April 21, 2013

Spingola Special 2013.04.21

John Kaminski talks about current events; the Rebel

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  1. unkledouchebag is way smarter than john kaminsky

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  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Dear Administrator

    It is time to end anonymous and unmoderated comments

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  7. THEchristardspammerApril 21, 2013 at 7:42 PM



  8. I agree with the commentator at 6:50...

    How can it be considered NOT following blindly while defending questionable actions?

    How is it logical to insult and put down someone for merely asking questions instead of merely asking someone claiming to be bringing us answers to defend their actions?

    The plural of why is wise. I think anon brought up some very good points, and i would have very much liked to hear what Kaminski had to say on a live broadcast.

    How very disappointing.

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  10. CabbageLipsHooknoseApril 21, 2013 at 9:13 PM

    Wanda and Deanna's assigned troll are about as disgusting as it gets. Go marry another jew wanda. Why do you call your present boyfriend a "goy"? Why do you think porn is "cute". It is obvious Deanna is a target of the jews, and it is just as obvious what your motive is.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Does anybody know who "Uncle Rick" really is?

    He's a very suspicious shadowy character, in my opinion.

    Someone should do some investigative research on "Uncle Rick".

  13. Okay... i am that out of the loop. Anyone mind telling me who Uncle Rick is?

    I seriously have no idea... and i doubt i am going to get any clear answers plugging that into search.

  14. To all the Haters
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

  15. Oh, God. Some talk about "healthy" eating makes its appearance at the start of the show.

    Has anybody out there spent time in Austria, Switzerland or Germany in the 1980s or 1990s? You may have noticed that most of the people looked very healthy, bright, active and alert. You may have also noticed that they did not skimp on diary, bread, sweets, meat and potatoes. You may have also noticed that they were not too ashamed about smoking and drinking. And yet, their overall health was unquestionably much better than that of the average American, including the health-conscious ones.

    So, that issue appears at the beginning of the show, and its a bumpy ride from there.

    What the hell is going on?

  16. That is what I want to know. What is going on, really, with Deanna because she is very different.

  17. I listen to Deanna's show when she has a guest I'm interested in. She has some over the top stuff, I just don't listen.

    The chat room moderator kicks out trolls and doesn't allow obscene language. I've posted comments contrary to popular opinion there and never got banned. He's just not going to let anyone take over the conversation.

  18. Sorry about the asshole, At least we know Deanna is over the target, with all the flack from the boys LOl

    Fuck these cowardly anon shit heads, we all know Deannas heart is true by her actions.

    John $tadmiller censors her guest, and I guess John Kaminski must be on his shit list.

    Boycott RBN not Deanna.

  19. Deanna is the best; day in and day out. Name better. Give me one show to listen to and I will choose hers, hands down.

    Jews are disgusting. They prove it in so many ways.

  20. I go where ever I can hear John Kaminski. Hell, I'm suffering through Clay Douglas to hear JB Campbell now! lol.

  21. I'm glad to see at last that some standards can apply when they see someone as admirable as Deanna get attacked by the Mossad hit squad.

    At least chivalry is not completely dead.

    The juwes have 96% of all the Western world's media to propagate their mantras and deceit, it's not censorship when they have over 6 million different syndicated outlets to spread their jewish mind-virus filth.

    Surely this website ought to be juden frei as much as it can be to give us goys some kind of refuge away from the usual mainstream media meme's.

    The Mossad internet hit squad destroyed ZCF's website and made it impossible to follow anymore, don't let this place get dragged underwater too.

    I'll download the show and listen later, now I see it clearly upset someone out there in ADL-land.

    A top girl is Deanna Spingola, a beautiful woman inside and out.

    Delenda Est judaica!

  22. Truth will out... i hear and respect what you are saying, except the absolute and seeming blind faith and admiration for Spin-gola in a world part. It is far more prudent and wise to be skeptical of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE'S motive and especially "truth" tellers... ALL of them. And why is it even necessary to profess such faith, really?

    That said... i have seen the deleted comments and i don't feel all of them were taken down for reason you cite. I found a couple of them to be quite poignant and reasonable... and now they are gone.

  23. I would have to agree with wanda on this one. Even if she is a cultural marxist.

  24. John Kaminski is really Celtic Rebel. Proof? Just look at the name of his website!

  25. April 21, 2013 at 11:08 PM

    Thatas because being american is more like a mental disease.

  26. Wanda -

    The Bible Belt is the lynching belt — to suggest that violent racism is one of fundamentalist Christianity’s bedrock so called "traditional values.” But this approach lacks a sense of both history and dialectics: Christianity of the southern Bible Belt is not just the religion of the lynch mob — but also of the lynched. This is because the Bible Belt and the lynching belt is centered on the Black Belt — the former plantation areas of the deep South (what Black people called “the soil of our suffering”), a place where two distinct nations and national cultures cohabited in gruesome ways. Christianity thereincludes the African American churches.

  27. Anonymous @ 2:38...

    I truly have no idea why you are addressing your comment to me. You seem to be saying religion sucks all across the board... and i would agree with that.

    Perhaps you think you are responding to some part of me you think i am due to unsubstantiated comments made about me by an anonymous poster for unknown motives... comments that are somehow okay to be left posted, while some certain others are taken down... i don't know, i can only try to find reason and logic in this scenario and i do so in the asking of whys.

  28. nobody cares about you wanda, you flatter yourself. you're like a fart in the wind.

  29. The truth will out,

    I'm with you brother. These Moshiach bashers need to get lost. There's no room in the patriotard movement for Yeshua deniers.


  30. I may be like a fart in the wind but you ARE the fart in the wind... the one passed anonymously.

    You have to be anonymous because any self respecting human being would be ashamed to own such commentary as yours.

  31. And i'll lay odds that comments such as the type that ooze from anonymous fart's greasy orifice get to stay...


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