May 30, 2013

C-SPAN getting calls day after day


  1. C-Span officially blows smoke up its viewers' asses like a diuretic when it comes to any question of the "official story" about 9/11.

    How irritating is that?

    It's just another reason not to watch C-Span, no?

  2. I always loved this c-span clip where Michael Scheuer puts a filthy anti-shlomoic caller in his place! 2 mins:

  3. Re the "tsk tsk, we're talking about the IRS today" truth-blocker, callers should have asked something about "How were IRS operations negatively affected by the loss of their vast 90K sq ft "Regional Council" office in WTC-7 due to that skyscraper's CD on the afternoon of 9/11, as publicly concluded by 1,928 Architects & Engineers, and growing?"

  4. These callers are controlled opposition Alex Jones patriotards. Instead of mindlessly parroting the phrases "building 7" and "controlled demolition" these idiots should instead be saying "9/11 was an Israeli false flag" or "there were dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11 who were celebrating the attacks".


  5. Who allowed a tiny minority of slimy Hebrews to have so much power, to control OUR LIVES, OUR COUNTRY ??
    A Treacherous, corrupt clique of bastards , like 'our' leaders, that we voted into office,politicians,academics, clergy,intellectuals . They are working against the interest of 'their' people and country !!!!! They NEED to be hanged
    for HIGH TREASON !!!

  6. anon @12:10,

    they'll have much greater success reaching the noobs & bringing them into the truth fold, by pointing to wtc7 & AE911Truth & peer reviewed journals, then they will by starting with "DJOOZ DID 911!" All the host/guest would have to do is evoke the pavlovian "anti-shlomoic hate-filt conspiracy theorist!" trigger phrases, and 90% of the audience's brains would properly respond as socially-engineered: namely SHUT DOWN INSTANTLY.

    How I graduated from AJ Patriotard-dom, to joo-wise truther:

    I know first hand how this works- If someone came to me in say '03-04 cutting straight to the chase with "DJOOZ DID 911!", I would've run like hell!

  7. Of course these sellouts would never admit to anything we commoners might think or believe. But not only have virtually every one of our White political leaders sold out to their jew benefactors, but almost all, if not all, rank and file Whites who are financially successful, even the most modestly successful among us, are sellouts, politically and racially. Think about it -- these affluent / wealthy Whites could help this movement a great deal, most importantly, financially, but they never have. Rather than risk their positions in life, they selfishly ignore the plight the jews have placed us in, and have all sold out to their jew friends, which you can be sure, they each and all, have many. Instead, they ignore us, their White brothers and sisters. In fact, they spurn and ridicule us, or even work with the jews to destroy us. They think infinitely more of jews, and the criminal state of Schitz-real, than they do America or their fellow Whites. In their arrogance, those of us just making a living are viewed as peasants, and they are so very intelligent merely due to their financial success, which to them is more important than life itself. Because they don’t know the jew, and think so highly of themselves, they believe they’re immune to jew revenge and hatred. I’m sure they’d convert to judaism in a heartbeat, in fact, they'd do any vile thing the jews commanded, and do, if they thought their accumulated “stuff” was in jeopardy. Virtually all of them are thoroughly judaized. So unfortunately, not only are our elected trolls totally subservient and loyal to these despicable money changers, but so is every White who has some meager measurement of success.

  8. 1:48 AM,

    Listen, you Alex Jones nutsack licking shithead, I don't recall saying that the callers should say,
    "DJOOZ DID 911!". You're the moron who said that. Nice strawman argument though. Very befitting of a scumbag like you.

  9. Wow we've got a real communication/PR hotshot here in anon 12:10/11:36 lol.

    What he did say was, and I quote,

    "[...] these idiots should instead be saying "9/11 was an Israeli false flag" or "there were dancing Israelis arrested on 9/11 who were celebrating the attacks""

    so I distilled his core message down further into "DJOOZ DID 911!", and he blows a gasket and goes on an anon-TARD-tard screech fest... lolz :D

    So it boils down to WHICH phrases CSPAN callers should mindlessly parrot for greatest effect towards the goal of inspiring viewers to do further research and ultimately wake up? And on that question, Mr. anon-TARD-tard and I appear to have a difference of opinion.

    When Mr. anon-TARD-tard makes HIS CALL to CSPAN and mindlessly parrots HIS favored "911=Israeli False Flag!" & "Dancing Israelis!" phrases, I trust he'll also post it to youtube, so we can all see how it went for him... lol


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