April 21, 2013

The Ugly Truth Broadcast 4/20/13

Boston Marathon Bombing a ‘Bibi’ operation as a follow up to his threats made on the floor of the UN General Assembly in Sept.

Mark Glenn is joined by Dr. Hesham Tillawi of ‘Current Issues’.


Show-page                    Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures



  1. Barack Obama doesn't care about palestinian people!

  2. White attackers= legit terror attack

    Non white attackers= false flag

    TUT logic

  3. Is Mark Glenn calling the brothers "White"???

    Mexicans are white too according to census data.

    Glenn living in North Idaho = Chutzpa

  4. They arent white theyre fucking kikes!

  5. Now, yes, the jews are certainly suspect in the events in Boston, as they are in any event worthy of being suspected as a false flag, but odd that MG would do a show accusing the jews of the mayhem. A couple of months ago he was really upset and insulting to many in the WN community who didn't buy the media narration of the Sandy Hook murders. There was, and are still, plenty of holes in the official story of Sandy Hook, and yet MG was sure it must have happened the way the authorities said it did. I'll continue to not listen to his program.

  6. I too am surprised by this. No conspiracy when it's a white guy, non-white muslims, it's a conspiracy. Glenn seems to think he's captain shit, the judge and jury for everything.

  7. Does anybody know how half-Arab Mark Glenn supports his wife and nine(9) kids without having a job?

    Just wondering.

  8. CHECHENS AREN'T WHITE, Russians Hate those people, and they NEVER consider them as white, just look at the history, they're a mongoloid mixed people, so good luck blaming it on Whites.

  9. 2:36 PM He's on Welfare like all the other muzzie dirt bags in Europe, they come here, get on welfare, have lots of kids, yep sounds like what blacks do is Amerika!

  10. Chechens aren't white? Take a look at the Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov...

    All of Eastern Europe has some amount of mixture...sometimes it doesn't show up sometimes it does. Wake up to reality. Even Ukranian origin Mike Sledge may have Mongolian mixture just because it doesn't show up in every generation.

  11. 4:06 PM Yes some Eastern Europeans do have Admixture in them, but NOT all. But that doesn't make people of the caucasus or chechens; as or more white than Russians or Eastern Euros, I mean Pack your bags and go to Russia Moron and you'll see most Chechens are nothing more then mongrel Gypsies, but of course they'll be a few exceptions.

  12. Meds and SLavs for the Most Part are a bunch of Mix breed mongrels, Madison Grant and the National socialist where right, The Most Purest European stock is in North and Western Europe, like in Britain, Denmark, Germany, etc...
    Which is why we should preserve it. King tut was also a Kelt, and it is rumored ancient Egypt had a good sizable Blond and Red haired population.

  13. @ 4:28

    Once you get a passport you should talk about the rest of the world. Russians hate Chechens because of the guerilla war like Eric mentioned. Stalin uprooted them from their native lands b/c they fought the Russian expansions into their native lands. Don't turn a political conflict into a race war. Chechens are native to that region like Georgians, Lithuanians, Latvians etc.

    @ 4:36

    You want to cast names at the Meds & Slavs and then try to claim King Tut as being Celtic? WTF!!!

    Look at the Egyptian busts and the big ass rumor called the Sphinx and convince yourself they were white. Look at the paintings of the Egyptian-Hittite wars and see how the Egyptians depicted themselves and how they depicted the Hittites. Was that another white vs white war.

  14. Ever notice how every white accused on terror and gun attacks are legit terrorists according to the muzzie ass kisser Mark Glennstein? Its ALL FAKE but glennstein is muzzie TERROR FAKE, white TERROR REAL!. Kind of how like Bush supporters were fine with his abuse of civil liberties and wars but not with obamas. And vice versa. Glennstein and Pipestein both enemies of whites.

  15. This show is a waste of time from the very start. The whole "Boston bombing" is a hoax. No one was maimed. No one died. Same as Sandy Hook. Mark Glenn is too stubborn to look at the obvious facts. People with both legs blown off will bleed like a water sprinkler. The one guy that is on film with both legs "blown off" is not even bleeding. Fake.

  16. Lets talk about "crisis actors" and "inside jobs" while jews are letting arabs flood through the borders to rape and rob white people. Those poor muzzies.


  18. @ 10:57 PM

    Yes the Egyptians were a lot BLACKER than the Meds, Slavs and Chechens...all of which dummies like you say aren't pure white.

    LOL @ all the Celtic Pharoah believers...people in North and East Africa die their hair and beards with red HENNA to THIS DAY!!!!...yes I've seen it myself and personally asked them about it unlike most of you basement boys who don't even have the self-confidence to talk to a girl or a non-white person.

  19. EGYPT NIGGER THEORY, loves sweetning & shiny objects


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