May 24, 2013

AFP Radio Network 5/22/2013

AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter Victor Thorn interviews Texe Marrs on his latest book, Robot Alchemy.




  1. I think i saw just Elvis.

  2. Texe Marrs - another fat clown.

  3. Robots watch you masturbate.

  4. barak o'bama mama
    -mike sledge

  5. So it is a robotspiracy after all? Lol, only in America can these kind of con artists operate, like fatass Texe Marrs and his texan cousin Jim and people actually buy their crap.

  6. Another Bible class from Mamis shit. Advertisements for more books with Biblical references. The Poewr of Prophesy is indeed a great power.
    When you can write out a plan for the future and get enough
    power through collective thought to direct the future in the direction you chose to direct the future to be then you get your desired result.
    So the desire to kill all non Hebraic peoples will come about.

    This documentary shows where you are directing the future and unless it is stopped by your Advoceries it will come about.

    Warning to Hoover Dam is next and unless we stop them it will be bombed.

    Then they will bring about Nuclear Armegeddon as desired and "Prophesied" by the writers of the Book of Revelations.
    I warned you and unless something is done these people will achieve World annihilation.Lets stop them.

    The Great Deception: Obama and the Coming War *PLEASE SHARE*

  7. 10:36 PM
    Yeah, like he said.

  8. Americans love to suck Hebrew dicks they cannot get enough . They even go so far in their love for Hebrews they mutilate their dicks to please that Hebrew 'God'!!!
    They claim to be 'white people ' ??
    Americans love that Hebrews control
    their Media , Politics , Congress,
    Senate , the Federal Banking System,their clergy ,their daily life , they love to fight
    the Hebrew's wars out there in the world,sacrificing their lives for them and killing tens of millions innocent people .
    Ridiculous bunch of ass kissers,the Americans . They obviously love to be hated by the whole world.
    BTW, Shove that jew book up your aaholes
    thank you

  9. I am high, are you high?

  10. btw , I just received an e-mail,a guy
    named 'Shlomo' says:
    " Yeah, right , funny. My grandmother weighed only 15 pounds when our communist heroic liberators liberated her.She met my grandfather Yitzhak in Auschwitz . It's a great love story.
    They wrote a book about it and Steven Spielberg, the Jew , is making the movie ! She survived being gassed by jumping out of the window in the gas chamber. She then
    ran into the forest and hid in a barn under a pile of hay. She stayed there for 7 days , with no food and water. The Germans walked right by her several times, but didn't find her .
    It was a miracle ."

  11. And 'Shlomo' , the Hebrew continued..
    "...My granfather Yitzhak was in Auschwitzand saw the bonegrinders. He survived on 100 calories per day for 5 years, he still hears the screams from the gas chambers .He weighed
    20 pounds when our communist friends
    liberated him."

  12. I like to gamble. Just now I felt a poop coming on, I couldn't decide if it was poop or a fart, so I forced it, I pooped my pants, but hey, I like to gamble.

  13. He Shlomo , you greasy, lying, lousy
    Hebrew creep.
    The English Bishop Richard Williamson
    concluded , having researched that topic ,on youtube :" Not one Jew was ever gassed in a Nazi gas chamber, ONLY lice."
    Because the gas chambers were delousing chambers for linen , clothing etc.

  14. What is the podcast about? What questions where asked? What did Victor say? What did Texe have to say? What was the summation of the interview? What new information did one gleam from the dialog? Did anyone listen to the interview before commenting?

    I'm looking at the comments and they seem to be devoid of any substance to the relative content of the interview. Why??? I was under the assumption that the whole idea of a comment section was to comment about the items discussed in the interview. Instead we get vague dissertations of ones preconceived preferences about nothing that relates to the topic on hand.

  15. The whole purpose of the comments section is for me to take over the conversation, dummy.


  16. The whole purpose of the comments section is for me to take over the conversation, dummy.

    That is not the right method of using this section which is mainly addressed for comments expressly made for the content in question. However the questions have not been answered about the content. What was discussed, what points did Victor Thorn and Texe Marrs bring up? Can information from this interview be beneficial to others? As such I can only conclude that no one has listened to this podcast and some comments should be moderated as such as they do not pertain to the content of the podcast.


  17. Oh man, i'm so high right now.

  18. 7:27 AM

    Anons don't care about robots, Anon

  19. DHS human robots are being trained to take care of the elite liability, the vast horde of useless eaters on EBT

    EBT - a list of useless eaters, those people suckling on the gov't JPM tit

    you think the greedy Jew bankers at JPM want to keep feeding you?


    want EBT, give us your gun

  20. your only defense against the robot civilization is to kill yourself and rid the earth of your DNA before the robots get a hold of you and use you as an energy source, food or otherwise

    science fiction write Isaac Asimov wrote about the 3 laws for robots

    The Three Laws are:

    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

    2. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

    Drones are robots and are violating the first law, they are killing humans. Drones are entering mass production, getting smaller, very low cost and some are so small they are invisible. So robots will be like mosquitos and able to inject you with nanobots.

    How much does it cost to make a mosquito robot when you scale up and produce billions? Robots are already building robots.

  21. Robots don't care about white people.

  22. 1:27 PM

    Asimov was a kike.

  23. White people don't care about white people. Don't worry about white people, they aren't worried about you, only money.

  24. Texe Marrs is a huckster who has gotten rich off of American patriotards for the past 30 years. He owns a couple of houses in Austin, Texas, valued at a few million dollars. He's richer than Alex Jones.

  25. 7:49 AM did you like his 5/18 show?


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