April 23, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.04.22

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Keith from Truth Militia Radio.  Keith and I will be discussing a variety of different topics, including how he "woke up" to what is going on in our world today, American culture and society, his thoughts on the American Nationalist Association, and related matters.

John Friend.net



  1. Oh, wow! John Freund is joined by Queef from Doof Mohelitia Radio!


  2. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 23, 2013 at 1:11 AM

    Truly inspiring!

  3. Scott Roberts was banned from VNNF for trying to use it as a sounding board to singly attack Stormfront (which he was previously banned). Roberts is a "Sawdust Ceasar" to quote the movie Quadrophenia. A punk, just like Delaney.

  4. I guess Scott will have to explain why his server is rocking packets from Savvis.



  5. Wrong file uploaded Mami, this was last weeks show!

  6. Whatta mistaka to makaApril 23, 2013 at 3:08 AM

    Like 1776blues said. Wrong show.

  7. It's Scott Roberts not TM Keef

  8. Great show guys! Keep up the good work! I hope everyone here actually listens to the entire show!

  9. Mami you dumb fucks lay off the pot!!!

  10. Let's kill John Friend, because he's christian!

  11. April 23, 2013 at 1:57 AM

    Being banned from Jewfront and VNN is really badge or honour.

  12. April 23, 2013 at 1:11 AM

    I choose "Rabbi Jesus" from rentafag weaklings any day, who are too pussy to fight a jew, instead of spewing hate amongst their fellow whites. No wonder that Renegade is not banned from blogtalk radio because jews LOVE that kind of propaganda.

  13. RabbiJesusMinistriesApril 23, 2013 at 9:18 AM

    Why do you use the quotations around rabbi jesus' name? Thats our lord and savior. How dare you use it in vain!


  14. @anon 1:57

    You couldn't shine Scott's shoes.

    "anonymous"? Read: coward

  15. What a bunch of spoiled brats on here today.

  16. Christard spammer (5:39, 5:41, 5:45) is on this site that early spamming. Either he's in Tel Aviv or he's a neurotic control freak.

  17. 11:07 AM The only spammer I see here is you, repeating the Christian spammer theme over and over. You're like a dog chasing it's tail.

  18. You'd like to make it seem that way, but we all know that you're a jewish troll. You probably get a kick out of it too. However, that doesn't mean we're going to stop calling you every time you piece of shit kike. Your day of reckoning awaits. Personally Id like to be the one to gut you like a hog and watch you squeal. I'll spit on your neanderthal face while I do it too.

  19. 12:50 PM You seem kind of cranky. Maybe you need a nap

  20. "Shit" is really good name for this blog.

  21. 1:16

    Am I supposed to be happy that kikes like you have my people by the balls? And that they still have the nerve to come to websites like this to give shitty advice to people about becoming a christard and embracing multiculturalism? Ill be fucking "cranky" when I want to. And you'll feel the same way when this system collapses and people like me come and wring you by your weasel neck you kike piece of shit. Those of us that arent "loving our enemies" will be hunting you rodents for your blood.

  22. Odin is a loser. He lost over thousand years ago. Get over it.

  23. If the people on this website are your people, you can have them, nobody wants them. It seems like the average person here is a nihilist, anarchist or communist.

    The only people here promoting multiculturalism are the Christian haters, lamenting the victims of the evil Christians.

    Throw a temper tantrum, that will make things better. I think if the system collapses you and your "people" will be busy scrounging for food.

  24. And you wont have to worry about getting food? I assume thats because you're a jew and you'll be provided for.

  25. John "I agree with you" Friend

  26. Hitler had many, many friends and allies who were not Christians.
    The idea that you commentors promote that all non Christians are evil is disgusting and I'm happy no one takes you seriously.
    At least the Jew is pushing it's own religious filth upon us, rather than hypocrite whites pushing someone else's religious filth on people.

  27. April 23, 2013 at 4:16 PM

    No CI people has ever pushed their beliefs on people, except there commie-pagantard spammers at mami's. Yeah im talking about you, Loogie you fucking autistic vaccination victim.

  28. I don't know where you get this idea that jews are promoting Chrisitanity. If you went to public school it wasn't in the u.s., Christianity is forbidden there, as well as other western countries I assume.

    I don't know what media you watch but it isn't western media, not much Christianity there. I haven't watched modern media in years but there wasn't much Christianity there when I did. History channel pushes the old testament, there might be a couple channels directed specifically at Christians, but it's not like you have to watch them.

    I watch many of movies from the 30s and 40s, when a Christian was in charge of movie censorship, he could tell the jews what wasn't allowed in movies, but he couldn't tell them what to put in movies. Even then there wasn't much mention of Christianity in the movies, the movies just from then just don't have all the garbage in them that modern movies do.

    Jews forcing Christianity on people is just another lie you antichristians like to tell.

  29. I don't know what media you watch but it isn't western media, not much Christianity there.

    Yeah, except for the 24 hour round the clock Christian television networks. LOL

    History channel pushes the old testament, there might be a couple channels directed specifically at Christians...

    Nice way to contradict yourself, Jeebus worshiper.

  30. I don't know what media you watch but it isn't western media, not much Christianity there.

    Sure. That's why the President of the United States, Barack Obama, released a special video for the Easter holiday this year where he talked about his love of Jesus Christ and his celebration of Jesus' death and "resurrection".

  31. Renegade's biggest arch-enemy seems to be John Hagee listening white trailer folks.

    Coincidentally they are also the biggest mocking targets of jew-media.

  32. Christianity isn't taught in schools because sensible parents don't want their kids to go there and read about Jesus riding dinosaurs in Science class.

  33. Christian channels are targeted at specifically Christian audience, you don't have to watch it. The history channel seems targeted to an older audience.

    You people act as if there is Christianity in every television program, and mainstream movie, when the opposite is true.

    You're not even good liars.

  34. 7:15 PM Yes, the same sensible parents don't mind their children being taught that gay sex is normal.

    I guess gay sex is normal for you.

  35. April 23, 2013 at 7:16 PM
    You mentioned the History Channel.
    Let's take a look at their featured upcoming programming, shall we?
    To wit:
    Disregarding the atrocious reality TV shows we have...
    - A show about museums
    - "Vikings" - A show which demonizes pagans and praises Christianity
    - "Da Vinci Code" and "Angels and Demons": two extremely popular Christian films
    - Inglorious Bastards, a film praised by Christians ( eg http://www.christiananswers.net/spotlight/movies/2009/inglouriousbasterds2009.html )
    - Troy, a film slandering the pagan Alexander the Great as homosexual

    April 23, 2013 at 7:18 PM
    Are you implying anyone that doesn't believe in Jesus riding dinosaurs is a homosexual?

  36. 8:43 PM Homosexuality is normal for antichristians.

  37. I have no desire to check your information on what is on television, I have no doubt it is a lie,exaggeration or misinformation like everything else you say.

    What the fuck are you doing watching tv? You scumbags claim to be against jew domination but you watch their main means of programming people. You are just as programmed as anyone else who watches that shit.

  38. April 23, 2013 at 9:59 PM

    In fact, gay sex seemed to be quite common among the early Christians. No Wonder the Roman Christian Emperor had to ban it:

    When Same-Sex Marriage Was a Christian Rite

    The Early Church and Gays

    You mean these guys who wear dresses, hate women and hang out with dudes all day might be playing hide the sausage? HERESY!

    Surely, the heathen pagans who drowned homosexuals in bogs and the scientists who classified homosexuals as mentally ill through empirical science must be to blame!

  39. April 23, 2013 at 10:05 PM

    Who said I watched television?
    You cited one channel, and I checked their featured broadcast list which brutally destroyed your claims.

  40. Are you that desperate? You look up shit you don't even watch. I doubt many others do either. Let's look through this lineup of "Christian" programming.

    Vikings were tribal, brutal assholes, this is historical fact. Most people who are drawn to vikings are drawn to them because of this. You tell me that vikings were really peaceful homesteaders, there is no historical fact to back this. Vikings lost Christians won, if they were superior vikings would have won.

    I tried watching one of those davinci code movies, because I am interested in history. No history there, or Christian theme, it was unwatchable, conspiracy theory nonsense, that's why it's on basic cable.

    Inglorious bastards is a jew worship movie from what I can tell. I doubt there is any Christian theme. Again it's on basic cable for a reason, unwatchable.

    Ancient greeks had no problem with homosexuality, this is historical fact, again another unwatchable movie.

  41. Vikings being brutal is Christian lies.

    Da Vinci code is a massive media pro Christian endeavor. It's all about mixing Jesus with European culture, saying Jesus' bloodline might be European.
    If you can't see the psyop to connect Semetism with Europe, you're dumb as hell.

    The Basterds film was all about the oppressed Jews (Christians) fighting the evil Romans (Germans).. see it yet?

    The gay Jew pushes the gay myth on Pagans as it suits their anti Pagan mythos... this was not the case:
    Debunking the Greek Homosexual Myth
    Homosexuality in ancient Greece - a myth debunked

    And you will say.. well, the Jew propaganda about what I think is right so I'll post a counter argument because Christianity is flawless because my mom said so!


  42. You cannot object that your objective talking point of television being anti christian was destroyed by the very television station you stated is blindingly pro christian.
    The bulk of the shows on the station you stated beyond retard reality tv shows are extremely pro christian.
    The only thing propping Israel up is American. Christian. Zionism. Period.
    If you want to be a Christian and help the Jews destroy the world with your zealot idiocy, that is your prerogative.. but you cannot escape the fact that the evangelical christian whites in America are the tools that the Jew is using to take over the world.
    Please tell me how the Jews aren't using Christian White Americans to take over the world. Tell me.

  43. Nobody said Christianity was perfect, Jesus Christ even lost his temper at the pharisees and prayed to God to relieve him of his suffering.

    Christianity is to strive to be like Christ.

    All of your "history" is made up. You say history is made up and then you make up your own to suit your opinion.

    I have never read anywhere that all pagans normalized homosexuality, only greeks.

    You equate jews with Christians and romans with germans, when neither is true.

    The history channel is mostly unwatchable garbage, I can't stop people from watching it.

    It's not what is being told to people from the pulpits or the gospels that is the greatest influence on americans, it's tv. Quit bashing Christians and start bashing tv, or don't.

  44. Jesus got pissed because the Pharasees who were the moderate Jews at the time were now Jewish enough for him.
    Money changers in the temple meant Jews not using shekels as opposed to international coins. It wasn't fuckin usury... "money changing" doesn't mean usury.

    In reality, if you actually look at the Greek laws, gays were banned from even being near temples or holding any office of significance.

    And I proved the TV is bashing pagans and promoting Christians yet you still won't accept it.
    You can't look at the issue objectively and are therefore a liability to the future of the white race.
    If you could look at it objectively, maybe you could be of use.
    But you can't so you'd be better off fucking off.

    Oh, and please explain the passage where Jesus says salvation is of the Jew.

  45. jews use everyone who pays taxes and interest on debt to take over the world, this includes you. some jew told you to blame Christians and you believed them, like you always do.

  46. It's not what is being told to people from the pulpits or the gospels that is the greatest influence on americans, it's tv.

    But there's a shitload of Christian preachers on TV.

    You are a moron.

  47. Vikings being brutal is Christian lies.

    Da Vinci code is a massive media pro Christian endeavor. It's all about mixing Jesus with European culture, saying Jesus' bloodline might be European.
    If you can't see the psyop to connect Semetism with Europe, you're dumb as hell.

    The Basterds film was all about the oppressed Jews (Christians) fighting the evil Romans (Germans).. see it yet?

    The gay Jew pushes the gay myth on Pagans as it suits their anti Pagan mythos... this was not the case:


  48. jews use everyone who pays taxes and interest on debt to take over the world, this includes you.

    The New Testament explicitly tells Christians to obey the government, pay their taxes, and be compliant slaves. Here are the relevant citations:


  49. Didn't the History Channel recently run a miniseries based on the Jewish TANAKH, aka "The Bible"?

  50. I can tell you haven't read the bible and got your "knowledge" from some website. When the gospels start out Jesus didn't criticize the pharisees until they hounded him about not obeying their rituals. Jesus didn't really criticize them harshly until jerusalem where he cleansed the temple and went to the temple again and let them have it in front of everyone. You've got it all backwards. The pharisees weren't moderate at all, they were mishna jews, precursors to today's talmudic jews.

    Money changers were intermediaries in a financial deal, they took money from one party and gave it to the other party for an interest payment, this is usury.

    Believe what you want to believe about greeks.

    If you and the other freaks here represent the "white race" I don't want to belong to it and not many others do either.

    Jesus came to save the jews, it's what he came to do, it was part of the prophecy he had to fulfill to be the messiah, he saved the ones who wanted to be saved and told the rest God was done with them.

    Tv bashes pagans and promotes Christianity, right, in your little world.

  51. you people work for antichristian websites don't you? you must really be desperate for traffic. you better get a new line of work, this antichristian shit is way overdone.

  52. I hear JIDF pays well. Is this true christard spammer?

  53. The pharisees weren't moderate at all, they were mishna jews, precursors to today's talmudic jews.

    The Pharisees were a Jewish sect who were known for their strict adherence to the Torah, the Mosaic Law. So you should really like the Pharisees a lot, since they were good Jews.

    Money changers were intermediaries in a financial deal, they took money from one party and gave it to the other party for an interest payment, this is usury.

    That's not what the "money changers" at the Temple did at all. The money changers function was to exchange the Jewish attendees Roman coins for Jewish shekels. The reason they did this is because the Jewish Temple didn't accept Roman coins because they had engravings of Roman emperors on them and thus were considered to be evil anti-Semitic dirty goyim money. Jewish shekels didn't have depictions of humans on them, therefore only Jewish shekels were acceptable to the Temple as donations. So the Jewish pilgrims would come to the Temple and have the "money changers" give them Jewish shekels in exchange for their Roman coins, and then the pilgrims would donate these shekels to the Temple treasury.

    You really don't know what you're talking about.

  54. 12:41 PM And they charge interest for this exchange, you ignorant piece of shit. I'd like to think you were just a liar, but you really are that dumb.

  55. 12:41 PM Pharisees were followers of the mishna, they criticized Jesus for not following their laws and Jesus criticized them and their laws. You should read some so you can at least lie well. You're just a piece of internet trash.

  56. Jesus was Jewish elite rebel trying to start a Jewish theocracy in Palestine:

    Dead Sea Scrolls Zadokite/Melchizedek Priesthoods

    The nature of the Priesthood in the Dead Sea Scrolls is fascinating to explore. The scrolls’ exegesis of Ezekiel, among other Old Testament Prophets is quite instructive to understand. Specifically Ezekiel 44:15:

    Ezekiel 44:15

    But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to minister unto me, and they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat and the blood, saith the Lord GOD:

    One of the main themes in the Dead Sea Scrolls is that the “Sons of Zadok” be ‘Osei Ha-Torah, “Doers of the Torah,” that is, those who follow the law, the ones who keep the covenant. The Habakkuk Pesher in the scrolls, among others such as the Damascus Document, relates the Zadokite Priesthood to the Bnei-Zadok Levites where we can read in Ezekiel are those who “kept the charge of my sanctuary,” (mishmeret miqdashi)

    those who, in other words, kept the Covenant. (Robert Eisenman, “Maccabees, Zadokites, Christians and Qumran,” in The Dead Sea Scrolls and the First Christians, Element Books, 1996:15-22, has elaborated on this in a fascinating exegesis)

    The ethical aspects of Ezekiels priests emphasizes the components of righteousness, the actual root component of the word/name Zadok itself,


    = “Righteousness,” which is accomplished through observation of the law.
    Jesus’ relationship to this is interesting. In the understanding of the New Testament Jesus is the suffering righteous one; the suffering Zaddik which is the simile of Isaiah 53 the suffering servant. Not only is the suffering servant here identified with the Zaddik, but the justifying action is accomplished because of his Da’at that is, his knowledge, probably through teaching also as was the Teacher of Righteousness in the scrolls, and Jesus, and Jesus’ brother James the righteous one, or James the Just (another Zaddik)

    In the Damascus Document, the Sons of Zadok are identified with the Kodesh Shonim, i.e, the Rishonim or the Anshei-Kodesh Tamim (men of perfect holiness), through whom God grants atonement, which justifies the righteous, the yazdiku Zaddik.

  57. These esoteric ideas of the Sons of Zadok with Jesus being a Zaddik himself with his heirs belong the High Priesthood, as with the Sons of Zadok. Jesus working righteousness among the poor, fulfilling the famous star prophecy of Numbers, and bringing judgment with the scriptures using eschatological rain imagery, fulfills the Suffering Servant figure of Isaiah 53, which the whole structure of the Qumran organization of the Moreh-Zedek/Zaddik and Rabbim is based. That is, My servant the Righteous One will justify/bear the sins of the Many (Rabbim). Cf. James 5:6!

    Jesus’ successor in the early Christian literature was James, his brother. James is depicted as having worn the breast plate of the High Priest and actually entering the Holy of Holies, functioning as the atoning High Priest. The root for Righteousness, Z-D-K, is used in scripture and the scrolls relating the concept to Jesus, James, and the Teacher of Righteoueness, and it must not be forgotten that the “men of the lot of Melchizedek” in the 11Q Melchizedek scroll fragments corresponds exactly to the Sons of Zadok in the Damascus Document. Zadok and Melchizedek are equivilant usages. 1QS, iii, 18ff equates the “Sons of Zadok,” with the “Sons of Light.” Once the basic parallelism of all the usages of Sons of Zadok, truth, light, heaven, etc. is comprehended and with it adoptionist sonship-notions which is centered around the idea of perfection, then it becomes obvious that the Melchizedek Priesthood was in the Qumran community.

    All of these reckonings are not separate and distinct, but poetic, esoteric words depicting the same truth. They are variations on a theme, such as righteousness and zeal for he law, the appellations of Sons of Zedek, the sons of Hesed, Ebionim, (the poor), the Elect of Righteousness, the Meek, the Poor Ones of Piety, (Ebionei Hesed) the Zealous for Righteousness, (Nimharei-Zedek) the Perfect of the Way, (Tamimei-Derech) the Men of Perfect Holiness, (Anshei-Tamim ha-Kodesh) are not describing separate groups, but are all metaphors which are interchangeable, even messianically so.

    According to Eisenman’s paradigm, the Melchizedek Priesthood was at Qumran, and there appears to be evidence that this was so, especially in light of the 11Q Melchizedek fragments, and the root language used of various words and concepts involving the root Z-D-K, “Righteousness.”

  58. 2:53 PM I think I will let the gospels tell me what Jesus Christ was and was not.

  59. And they charge interest for this exchange, you ignorant piece of shit.

    There was no interest involved in the transaction, you European idiot. It was a currency exchange.

    Do you even know what interest is?

  60. Pharisees were followers of the mishna,

    Well, that would have been a pretty neat trick, considering that the Mishnah didn't even exist during the time period that Jesus supposedly lived.


  61. 2:53 and 2:54, good posts. You might be interested in this lecture which touches on a related topic:

    You're All Gonna Die! How the Jews Kept Failing to Predict Doomsday and Caused Christianity Instead


  62. 5:01 PM Maybe you better look up money changers. They didn't exchange money for free.

  63. 5:03 PM The mishnah is the codified form of the oral law dating supposedly to moses. The pharisees were followers of the oral law.

  64. The pharisees were followers of the oral law.

    No they weren't. They were followers of the Torah, as all religious Jews are.

    And since, according to you Christards, the Torah is a "holy book", then you should really have no problem with Judaism.

  65. 12:40 AM no, this is historical fact, you're either lying or uninformed. the sadducees followed the torah, Jesus didn't like them either

  66. I think I've heard enough from John Friendstein the real jew who wants to drag the white race into ownership of the autrocious history and legacy of the jews. He was sent from the jew skygawd to torment us.


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