April 04, 2013

Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.04.04

The Story of George Wallace

Mike Sledge discusses George Wallace, governor of Alabama and presidential hopeful, who battled against the Republican and Democratic establishment. He was standing up to segregation and gaining massive support, which is why he was shot.

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National Protectionism



  1. Great show again Mike!

    No bad words whatsoever.

  2. Ukrainian and germanic race mix seem to be poweful cocktail, lol. Great that you where able to overcome from your addictions.

    It's incredibly hard to form any political movements from methheads, potheads, alchoholics, medical druggies, food and porn addicts, gamers etc etc wich are so many white people today.

    This is probably main reason for polical apathy what is so overwhelming in this nation. So there is also key to overcome this problem, promote heath and cleaning your body and mind from jewish distractions.

  3. Yea Promoting freedom of Drug use like Sledge is very fucking jewish, kikes love depravity.

  4. Mr. Sledge, please know your topic before you go on air and make yourself look foolish
    1) Wallace was NOT a National Socialist
    2) You say you are talking about Wallace's 68 Campaign and he would have won had he not been shot, the problem is Wallace was NOT shot in 1968, he was shot in 1972. He ran as a Democrat in 1972, he was no longer a Independent.

    3) Your "National Protectionism" is nothing close to National Socialism.

    4) The term "Southern Strategy" had nothing to do with Wallace, the term "Souhern Strategy" was developed by the Nixon Campaign and used Wallace, who took votes away from the Democrats and allowed Republicans to win in the South for the first time since Reconstruction.

    5) Wallace was NOT a "dove" on Vietnam.

    6) You know nothing of what you talk, you also forget that Wallace went around in the late 70's and 80's apologizing for everything he said and did. Perhaps you should read more before ou shou ino he mic. Average Jr. High Students know what you are saing is wrong, you do not know your own history or today's political reality.

    After listening to you, you seem to have many problems ranging from your lack of knowledge to identity, you can't decide if you want to be a Nazi (ou cant mix with Jews) so you are now embracing Wallace to rebrand yourself.

  5. Or course Wallace was not national socialist, he was white conservative, this was't even point of that broadcast.

    He was years slandered by the jewish media and cinema as some kind of suppremacist nazi, but now same jews come and comment here that he wasn't nazi enough, like Hitler wasn't nazi enough and he should've gassed all the jews etc.

    You never make kikes happy, can you? Unless you're dead and silent of course.

  6. Well you make kikes happy when you give them more aryan genes so the next generation can better fuk us over.

  7. @anon 4:32 AM
    "...your lack of knowledge to identity, you can't decide if you want to be a Nazi (ou cant mix with Jews)..."

    So THAT is what a "Nazi" is, one that cannot mix with Jews! Is that what those 79 Countries were that kicked the Jew out of their areas on 109 occasions? Nazi's?

    Are you a Jew?

  8. IMO, Mike Sledge re-purposes stuff to make it work for now. I think his & renegade's overall goals of always pushing towards the future, even if it is at the "expense" of the past is sound.

    For the record on Rabin, from Mossad 2x agent

  9. The poison apple that Grizzom made revference to was from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and it referred to Christianity. Then of course St John Constantine Friend goes off on a rant at the end blaming everything on Satanism. Satin refers to all European Pagan Gods and Panthe Greek God Protector of Animals and the Earth who was devilized by Christians who means advocery in Hebrew. Grizzom also refers to European Christian civilization John Friens also said how much Christianity has formed the morality of Europesns insinuating that without this jewish cult we would not be civilized.
    This cult that you want to continue to force on white Europeans has to go. It was Christians who killed the millions of Germans not Satanists.
    Christains invented the Satanism of the perverted Crowly and has nothing to do with Satanatam Dharma where the name Satan came from. Believed to be an ancient German Sanscrit. Also the quote that ZCF PUT UP ABOUT hITLER IS ANOTHER LIE. yOU WILL NEVER FIND ANY RECORDING OR SPEECH THAT HE EVER MENTIONED THE LORD. Hail Satan the Advocery to the Jews.

  10. The last post did not make it on John Friends show so I posted it here. Also ever since the CI's usurped ZCF Total Fascism and Lasha Darkmoon whose catholic uncle took over they now censor more than even Alex Jones does. When being on the joyofsatan Lasha Darkmoon was a member. But it seems that her christian ubcle stole the site from her like Delaney stole ZCF, A lot like the jew Zuckerman did to the gentiles who paid him to build their social network site. Never trust a jew whether it be a White Real Jew or any other kind. They are all bondservants to the jews

  11. Mike kicks ass, he's a real rocknroll dude. with the power of internet blogging we can change the world, man

  12. The statment below, posted by April 6, 2013 at 11:39 AM
    cannot be a serious statement.... By the way, Sledge should take note of all the errors that are listed by April 5, 2013 at 4:32 AM, I lived through this period, Sledge does need to read more before he talks.

    "with the power of internet blogging we can change the world, man"

  13. "Hail Satan the Advocery to the Jews." Fuck You John Kike Sholtes! take your goat faced jew god and shove it! tell your atheist Guido looking buddy ZCF to do the same as well!

  14. Gerbils ForalexholeApril 6, 2013 at 4:27 PM

    Rectal has the ass codes and they reveal he must spend time trolling in chat comment areas. At 5 ft 2 inches and 118 lbs, it is the best he can do. Going to bars, grabbing his cock and telling the locals he will kick their fag asses is just too dangerous.

  15. Hey man! It was a big gang of black guys o-o-o-o-o-kayeee! They were all twice the size of me and I took them all on because I was the only alpha male in the building! Ok, I took a punch or two but I think I came out on top. That's what alphas do ok! That, and sleep with only married women in the work environment so they can never lay a charge of sexual abuse against you in the workplace. Now stop picking on me you pack of hyenas or I'll pull out of Greg and come round there and lay some alpha on your butthole!!!


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