose off.

    Is anyone scared of these kike douchebags anymore?

  95. 12:36 PM And have Pagans ever been Anti- Jewish? uhhh NO! Boy kikes just love you tree huggers with all that usury you practiced.

  96. Confessions Of A Former Jew by Brother Nathanael Kapner


  97. Kapner is a sneaky kike with stupid propaganda for stupid christard troofers just making it out of the alex jones circuit.

  98. Anon @ 1:15, Hey fucktard, pagans created civilization and most of the mathematics, science, and language we still use today. And Rome was very anti-jewish before christjewinsanity. They fought a war directly against jews in 70 AD and kicked the shit out of the kikes and their temple.

    What did christianity give us? Jew worship, the dark ages, and idiots like you that dont know anything about history except what's in your jew bible. And you still dont know it better than most pagans or atheists. Sometimes I wonder if you've even read it. You truly are a perfect example of the retardation that judeo-christianity infected the white race with.

  99. Kapner is a kike, and always will be one, Mark Glenn and Teddy Pike can go have fun and try to save all his little jew boiz.

  100. The truth will outApril 16, 2013 at 3:20 PM

    This place is turning into a bolshevik moron hive .

    Just one question mainly for Lugh, and perhaps rockclimber who for some inexplicable reason decided to wade in with his ill-informed 'opinion' based largely around what he has learnt from reading jewspapers and TV.

    If a debate is set up and you refuse to take part, to then come on later and say it would prove nothing only highlights your own insecurities.

    If you are unable or unwilling to debate a matter, then perhaps you should refrain from speaking on the matter at all.

    I would say this if a challenge was made to a black panther, la raza or anyone of any position.

    If you're unwilling to debate a point that you yourself continually bore the world with and drone on about, then surely from an impartial perspective to all observers it looks as though you've bottled it.

    I remember when the tide was starting to turn on this website and I wrote a comment to Mami's gang pointing out how the ziobots would play the game.
    he responded something on the lines of 'free speech' and he'd rather ziobots than people just complimenting them.

    I pointed out they are only here to sabotage what is a great resource for alternative media unavailable on the MSM.

    It's as if the closure of ZCF's website after it became simply unreadable tat, with Z.O.G. leading the infantile shit raking, filled with lying turd juwes and bolshevik morons wasn't a clue to how it plays out.

    Look at how now this place too is becoming unreadable.

    The juwes have 96% of the entire Western world's media to promote jewish ideals and smear and defame Christianity, why set up an alternative to that... which ultimately does the very same thing now?

    I'd watch any American cable network for that kind of misinformation.

    If any of you out there want an idea of what can work and is working in the year 2013 regarding the juden frei movement then you can do worse than spending some time reading up on Ukraine's Svoboda, Hungary's Jobbik and Greece's Golden Dawn.
    None of these parties are religious, however any Bolshevism is nipped in the bud and ripped out the moment it's detected.

    Try and learn something productive, rather than demonstrating your ignorance so loud and proud for the world to see.
    Unfortunately for the anti-whites here their key unifying factor is a one people's attribute, a multi-cultural mish-mash won;t get you anywhere, a nation after all is defined by its racial makeup.

    Anyway, these groups are working and are strong in the face of massive jewish oppression, America has been under the judaic spell for so long 99% do not know what is up or down.

    Since the war you've only had the 'choice' of Democrat (Bolshevism) or Republican (Zionism).

    The only religion that's a problem is the Talmudic judaism, they own all your media and wrote every book you read in school.

    Remember that, the rest of the world has a longer history and record of jewry's machinations, you'd do well to read up and supplement with your own great thinkers like Dr William Pierce, Lincoln Rockwell, Prof MacDonald et al.

  101. The romans were worthless against the jews, destroying jerusalem had as much affect as destroying israel today would 0. Jew merchants were all over the empire. There was no official doctrine against the jews until the christans initiated one, but then you get all of your "history" from communist conspiracy theorists.

  102. More i read white nationalist blogs, more i admire jewish cohesiveness and clever tactic to guide the masses.

    You got to admit that one little desert tribe from Palestine controlling the whole world is an amazing achievement by any stantards.

    When i see white race, i see decadence, egoism and stupidity...

    If jews have little more ethics and compassion, i would support them wholeheatedly, but perspective of white nationalist state at current situation, gives me chills.

    I can only imagine what kind of witch hunt they start immediately after they get rid of the jews.

  103. The Romans weren't stupid like Christians and didn't fall for their BS because they didn't fall for their slave religion and their were their own men with their own blood religion instead of the blood religion of the Jews. The Romans saw them as worms and rats, and the Jews could never truly rule over them as they were.. so along comes Yeshua ben Marxiasch and the whole world went to hell.

  104. Stay and listen for awhile, I have just one question for you reader?

    Would you rather be having the Jews face off against Christians whos morals prevent us from ever ridding ourselves of the Jewish virus?

    Would you rather have Jews face off against Satanists who would waste most of their time in a psycho babbling God worshiping battle of the inane?

    Or would you rather have Godless men who have no fear in this life or the next and let nothing hold them back when facing off with the Jew on your side?

    No more psycho biblical babble, the Bible is crap made by Jews to control you, if you wish to keep part of that morality or values fine. But drop this horseshit defending and attacking what we now know was made by Jews and lets burn the Jews!

  105. 4:15

    Wrong again to commie atheist, you proved how brave you are when facing confrontation with Bill Finck.

    Tell that to hundreds of martyrs who died for their beliefs and thousands of warriors who fought for Christ
    what kind of "cowards" they are.

    You rentahomos are only brave behind your keyboard and you are furious, because you can't control your propaganda at mamis and come and flood your own broadcasts comment section with filth and mud.

  106. Most godless men are jews and communists. If godless men opposed to jews wish to face off with the jews, nothing is stopping you. The outcome is not hard to predict.

    Godless men will be destroyed instantly by one or combinations of groups the jews will easily ally themselves with.

    Godless communists hate you because you are racist. Christians hate you because you hate them or the jews will tell them that anyway even if you don't. Negros, mexicans and others, well it doesn't take much to get them to murder and you are racist.

    If you have to pick a side why do so many people pick the obvious loser?

  107. Was bishop Richard Williamson coward too when he told truth about the HOLOHOAX and Vatican 2.0 throw him out of the church and jews in Germany fined him, NOT because he denied God, but because he was heretic to jew controlled Vatican?

    He explicitly stated that he did do it because of his faith to truth and Jesus Christ.

  108. 3:50 PM

    That is a nice story, unfortunately like all of your stories and your whole world view, it has no basis in fact.

    It was the Christians, with a common morality and a religion opposed to jewry that held the jews at bay. It was Christians who kept muslims out of Europe. It was the Christians who forced the northern tribes into civilization, for everyone's benefit.

    This lasted for a thousand years, until some new age, jew influenced, antichristian, morons, including the founders of the U.S. decided jews were ok.

  109. What scumbags these renegade degenerates are.

    I don't even want to listen their shows, expect maybe Mike Sledge as long as he keeps doing what he is doing.

    Take the pacifier out of your mouth and grow up

  111. Christians have never gotten rid of the Jew, enough said.

    It sounds insecure to have to keep constantly defending Christianity, let it go.

    By Godless all I mean is free thinking individuals that are in touch with reality, this is all. I am neither Atheist or Communist.

    I am not Atheist because this is a belief as well because these people belief there is no afterlife, all I am saying is the honest truth.. we don't know.

    Communism is in fact Christianity, in fact Jesus preaches many times for those to give up all their worldly possessions to the needy therefore making everyone needy and dependent on the government or church completely.

  112. 5:50 PM

    I don't have to defend Christianity but I won't let antichristians go unchallenged.

    I know there are Christians who read these threads and don't want someone new here to become discouraged because of the constant antichristian rhetoric.

    I could care less about you people they can haul you all off tomorrow for all I care. Like Yuri Bezmenov said once they've been programmed they're worthless.

    Yuri Bezmenov was Christian, by the way even though he lived most of his life in a system that persecuted Christians harshly.


  114. lot of comments for a boring show

  115. "Truth will out" wtf are you talking about? My tv, jew informed opinion because I call a spade a spade about prostink anc CI wannabe jews? What am I missing here?

  116. Why don't you call this show by it's correct name ?

    The Zion Crime Factory back-stabbers' hour

    Every time a show is posted on Mami's front page, they get an automatic 200 to 600 extra listens which translates into more visits to Prostink's and Scott Roberts' sites and more donations from suckers for them to buy sandwiches with and stuff in their faces. Would you send money to someone who raped your brother because he played on your side of a hockey game and fought on your side of the turf ? So why send more listeners and money to someone who commits flagrant intellectual rape of an entire year's worth of work done by a young kid 20 years his junior and continues to rape him month after month ? This son-of-a-bitch has probably pocketed thousands of dollars worth of donations by using ZCF's work and popularity to lure in gullible people. Isn't this a hundred times worse than the humiliation of a single ass-rape would be ? Where is the hemorrhoid cream for a never-ending butt-rape of another person's intellect ? I say apply it to Prostink's ugly face !!

  117. Christianity is a Jewish mind fuck.

    Period. End of story.

  118. All you Christards need to go castrate yourselves like rabbi Joshua commanded in Matthew 19:12.

    Do it for the kingdom of heaven.

  119. paganism = satanism

  120. "Anonymous said...

    paganism = satanism"

    Says who? jew god?

  121. 123 Comments...this MUST be a record.

  122. A CI Wigger an Anglo Mestizo Wigger and Andre the Nigger walk into a bar....... sheet mufuggeh

  123. Matthew 19:12, Christards.

    Read it.

    Live it.

    Follow it.


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