April 13, 2013

The Meaning of Hugo Chavez

He was a nationalist, not a commie.
 The death of Hugo Chavez Frias provoked cries of “Hallelujah!” from pundits on the right. Michael Moynihan, writing in the Daily Beast (the internet incarnation of Newsweek), jeered “Good riddance!” while he danced on the Venezuelan strongman’s grave. All the usual suspects – the War Street Journal, the “conservatives” over at National Review, and the Israel Firsters of Commentary – took the opportunity to revile the deceased. Their collective view of Chavez’s Venezuela was summed up by Rory Carroll’s recent polemic, Commandante, as “a land of power cuts, broken escalators, shortages, queues, insecurity, bureaucracy, unreturned calls, unfilled holes, uncollected garbage.” That this could easily describe any number of American cities – say, Detroit – is apparently lost on Chavez’s detractors.
***Read article at ANTIWAR.COM***


  1. Chavez is a popular sephardic jew last name. So tell me what that means. Along with that hook nose and fat lower lip.

  2. What happened to all the brown pigment in his skin ? Did Jew-medicine-conspiracy inflicted chemo radiation take it away ? Looks like a chubby-faced Adam Sandler to tell you the truth. He might have been sephardic marrano just like his buddy Castro but with the difference that his policies were much closer to National Socialism and actually benefited the Venezueleans (39 cents per gallon gas, etc.) instead of make them miserable indoctrinated proletariat post-bolshevik dogs satisfied with 'equality ' in poverty like in Cuba.


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