April 26, 2013

Ragnarok Now with Siegfried 2013.04.26

The Everlasting Ebbn'Flow of the Rabid Egalitarians
On this debut episode, Siegfried addresses last Saturday’s 124 year old birthday boy, “paganism” and communist crimes; what each meant in the past but more importantly, what each means to us now!News from Europe is mulled over and commented on. Teutonic, Italian and French Baroque music and some surprises will fill breaktimes.

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  1. HAIL SATAN! ODIN IS GAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Dreadful, sloppy, 420-laughter. A lot of deep sighing, nose-sniffing, sipping, and more breaks than Obama takes vacations.

    13-minute intro before he starts!

    The guy can't read aloud and he cannot enunciate ("pre-MIZED" instead of "premised," for instance) . Yawn. Odo Marquard is Otto Marr-Qward. Bluh-blah-bleh.

    Jews not mentioned till 1:04.00

    How did this guy get this gig? Did he buy it?

  3. OMG if a host doesn't mention Jews until at least 15 minutes in, he's definitely a shill.

  4. Correction:

    "Great show Sieg!"

    Not true, not really, not actually, not real.

  5. Correction:

    "OMG if a host doesn't mention Jews until at least 15 minutes in, he's definitely a shill.""

    Not true, not real, not valid, not interesting.

  6. God his show is so awful, even lube takes less breaks than he does, but they both still fucking suck

  7. 9:41 PM Take your Jew kabbalah and shove it up madonnas ass!

  8. "Jews not mentioned till 1:04.00"

    Damn. That was funny.
    Slay that man!!!

  9. "Damn. That was funny. (Jews not mentioned till 1:04:00). Slay that man!"

    You already have slain me with your stupidity. LOL!!!

  10. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 26, 2013 at 10:05 PM

    Slaughter the pagans!

  11. "RabbiJesusMinistries said...Slaughter the pagans!"

    Stupid John Friend fanatic!

  12. Whew! I can't believe I kept awake under the barrage of an overlong monopoly of boring speech.

    I did not like any of the readings because they were read so poorly and so without inflection and talent.

    I did not like the music (except the French piece.

    Please find another activity!

  13. 9:39 PM He wont mention them, after all he is part Sicilian and they are part arab who are cousins of the jews, so plain and simple.

  14. I'm Sicilian and Aryan so what the fuck are you saying. There are a lot more Aryans in Sicily than you would think. But the rest are arabian scum.

  15. If you ran the numbers you'd prob see more Sicilians in the movement then their population signifies.
    And this was a good show, the retard that said the boring comment was probably too stupid to get it.

  16. If you ran the numbers, then you'd know I wasn't too stupid to get it. If you really listened, and wasn't lying as you probably are, you'd know nobody desired to "get it" -- whatever "it" was: paganism, egalitarianism, watch out for collectivism. 2 hours of poor recitation from other people's minds -- second hand news.

  17. hurr durr
    I'm too stupid to understand anything that isnt Jesus or America so it's boring hurrr

  18. "hurr durr."
    I'm too stupid to understand anything that isnt Jesus or America so it's boring hurrr."

    Gee, you ought to widen your horizons a lot more and smell the atheism, bud! There's more to life than bitchin'.

  19. Is this show is about cat fights?

  20. Jesse Liardi is a nigger, lol

  21. 10:40 PM LOL! sicilian aryans! yea the jersey shore crew big ass nose lady gaga are such aryans!

  22. So Rape and Pillage is new religion of Mami's?

    Isn't that also what niggers worship?

  23. RabbiJesusMinistries said...

    Slaughter the pagans!

    RabbiJesusMinistries, where you been, dude? These atheists and pagans are getting totally out of hand, man. We gotta do something about this shit.

  24. 2:19 AM The muzzies also

  25. God is our most basic concept of good, this is why all men are equal under God, this is why God created the universe. For Christians, Jesus Christ is the manifestation of God on earth. Many religions have the same basic beliefs as Christianity, but only Christ stood up to the jews and told them to fuck off, they crucified him. You think Christian preachers are preaching this?

    If you hate God and Jesus Christ, you're just another casualty of the jew information, culture war.

  26. You're getting down to the buck nasty. You sure you are up for this game?

  27. Shouldn't you be out getting a tattoo on your face or something? Hell, there are plenty of urban farms now, it shouldn't be that hard for you to snag a chicken or miniature goat for a blood sacrifice.

  28. John "suck-up" Friend

  29. April 27, 2013 at 2:30 AM

    Antichristian spammer spotted.

  30. Anonymous said...
    I can't believe I kept awake...
    I did not like...
    I did not like...
    April 26, 2013 at 10:26 PM

    You sound like either a total fag or a whining neurotic suburban housewife addicted to daytime soaps. I'm guessing both - at different times of the day/night. The obvious question would be - why listen then? The obvious answer would be - because you're fucking retarded!

  31. Sorry but even Willaim Finck sounded more of a man than these basement dwelling dungeons and dragons playing illiterate goat worshippers.

  32. 5:38

    You call yourself educated with this kind of language. Did your mama teach you those words?


    Your whole intellectual capacity consist of name calling and picking up typos, etc. Wow, what a class! You're a real gentleman and scholar. More likely lardass lazy cunt, who hasn't seen sunlight since he was 6 yo...

    You're the same idiot whos typing hundred times "Rabbi Jesus" on comment board, what a pathetic joke you are.

  33. "You call yourself educated with this kind of language. Did your mama teach you those words?

    HAHAA! Your whole intellectual capacity consist of name calling and picking up typos, etc. Wow, what a class! You're a real gentleman and scholar. More likely lardass lazy cunt, who hasn't seen sunlight since he was 6 yo...

    You're the same idiot whos typing hundred times "Rabbi Jesus" on comment board, what a pathetic joke you are."

    Couldn't have said it better myself had I tried. You are on target, my man, on target.

  34. You rentapagans are letting down our great Father of Western Europe - Karolus the Great. Don't you have any honor?

  35. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 27, 2013 at 10:21 AM

    Give up, my soldiers of Lord Yeshua. These heathens aren't worth saving. Ration your energy for when our Lord returns! You'll need it when we round up this heretic filth for the Lake of Fire!

  36. "Your whole intellectual capacity consist of name calling and picking up typos, etc. Wow, what a class! You're a real gentleman and scholar. More likely lardass lazy cunt, who hasn't seen sunlight since he was 6 yo..."

    Right on THE christard spammer! You're onto it buddy! Keep up good work my frend, you ar a class!!!

  37. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 27, 2013 at 11:37 AM

    Praise be! THE christard spammer is a christian hero! Brother, together we will cut the heads off ALL pagans!

  38. My children, my father says go out unto the heathen and troll their asses! Heaven surely awaits he who doth spammeth & trolleth greatly!!!

  39. Hurr Durr Lord BeelzebubApril 27, 2013 at 12:17 PM

    10:21, 11:33, 11:37, 11:45

    Return Of The Idiot.

    Thank you again for proving my point. Was your lobotomy procedure very painful?

  40. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 27, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    Let it be known! Our Lord Rabbi and Savior is a just god. He doth rewardeth greatly those devoted trolls that useth butt jokes to make a point!

  41. The Bible is a form of lobotomy. Except christards are too stupid to realize theyre getting brainfucked.

  42. Yehoshua Ha MoshiachApril 27, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed!
    - Luke 12:49-50

  43. Fellow pagans, please remember to use eye protection this weekend, Styrofoam swords CAN cause eye damage and please don't drink and LARP, you could trip and twist your ankle.

  44. 3:44 PM

    Lol! I bet they're too lazy even for LARPing. Besides, they're busy waging holy crucade in mamis against invisible army of horrific jew-christians, with help of red bull and pizza pockets - real food of the viking warriors!

    Let the ragnarok begin!

  45. http://oi41.tinypic.com/15z1ao7.jpg

    New banner of Renegade

  46. What the fuck is LARPing you christarded chump? I swear you faggots are the most useless pieces of shit the world has ever seen. Thanks for setting the white race back 1500 years by falling in love with a rabbi.

  47. Show me what ye got, goat molester! My keyboard is ready; oiled, sharp and polished.

    Show me what you got, come on!

  48. Why do you hate Jesus so much?

    Why do you hate Jesus so much?

  49. All REAL pagans LARP, it's how we celebrate our great pagan heritage.

    We like to wear matching capes and underwear, just like in the movie 300.


  51. Hey christard spammer, does it ever get boring being such a loser?

  52. Neo-Paganism

    Essentially, Neo-Paganism combines all of the most nerdy elements of classical (and mutually antagonistic) European and Middle Eastern pagan pantheons, while leaving out most of the cool stuff like human and animal sacrifice so that 30-year-old basement dwellers can secretly take up witchcraft without too many of their secular or Jew-Christian peers batting an eyelash. In reality, they practice Wicca in order to fuck 16-year-old girls (see above).

    Most Neo-Pagans are goths who never grew out of gothdom, work shitty service-sector jobs, deem themselves "intellectuals," and sit around playing D&D while whacked out of their skulls on whatever's at hand. Pagans like Hrafnagardh and Weofodthignen, who like to wear horned helmets and pretend to be vikings, are called "Asatruar", which is an ancient Norse word for "white supremacists".


    Greek neo-pagan neo-nazi fag LARPing

    A bunch of neo-pagan ultra-nationalist Greeks have started to re-enact (well, sorta) ancient Greek battle techniques. In this, they have recruited an ex-convict neo-nazi terrorist named Aristotelis Kalentzis, a basement dweller Nazi who fancies himself as a sort of a leader for a branch of neo-nazis in Greece and a horseback archery instructor. The circlejerk has spread to the Greek media, while even companies like the History Channel and the Discovery Channel have recruited them to provide re-enactments for documentaries.


    Right on spot, as usual.

  53. You would agree with a definition that comes from a website owned by a fat jewess.

  54. Jesus

    Jesus Christ was a deeply deluded apocalyptic Jew who went insane at the the age of 30, leaving his job as a carprenter and living as a bum sponging off others along with 12 crazy cultists for the next three years, finally committing suicide by cop to bring about the End of the World. Probably the son of Joseph, the main character of the sequel to the Jew Bible, and also known as "The Perfect Man", Jesus was even more successful than Harry Potter (and just as fake) and one could even say that he performed the role of Luke Skywalker for 1900+ years. He will be forever remembered in the Mediterranean Literature Hall of Fame and number 1 in Romantic Pocket Novels.

    According to the Bible, Jesus was God's magic flying pinko commie Jew son, who could rise from the dead as Socialists do. He was featured as a Mary Sue character in a shitty Jewish slashfic called the Bible, even though all he did was troll on ppl IRL, and eventually got killed for pissing everybody off (See Trolling).


    This can go both ways christard.

  55. Same-sex marriage was widely practised in both Ancient Rome and ancient Greece. In fact, during Alexander the Greats era bisexuality was the norm. Anyone who was not bisexual was abnormal. However in 342 the Theodosian Code outlawed all gay relationships. Rome was already Christian by that point. Prior to that, there are examples of men marrying other men in Ancient Rome. Same-sex relationships in Ancient Greece were socially accepted, but generally temporary and intergenerational (i.e., pederasty). Young men were expected to grow out of the same-sex relationship and eventually marry women.

    Modern-day Pagans do support same-sex marriage and some ordained priests/priestesses perform same-sex marriages in jurisdictions where it is legal (such as in Salem, Massachusetts).

  56. Pagans and Prop. 8 (August 2012)

    “Within modern Pagan communities same-sex marriage is almost wholly uncontroversial. Shortly after Walker’s ruling was handed down, several Pagan organizations and noted figures within the movement reaffirmed their commitment to same-sex marriages and praised the decision. Druid group Ar nDriaocht Fein (ADF) said in a statement they “warmly welcome the decision of the court”, and that their organization has “never believed that the institution of marriage could possibly be threatened by the existence of married people of any gender”. T. Thorn Coyle of Solar Cross Temple and Morningstar Mystery School, speaking to those now recoiling from Prop. 8′s overturn, noted that“we are not trying to change your religious beliefs. We are only saying that we have the same civil rights as you do.” Holli Emore of Osireion and the Pagan Round Table said in a message to The Wild Hunt that we are “living in the last days of the kind of bigotry that would presume to dictate such matters, in my opinion.”

  57. Homosexuality in ancient Greece - a myth debunked
    Debunked more:

    Tacitus in his Germania gives an account of the legal practice of the Germanic peoples of the 1st century. Tacitus reports that criminal cases were put before the thing (tribal assembly). Lighter offenses were regulated with damages (paid in livestock), paid in part to the victim (or their family) and in part to the king.[4] The death penalty is reserved for two kinds of capital offenses: military treason or desertion was punished by hanging, and moral infamy (cowardice and homosexuality[5]) was punished by throwing the condemned into a bog. The difference in punishment is explained by the idea that "glaring iniquities" must be exposed in plain sight, while "effeminacy and pollution" should best be buried and concealed.[6] Minor legal disputes were settled on a day-to-day basis by elected chiefs assisted by elected officials.[7]

    Database of Publicly Accused Priests in the United States

    Christian Right Bigots Are Hiding the Truth -- Early Christians Condoned Gay Marriage

  58. BTW, I just looked up what you pasted and it's from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_the_Pagans_permit_same-sex_marriage

    NICE SOURCE! A Jew run site with no sources!

  59. Various types of same-sex marriages have existed,[1] ranging from informal, unsanctioned relationships to highly ritualized unions.[2]

    Cicero mentions the marriage (using the Latin verb for "to marry", i.e. nubere) of the son of Curio the Elder, but he does it in a metaphorical form to criticize his enemy Antonius. Cicero states thus that the younger Curio was "united in a stable and permanent marriage" to Antonius.[3] Martial also mentions a number of same-sex marriages, but always in derisory terms against people whom he wants to mock at.[4]

    At least two of the Roman Emperors were in same-sex unions; and in fact, thirteen out of the first fourteen Roman Emperors held to be bisexual or exclusively homosexual.[5] The first Roman emperor to have married a man was Nero, who is reported to have married two other men on different occasions. First with one of his freedman, Pythagoras, to whom Nero took the role of the bride, and later as a groom Nero married a young boy, who resembled one of his concubines,[6] named Sporus.

    Child emperor Elagabalus referred to his chariot driver, a blond slave from Caria named Hierocles, as his husband.[7] He also married an athlete named Zoticus in a lavish public ceremony in Rome amidst the rejoicings of the citizens.[8]

    These same-sex marriages continued until Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. A law in the Theodosian Code (C. Th. 9.7.3) was issued in 342 AD by the Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans. This law prohibited same-sex marriage in ancient Rome and ordered that those who were so married were to be executed.[9][10]


  61. Once again THE christard spammer uses a jewish source attempting to bash pagans. Suprising.

  62. April 27, 2013 at 7:52 PM
    More Jewish and Christian word twisting to demonize pagans. Get a life.

  63. They bumped you fucks off of the front page pretty quickly. tick-tock tick-tock

  64. Eary christians banned homosexual relationships (sodomy) not even talking about same sex marriages, what was unthinkable idea.

    So funny how America likes to twist history as it wishes according to the current political situations.


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