April 22, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.04.22

Might of The New Right - Greg Johnson, editor of Counter Currents, joins the show to discuss strategy for organizing a New Right in America and abroad. How can we best utilize the perverse political atmosphere, growing disenfranchisement and disillusionment of whites, and the rising interest in nationalism to create something strong and lasting?

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  1. Greg Johnson, the champion of homos prancing around in his high heels talk about what neds to be done. Give me a break. Johnsons new right are effeminate limp wristed men.

  2. This isn't even controversial let alone shocking. You people should shut down until you decide to sacrifice lube to satan on live video.

  3. 1:50 AM Dave Cleo is on it right away.

  4. Homos, gaytheists, pagans teaming up again? Wow I'm shocked.

  5. Wow, the same Greg Johnson that believes we shouldn't discuss and expose the holocaust. Are the shows by some on Renegade getting worse or is it me?

  6. Christurds keep talkin' shit. You're good at it. Oh yeah one other thing, Odin rules! Does it wet thy anti-panties. My God is better than thine thou rabbid rabbits for the Rabbi! RBG

  7. @1776blues

    How can you even get from shit to worse?

    Renegade is nothing more then homosexual egotrip with swastikas and viking fan art.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Renegade is nothing more then homosexual egotrip with swastikas and viking fan art.
    April 23, 2013 at 5:53 AM

    Looks like THE ol' christard spammer back in action right there judging by the accent LOL! Keep it up dude, only 193 more comments chock full of shit to go to match your usual dribbling input ;)

  9. Greg Johnson is a sellout. He may have some useful things to say but he's no longer relevant. Kind of like Alex Jones. I expect he will be on Jones show some time in the near future now that he's no longer a revisionist.

  10. Come on christard spammer. More comments about gaytheists! Lets go! Lets go!

  11. Hitler regarded himself as a Catholic until he died. "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so," he told Gerhard Engel, one of his generals, in 1941.

    But look how the rentafags, homos, pagans love to team up. Always doing the jews work hey.

  12. “The Fuherer is deeply religious but deeply anti-Christian. He regards Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish Race.”- Adolph Hitler: The Definitive Biography by Joseph Goebbels

    The only one doing the work of the jew is you, christard spammer.

  13. “Christianity is the worst of the regressions that mankind can ever have undergone, and it’s the Jew who, thanks to this diabolic invention, has thrown him back fifteen centuries.” -Hitler’s Table Talk, pg 322

  14. "By defending myself against the jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
    Mr A Hitler

  15. 11:25

    “So it’s not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the Churches. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. All that’s left is to prove that in nature there is no frontier between the organic and the inorganic.” -Hitler

    So of course in speeches Hitler uses some "christian" themes such as "Lord", which doesnt have to mean the jewish Lord, in order to stave off a german civil war. He wanted to phase out christianity gradually.

  16. 11:33 AM All of your Hitler antichristian quotes are hearsay from unreputable sources, his speeches promoting Christianity are public.

    When you have to lie to promote your ideology, and that's all you do is lie, your ideology is garbage.

  17. "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so,"

    It's as simple as that and rentafags can't do anything about it.


    Note that he says 'Catholic' which is Universal Truth. Obviously one branch of Judeo-Christianity was diseased and that's what he wanted to get rid of.

    Make no mistake though, he knew that Christ is Lord and Conqueror and he never renounced his faith.

  18. johnson! gayspiracy


  19. These people are probably financed by the same "mysterious" people who finance those russian skanks who like to desecrate churches and Christian memorials to dead bolshevik victims.

    The "mysteriously" ended up at an anti gay marriage protest and got their asses kicked by decent Christians. http://www.france24.com/en/20121118-anti-gay-marriage-protesters-clash-feminists-femen-paris-civitas

  20. Hitler was a propagandist and a strategic one at that. If you think he wouldve spoken his mind and denounced christardanity publicly youre just plain stupid. He didnt want to start a civil war. He wanted to get rid of the jews first and then work on phasing out the virus of jewish christardanity from the German people. No fucking way did Hitler worship a dead rabbi you moron. End of story.

  21. It sounds like you're just making stuff up to fit your opinion, as usual. End of story.

  22. The good Dr. Johnson, why do we listen to homos who say yes, we Wn and NS did do genocide and we will just step over all that. Why do we include faggotry and think they are part of WN? There is a reason he lives in San Francisco.

  23. Hey pagantards, here is great new movie for you to wank on;

    Thor: The Dark World


  24. You mean another jewish film where they make aryan gods look comical and make christians look like divine heroes? Sounds about right.

  25. See? Even jew Hollywood supports your holy cause, lol

  26. April 23, 2013 at 6:18 PM

    Not really, there is one really cool jacked up guy in armour, who looks kinda like Kyle and waves around with really big hammer and doesn't afraid of anything and stuff. You'll love it.

  27. Make no mistake though, he knew that Christ is Lord and Conqueror and he never renounced his faith.

    Yep. And that is why he failed miserably.

  28. Ew, gross, who wants to emulate a god like that? I'd rather worship an apocalyptic Jewish Zealot who tried to lead an armed rebellion against the evil anti-Semitic Romans. Now that's my kind of god!

  29. April 23, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    You're too wimpy to emulate superhero like that, because only workout you get is typing "christian spammer" at mami's.

  30. Well, I don't think any of us can ever be as brave and courageous as Jesus Christ was when he was fighting to liberate the Jewish people from the domination of the filthy Roman goyim occupiers. But we can certainly try. It's a worthy goal.

  31. You can lie all you want, but everyone knows Jesus never said a bad word about the romans, he did however prophecy the destruction of jerusalem and judaism.

  32. Jesus fought for Jewish liberty and the establishment of an independent Jewish kingdom in Palestin that would be free of domination by the dirty filthy Roman goyim.

    Jesus was indeed a noble Jewish warrior for the cause of Jewish freedom. Even today, Jesus inspires us with his patriotic actions on behalf of his people.


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