April 18, 2013

Was the Boston Marathon another false flag?



  1. Damn jewgle blocked this video for Poland fucking cenzorship going wild...

  2. vpngate.net to the rescue

  3. first I'd seen of that press conference clip near the end- "...is this another false flag so you can put your hand down our pants at every street corner??"


    Also first I'd heard of someone having been instructing ppl to remain calm at the bomb area-- before any bombs had gone off-- WTF is this true? Without actual video of this, it'll remain 'anecdotal' and should properly be discarded by the wayside by investigators of this obvious FF event.

    I could imagine it were all a group of "Crisis Actors" there in that area, and their leader was giving instructions?

  4. I can't watch this kike clown anymore, sorry.

  5. Whether you like Brother Nathaniel or not, he makes good propaganda, short to the point, informative videos that people actually watch. I believe Nathaniel was a salesman by trade, so he knows how to sell.

    Maybe, instead of producing long repetitive, boring podcasts and blogs that people don't have the patience or time to read or listen to, others should spend some of their time doing what Nathaniel does.

  6. @10:03 AM

    We all know what will happen to people who make anti-jew videos, who are not on ADL payroll.

    Just ask "mrGeorgeJettison", Scott Roberts or "Angus".

    Alex Jones makes hell of a great propaganda too, that doesn't make him my pal.

  7. Yeah, that's a good point. Why hasn't Brother Krapner's YouTube channel been shut down yet?

    That's very suspicious, if you ask me.

  8. Nathaniel makes short informative videos. I watch them because they are short and informative.

    I have not heard him say anything misleading, although he may have opinions that some don't agree with.

    Everyone who puts out information could be paid intelligence, you just don't know.

  9. Nothing misleading? His whole sales pitch is getting you to worship a rabbi. His solution is to convert jews to their other religion, christianity. What a fucking joke. That kike can shove "love thy enemy" up his terdhole.

  10. This guy is a clown. Does anyone actually take anything he says or does seriously?

  11. 12:56 PM
    Many more people take him seriously than take you seriously, you're a retard, so this isn't hard to accomplish. You should at least be competitive.


  13. Send him more money so he can get a nicer view. He is living in the cheap section. How is your view from home? His multi-city travel expenses also eat up a lot a money, so reach deep and donate. Eating on the road, hotel bills, dry cleaning the costume etc., takes a lot of debt notes to "get the message out". The white and black gloves, the beard, hair are so most will accept the truth. My crazy dancing, smiling and waving as a celebrity is also to lend credibility to the "truth".

  14. Perhaps he should rant about chemtrails, fake moon landings, nukes are a hoax or a host of other claims that make the "truth movement" look like a bunch of nuts, whether these things are real or not.

    I just accept people for what they are. He is effective about putting out information pertaining to jew domination in the world.

  15. Stupid goyim can't even spot that this motherfucker mocks christianity. Just look at that shit eating grin of his. And why only three crosses? Why not whole bunch of them.

    Another thing what is common about these ADL clowns (including Papa Doc Duke von Puke) that they want you to belive that mother soviet Russia is gonna save them from scheming "zio"jew. Since americans dont know anything whats going on outside of football arena, they of course believe him, like they believe in Alex Jones and JewRussia Today.

    For your knowledge, Patriarh of Moscow of Russian Orthodox Church was also KGB general and second most important man in Soviet Union. Things are not much different today, Russia has always been caesaropapist state.

  16. 2:31 PM You're right he doesn't promote a very dignified image of Christianity, but neither does the pope or any other clergy who bow down to jews.

    The truth is effective people get shot, that's the only way you'll know who's "really" genuine.

    It's just information and he's pretty effective at presenting information, others could learn from it.

  17. Kapner is just another tool who works for these organized religions, modern day Organized religions anything but Christian, their an absolute joke, which is why a good amount of people are leaving the church, and are becoming independent with their beliefs.

  18. "...pretty effective at presenting information..."

    Actually, it is the "presentation" of the info that rings alarm bells. Perhaps the one(s) feeding him the information to be presented is where we should focus.

  19. Whether you like brother Nathanael's looks and clothes or not,everything he says is to the point and true. Judge the message, not the messenger.

  20. This video is blocked in Germany!
    I dont know why people always attack the messanger!
    This wierd looking and acting guy says the truth,i dont care for him being a jew!
    Some jews in the past opend our eyes(B.Freedman)and they dont necesery have to be on their side!
    Someone said he mocks christianity,well christianiyi mocks it self with all that crazy filth that comes out of that jew book!Christianity does not need this guy for that,buybull does it on its own!

  21. Krusty now, Krusty tomorrow! Click on his paypal button. Krusty wanna move up.

  22. Brother Krapner is just another Holy Prepuce lover, like any other Christard.


    Holy Prepuce

    The Holy Prepuce, or Holy Foreskin (Latin præputium or prepucium) is one of several relics attributed to Jesus, a product of the circumcision of Jesus.

    At various points in history, a number of churches in Europe have claimed to possess Jesus' foreskin, sometimes at the same time. Various miraculous powers have been ascribed to it.

  23. 12:15 AM You should learn from Brother Nathaniel, he knows not to sell what's not being bought. You haven't figured this out.

  24. Anonymous said, Actually, it is the "presentation" of the info that rings alarm bells. Perhaps the one(s) feeding him the information to be presented is where we should focus.

    Give us one example of what you would consider, 'Alarm Bells', that any rational and sane person thinking the very same thing without being fed why whome ever you think it is.


  25. They're trying to create some kind of bullshit 'civil war' between the multiple-gun-owning 'straights' (those brainwashed by the MSM) and the multiple-gun-owning troofers. Trying to shift the angle to 'domestic terrorists.' AJ set up the predictive programming for this years ago. He always warned that the 'globalists' were going to shift the fear-factor from outside terror to 'domestic terrorists,' and this is what these fuckers are trying to do now.

    It won't work. It's going to backfire straight into their ugly faces just like Sandy Hook did.

    They're going to get so desperate that every new PsyOp they pull out of their asses and try to sloppily force down the public's throat will expose them that much more.


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