April 02, 2013

Robbie's Revolutionary Power Hour 2013.04.02

Robbie tackles the more serious problems facing humanity and offers practical ways on how to resolve them.

Siegfried's Blog
Truth Militia Radio



  1. This show represents racism and white bigotry which should not be tolerated in a responsible modern society like ours

  2. Von Bluvens is the real leader of the National Protectionist Party

  3. National protectionist party sounds like a jew run front group.

    Maybe it's just me, or do they all sound like that?

  4. @Southern Poverty Lipschitz Center

    Fist of all, if you're talking about USA or Europe, you don't live in a 'responsible modern society,' you live in a Jew-usury-shackled-Rothschild slave state, because your central banks are all part of the BIS (central bank of the central banks) & are REQUIRED to keep reserves there, just like domestic banks in USA are required to keep reserves at the FED. This allows the ENTIRE MONEY SUPPLIES of 155 countries with reserves at the BIS to be lent at interest with full control of those economies maintained because, through the very creation of their money supplies, ALL THOSE COUNTRIES become debtors to a bunch of multi-trillionaire Jew International Bankers at the very top of the world's elite structure.

    As for 'white bigotry.' There is a clear line that can easily be drawn by any rational person between being a 'bigot' or irrationally hating or being prejudiced without facts versus rationally pre-judging or rather post-judging and being POST-JUDICED.

    If your judgment is based on facts rather than emotion, then you are acting scientifically & rationally while your opponents, those who can be shown to be irrationally calling you 'pre-judiced' or a 'bigot' are the real bigots.

    Surely in any rationally organized society, only dishonest people with an agenda would consider using available statistics and facts of history to judge groups of people and their tribal behavior and arrive at logical conclusions automatically 'pre-judiced' or judging without proper information ? What other reason could they have for pursuing this irrational path while living in middle-class liberal white or Jewish enclaves, safely tucked away from high-crime black & hispanic areas or in Europe, high crime Moslem and black areas ? After all, even a child can distinguish between group behavior and individuals who stand apart and transcend the behavior of the group they belong to. To say that society is not organized in different groups and groups are not the basis of political power and just because groups are composed of individuals and certain individuals always transcend the group then group dynamics should be ignored as a major cause of real events in human society is either abject ignorance or deliberate dishonesty.

    Therefore, there is nothing whatsoever 'bigoted' 'unfair' or wrong in judging group behavior rationally and arriving at post-judgment decision as to how to act given the facts at hand. Millions of people and almost all bleeding-ass-liberal types automatically make this decision every day by living in the very neighborhoods they live for reasons of safety, better schools, etc.

  5. (continued)

    So if a person of white European genetic heritage is pro-white before being pro any other group for any other reason, on what basis is that wrong ? Are you not allowed to be pro your own family first without autmomatically being accused of hating your neighbor or other families ? After your family, are you not allowed to be pro-your-own-friends first before being pro-complete-strangers ? So whyy is distinguishing the larger group you favor or would rather associate with based on common genetic heritage & the behavior that tends to follow with that genetic heritage considered 'bigotry' when distinguishing groups you would like to belong to or support for any other reason is considered ok and sometimes even considered great acts of philanthropy ? Can't you be philantropic towards your own extended family before you choose to be philanthropic towards those far removed from it, genetically and geographically, which only modern times & deliberate political measures have put in such close proximity with each other ? If the Japanese and Chinese and the Mexicans and Blacks do it, it's just fine but when White Europeans do it, it's always 'bigotry' ? No way. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you refuse to acknowledge individual who stand apart from the groups they belong to which is an obvious reality, yes you're a bigot, but if you simply do not ignore the facts and statistics of group behavior and genetic facts which are factors in this behavior (just look at the number of black people in the NBA and the NFL or the number of Asians in Ivy League Universities or the number of Jews in Hollywood, the Mass Media and banking industries for proof), then you are simply a rational person possessed of a clear thinking ability.

    A responsible 'modern society' is one where fraudsters :& usurers are flushed down the toilet and clear thinking, rational individuals and the larger rational socities they belong to become the norm again. Capiche ?


  6. That first comment was a joke in every sense of the word. Did you really have to write a novel in response to it? LMAO

  7. this is going to go on until enough people get tired of getting their ass kicked.

    we're arrogant individualists, i guess that's what makes us unique.

    we figure things out when we get tired of getting our ass kicked.

  8. You can also be a anti-multi-culturalist without being racialist by having a certain set of established standards that you yourself meet and whoever else, regardless of race, can meet these standards you accept as a fit neighbor. But who were the people that created those standards that you have come to adhere to as standards worthy of emulating ? Even in America, these standards were established by white European 'founding fathers' and adhered to by an overwhelmingly white majority population, the people who built the country from outright wilderness inhabited by warring Indian tribes. Even up to the late 1960's, the American population was over 90% white Europeans. Aside from that, every non-European country in the world which has achieved 'first world' status has done it by emulating the white-European example and standards. Occupied Japan, being practically a colony of the United States since WWII and occupied South Korea being the same since the Korean War are the two most obvious examples. So it makes a lot of sense to say that the genetically distinct people who first lived by these standards in the first place are more likely to live by these standards in the future and therefore, once the standards of the anti-multiculturalist are met, the standards of the white nationalists almost always follow because if the racialist viewpoint is correct then most of the people who meet these standards will be white Europeans anyway & if the racialist viewpoint is incorrect then any non-white inhabitants of the same region will be living by the same standards, the standards and values of the majority of the people who built that region into a prosperous country before, during and after usury sucked the lifeblood out of it.

  9. @zapoper

    "The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible."
    David Ogilvy

    "Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I'll forgive Thy great big joke on me."
    Robert Frost

    "Wit is a weapon. Jokes are a masculine way of inflicting superiority. But humor is the pursuit of a gentle grin, usually in solitude."
    Frank Muir

    "A serious and good philosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes."
    Ludwig Wittgenstein

    The fourth one is your life's work, buddy, you just don't know it yet because you're French Canadian. One day you'll wake up, cut your morning fart and realize the book is finished and ready for publication on your blog.


  10. Sounds like you're all bunch of haters, man. I better call the internet cops.

  11. Good post(s) @12:20 AM.

    Isn't the greatest "HATE" to force together without any political mandate masses of entirely dissimilar peoples of varying races and cultures knowing that doing so will result in economic and emotional misery, as well as culture destruction and physical death? That sounds like hate to me.

  12. If you havent read "March of the Titans - the Complete History of the White Race" you know nothing about race, let alone how truly superior the White race is. It's a pretty expensive book, being that the jews don't want Whites to realize that they used to be the gods of this planet, on all continents. There were no "ancient aliens", only White men that conquered the globe. Read it or miss out on a wealth of knowledge. Fuck kikes, and good day.

  13. http://www.amazon.com/March-Titans-Complete-History-White/dp/1105328740 $36.00 is expensive? Where do you live? Haiti? LOL

  14. It seems to have been reprinted and made more accessible. When I bought it it was $75. Good for you that it's cheaper now.

  15. Whoever did the Jared Taylor impersonation was hilarious. Great show as usual.

  16. From now on just always do this instead of that other show. Have more commercials and that Jared Taylor impersonation. Also have Sledge do Alex Jones.


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