April 29, 2013

Spingola Speaks 2013.04.29

Guest: Jenifer Dixon, author of The Holy Land Unveiled; Jen Mouths Off

NOTE: Her site is safe despite the message you might get - virus, malware, etc.

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  1. When my antivirus light up like Christmas tree, I will pass on her site. Sorry dude but I aint taking a chance.

  2. The internet-controlling jews don't want anyone to see the images of those they have slaughtered in Palestine. That is why your anti-virus lit up. Just be jew-obedient and don't look. Don't attempt to listen to Spingola's program in the RBN archives for yesterday cause it ain't there.

  3. Sorry that Spingola, Dixon, A Jones and so very very many with talk shows want to return women to the days of yore in America, where abortions were illegal, and therefore, unsafe, causing unbearable distress, agony, and often, death. Life does not begin until birth, and all but the woman herself, has a right to decide whether or not she should terminate her pregnancy, very, very often, at the urging of the male parent.

  4. And I also wonder how Spingola differentiates between a practicing and a non-practicing Jew. I ask that because she referred to someone as being a practicing Jew.

  5. "....a practicing Jew" to me is one that protects their crime cult that is hiding behind the name of religion. Half of the jews that go to their synagogues are atheist.
    Considering the crime cult's proven tract record for slaughtering the non-jew, the racism and crimes against humanity, I would say whatever is considered "practicing" is the polar opposite of what "religion" should be.

  6. "Life does not begin until birth."

    What about when birth is induced? Is that induced life? The doctor can magically induce life?
    That entire nine months in the womb there is non-life going on?
    Thanks to the jewish crime cult, over 55 million have been "legally" slaughtered in Corp USA over the past 40 years. For some, it was normal harvesting; for others, it is just mostly horrific evil made legal by a small minority that bribe and blackmail to get their way.


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