April 03, 2013

The Nationalist Hour with Rodney Martin 2013.04.03

In this inaugural broadcast of the Nationalist Hour with Rodney Martin, legal basis for racial preservation will be explored.  ANA Co-Founder Rodney Martin will showcase Dr. Wilhelm Stuckart, a devout Christian German legal scholar who was also a NSDAP Party Member from 1930 through 1945 and served in the Interior Ministry and co-authored significant laws relating to racial preservation.

The following will be discussed:
  • Hitler’s thoughts on U.S. Racial Policy in 1928, which he described as  "racially successful"
  • Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor
  • The Reich Citizenship Law
  • U.S. Immigration Act of 1924
  • U.S. Eugenics Policies

Rodney Martin



  1. Is there just fucking kikes in these comments?? No discussion over the topic of the show, just all drama and trolls in mami's.

  2. Rodney really slamed the kikes, so ya, they will shit talk. Liked how he used the jews own talk to backup his points,

  3. Yeah, Rodney "slammed the kikes" while worshiping their most effective tool of control, Christjewanity. That would only make sense to tard with a mythological dead kike-on-a-stick lodged in their skull.

  4. anti-Christ has always failed, jews always find a new group of moron, anti-Christ to take the last ones place, it's amazing.

  5. Anti-Chritian is Pro-Jew

  6. Its amazing how deluded white people define their spirituality with a judaized ripped off form of pagan sun myths that has suicidal teachings blended in such as "love your enemies", "judge not", "lay not riches on this earth", "think not of the morrow, the morrow takes care of itself", "jews are gods chosen people". Obviously this is what led to the jews being accepted and walking all over whites financially and politically. Its so easy a child could figure it out (if their mindfucked parents didn't inculcate them into the jewish cult).

  7. Last I checked it was 100 million christard zionists donating to and cheering on the kikes in israel. But maybe I need to get saved from my own humanity by Abraham's mythological kike grandson before I realize how great JUDEO-christianity is.

  8. the united states will either be run by european Christians opposed to jew domination or by mestizo, negro, mulatto jew run christians.

    how did you ever pass grade school always choosing, none of the above?

  9. "Salvation is for the Jew" - Rebbe Yeshua Ben Yosefberg

  10. only a moron could read the gospels and think they're jewish, when they are obviously anti-jew.

    if you told me they were roman, that would make more sense but then you would tell me romans were jewish.

    are there jews in your sock drawer?

  11. Hitler Was a "Pagan Idol," Says Pope to Jews in Berlin

    Praises Growing Trust Between Judaism and the Church

    BERLIN, SEPT. 22, 2011 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI referred to Adolf Hitler as a "pagan idol" today as he addressed a small group of Jewish representatives in Berlin.

    The Pope referred to his visit -- part of his four-day tour of Germany -- as bringing him to a "central place of remembrance, the appalling remembrance that it was from here that the Shoah, the annihilation of our Jewish fellow citizens in Europe, was planned and organized."

    The Holy Father is on his third trip to his homeland as Pope, though his first state visit.
    The Pontiff spoke of the "Nazi reign of terror" as being based on a "racist myth, part of which was the rejection of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Jesus Christ and of all who believe in him."

    "The supposedly 'almighty' Adolf Hitler was a pagan idol, who wanted to take the place of the biblical God, the Creator and Father of all men," he said.
    The Pope warned that "refusal to heed this one God always makes people heedless of human dignity as well."

    He said the images from the concentration camps at the end of the war show "what man is capable of when he rejects God, and what the face of a people can look like when it denies this God."

    Common hope

    Benedict XVI went on to highlight some of the signs today of a "real blossoming of Jewish life in Germany." He also praised a "deepening dialogue of the Catholic Church with Judaism."
    The Pope proposed as well that "we Christians must also become increasingly aware of our own inner affinity with Judaism.

    For Christians, there can be no rupture in salvation history. Salvation comes from the Jews."

    The Holy Father called for dialogue between the reading of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.

    "This dialogue should serve to strengthen our common hope in God in the midst of an increasingly secularized society," he proposed. "Without this hope, society loses its humanity."


  12. John 4:22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.

    That gospel's not Jewish right?

  13. Lugh is an blithering idiot, only a Jew uses out of context passages, shal we read Matthew's Gospel dumbass?

  14. Isn't that the one where it says Jesus is a Jew?
    Go on, good brother, enlighten me on how this book says the gospels are not Jewish.

  15. only a moron could read the gospels and think they're jewish, when they are obviously anti-jew.

    Obviously. Why anyone would think the NT gospels are Jewish is beyond me. I don't know where they would get such a silly idea.


  16. I'm assuming he's referring to the lines where Jesus chastises the Jewish elite.
    In almost every case it's because of them not being Jewish enough and following Jewish law enough.
    For example, the "whipping the money changers" was because the money changers were not using Shekels as per Jewish law.

  17. Hey guys, when the jew bible tells you to love your enemies and worship jews, don't believe it, you're just reading out of context. LOL

  18. Bruice the Juice


    Goy Vey

  19. What the fuck is up with all the deleted comments? It's almost getting as bad as truth militia over here. Why bother being critical of anything such as jew-christianity if your idea is going to be flushed down the toilet by some jew named "zap".

  20. I don't see what this broadcast has to do with religion at all. That's why I deleted some of the comments and if there are some Jews in here they're probably part of this trolling fest. I am not one of them.

  21. This post has a lot to do with christianity. A main point of the show was showcasing a christian german general. Implying that racial unity can only come through an abrahamic religion.

  22. I put back the comments that I had removed. Have fun trolling.

  23. Christianity is multicultural
    If we are going to unite under a religion it cannot be Abrahamic.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiculturalism_and_Christianity
    I haven't listened to this yet, but in the JF/RM interview show both distorted historical facts and quotations several times in order to put a pro-Christian spin on things. Look at the comments there for more info.
    In my humble opinion if you can't justify your position on using Christianity as any sort of tool in this struggle without resorting to these tactics (wither you are cognizant of it or not, believers will tend to take any small factoid and distort it to suit and rationalize their dogma) you should leave it at the door.

  26. lugh, everything you know is what they want you to know, everything you think is what they want you to think, you're not their enemy, you're their partner.

    i don't think you'll ever figure it out.

  27. i started learning about this information in the 80s. the same cast of characters was there.

    ben klassen was the big anti-christ guru, failure.

    richard butler and bob mathews were ci heroes, failure.

    william pierce was the intellectual, failure.

    not only were these people failures, they were counter productive, they managed to alienate anyone with any sense.

    almost nobody tries to inform mainstream Christians, instead they they alienate them and denigrate their religion.

    anti-christ is a proven failure. keep doing what you're doing though, you'll find yourself surrounded by moral degenerates.

  28. Oh, so you only have sense if you follow an egalitarian abrahamic religion? Christians have had 2,000 years, and where have they led us? To multiculturalism and Zionism. As was intended by the jews who wrote the bible.

  29. No matter how many times christards or jew trolls say that "jews love antichrist" it wont change the fact that the judeo-christian bible was written by jews about jewish characters. They're that simple minded that they cant understand that jews pretend to hate things to legitimize them. Similar to how jews pretend to be afraid of swastikas, yet they love them so much that they draw them on their own synagogues and grave sites to harvest sympathy. They constantly use reverse psychology so we think we're getting an edge on them, when in reality we're making ourselves look stupider and stupider using swastikas, and diluting our intelligence more and more by defining our spirituality with JEWISH mythology instead of that of our great ancestors like the egyptians, vikings, celts, greeks, and romans.

  30. jews don't love anti-christ, jews are anti-christ, your allies.

    your definition of God, Jesus Christ and Christianity are jewish.

    jews define your reality and you accept it. don't worry they'll yank the chain when they want you to do something for them.

  31. My god is not a zealous and genocidal jew in the sky. And my savior is not a mythological kike on a stick. God is nature. And jewish christianity is anti nature. Where in nature do you see beings loving and forgiving their enemies? You dont. If ot wasnt for the suicidal egalitarian teachings of christianity we would be living under a Greek or Roman empire today instead of a jewish one.


  32. your definition of God, Jesus Christ and Christianity are jewish.

    nature is cruel and brutal, dominance by any means necessary, jews are the best at this, you should admire them if you worship nature.

  33. You could always just kill yourself if you don't like nature (the only reality we know to exist).

  34. Jesus and Multiculturalism
    Is the claim that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the world relevant to a world in which so many cultures coexist in such close proximity, a world weary of conflict between peoples and nations of disparate cultures? Not only should Christians not be embarrassed to make this claim, we should see in the cry for a multicultural ideal a tremendous opportunity to present the claim of Christ to all people.

    Jesus in His Cultural Setting
    Who was Jesus? Well, Jesus was at the most obvious and visible level a Jewish rabbi and prophet. He spoke in parables (as did the rabbis) and interpreted the Jewish Torah. He taught disciples and debated Jewish authorities, including other rabbis.

  35. Well "jesus christ" was jewish. So yes, the definitions of his teachings are jewish.

  36. Lugh, Shut your pagan wannabe ass up, you got owned by Bill Finck that time he was on John friends show! you admitted you never even read the bible, yet you act like a scholar and start criticizing everything in it!
    Face it lube just because you live in the desert doesn't mean your gonna get skin cancer and the ancient world was very different than the modern world we live in. Im Not CI BTW!

  37. Jesus Christ never suggested forcing different peoples into conflict with each other, this idea is jewish and you accept it.

    Jesus Christ was in conflict with what we consider jews until they killed him, but you accept the jew definition.

    Nature doesn't always select the smartest or the strongest to survive, nature selects the most fit to survive, this is jews and you accept it.

    Jesus Christ opposed jew ideology, you not only accept jew ideology, you promote it.

    Jesus Christ was not jewish, but you sure are.

  38. Praise Yahweh! Heathens bow before the Israelites!

  39. Jesus never existed, so he couldnt have been killed. Mythological jesus was jewish, it says so in the first verse of Matthew. He was the descendant of the jewish liars and whoremongers Abraham and David. He was also circumcised. I believe you belong at Christogenea.org

  40. the closest thing to the religion of Christ is karaism.

    karaism didn't exist until the 8th century a.d. so it is hardly comparable to Christ's religion and even karaites are oppressed by jews.

    Christ opposed jews, you oppose Christ, face it you're jewish or a useful idiot at best.

  41. Christ = jew

    Antichrist = antijew

    Dont let nathaniel kapner twist it.

  42. people aren't falling for your tricks anymore.

    people don't associate Christians with ci.

    people don't like when you call Christ a jew, and other derogatory names.

    people are realizing the great part that historical Christian figures played in opposition to the jews.

    you're fading away. you aren't going to win this time.

  43. Calling christ a jew is merely stating what he was. If there were "great" christian figures that opposed jews then they weren't really christian.

    But whatever helps you sleep at night, jew that accuses another of being a jew to legitimize one's self.

  44. Jesus is plagurised from Elijah.


  45. i don't have to accuse anyone of anything they take such pride in.

    jews had Jesus Christ tortured and nailed to a cross, if that's not anti-christ i don't know what is.


    all of those ant-christ websites are jew, communist run. it's interesting where you get your information from and who you believe and trust.

  46. great Christian leaders kept the jews and muslims out for 1500 years, until anti-christ scum decided to let them in.

  47. i judge people by what they say and do.

    Jesus Christ opposed jew ideology, you promote it.

    Jesus Christ=anti-jew


  48. I get my information from your jew bible. That link just has a list of compared verses from your old testament and new testament showing how they're copied from old to new with minor word plays to fool christians into thinking theyre reading something original and not jewish.

    The old testament itself is compiled of the dead sea scrolls, which a bunch of rich jews hiding on the cliffs of the dead sea wrote while they were plotting their revenge against the Romans for destroying their temple in Jerusalem. The Roman religion was based on Mithra. The virgin birth, resurrection, second coming, and other myths associated with Mithra were plagiarised by the jews into the new testament for jesus, along with the elijah plagiarzing, because they knew the Roman population would be more likely to adopt a judaized religion if it celebrated pre-christian holidays.

    And boy did you adopt it. "Praise Yahweh!"

  49. Funny how you christarded jew worshipers are scared to quote your own jew book because then you might have to face reality and your jewtarded world will come crashing down.

    jewsus never existed but the jew book clearly says he came only for the disgusting murdering israelites and that he came to fulfill the law of the old testament. So there is no way to separated the two books, grow up and quit believing in hebrew fairy tales.

    Matthew 5:17-18

    The Fulfillment of the Law
    17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

    Matthew 15:24
    Then Jesus said to the woman, "I was sent only to help God's lost sheep--the people of Israel."

  50. Careful you might get called an antichrist

  51. Anon @ April 5, 2013 at 3:58 PM
    Oh but Father Caughlin had a weekly radio show with millions of listeners and he did far less damage then anyone you just mentioned there showing you how weak and pathetic Christians truly are when it comes to fighting the jews, just as planned.

    April 5, 2013 at 7:33 PM
    Bill Finck did not "own" me. Why would I read the Bible cover-to-cover? I know the jist of most of the content. It's not like I have 15 years of free time for murdering an innocent man on my hands here. He still could not answer any of my questions. Christards will rationalize anything to keep their insane dogma afloat. give it up, if you can wake up to the jew you can wake up to christianity being utter crap.
    Christianity is proto-marxism. If you can understand why Marxism is bad you can understand why Christianity is bad. Simple.


  53. Jesus Christ fulfilled the law, this is why they hate him, it made their hundreds of laws obsolete, he took away their control.

    Jesus Christ took away their status as chosen people, this is why they hate him.

    everything that Jesus Christ took away from them, they are taking back, and you people acknowledge it.

    you are either jewish, working for them or really dumb.

  54. there is absolutely nothing in the gospels that is communist.

    in many of the parables that Jesus Christ tells he uses the master servant allegory, generally to describe mans relationship with God, never to promote the idea of servant overthrowing master, anyone who interprets anything in the gospels as communist is most likely a communist.

    it's pretty obvious that the only part of the bible any of you have read are the cherry picked, out of context, misinterpreted verses you read at anti-christ.com.

  55. You're half right. Jesus fulfilled the law and he is the Jewish Messiah, the one who is said to attempt to enslave all of the gentiles. And who else enslaved the gentiles but Christ? It failed, however. Aryan minds and science prevailed.. http://i.imgur.com/A40eV3X.png . Galileo, Darwin, Nietzsche and others defeated it for the most part. Still many fools follow it but it's power has been greatly diminished. They tried a plan B with their communism, which was defeated by the great Adolph Hitler.
    They will most assuredly attempt it again, and those who still follow Christ will do nothing to stop it.

  56. April 6, 2013 at 1:31 AM, Exactly, replace "God" with "state" and you have communism. Wake up.
    "Germany had her Social Reformers as early as the Reformation. Soon after Luther had begun to proclaim church reform and to agitate the people against spiritual authority, the peasantry of Southern and Middle Germany rose in a general insurrection against their temporal lords. Luther always stated his object to be, to return to original Christianity in doctrine and practice; the peasantry took exactly the same standing, and demanded, therefore, not only the ecclesiastical, but also the social practice of primitive Christianity. They conceived a state of villainy and servitude, such as they lived under, to be inconsistent with the doctrines of the Bible; they were oppressed by a set of haughty barons and earls, robbed and treated like their cattle every day, they had no law to protect them, and if they had, they found nobody to enforce it. Such a state contrasted very much with the communities of early Christians and the doctrines of Christ, as laid down in the Bible. Therefore they arose and began a war against their lords, which could only be a war of extermination. Thomas Münzer, a preacher, whom they placed at their head, issued a proclamation, [162] full, of course, of the religious and superstitious nonsense of the age, but containing also among others, principles like these: That according to the Bible, no Christian is entitled to hold any property whatever exclusively for himself; that community of property is the only proper state for a society of Christians; that it is not allowed to any good Christian to have any authority or command over other Christians, nor to hold any office of government or hereditary power, but on the contrary, that, as all men are equal before God, so they ought to be on earth also. These doctrines were nothing but conclusions drawn from the Bible and from Luther’s own writings; but the Reformer [Martin Luther] was not prepared to go as far as the people did; notwithstanding the courage he displayed against the spiritual authorities, he had not freed himself from the political and social prejudices of his age; he believed as firmly in the right divine of princes and landlords to trample upon the people, as he did in the Bible. [...]“Kill them like dogs!” he exclaimed. The whole tract is written with such an animosity, nay, fury and fanaticism against the people, that it will ever form a blot upon Luther’s character; it shows that, if he began his career as a man of the people, he was now entirely in the service of their oppressors. The insurrection, after a most bloody civil war, was suppressed, and the peasants reduced to their former servitude.
    If we except some solitary instances, of which no notice was taken by the public, there has been no party of Social Reformers in Germany, since the peasants’ war, up to a very recent date."
    That according to the Bible, no Christian is entitled to hold any property whatever exclusively for himself; that community of property is the only proper state for a society of Christians; that it is not allowed to any good Christian to have any authority or command over other Christians, nor to hold any office of government or hereditary power, but on the contrary, that, as all men are equal before God, so they ought to be on earth also.
    This is partially why it clashes with the Pagans so much who saw the Earth as sacred. And it is in the Talmud that the Jews must take over all the land of the earth.

  57. http://aryanism.net/politics/national-socialism-and-communism/
    The communist state is opposed to such things as private property and firearm ownership because it cannot even trust its people to be devout communists. The National Socialist state has no problem with private property or firearm ownership (indeed demands compulsory firearm ownership) because it trusts its folk to be devout National Socialists. Hitler ridiculed communists thus: “Even for the Bolsheviks, the notion of collective ownership has its limits. Trousers … are regarded as private property.” And while both aim at encouraging contribution to state projects, communist propaganda does so by diminishing the importance of the individual compared to the collective, whereas National Socialist propaganda does so by exalting the importance of the individual. Again we see the unspoken communist distrust of its own followers: it assumes that individualism will always lead to selfishness, so its recourse is to drown its audience in collectivism. Again we see the unspoken National Socialist faith in its folk: it believes that by telling its audience that each one of them can be a hero, each one of them will live up to this inspiration.

  58. all of those great men you list, have one thing in common, they were raised Christian. except Nietzsche, they all had good ideas.

    you can talk all day about people who have used Jesus Christ for their own ends and i will agree with alot of it. i don't like the church either.

    Adolph Hitler was Christian and never renounced his faith.

    you should at least read the gospel of matthew and figure out why people love Jesus Christ instead of listening to jews and communists who tell you to hate him.

  59. Darwin and Galileo were raised Catholoic and that made them great, even though they were great enemies of the church? Facts mean nothing to you Christians, you are irrational which makes you useless allies.
    Nor was Hitler. He said a few pleasantries for political means, but read his Table Talk and Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin.

  60. Plus I told you where in that Book of Matthew that proves your point and you failed to. Christians don't love Jesus they were just brainwashed into a cult.

  61. you said it, the church, none of them renounced Jesus Christ.

    table talk is phoney read it from your masters.http://www.nobeliefs.com/HitlerSources.htm

  62. it's not the book of matthew, it's the gospel of matthew, and you've never read it. i think it's only 29 chapters.

    you've turned yourself into a cut and paste shitbag, listening to cut and paste shitbags.

  63. April 6, 2013 at 2:48 AM
    The citations you give are sources from H. Trevor-Roper a man known for being an anti-hitler propagandist http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Trevor-Roper#.22Hitler_Diaries.22_hoax

    April 6, 2013 at 2:53 AM
    Whatever you want to call it, while I don't have all of it memorized, I am familiar with the text. So for the third time feel free to tell me what you think is in there that's "non Jewish" (your first assertion, even though the first chapter is how jesus is a jew lol), or with your second assertion of "it's why Christians love Jesus" or anything else you think is in there to prove your point and I will gladly cut it to ribbons.
    Feel free to cite sources, which you seem to think makes me a "cut and paste scumbag", but I call it rational discussion backed up by facts and logic.

  64. if you had ever read any of the gospels you would see the parallels between Christ and Hitler and know Christ's influence on Hitler.

    Jesus Christ came to give comfort, faith and hope to the poor and miserable. Hitler did the same and he followed through, he really helped people. most dictators in his position say what they have to get their position and then to hell with everyone, most of them are jew or jew promoted.

    Jesus Christ came to redeem the sinners. Hitler let the british go at dunkirk and tried to barter for peace.

    Jesus Christ came to promote morality and oppose jew domination. this was Hitlers life.

    i don't have any influence over anyone, but you may want to research the positive aspects of Jesus Christ and Christianity and quit reading the jew, communist, anti-christ, propaganda.

  65. you have never read any of the gospels, i guarantee it, all you are is an internet fact, that's what they've reduced you to, if you are happy with that i feel sorry for you.

  66. Jesus Christ came to give comfort, faith and hope to the poor and miserable.
    Did he? He preached that the people should be poor and miserable.
    Did he call to redeem the sinners or just speak that any injustice could be redeemed through him, allowing any murder, death and ignorance in his name to be just?
    Did he come to stop "jew domination" or did he allow the Pagans to "turn the other cheek" and allow the Israelites to run fullshot over them? Does the Bible not say the Israelites rule the world in Revelation?
    When the Jews were ejected from European countries, the Church in every case rejected this idea yet they feared revolt and yielded. Their NATURAL morality triumphed.

    The positive aspects of Christianity are few and far between. They are mostly weakened versions of Pagan morals. One example being "honor thy father and thy mother". The Pagans say honor all your ancestors and your father and mother, whereas Christianity says to honor the Jewish ancestors.
    And this is one of many (if not all) arguments of Christian doctrine that is a perverted weakened version of natural indo-aryan philosophy. The natural Aryan religions even predicted Christ and the Jews and how they would be the bane of the dark age, as that time is coming to a close it is time to leave it in the waste bin of history where it belongs.

    No European made progress following Christ. All he brought was death and ignorance. From the initial slaughter and genocide of the native pagans to the hundreds of years of civil war between Catholics and Protestants it's given nothing to the people.
    It was only when the Aryan rejected it that they made true progress.
    Throw around as many buzz words and conjecture you want, it's meaningless. That's how Christianity works.. meaningless conjecture to make the mass and rabble irrational just like Marxism.
    And the the fourth time please directly quote your gospel as to where it behooves your position.

  67. pagan morality? you mean like the roman emperors, who made themselves gods?

    anti-christ tells you god is jewish but then they tell you the concept of monotheism came from egyptians or persians and you still insist God is jewish.

    you insist Jesus Christ is jewish when he opposed them and ended any covenant they had as chosen.

    if people took Jesus Christ's words as literally as you suggest Christianity would have ended before it started.

    these people who you suggest made the only real progress are the very people who let jews in.

    God is jewish, Jesus Christ is jewish, Christianity is jewish, all of western civilization post rome was worthless until the jews started running things.

    everything you say is jewish propaganda, either you are jewish or you are a useful idiot.

  68. [33] Hear ye another parable. There was a man an householder, who planted a vineyard, and made a hedge round about it, and dug in it a press, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen; and went into a strange country. [34] And when the time of the fruits drew nigh, he sent his servants to the husbandmen that they might receive the fruits thereof. [35] And the husbandmen laying hands on his servants, beat one, and killed another, and stoned another.

    [36] Again he sent other servants more than the former; and they did to them in like manner. [37] And last of all he sent to them his son, saying: They will reverence my son. [38] But the husbandmen seeing the son, said among themselves: This is the heir: come, let us kill him, and we shall have his inheritance. [39] And taking him, they cast him forth out of the vineyard, and killed him. [40] When therefore the lord of the vineyard shall come, what will he do to those husbandmen?

    [41] They say to him: He will bring those evil men to an evil end; and will let out his vineyard to other husbandmen, that shall render him the fruit in due season. [42] Jesus saith to them: Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? By the Lord this has been done; and it is wonderful in our eyes. [43] Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof. [44] And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. [45] And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they knew that he spoke of them.

    [46] And seeking to lay hands on him, they feared the multitudes: because they held him as a prophet.

  69. Should I even have to respond to that gibberish? It's so discombobulated it's hard to make even sense of it.

  70. Yes, we know that the mythological jew jesus was a "rebel". He essentially was the equivalent of an "anti-zionist" jew of today, wailing that there's a small secretive group of jews that are evil. When in reality its the whole tribe. If he didnt point out the obvious that the pharisees were pigs then the religion couldnt have been sold to the masses who already knew jews were pieces of shit. The jews who wrote the bible made him look like a hero. They sacrificed one of their own and shot themselves in the foot, mythologically, to make the sale of the religion. They sold the idea that jews are gods chosen people to the gentiles by showing the "proof" that the jewish race produced the messiah. With this trojan horse of minor antisemitism the jews were able to fill up the rest of the new testament with insane logic-killing fantasies and suicidal teachings such as "love your enemies" and the rest of the idiotic sermon on the mount.

    Not everything is black and white. Jews will take one step backwards if it allows them to gain 2 steps forward.

  71. lugh, like most young people you need to learn to read, it's not your fault the jews dumbed you down. they gave you an opinion and now all you will accept is information that supports your opinion. you're ignorant.

    anon, i believe Christianity is the basis of the struggle of good vs evil. jews have subverted Christianity and we need to take it back.
    you believe Christianity is a plot the jews hatched by jews that took 2000 years to work in their favor.
    you're insane. take your meds.

  72. It's always been in their favor. But it took 2,000 years to circumnavigate the globe with their lies to bring every population of the world to their feet. All opposition needed to be rooted out and converted to either christianity, islam, or communism (all the same really). So they could be played off against eachother and cancelled out, leaving jews victorious and their enemies destroyed by eachother. Jews have a 5,773 year history. They plan ahead. They have to. You can find quotes from rabbis talking about how they plan in 2,000 year intervals.

    Im not the one that needs meds. I dont worship a kike fairy.

  73. there is nothing complimentary about jews in the gospels, after Jesus Christ, they were nothing but heretics and this is the way they were treated until recently.

    jews did have there hand in islam where they were welcome and used islam to take Christian lands. communism is obviously theirs.

    so your saying jews created Christian morality and unity only to violently overthrow Christianity with islam or communism.

    jews knew 2000 years ago, before the printing press, about modern media, their main means of subversion of Christian morality.

    jews knew 2000 years ago that Christian europeans would eventually conquer the globe and all they had to do was wait around for tv.

    you either need more drugs or less.

  74. The Jews always ran the Pope through the Venetian banking houses. They were also historically allied with Khazaria until the Pagans destroyed it.
    The Jews would have never propered in Pagan lands, only in Christian lands with their Christian morality of weakness and their doctine of establishing a Jewish World Government.

  75. If you are a white American who is sincerely and deeply concerned about your country and about preserving your European heritage, and if you are not breeding as much as possible ("getting busy"), you are little more than useless.

    Yes, your country bears absolutely no resemblance to NS Germany, a country with a government that created an economy and culture that inspired its people to reproduce more, and that gave real support to families, mothers, children and fathers. And, yes, you may very well be, along with tens of millions of your fellow citizens, unemployed or underemployed (and in massive debt), as your government okays the continued influx of hundreds of thousands of Third World immigrants per year. And, yes, it would be incredibly foolish to believe that your elites will be embracing economic nationalism in the foreseeable future. And, yeah, you may be a tad concerned about the ever-increasing rate of violent crime, as well as about having to live in what already is the rape capital of the advanced world. And, yes, it may be extremely difficult to get out of bed in the morning when almost every town and city around you is literally rotting. And, of course, you may wonder how you could possibly raise kids when you can't even take care of yourself.

    But come on! "Get busy"! Having lots of children is our main priority. If you are not reproducing, you are not worthy of being one of us.

    -- Your dear American WN leaders

  76. lugh, the jews have not always run the pope, though they do now. the popes outlawed usury, jews main means of money, and put jews in ghettos.

    read the above parable, Jesus Christ is the cornerstone, not the pope, not the old testament, not these new-age shit bag xtians.

    pagans don't have jewdar, they are even more susceptible to jew manipulation because they don't have a basis of morality that opposes jews.

    the idea of inherent morality is just as ridiculous as the idea that intelligence is not inherent, both ideas are jewish.

  77. paganism=tribalism

    tribalism is just as big a failure as communism, there are 0 people who are equal, there is only 1 person who is better than everyone else.

    tribalism always ends the same way, worship of a small elite, and slavery for everyone else, rome, egypt.

    jews hope to escape this fate by destroying the competition, all other races.

    it won't work, God hates equality and so does nature.

    Jesus Christ promoted equality in God's love and judgement. Jesus Christ never promoted the idea of forcing one group of people into direct conflict with another group of people, this is anti-christ.

    Jesus Christ sent his disciples into the world to spread his word, he didn't tell them to drag people to Galilee and convert them.

  78. April 7, 2013 at 12:12 AM
    The Pope outlawed usury FOR CHRISTIANS, which allowed the Jews to financially fuck over anyone at their leisure.
    Jesus was a Jewish liberal and promoted weakness and multiculturalism, there is nothing in the Bible about promoting "white interests", it's all about everyone is equal under god from Treyvon Martin to Henry Ford.
    Pagans don't have jewdar? what a farce! It was the Pagan Vikings that destroyed Khazaria, and there is no record of the Pagans allowing Jews to prosper, nor will there ever will be! If some rat faced kike came to pagan lands and said he was gods chosen people he'd be evicted or slain without pause!
    Have you looked up Pagan morality? Read Tacticus' Germania or look up the Brehon law! It is much more fair and just then Jewish law !

    April 7, 2013 at 1:30 AM

    You say paganism is like communism? YOU FOOL!
    Communism is what promotes false equality like your Christ!
    Is Buzz Aldrin equal to your local homeless wino? NO!
    Nobility is quintessential to Aryanism! As the majority of invention and progress came from Aryan intellectual elite they must be held in a higher regard!
    This is the essence of Christianity and Communism that the weak should rule over the strong and brilliant!
    Maybe you have been brainwashed by the Alex Jones' and Pat Robertsons of the world that all elitism is evil! But I disagree!
    The essence of democracy was that the best be chosen as our leaders!
    Christianity and Communism share the same diatribe.. that the will of the mob, and the most stupid and asinine ideas of the mob should rule society!
    What nonsense!
    Until Aryan intelligence squashed this Christian virus all men lived equally.. in equal squalor with no intelligence and no advance!

  79. well i guess you'll always be a tinhorn "nazi", promoting the jewish version of history.

    thank God nobody listens to you anymore.

  80. ps vikings were scumbags, even the great ani-christ ben klassen acknowledges this.

  81. My audience grows every week and it's funny you lower yourself to personal attacks since I ravaged your Jesus crap.
    Klassen's criticism of the Viking was that they were not able to create a unified front against the Jews and their Christianity. This is sort of a fallacy because the Vikings were busy fighting off half a dozen empires and did not have time to form an alternative. They were too busy killing the Jews of Khazaria and fending off the misguided Roman hordes.
    Still, Klassen promoted an advanced mechanism of Paganism that envelopes modern philosophizer such as Neitszche and similar characters, which I completely agree with, as it's the natural evolution of Aryan thought and should be respected.
    Christianity, which appeals to the weakest and limpest of all men, to form a mob against the able and strong is what pilfered the Aryan world, and no matter of conjecture or limp wrist-ed sassy rejoinders can change that.

  82. Why is it jooz only have power in white christian countries but have zero in Buddhist,Hindu,Shinto and Islamic ones. It wouldn't have anything to do with Haysus being a djoo would it? RBG

  83. what do you have 2 crickets instead of 1? retard radio must be tearing it up.

    i never made any personal attacks, i simply stated the truth. you see the jews portrayal of national socialism as extreme racist, pagan, mass murderers and you like it.

    ben klassen derided vikings for what they were, moral scumbags. vikings were as likely to cut deals with jews and muslims as they were to kill them. any physical victory vikings had over jews had as much affect as romes destruction of jerusalum 0.

    ben klassen liked the cowboy image. why? he grew up watching cowboy movies. in the cowboy movies white cowboys were always portrayed as hard working moral people. why would jews put out such a positive image of white people? they had to.

    in the early 30s jews started putting out very trashy movies, if they weren't stopped pornography would have been mainstream long ago. Christians were outraged. jews brought in a protestant to censor movie content, calm Christians and keep the government out.

    protestants were already in the bag, this guy rubber stamped jew movies with little censorship.

    catholics were outraged and threatened a boycott of hollywood.

    this was serious now and jews had to give in. Joseph Breen, a catholic was brought in to censor movies. of course Joseph Breen was an "antisemite".

    jews were no longer allowed to promote gratuitous sex and violence.

    bad guys were punished good guys were rewarded. promiscuity and adultery were not glamorized.

    this lasted from 1935 to 1955. cowboys had to be promoted as good guys, but not as Christian, they just had this mysterious inherent morality that people raised in the wilderness seem to have in jew movies.

    so you see ben klassens ideas were based on Christian morality with Christ carefully edited out. he was simply a product of jew propaganda as are you.

  84. So according to your logic jews must be the chosen people of god because it was a decendant of abraham who had to teach morality to Aryans? They possessed none prior? And wouldnt gain it through experience if a rebel jew didnt teach them?

  85. i don't know why anyone would have anything against Charles Martel or Charlemagne, they kept muslims and jews out of europe, while pagans were busy looting, pillaging and murdering to satisfy their greed.

    the pagans had to be Christianized, this is civilization.

    if you don't like Christian civilization you should go back to pagan ways

    the prisons are full of vikings, that is where you would be to if you were one, but your not you're just some guy on a keyboard who likes to denigrate the people who drug your ancestors into civilization and protected us all from muslims and jews.

  86. Jesus Christ and the early Christians were antijew. if you want to attribute all of Christian civilization to jews, go ahead. i don't know why you would think jews would be unhappy about that.

  87. Jesus Christ and the early Christians were antijew.

    I think what you meant to write was, "Jesus Christ and the early Christians were Jews."

  88. i don't know why anyone would have anything against Charles Martel or Charlemagne, they kept muslims and jews out of europe,

    That is absolutely false. It was Charlemagne who first brought Jews into northern Europe. These Jews settled in Germany and interbred with German females, thus giving rise to Ashkenazi Jews.

    Charlemagne is directly responsible for Ashkenazi Jewry.

    You are just another example of Christard ignorance.

  89. it's pretty obvious that the only part of the bible any of you have read are the cherry picked, out of context, misinterpreted verses

    Isn't that what you Christard apologists say whenever you're confronted with Bible verses that make your Jewish religion look bad?

    Come up with some new debating strategies, please.

  90. there is absolutely nothing in the gospels that is communist.

    That's not true. The gospels and epistles are saturated with radical egalitarian ideas, even more radical than what you find in classical Marxism/Communism:


  91. Medieval Sourcebook:
    Capitulary for the Jews, 814

    1. Let no Jew presume to take in pledge or for any debt any of the goods of the Church in gold, silver, or other form, from any Christian. But if he presume to do so, which God forbid, let all his goods be seized and let his right hand be cut off.

    2. Let no Jew presume to take any Christian in pledge for any Jew or Christian, nor let him do anything worse; but if he presume to do so, let him make reparation according to his law, and at the same time he shall lose both pledge and debt.

    3. Let no Jew presume to have a money-changer's table in his house, nor shall he presume to sell wine, grain, or other commodities there. But if it be discovered that he has done so all his goods shall be taken away from him, and he shall be imprisoned until he is brought into our presence.

    4. Concerning the oath of the Jews against the Christians. Place sorrel twice around his body from head to feet; he ought to stand when he takes his oath, and he should have in his right hand the five books of Moses according to his law, and if he cannot have them in Hebrew he shall have them in Latin. "May the God who gave the law to Moses on Mount Sinai help me, and may the leprosy of Naamon the Syrian come upon me as it came upon him, and may the earth swallow me as it swallowed Dathan and Abiron, I have not committed evil against you in this cause."

    this doesn't sound pro jewish to me

  92. April 8, 2013 at 4:53 PM

    there is no debating with you. you lie, i counter it with the truth.

  93. April 8, 2013 at 4:55 PM

    there is nothing in the gospels that is communist, but then you probably listen to led zeppelin backwards looking for satan.

    those websites where you get your information are definitely communist.

  94. [43] Therefore I say to you, that the kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and shall be given to a nation yielding the fruits thereof. [44] And whosoever shall fall on this stone, shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it shall grind him to powder.

    Jesus Christ clearly states that the kingdom of God will be taken from the jews and given to the gentiles.

    Jesus Christ is the stone. anyone who goes against Christ will be broken, or ground into powder.

    Jesus Christ is antjew. he doesn't like you either, even if you aren't jewish.

  95. jews were in germany since the fourth century and got along just fine before Christianity.


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