April 13, 2013

The Expulsions of Jews Throughout History


Thanks to Destroy Zionism for finding this video.


  1. Jesus is a metaphor for the true creator... the feminine divine... the Goddess... the No Thing. There can be no male creator god of everything... there would have to be a womb first for the male penis to enter. When you consider the universe is, essentially, a giant womb... a male creator god makes no sense.

    Think about it...
    The cup that bleeds, the cup of blood, jesus blood... that is woman. That is how they sneak the secret of the sacred feminine into religion. It is the old "not technically-a-lie" lie.

    The symbol for man is a spear. Man fills woman, man fulfills woman... he in return takes in her essence. A symbol for woman is a chalice... the cup that bleeds.

    Hysteron proteron... the former put as latter. And this is only a small part of why religion is evil... it doesn't allow you freedom of thought, it keeps you ignorant and superstitious... it keeps you from knowing. http://www.akisstobreakthespell.com/all-words-are-lies-her-story.html

  2. Here it is finally, the "evidence" the morons all point to saying "see all Jews are bad".

    Of course no one ever looks at the context of any of these events to see what was really going on, but we are true believers and haters here, so who needs scholarly work, let's just extrapolate based on our foundation of hate.

    History shows that people were murderous and prone to religious delusion. There were plenty of massacres. Jews burned by the thousands. And many others. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_events_named_massacres

    Even if this was due to the Jews' activities themselves, and not scapegoating, doesn't give you the logical grounding for the hatred against the whole group. Only a psychopath blames the people for the activities of their leaders.

    Maybe the Jews will learn to stop following their leaders one day.

    Maybe Americans will stop massacring people around the world one day.

    The kneejerk hater will blame everything on the Jews based on headlines and soundbites, but was it the Jews that massacred the natives? It was greedy pieces of shit like the French Dutch and English, following their Royalty. The same Royalty that expelled the Jews.

    And it took very little coaxing for America to invade and occupy the world leaving a trail of blood.

    Americans are trash people. Let's expel them from the planet. That is the same logic the agents like Prothink, Austin, every other shill fake opposition out there, trying to goad you into a position where you can be ridiculed as a hateful nutjob. Looks like you have a new contingent of agents I mean leaders who are continuing the shillery. Good luck with that!

  3. Anachore... i agree with you, but only to a point. The US of IsREAL is an occupied country.

    That said... it is religions... all of them. It is governments... all of them. (All we really need is an administrative arm to pay the bills of common and to mind our own fecking business.) It is Freemasonry (which is jewish)... and in reflection, it is all jewish... even the jesuits are jew-suits... think about that. They are judaism's big, ugly, brother.

    But you are correct... it does come down to man and individual choices we all make. We come through them, but we are not them.

  4. Analcore the kike is shaking in his boots. Dont worry jew, you'll be hanging from a lightpole some day soon. And we're aware that the exiles didnt work. Evidenced by you still being here spewing your divisive anti-white rhetoric. This time around we're gonna finish the job that the christard's jewish religion didnt allow. Say goodnight kikenvermin.

  5. Anachore... i responded to your comment to this video on JewTube... not sure you will revisit and see it, or if it will even post, so here it is:

    Jews are zionists... there is no separation since WWII. That is why we see jews interning other jews in the ghettos. That was the zionist jews forcing the non zionist jews into compliance... they are all zionists now.

  6. That is nonsense Wanda, Jews seek on their own to live in Ghettos, throughout history.
    The Warshaw Ghetto existed long before any Hitler, as Poland was the "jew" nation with ~30% jews.
    It is why you will find in Europe jewish quarters in towns and cities, eg in Frankfurt, where the House of the Green Shield still stands, the dynasty residence of Rothschild.
    It is btw why the "greens" are green painted red socks, always have been. 'Greens' is code for the cultural marxists.

    And look at the zionist entity, it is a gigantic jewish Ghetto, jew created, as usual, but they keep blaming the host population for jewish Ghettos. Damn lying parasites.

  7. Wanda and anarchore should get married and have some fugly little mischling babies. And then Charles Giuliani can adopt them.


  8. Yeah, i know the jews choose to live in ghettos. Do i say, do i even imply the Germans invented them? WTF... before you go calling me a liar (saying i am speaking nonsense is calling me a liar, you might actually read what i wrote.

  9. Analchore your bitch of a wife Wanda is at it again!

  10. Zionism is good! Notice how the jews trained you all to think it's bad. Anti-zionist jews are the sneaky rat bastards. They would rather live amongst the goyim and rape and rob them. They dont wanna go live with just jews, who will they parasite off of?

    We should be applauding zionism. Not for the fact that they use our tax dollars for it. But for the fact that if we can get them all into one area all we have to do is just drop one nuke and the jew problem is finally solved!

  11. You know, i would agree with you Anonymous at 3:03 except for the fact that nuclear bombs don't exist.

    All "little" Kim can do is threaten to drop the bomb because he has no nuclear bomb to actually drop. Now, i am not saying there is no powerful fuel air bombs... that's different. Take a look at this videos and make some comparisons to carpet bombing and Hiroshima... you'll see what i mean. Or maybe you won't... and it's all the same to me... continue to cower in fear over a myth if you want to.

    Note: the first 20 seconds of the first video is annoying... after that... it's all good.



    That IsREAL has nuclear bombs is only an opportuinistic lie for political gains. Do you think any self respecting jew would spend actual money for something when a lie will do just as well?

    As the Celtic Rebel said... IsREAL is a bitch... she uses feminine warfare because she has cannot physically out fight her opponent... so she sneaks around behind everyone's back and plots... and lies... and gets others to do the dirty work for her. Put some thought into that concept... it is real.

  12. Ill check it out. If youre right then we'll just fire bomb the shit out of their hell hole, like they did to dresden, if we can get them all to aliyah. We'll give em a real holocaust since they love the idea so much.

  13. Now that idea i can get behind Anon. I like it.

    And yeah... if there is any truth to the YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY thing... and i think there is... they created it... didn't they?


  14. So what? Neturei Karta oppose the Zionists. But they are still Jews. And so was Christ.

  15. @ Wanda April 13, 2013 at 3:39 PM

    I agree nukes are a hoax.But then, what isn't?

  16. But for the fact that if we can get them all into one area all we have to do is just drop one nuke and the jew problem is finally solved!

    LOL You think the Jews are stupid enough to do something like that? Why do you think 60% of the world's Jews live outside of Israel?

  17. wanda nonnes cares about your narcissistic new age bullshit. Go read some chrystal energy books

  18. Perhaps some Muslims are raping Swedes, but every time I've researched these rape articles, they are always written by a triber

  19. Put on a blonde wig and go to Sweden and try it for yourself.


  20. @ 8:38

    Jews like you always crawl out of the woodwork when someone mentions killing jews. Really? The best you can do is try to marginalize them by throwing out the name of your nigger nazi shill? We're at war. How the fuck else is the jewish problem going to be solved? It's clear that the repeated exiles didn't work. So what's your plan? Convert the jews to christardanity? I bet you'd love that pussified tactic jewboy. You know you deserve death for the endless crimes by your tribe over the centuries. And death you will recieve. People will wake up to your bullshit tactics. Its too obvious how you always shut down anyone that brings up that killing jews is justified and the only way to reverse your jew world order. Call up your JIDF manager, its time to come up with some new mind games.


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